The things I chase come to me.
- Location
- The other side of the mirror
- Pronouns
- He/His/Him
It's my favorite problem to have: we have a lot of great actions we could take and we are limited in what actions we actually can take.
<cracks neck> Let's do this.
[] With the strength of a Rancor: Clone Commander Colt leads the Rancor Battalion, a clone battalion that is stationed at Kamino. While they haven't seen much combat, they did participate in the battle of Kamino. Why not go and send some "assistance" in the form of mercenary "trainers" that, in actuality, would help to slowly remove the biochips from Rancor Battalion. And, this should make any future mission to Kamino easier.
-Could also be a Intrigue action. Also, I'm not sure Colt is the commander at the moment. He could be dead. I don't know.
[] The fiercest of fighters: The Galactic Marines are the most fearsome group of clones in the Republic army. Their commander Alpo is know for reassigning any trooper that doesn't fit his strict requirements. They also have a few prototype spacepowerstuits(essentially a combination of power armour and a space suit) that had their weapon systems malfunction, forcing the troopers wearing them to engage in hand to hand combat. We could always try to lend a hand, removing their biochips, and stealing a few of their spacepowerstuits. (Could be an Intrigue action)
-While having the Galactic Marines as a anti-palpatine resource would just be WONDERFUL, I'm more interested in stealing some of that space power armour. It allowed them to engage B2S in hand to hand! Just think of what we could do with that!
[] The best of the Third Army: The 41st Elite Corps is led by Commander Gree and Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, the master of the traitor Barris. While removing the biochips from the troopers should be easy, the Clones, especially Commander Gree may attempt to follow Order 66 anyway, thanks to his loyalty to the Republic. While this may be commendable in any other situation, when it comes to preventing Order 66 it's just annoying. We may have to "deal with him" in a discreet way.
-And by "deal with him" I mean either have HK assassinate him or convince him to not follow Order 66 if Palpatine activates it. Or we could simply hope that Palpatine doesn't get to start Order 66.
I think this may be like the Anti-Palpatine intrigue actions -- there are so many options for clone groups to target for help/biochip removal, that it's simply not feasible to go through all of them before we trigger the end game. OTOH, the presence of a lot of good actions never stopped us before, so these could be added to a new 'action tree' with lots of sub-options we could pick.Intrigue:
[] The heroes of Muunilist: Ten Arc troopers helped bring down Muunilist when the Republic attacked it. They're now a days know as the Muunilist Ten. Well, let's see if we can't find them and take their biochips out.
-Possiblity of gaining the Muunilist Ten as a anti-palpatine resource. Possiblity of also recruiting the Muunilist Ten, or, at least being able to call in favors from them.
[] Visions of the future: That Wookie, Chewbacca... He was in the vision featuring Luke, Leia, and Vader, right? Then, it might be a good idea to try and recruit him, or, at least, keep a closer eye on him.
I am very intrigued by the Chewbacca action -- we now have IC knowledge that he's a significant figure, so we really should consider getting in contact again. I don't think Tarrful deserves a separate action, though, since it'd be too similar to the Chewbacca and of the new, the major original-trilogy character takes precedence.Martial:
[] Recruit Chieftain Tarrful of the Wookies: While we have quite a few Wookies in the Abyss Watchers, we do not have a definitive "leader" of them like we do with the Kaleesh. So, why not recruit a Wookie with years and years of experience of fighting?
-Gain a new martial hero.
I'm not sure what this would do or what effect it'd have. @Habstab, can you clarify what you meant by this?Stewardship:
[] CNS Silver Cross assistance: Try to get the more mercantile members of the CNS to help us with the Neutrality "tax".
I really like this option, especially if Anakin Skywalker is following in Meetra Surik (the Exile's) footsteps in his own journey. However, I think this would more likely be a 'Personal' action, since it'd be an intensely personal journey for Ciaran.Lore:
[] Following in his footsteps: Uh... What the hell happened to Revan during those three hundred years? Let's try and see if we can't figure out what happened to him.
It might have be a lucky one-off, but I could see Thrawn taking some personal interest in the raid videos, and his Diplomacy stat should help turn it into a PR masterpiece. (I'm imagining shades of Leni Reifenstahl's 'Triumph of the Will', especially with Grievous's arrival).Thrawn:
[] Heart of a Warrior: The videos from the Foundry are just golden! But, Thrawn did say that he did expect a lot of casualties, but was completely surprised by what happened with less than 5% "casualties". Perhaps we should let him go over the videos of the raid and see where his prediction of the casualty number went wrong and see if we can replicate this kind of success later. The fact that he can also edit the videos together into a propaganda gold mine is just a plus!
