Mass online Flying Castles, eternal trees and lost people

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The smoldering remains of the resurrected army's, filled the air with the stench of blood and...
night 1


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
The smoldering remains of the resurrected army's, filled the air with the stench of blood and burning corpses.

As the remnants of the enemy armies either surrendered or were being hunted down, few could comprehend the sheer weight of the events that had unfolded and the amount of hidden acts that the council had been forced to enact.

In an act of desperation they had ordered the few ships that they had to send objects into space and make several worlds jump into their reality, hoping to use one of the many planets as a safe heaven for the people.

However this isn't a story about them more a story about the various people of those worlds. No this is a story about the people of each kingdom and their respective rulers.

Mike the ruler of the first floor of the Flying Castle and the first king that the people meet when entering the flying fortress guards the most vulnerable section with near demonic efficiency.
His warhammer has been named the devil's hand, for the sheer number of beings that have fallen to it.

His throne of brass and iron is said to have trophies of both allies and enemies that have fallen in the battlefield.

Near the Flying Castle but far beneath it is the Leprechaun community of the World Tree, one of the few Fairies accepted by the people.
Their king Buch of the heavy hand is said to wear an armor made purely out of gold, none that have seen it have ever once said to have seen a single dent or scratch on the armor.

Many speculate that it is because of the enchantments woven into it.

His throne of rock and diamonds is said to allow him to see his underground kingdom independently. As if he was an outsider, his understanding grows and combining it with his personal knowledge of his people it allows his to make better decisions.

King of the Wall of Night, few have seen this king for it was he who is said to had taken on the bulk of the incoming armie and it is said that while his forces were overwhelmed by sheer numbers and power of the enemies convinced force.

Those few retain one single account, the man never stopped fighting, not even as he died again and again and again.

It is said that his throne is nothing more than a single step on a set of stares, his hall is filled with the names of all the people that have died. It is said amongst the people that the king rules with gentle hand to his people and is absolutely loyal to the city of San Andreas, everything else be damned.\
Don't expect many characters from the main story to show up, yes the main fic was written that way because of this splinter stories.
He walked up to what remained of the wall and exhaled, the majority of his men had managed to survive and make it out alive. They had all managed to get their families back to San Andreas, none of them knew that the city was under siege as well.

They all thought it was safe...

The stench of we dirt combined with the added smell of motor oils, body fluids of all kinds and the various remnants of the chemical weapons used during the fighting burned his, eyes, nose and made simply taking a breath difficult.

Night was supposed to be the first line of defense, it was supposed to be the guardian that bled the enemies before anyone made it thru.

And it had failed on its first day on the job, granted it hadn't been anywhere near completed, but that wasn't the point.

No the point wasn't the wall itself, but the feeling of safety it would have given to the people, a feeling that they didn't have to keep fighting and that if the players could do it so could they.

Now however…. He didn't know what to think.

He briefly looked back and saw the broken remnants of the house that he had built and briefly remembered how the men had said that someone like him needed a palace, not a shed like the common folk.

Now his home was nothing more then burned wood and ashes, his few belongings were gone and the only things that remained were in the castle.

The Castle, he still didn't know how to feel about it, Yui herself had entered the battlefield God only knows what abomination must have appeared to get one of the Cardinals to interfere directly.

Still there was work to be done and a new set of monsters that needed to be clear out, now however they all seemed to have become docile, like if the madness that had taken them was now gone, he could still remember seeing a monster for the first time and dying to it.

Only to revive later…. Several years later.

He began to walk, the sound of the ground crunching as he walked on it and how the combined sounds along with the smell of ashes and smoke made him feel nauseous.

The building he was using as a command center was an old building used by small towns for their own mayors, one by one the names of the people who had died or gone missing were being placed in its walls.

For what he could see in his chat screen the other walls were doing the same thing, his fellow night wall members were doing something similar in their sections.
The walls were too big for just one person to be in charge of them, it was for this reason they held out for as long as they had.

Even now men-woman -children were being found each displaying a different look in their eyes.

That monster had resurrected everyone-everything indiscriminately, Soldiers-knights-peasants-animals and most surprisingly of all entire clans of people with animal traits that had gone extinct when the worlds were forcefully mixed.

No one can describe the looks in these people's eyes, few men or woman can describe what was inside those lost eyes. They had awakened to a world completely changed, long gone was the one they had grown up in, this place was completely alien to them all.

