[] Approach Jedi: I've suggested this action a few turns now, but I'm not sure if or how it fits into your plans.
-[] Quinlan Vos: Jedi Sentinel, who is either wrestling with the dark side (canon) or 'fallen' and joined Dooku's band of Dark Acolytes as a spy (legends). Either way, reach out and see if we can't recruit him.
-[] Master Tholme: alternately, Quinlan Vos would be quite a risk. Better to reach out to his spymaster, the grey-aligned Jedi Watchman. Offer him use of our Force-friendly cybernetics to get back to fighting condition, offer to exchange information, start working on recruiting him as an ally if not as an advisor!
I have to say that if Quinlan is still infiltrated like in Legends, this action should be in the Intrigue section, and they should be the the two steps from one action, first we contact Tholme and/or Aayla and convince him that the operation should be cancelled, then using them as leverage we would have the chance of looking for Vos, talk to him and extract him, and when it clears his name, he can join us ( he was going to leave the order at the end of the war, so it won't be difficult to recruit)
And I have a few more suggestions for actions
Archeologic expedition: find the legendary Katana Fleet (we talked for a while about getting it, but maybe there is no IC reason to try this)
Contact/hire Anzati Master Assassin: these guys are the best Assassins of the Galaxy and Masters of Stealth to have one of them training our heroes and agents, and/or working for us as a Hero or advisor. Plus they are easy to find (they have a planet and Assassin Schools)
Continue our studies in Makashi: we have some training holocrons, and the form 2 suits us (best for duels) so it's worth the try, I it's not we can find a instructor (Corellian Jedi I choose you...)
Learning Martial arts: there are Martial arts on the Galaxy like the Echani or the Teras Kasi that covers one of Ciaran's weak points, unarmed combat
Marksmanship: what it says on the tin, maybe redundant with Blazing chains, but everything helps.
Anti force research.
Yslamari. Thrawn can not be wrong, and this cute little is probably the most useful weapon against force users
Deshade. These fuckers are big, mean and completely immune to any force powers, they are an almost extinct race, but one of these guys with a full beskar armor is a force to be reckoned with
Gather information of the creation of proper lighsabers, so both the agents and Ciaran can build their own proper lightsabers (this may fit best under lore)
Create personalised armor: we have the mandalorians as allies, and they are the finest armores of the Galaxy, so it would be great to have them made personalised armors for our heroes and maybe the agents (but I suppose we should wait to take this action until was have researched cortosis, beskar and Phirik)
I have seen the sheer amount of Archeology actions and we need at least 1 more action there to make things manageable, so I suggest to have an action to hire more Archeologists, so we can take two of those actions each turn