This seems too broad-brushed, but if you had a specific target that might be feasible.Silencer:
[] The sound of Silence: There are a lot of rival Criminal Empire's in the Galaxy, why not send the Silencer to deal with them for you?
-Basically, we send the Silencer to attack a rival Criminal Empire and see what damage he can cause. Hopefully, it's tons.
I'm not sure there are any gangs/organizations down in the Coruscant Underworld, at least none that deserve Grievous's 'personal touch'.Grievous:
[] The Scourge Strikes again: Grievous is already know as the scourge of the Underworld, why not send him back down to help with cleaning out Coruscant's Underworld?
-Basically, just send Grievous back down to Coruscant's Underworld and let him loose to attack any gang or organization down there.
I like this idea... so much that I proposed it as a write-in during a previous turn. It's already a listed 'Intrigue' action:Intrigue
[] Mission to Colla IV: infiltration of the Coilicoid Nest facilities
Cheriss sent you a report on her upgrades to the Droideka. In it, she included some very juicy information about its "bigger cousin" the Scorpenek Annihilator Droid. You must get you hands on the designs and see what the Shard will do with them. While said droids make direct assault suicidal, it does not means you can't have people sneak in. And while they're there, they may as well steal everything else they can. Just warn them that the Colicoids will likely eat anyone they get their claws on.
[] Ball Busting: The Coilcoids have proven to be one of the most effective suppliers for the CIS, giving them droidekas, buzz droids, and tri-fighters. Said technology could be very useful in your hands given the right opportunity, though the CIS is hardly going to leave such an important supplier unguarded. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Coilcoid technology stolen, potential to sabotage factories
I really don't like the idea of helping the Hutts or giving them control over what is already one of the worst slave-mines in the galaxy. This would be terrible for our PR if it ever got out (plus, you know, it's wrong). I do like the idea of infiltrating and/or leading a slave rebellion on Kessel against the Colicoids though. I just don't think we should involve the Hutts at all.[] Distraction for Colla IV: help the Hutts retake Kessel.
You once had the opportunity to support either the Colicoids or the Hutts in their conflict for Spice facilities. You didn't. Now if you would help the Hutts retake Kessel (at your suggestion), you would make at least some goodwill. There will likely be retaliation from the Colicoids, but it would be just too bad if something were to happen to the forces sent. And with their attention on Kessel and the War, the Colicoids shouldn't be looking at their homeworld too much.
I'm not sure what this would do or what effect it'd have. @Habstab, can you clarify what you meant by this?
Now, if we could develop a piece of equipment issued to all troops (like dog tags) that include a mechanism that suppresses commands sent to the implanted chip, we might be able to so something. Of course we'd need Ciaran to identify the shatterpoint when the command is sent.I think this may be like the Anti-Palpatine intrigue actions -- there are so many options for clone groups to target for help/biochip removal, that it's simply not feasible to go through all of them before we trigger the end game. OTOH, the presence of a lot of good actions never stopped us before, so these could be added to a new 'action tree' with lots of sub-options we could pick.
The thing with the Baobab Merchants (it took me forever to figure out how to spell it properly, so no worries) is that they have one of the biggest merchant fleets in the galaxy. That's why they offered a discount on the Neutrality Tax. You'd need to find some other group with a comparable footprint to get another discount like it.seeing if we could lower the affect of the "neutrality tax" like what happened when we deepened thr relationship between us and the... Babada(how do you spell that?) Merchants.
Sure.Also, want me to tell you some of my scrapped suggestions? These are suggestions that I think might be good, I just don't know how to actually make them work.
Err, we did get the droideka blueprints, but there are still the "buzz droids and tri-fighters" that are up for grabs. Could you simply add Scorponeks to the existing 'Ball Busting' action instead?Coilcoids is already a thing, except now it would be solely focused on getting a Scorponek and its blueprints.
Err, we did get the droideka blueprints, but there are still the "buzz droids and tri-fighters" that are up for grabs. Could you simply add Scorponeks to the existing 'Ball Busting' action instead?