Then there was the ones that revived and immediately searched for their villages, families and loved ones, only to find their wife's or daughters married, or turned into hores by the simple desperation for survival.

Sons were now men and married or had passed away, infants were boys and some were even seen as demons possessing the corpses of the dead, because of the way they had been revived.

When the first reports of these people started coming in, he ordered his men to bring those lost souls to him.

He would give them a home, a purpose.

Battered soldiers wielding advance assault rifles, along with some heavy weaponry had appeared with the first round of people that had been brought back to him.

What a sight it must have been for them, they must have expected salvation only to be met with the smoking remnants of a recent war, one that hadn't even put out the smoke from all of the fighting.

Woman and children were sent to the city for medical attention, while the men if they were able to were immediately told to get some food, water and rest tomorrow they would work.
The simple fact that everyone had been sent back to him bearing the news that medical teams would be sent out when the sheer number of terminal patients lowered, the sheer number was sent to him bia messenger and he was shocked.

Fifty two million and growing, it wasn't simply San Andreas and its walls, the war had spread out in such away that it seemed to compare to the war Kirito and the survivors had told them about.

According to them simply living an hour was a miracle to have survived as they had.

It was an act of God.

Finally he managed to reach the tents where the people were staying, next to them were the various houses under construction that would become the people's permanent homes, two floors a basement and enough of an empty space for a front and back yard.

Of course each one would have a bathroom, a kitchen- a living room and several bed rooms.

He didn't know how he felt, when he heard that soldiers from various different regiments that were once enemies had begun to build their own bases, reluctantly working together and teaching while learning what they could with the people that surrounded them.

Unsurprisingly the first luxurious item that had reached them was alcohol and with it a makeshift tavern and with that a brothel.

Thoe he tried to put a stop to it, he found several under age girls and some boy willingly worked in them.

When he believed that they might have been slaves one of the woman said that they simply had this way of life, it was the only thing they knew.

The weight of knowing that he couldn't give them anything better for the moment, still made his soul weigh heavy.

Days passed like a mixmash of blue skies and black burned ground, combined with star filled heavens and howling forests.

He could never sleep, Pigmen had begun to strike at night attempting to claim anything during the day, while the emerging goblins attempted to steal any woman and young girl.

It was obvious what they used them for, especially after they found a girl just s… giving birth…..

The goblins were now marked as a Skavan level threat, while the pigment used everything they took to build better weapons for themselves.

Wild animals both natural by his standards that were ever changing, such as wolves and lions, along side mythological\mystical creatures like gorilla bats and Minotaur were an ever growing annoyance.

Thru one of the meetings with his fellow guardian he found that every wall was now fully becoming its own separate ecosystem, similar to those found in games. The kinds one found they had to pass thru if they wanted to find a certain person or object.

Each Player was expected to be held accountable for their actions, if the people wouldn't be able to stop the madness from one of them, the Cardinals would.

The last thing he found was that each section of the wall was somehow gaining its own unique animal and plant life, entirely all of their own. That didn't mean that animals didn't walk-fly from part to part.

Still he had to make do with what potions, medicines and any techno machinery he could get, this along with whatever machinery and magical materials made completing the wall a hassle.
The wall itself could be built intime by using regular stones and wood, but it was the super technology and the magical reinforcement that made it truly secure, the weapons would come later but right now they needed to wall completed.

The nearby towns were having similar problems, only that soldiers were being presented by daughters of desperate mothers that saw them as the only secure future for them.

He had heard that some had shown up with their daughters exposing their breast on sight of the men, while others had their daughters kneel and like the mens boots.

This all happened publicly, sealing both the young womans fates and forcing the men to claim them.

He had heard that it wasn't unheard of for a soldier to have as many as twenty wives, the full number that a man could have, it was only that rule that allowed them to not gain any more.

His fellow Players had it even worse, several men had been drugged and were raped by several woman in the center of the towns. The fact that Players were several millions times firmer than normal Humans made it possible for all twenty woman to rape those men.

The few woman that had left San Andreas tried to stop it, only to discover that a near madden group of people could prove themselves just as dangerous as any monster.

These few woman, had killed several young man that nearly raped or had raped them, but were punished for it. Justified yes, they shouldn't have killed those men, but they had killed unjustifiably.

It was only the fact that one of the men one of the Players had taken them in front of the Cardinals that they were able to escape being sent to Red Book.

