Vote tally - May The Invisible Hand Be With You - (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Noname1 on Nov 21, 2017 at 1:57 PM, finished with 70 posts and 49 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
May The Invisible Hand Be With You - (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest)
Post #14322
Post #14391


  • [X] Have Grievous publicly denounce the bombing.
    -[X] Through a holonet broadcast from Kalee.
    [X] Have Grievous publicly denounce the bombing.
    -[X] Directly from Courscant.
    [X] Have Grievous publicly denounce the bombing.
    -[X] Through a holonet broadcast from Kalee.
    -[X] Add an official statement via holonet yourself supporting Grievous's statement.
    -[X] See if you can pull some strings from the shadows to further turn public anger towards the protesters for killing innocents. Like Grievous said, those people weren't jedi nor were they part of the order.
    [X] Do not have Grievous say anything.
    [X] Have Grievous publicly denounce the bombing.
    -[X] Through a holonet broadcast from Kalee.
    -[X] Add an official via holonet yourself supporting Grievous's statement.
    [X] Have Grevious publicly denounce the bombing.
    -[X] Through a holonet broadcast from Kalee.
    -[X] And have him finish with a demand to not bother him, since he is busy with the Huk or something like that and has no time to talk about cowards. This would also neatly explain why he isn't on Coruscant or coming to the planet, or else the 'reporters' (read: soulless beings worse than vultures) would start trouble since he isn't on the planet... possibly calling him a coward and I don't want to see what he would do in answer to that insult.
    -[X] Have Jango also make a pre-emptive broadcast to make sure nobody believes that his faction is responsible. ("I am making this broadcast since I am well aware people will have this thought..." or something like that.) We really don't need people pointing at the Mandalorians on our side and putting their nose there, since it would make things harder for us and Skirata. Never mind the nightmare it would be if someone discovered the clone deserters.