Republic military stuff would probably fall under one action with lots of sub-headings.
Sure you can poke Chewie if you want. You have all of the reason to now.
Following Revan is...interesting, and would definitely be a Personal action...if I can figure out how it would play out. I do like the idea, it's just more of a matter of "where do you start with that?"
+1. Depending on the size of the list, this might be feasible, but it'd depend on @Dr. Snark.Can we eventually do an action so we can do one of these per turn like with the CNS stuff and the genemods?
This sounds like one of the thousands/millions of local planetary militias that were conscripted for military service in the broader galaxy. Not sure it deserves an action.Martial action:
So... Are the 7th Aleena Reconnaissance Regiment a thing? Eh, they're a volunteer Republic regiment. Might be good to fund and train them.
This seems more like flavor-text for a successful response to the Jedi Reform acts. Wookies aren't really that well known, in-universe.Diplomacy
The defender of the home tree: Yoda is greatly respected among the Wookies. The Jedi in general are respected by the Wookies. Why not have some of the more influential members of the Wookies speak out in protest against the new laws constricting the Jedi?
...Maybe? Right now Palpatine is chomping at the bit to expand the scope and scale of the war, so this would be really hard to succeed. But we already have an 'in' with Dooku, so it might be possible? I'm not sure Dr. Snark will approve this one, simply because it'd be too similar to the first ceasefire and dipping into the same well twice can be challenging for a writer.Diplomacy:
The second ceasefire: We need to prolong the war as long as possible. Why not try to get a second ceasefire to happen?
Works for me -- maybe something along the lines of 'working more closely with the Bothan Spynet'?Intrigue:
An action to actually make our Bothan spymaster a hero unit. Dr. Snark joked quite a while ago that he should make him a full hero. Well, why not make him a full hero?
I love it, but I can pretty much guarantee Dr. Snark would veto this for reasons of meta-gaming. We're already lucky enough to get the X-Wing, and that was only because it was inextricably tied from the Mortis vision of the future.Personal actions:
Cheat, cheat like mad: Well, we did have a vision of the future and saw quite a few things including the X-Wing, but, what about the future model of the Y-Wing or any of the Tie variants? So, why not go through the vision of the future again and see what ship designs we can find... And see if we can learn about that other guy(Han Solo) in the vision.
Any planet with a population:
Mando Guardian barracks: Fun fact, humanity wasn't the creators of the Mando culture. Another fun fact, traditionally it doesn't matter what species you are, you can become a Mando. Why not build this and see if any of the planet's local population has what it takes to be a Mando?
Also a good idea -- Borvo's Palace is one of those odd base upgrades that we haven't done anything with, even though he is our Stewardship advisor and primary liaison to the Hutts. OTOH, Borvo pretty much has his own business empire to run, so I'm not sure we need to be directly involved in upgrading his Palace or expanding his presence on Coruscant.Coruscant:
Uncle Borvo's Palace: While we've let Uncle Brovo do whatever he's wanted or needed. But, with everything that's happening, maybe we should increase the security of his palace?
I could get behind this as a base upgrade. Anything that lets us put more of our men in place around the Senate should help us prepare for the final battle.While the SSS does protect the Senate, they don't hold as much authority as the blue armoured Senate Guards that actually guard the Senate. Well, why not try to get a few of our guys into the Senate Guard?
Cool concept, though it'd be up to Dr. Snark to say what the reward might be. (I'm pulling a blank).The Home:
The Abyss: A large meditation room filled with images depicting important events that happened to our organization.
+1. Depending on the size of the list, this might be feasible, but it'd depend on @Dr. Snark.
This sounds like one of the thousands/millions of local planetary militias that were conscripted for military service in the broader galaxy. Not sure it deserves an action.
This seems more like flavor-text for a successful response to the Jedi Reform acts. Wookies aren't really that well known, in-universe.
Hence the reason I scrapped it....Maybe? Right now Palpatine is chomping at the bit to expand the scope and scale of the war, so this would be really hard to succeed. But we already have an 'in' with Dooku, so it might be possible? I'm not sure Dr. Snark will approve this one, simply because it'd be too similar to the first ceasefire and dipping into the same well twice can be challenging for a writer.
Works for me -- maybe something along the lines of 'working more closely with the Bothan Spynet'?