The sound of hammers, picks and dirt being moved could be heard from a distance, children were now playing amongst the people, while men and woman that had learned to tame some of the wild animals now took their best to grase.

They said a simple greeting gesture to him and continued on their way.

The sound of fast moving feet could be heard coming directly towards him and he found that a horse had been galloping its rider a cowboy dressed man was searching for him.

The man was now of an order known as the Pony Express, messages by technology and magic was possible, but there was something about having a way to communicate one that couldn't be rewritten easily…

He didn't know how to put it into words only that it was invaluable, these brave men were the ones that took back and forth the message to the people inside the walls as well as out.

Some people came from areas so primitive tat written material alone was incredibly advanced, so recordings were taken. Their messages were all voice recordings.

The man simply took out a simple scroll from a bag hanging from his saddle and looked thru the other one on the opposite side taking out another one. He moved his hat, signalling his job was done and galloped away.

As the messenger along with his horse vanished from sight, he opened the screw and nearly let out a flux of sheer power. It was only the sheer force of the memory that knowing that most of the animals and people could barely survive his strength.

Eighty seven thousand animal men, alongside women and children would be sent to him by the nearby kingdoms. Somehow thoes people had actually gotten along long enough to agree on something.

Unfortunately the something was every resurrected person and their families would be hunted down and casted in his direction.

The sheer list of things that were being done to them until the kingdoms managed to get to them, was sickening.

It was only the fact that he held the other object in his arm, that made him unable to tighten his fist.

He read the message and a smile came out of it, his brother had been found. He had taken a wife and now had two beautiful girls and they were coming towards his direction, however he now knew why, there was a simple black and white set of polka dots.

The mark of Domino.

Still he began to walk again and was met by the sight of the main working station, men were finishing another section of the wall, while other began to prepare the next spot for the walls next section to be built.

Soldiers and knights were placed on both sides of the walls, none of the workers thought anything wrong with this and in fact demand for more soldiers and knights and if possible some tanks.

The number of enemies demanded such measures, the one time he had tried to stop allowing the soldiers from their involvement. The workers stopped working all together, until their defenders had returned.

Men and women began to find each other and start new lives, their lost souls seemed to find one another.

It was hard to believe that only two months had passed from the quik war, now as the wall reached its next stage the glimmer of a knight from one of the kingdoms caught his attention. With him a man wearing a blue armor bearing emblems of all kinds, quickly making the people know he was nobility.

It was only the fact that the man actually struck a small boy woo carried water to the workers so they could get something to drink that made him move, only for the knights and soldiers to beat him to them.

Weapons drawn and expecting the two man to move.

''By order of his Majesty!Peasants you are ordered to stand down or be met with war, for killing the Prince!'' the knight screamed.

He sent the recording to the council and moved to greet the two men.

''It was him, who used the horse whip to strike one of my people and ifg you think that I won't hesitate to wipe out your kingdom if necessary… Then you are nothing but fools'' he said.

The two men looked at him with shock in their eyes, but their faces hid it well.

''We have traveled far and would like some housing and rest'' the prince said in an obnoxious form, the fact that he was answering in such away was proof enough for him to know that the man in front of him, saw the people as beneath him.

''Both are few and far between'' he answered

''But if you choose to accept the small amount we can space the you are welcome to it'' he continued, as the prince smirked in such away that concreted his superiority.

''We will take all of it and less you speak to me'' the prince said only for his eyes to be filled with absolute terror, the moment he realized just what the man he was speaking to.

The man's voice and sheer arrogance finally made him snap. All of the monsters he had killed and the many times he had died, had long since whittled away his patience for people lie the prince.

The workers and the animals were being crushed under the weight of his near presence.

''Forgive us, sir'' the knight said as he struggled to let out pain filled words.

''You will take what we give you and like it, ah and if you have one thing to be grateful.. Be grateful you met me, my brothers and sisters are in no mood to deal with arrogant fool like him. Oh and knight, before you let him open his mouth with stupidity again, remember that the older ones won't even let him say a word if he dares to look at them the wrong way.'' he said as he turned to walk away.

He had work to do.
Sesilia my love I hope that the messenger was able to reach you in time, forgive me if this letter has taken some time since we last saw each other.

These past few nights have proven to me, just how much I miss seeing you and our daughter. The circumstances of my departure were to remain in secret at least until the second group came true, now that they have I can freely tell you everything.

