Vote tally - May The Invisible Hand Be With You - (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Void Stalker on Oct 18, 2018 at 4:13 PM, finished with 48 posts and 26 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Void Stalker
May The Invisible Hand Be With You - (Star Wars CK2-Style Quest)
Post #21636
Post #21683


  • [x]Plan: what would Ciaran do?
    [x] Use public outrage to bring down Armand and cripple Republic Intelligence by embroiling them in controversies that will disrupt their ability to function.

    -[x] Fake a CI assassination of deserters going horribly wrong and use various news outlets to stir up a controversy.

    --[x]Make it as flashy but low casualties if possible

    -[x] Have someone act as a Cryptanalysis Department whistleblower and break the news about the actions of the Covert Ops troopers across the holonet.
    --[x]followed by more whistle blowers revealing anything else shady that we can uncover and tangently prove. cascade the Trooper assassinations into things that the public would be more concerned with, and hopefully trigger additional unaffiliated whistleblowers to step up.
    --[x] Use the opportunity to insert moles into Republic Intelligence.
    ---[x] some long term for
    -[x] If Armand gets indicted/arrested/summoned to testify, Stage an assignation. success is preferable, but close call will do.
    [X] Kill Armand, but use the opportunity for a plan to weaken Republic Intelligence.
    -[X] Have the assassin wear the stolen CI armor and be "discovered," creating the illusion of a traitor within the ranks of Republic Intelligence.
    [X] Plan: This is what Ciaran would do.
    [x] Use public outrage to bring down Armand and cripple Republic Intelligence by embroiling them in controversies that will disrupt their ability to function.

    -[x] Fake a CI assassination of deserters going horribly wrong and use various news outlets to stir up a controversy.

    -[X] Then kill Armand, taking advantage of the heightened public scrutiny to ensure his downfall is noticed by everyone with a holonet connection.
    --[X] Have the assassin wear the stolen CI armor and be "discovered," creating the illusion of a traitor within the ranks of Republic Intelligence.
    -[X] After Armand's death, have someone act as a Cryptanalysis Department whistleblower and break the news about the actions of the Covert Ops troopers, making sure to implicate as much of the command structure as possible so that Armand cannot be used as a convenient scapegoat.