I love it, but I can pretty much guarantee Dr. Snark would veto this for reasons of meta-gaming. We're already lucky enough to get the X-Wing, and that was only because it was inextricably tied from the Mortis vision of the future.
Yes, that is perfect. I imagine we'd first need a base upgrade on Mandalore proper, to ensure that the Mandalore Guardian HQ is prepared to drastically expand its operations and recruitment to the rest of the galaxy. (That's probably be fairly expensive in terms of upkeep, tbh. Or it might need to be a Martial or Diplomacy action, depending on the scale). But once we lay the foundation, that should certainly be feasible to spread to any other planet we have a presence on, which will be awesome.
Also a good idea -- Borvo's Palace is one of those odd base upgrades that we haven't done anything with, even though he is our Stewardship advisor and primary liaison to the Hutts. OTOH, Borvo pretty much has his own business empire to run, so I'm not sure we need to be directly involved in upgrading his Palace or expanding his presence on Coruscant.
I could get behind this as a base upgrade. Anything that lets us put more of our men in place around the Senate should help us prepare for the final battle.
Cool concept, though it'd be up to Dr. Snark to say what the reward might be. (I'm pulling a blank).
Can we eventually do an action so we can do one of these per turn like with the CNS stuff and the genemods?
Well, we could start at the Foundry and go from there. Or go off into the Unknown regions. But, the reason I put it as a lore action was because of this very problem. We do the lore action this turn then next turn we actually know where to start for our personal action. That sound good?
The second ceasefire: We need to prolong the war as long as possible. Why not try to get a second ceasefire to happen?
An action to actually make our Bothan spymaster a hero unit. Dr. Snark joked quite a while ago that he should make him a full hero. Well, why not make him a full hero?
Cheat, cheat like mad: Well, we did have a vision of the future and saw quite a few things including the X-Wing, but, what about the future model of the Y-Wing or any of the Tie variants? So, why not go through the vision of the future again and see what ship designs we can find... And see if we can learn about that other guy(Han Solo) in the vision.
Mando Guardian barracks: Fun fact, humanity wasn't the creators of the Mando culture. Another fun fact, traditionally it doesn't matter what species you are, you can become a Mando. Why not build this and see if any of the planet's local population has what it takes to be a Mando?
The Home:
The Abyss: A large meditation room filled with images depicting important events that happened to our organizatio.
Uncle Borvo's Palace: While we've let Uncle Brovo do whatever he's wanted or needed. But, with everything that's happening, maybe we should increase the security of his palace?
No. I am willing to do many things to canon, but I will never interfere with the creation of the dynamic duo of Han and Chewie. That's just wrong.
Eh...again, where do you really start? You'd have to figure out where Revan ran off to in the whole Unknown Regions. That's not exactly easy...
I do really like the idea, the problem is that Ciaran just doesn't have enough to go on.
Ohhhh, that's fun. But not all species are created equal so I'll reskin this for a couple of planets:
Mandalore - Guardian Expansion Program (required for other upgrades)
Kalee - Joint Kaleesh-Mandalorian Training Centers
Muunilist - Guardian Financial Offices
And it would be locked on Courscant for political reasons. Aside from that...that sounds great.
Hmm...since I can't think of an actual benefit for this I'll reskin this as a vanity upgrade for the Kiln retreat. there's fine though I'll at least consider stuff to do with that.
Well, the Republic and the CIS are actually interested in Kashyyyk itself... Thanks to there being tons of rumors that Kashyyyk has maps of secret hyperplanes.
No. I am willing to do many things to canon, but I will never interfere with the creation of the dynamic duo of Han and Chewie. That's just wrong.
Watch as his first roll of the Sidious fight is a triple-natural-hundred and it turns out he crippled Palpatine with poison ten minutes before we confronted him.
You're in luck, they got started several hundred years BBY.I'm wondering the feasability of making X-Wings made of Beskar. Can we just buy MandalMotors outright (assuming it exists yet)?
Quick question why do we want to war to continue, if either side won a clear victory then palpatine would loose emergency powers.
Because the moment one side wins, Palpatine uses his (many and varied) plans to turn the winner into the FIRST! GALACTIC! EMPIRE!Quick question why do we want to war to continue, if either side won a clear victory then palpatine would loose emergency powers.
The recruitment video thing...yeah I could see that working. Again, the write-up for it would be amazing.