Our kingdom is far from the holy city and because of that we were spared from the horrors of the demons re emergence into our world and because of that our king has ordered us to investigate how weakened the Players and the Holy kingdom are.

I will not explain to you or say any words of the other groups, but I will tell you of our journey and the experience we have lived in these last few days.

Accompanying me is the son of a duke, a typical noble born with a terrible personality, he has light blond hair and of fair appearance, his light brown eyes hold a sense of superiority, with a look at disgust at anyone of lower stands.

I can only smile since that attitude of his has taken a dramatic turn, we have come to understand that no Player will accept that kind of treatment to their servants.

But I feel as if I am rambling.

Have you ever wondered how it feels to live in a world where time doesn't stop, there is not a moments when I have paused for a moment and found that everything continues to move forward.

Imagine a world where the stench of death lingers, yet at the same time life grows making such things go away as if it was but nothing of life.

Even as I write this letter I can see the grass wave as the wind moves them all together, as massive machinery that we now know are called tanks, move about when they are repositioned. I must admit that the sight of the walls being reconstructed of being completed alone was a sense of comfort.

Forgive me In my desire to forget the journey to arrive here I forgot to tell you of the experiences tin our journey to arrive here. So forgive me but I will make this part quik.

In a nearby tavern from the edge of our kingdom, we hired a group of mercenaries to guide us in our way towards these lands. Tho we rode in open fields we never once saw our supposed protectors.

That is during the day however, because during the night I came to realize that we were in far greater danger than we could have ever truly imagined.

For in the dead of night we were awakened by a fight between what seemed like massive wolves against what seemed like our ancient enemies of the rat men.

I can still see the wolfman's glowing white eyes, and glowing white fangs , as they looked directly at us. By the time we reached a forest, a sign displayed that we should only remain on the path before us.

To this day I fear that I am completely ignorant of the reality of just how much danger we were in.

We had a horse that should have presented to the lord of the outer wall, that we were tasked to investigate. To this day we remain unaware of what might have startled the beast and how as it ran off into the woods , just what might have been the animal's final thoughts.

For it did not even escape our sight when the creature's head was cut off and taken by an unknown creature, the act was so quick that the body continued to galope. Then its high quarters banished from sight and finally the remains fell never touching the ground.

I was about to scream at our supposed protectors, when I realized that above the ground in the trees above us and both behind and far ahead they were present. Each and everyone had their weapons drawn.

What sort of creature could drive such creatures into such a stance, that demonstrated fear. At the edge of the forest the wolfmen simply pointed at a large wall being constructed, we were far above the grounds in which the settlements were built, that we could see the remnants of a war so horrifying that words could never describe it.

Before us were the corpses of millions of rat men, soldiers and knights along with so many creatures, the likes neither I nor the noblemen besides me had ever seen.

Each town or city was surrounded by a wall, beast of all kinds walked about feasting on the corpse of the dead, while our horses were indeed fast. There is little doubt that if it wasn't for so much food around them, then we would have never survived.

The boy in his arrogance attempted to intimidate a worker and several soldiers, however it wasn't until he struck a servant that the Player made its presence known.

I can in all honesty say,that should the moment come I pray that you if given the option present yourself to the man known as the Guardian of Knight\night.

Should I ever die, he will be a good father and protector for you and our daughter.

He had short black hair, light brown skin colored by his time in the sun. His armor was black with several leather makings, while only slight silver guards on his shoulders, knees, boots, stomach and most curiously areas of his back and chess.

The creatures rage was a presence so strong that the very air in our longs suffocated us, our horses fell by the sheer weight of having that man look at us in rage.

Sadly to say we understood that the guard was under his protection, however wI wish we had understood that before.

As the man walked away, I could feel myself regain the strength of my breaking body. Unsurprisingly we had spent our first night on the dirt, ny sort of comfort was denied to us, however this was not an act of cruelty.

The children were hidden inside the many tents, while the more private ones ran to the scattered cottages.

As the night progressed, we saw several knights and soldiers walking back and forth, yet as we began to finally drift off into sleep. That a knight awoke us, saying something about us wanting to die.

Creatures of the night began to swarm the area surrounding the settlement, as if preparing to strike and a s time went by I understood they were protecting, us-the people and most importantly of all.

The children.

During these nights I can only remember and dream about how life must be within the holy city, I can see the many lights that seemed as if the stars themselves were on the ground themselves. While he dark sky covered in even greater lights greeted them.

Several fires were used as lures for any hungry beast, or thief that got too big for their own good.

During the day I was able to see just how great were the structures used to build the towering walls, each ranged from the simple wooden shovel, to an incredibly advanced machine that flew above the ground. This thing made no sound, the only warning of its presence near you was its shining body.

The noble boy, no the noble man understood that in presence of such men and woman he was nothing more than another person. Somehow his experience the night before drove, into him that only the bravest of people lived in the outside of the walls.

Several taverns were built all around the ever growing settlements, while more and more home had been growing as the people began to arrive.

The brothels were filled with women both young and old, yet the children that ran around the places were heavily kept under watch. There was something driven into the people, no child would be harmed, less they awaken something they all feared.

Medicine was scared, but surprisingly unneeded, both men and woman bath in a large pool and I am at odds with this they didn't shy away wit their physical desires.

Food was made by any of the woman and it was this way that several of the young men chose which one would be their future wife, similar to us they were pretty good at knowing that only a caring woman could cook like them.

We were only capable of seeing this in two days of our arrival, as we had to work for our stay. On the third day, we entered the Player's home, the walls were covered in the names of people, small wooden statues, along with stone ones. Scrolls were placed carefully in a massive library, while sitting in a single step, was the man himself.
night 4

To say that the building and the man alike were nothing if not intimidating, would be an even greater lie, than for one to say that the Cardinals are actively making their presence known, every day.

Tho the great home was nowhere near a castle, I can honestly attest that they were but specks inside it. The names written on the walls, were carved with such delicacy and care that one could believe that a king or some high born nobles names were inscribed.

As we walked forward to speak with the man, we were caught by the sight of several works inscribing every name one by one, some where being carved into wooden planks, while others were within the the marvel walls.

''Hard to believe, that so many were lost.'' a woman said, as she walked next to them. Her arms covered in clay, her hair was a wild mess from the lack of care and her chess was entirely exposed, as her white shirt did little to hide her firm chess, do to how wet it was.

''I'm sorry but what do you mean, miss?'' the nobleman asked her.

''Each and every name is a person lost, during the war. In death, every worker, soldier, knight and spiritual leader are all equal. Their guardian watches over their last marks on this world'' she answered as her head moved up, signaling us towards the player.

As she bowed her head and continued her way, I noticed that her dress tightly clung to her, emphasizing her figure.

As we neared the player, we soon caught sight of several papers near him and the echoing sounds of children laughing. To misterius was this, that it seemed to echo all around us. My beloved wife, to this day I believe that this player was the representation of death and that we had in our arrogance entered its home.

The closer we neared the man, the larger the building seemed to get, there was a point that the lights in the ceiling seemed as if they were the stars in the sky itself. As I turned to look at my companion, I no longer saw the nobleman's son, but the man that had accompanied me in my journey here and I could tell he thought the same.

When we finally reached him, we noticed that he was nothing more than a mere man. His eyes were tired from the constant work and his posture said that he was so fed up with the constant administrative work that he was about to toss all of the papers into the air.

We stood there for about three minutes until we heard the man speak. ''Well'' he said, expecting an answer from us.

''We have come from the kingdom of '' the man beside me began only to be interrupted, by the man.

''I know who you are, a noble born of the Kingdom that is over the red forest, its name Iron Bear and his knight guard. Your people along with several other ones have arrived, looking at the walls and San Andreas.'' the player said, as he read some of his papers.

''I have too much work to do, so don't try anything idiotic. I'm not the only player here.'' the man said as he waved at us to leave.

As we walked away from the man we were able to see just how much we had missed, half undressed men wore working tirelessly to rebuild the player's home. While others carefully carved the names of several people, the cool air that somehow lingered so naturally that I hadn't even notice it, until we left the building and were met by the hot sun of the outside.

Almost immediately we headed to one of the several taverns to discuss what would be our next act, needless to say the man immediately went to one of the back rooms with two of the youngest woman in the place.

As I set myself to drink, I noticed several men and woman with down casted gases their moods were depressed and exhausted. Yet there was something to them as the people near them closed in to speak, it would be within our fifth day that I found that these were the people brought back from the dead.

Days here seem to mold together, not in any wrong form but as if they were all seemingly peaceful. Our labors were nothing more than the gathering of wild fruits and the hunting of beast.

My beloved, I have seem beast the likes no ones none of our people could possibly imagine. There is a pig like creature that as plants growing on its back, while a massive snake eats a type of goo, from a man eating plant of the nearby forest.

Days pat slowly until in a moment that in great number, people began to arrive, first a few then hundreds. So many time trouble makers demanded retribution, that they could not stay outside and began to cause trouble.

Many say that the player was unable to reach several of those people yet I know of the truth.

These men and woman, had begun to attack those that had already settled here and in their arogans, foolishly believed they could threaten the player and the guards.

My beloved, for what my belief may be, there is no mistaking the next act changed the people's actions in one move.

A notice came from one of the runners, people that run back and forth taking messages from person to person.

Men-woman-children were all ordered to separate from the group and go with them. If they refused then they wouldn't be forced to. If they insisted to take the troublemakers with them, then they were told to stay.

Of the troublemakers, none were invited.

Something was happening, as all of the people were on edge. They all knew that something was about to happen and the knights, soldiers and workers were all being called in to the settlements.

This happened for two days and nights, several women were raped as they sent the messages, none were seen all to troubled by it, in fact a sadistic smile were placed on their faces. Then on the third day it happened, as the player orders all of the soldiers to open fire on anything and anyone that even tried to cross the defensive lines.

A thick wave of white mist came thru the forest, past the fields of dead and into the area behind the walls.

''We open our homes to you, we offer you food, water and care. Yet you demanded more than we could ever possibly give you, You have raped and attempted to kill and most of all you stupidly believed I cared for anyone that wasn't one of my own.'' the player said, his voice somehow reaching all sides of the walls.

With his several voices echoed and in a second a word has been marked in our memory.

''Desactivar auto defensas'' the player said.

I can still feel his eyes on me as he began to talk, his voice directed to me and the people that that taken his offer.

''I allow anyone to do what they want, but never mistake my kindness for weakness.'' he said, his voice uncaring.

''What's going on'' a woman besides us said.

''Every couple of months a mist comes and the creatures that live in the forest spreads out into the fields, the creatures that live there use it to hunt and migrate. Not all of them are bad, but…'' the man said.

That's when the screams of women and children, breached the uneasy silence that lingered all around us. I recognized the sound of woman being raped while men screamed as they were fighting desperately for their lives, the howling sounds of animals.

The moment the player began to walk forward, still lingers in my memory. He raised his hand and every riflemen opened fire blindly into the night. This went on for the entire night, at one point one of the men that had said he had all the answers and made the people rise to attack the people of the player.

I can still see the horrified mans terrified eyes, dead as a gunshot went thru his chess. A woman was dragged away from us as she attempted to reach us desperately, for a moment a goblin like creature looked directly at me.

I doubt anyone else ever saw it, for the creature actually, stood still and waited to be attacked and when no attack came it drew a blade and left it on the ground.

There is no doubt in my mind, that the creatures all understood, that these people were undesirables and were being sacrificed\casted away.

The next day, we uncovered animal corpses of all kinds, while blades of cheap material were all near the settlements.

Knights soldiers and several machines quickly began to close in on the openings of the walls, they were surprisingly undisturbed.

Woman and young girls were found raped and half crazed they were put down on sight. When I asked if they would be remembered, no one answered.

That day I ran up to the player and struck him I can still remember the man's eyes on me. There was no hostility or cruelty. Instead there was a look of understanding and care.

''The walls and this outer region, is called the area of redemption and reforging of lives.'' the player said, as he lowered his head and exhaling.

''Everyone here is either a person that has lost their homes, lives or are simply criminals. If they die so be it, they know what they sighed up for.

But they are my people, just like you are the moment you started working along side everyone. We all carry each other and we take care of each other'' the player said, as if trying to make me understand.

I was only the noble man buiseds me me that said the unspoken words.

''They had no desire to join, you allowed everyone to keep their religions, ways and acts without trouble. All you asked was that they don't cause any trouble, for you are all surrounded by enemies'' the man said.

''But why allow the monsters in. I mean the creatures took them and you barely lost anything, but why'' he asked the player.

''Animals know where it's safe and the monsters knew where the vulnerable were. They stayed away from us, while the animals now inhabit this place'' the player answers.

My wife I hope that if anything were ever to happen to me, you present yourself to him, he will guard you in the same way. Our daughter will be safe and our ways will remain undisturbed, while any troublemakers will be dealt with.

I will return soon enough, but take care my beloved.
night 5

My dearest husband, I have rea your letters and my heart weeps knowing of just how long it takes them to arrive. Our daughter has given her first steps and your son has returned from the mission your master has given him,

Whatever horors he must have seem have changed him. He speaks of battles so horrific that the very bandits upon seeing an emblem on his cheeks, that was awarded to him for simply surviving. That they simply left without a word.

It troubles me just how overprotective he has become.

I ask of you what of this time called the witching hours and the darkness unleashed in that war.

I beg of you my husband, tell me so that I may alleviate our sons burden. None of the knights of any of his friends have yet to return and all he says is that they are now with the Cardinals.

Safe, from the darkness.

…… Let these words never be spoken so that no one ever knows of this. For I fear that should anyone truly know of what happened in those horrifying hours, might had very well doomed our world.

First there are two things you must know. One the wall of Night once had a Guardian, a creature tasked with the protection of the people and the beast.

It died, such was the treat of that monster.

The next is that there is a player that no player considers one of their own and will violently lash out, denying him as a brother of theirs.

Do not speak these words written here for I fear that if no player is near, then that abomination might run about undisturbed.

During the hours of the war with the fallen player, the wall of night was the first to encounter him and his forces. The defenders fought with such ferocity that they could be have compared t best themselves.

The wall was nowhere near ready for such an assault, still they fought on, selling their lives, desperately giving the young time to escape.

I ignore when it happened, so please make do with what I know. The mad that has become a valuable companion has aded me in discovering what I could.

Sometime during the war, thirteen times did the bodies of the dead moan and thirteen times did they beat their armor.

As the fighting raged on, a violent storm began to form such was this unholy thing, that the rain was pitch black, its liquid covered the ground with a type of water that flooded the soil and in another hour thirteen times the dead moaned and thirteen times they beat their armor.

Still the fighting raged on.

The storm increased in power and the minions of that mad player struck at the walls and at their defenders.

Still thirteen times the dead moaned and thirteen times did they strike their armor.

It was on the fifth time that the Flying fortress moved over the battlefield, no one can truly describe what happened but animals, machines, living and even the dead burned-froze or ate the moaning dead.

Yet they moaned ever louder and struck their armor.

It was on the eighth time, that a child dressed in a white simple dress appeared surrounded by a heavenly light. The Cardinal Yui had come forth herself, in her arm was a flaming sword easily three times her size.

The ancient enemy of our people the rat men, had done the unthinkable.

As from the earth itself, the horned Rat rose, feasting on the dead and the dying. So great was their confrontation, that the people speak of the players as if they themselves were Gods.

Such was the power displayed in thoes final hours.

My beloved wife leave this and look no further I shall return home today.
night 6
His skin tightens as he enters the white building, like the time before the inside was far bigger than its outside. His blue colored armor, made him strikeout in such away that if this was a battlefield, he would have been the targeted area.

''Well'' the players voice echoed thru the building.

His spit felt sick, so with every movement of his mouth they made a sound that was unpleasant even to himself.
''I am the son of a duck and of noble born. The knight that has come with me to these lands and I hereby seek your guidance.'' he let his words echoed thru the empty halls, yet as no answer greeted him, he decided to continue.

''Champion of the Cardinals, you who are both jury and Judge to your people. Please grant me your wisdom.
Please tell me, what do you stay in these lands'' he said, though his words weren't the ones he truly wished to say.

A white mist accompanying a person's warm breath. ''We stay because we have nowhere else to go. I am neither Jury, nor Judge.
In this area no one is expendable, yet we can not allow troublemakers to cause for us unneeded trouble'' the player said, as he walked forward past him.

''But you are a player, how could you have nowhere to go?'' he asked.

''Tell me boy, why do you seek my guidance. Any of those men or women could easily guide you just as good or even better than I'' the player asked him in return.

''I figured that someone in such a position as yours'' he began only to be stopped by the player.

''And that my boy is the reason why I can't and won't leave. No one here leaves because whether they had committed a crime-were apart of the reborn of the dark war, or simply had no place to truly call home this is all they have.

As players, people look at us for guidance and the moments that our brothers and sisters are found by the people, they instinctively seek to us for guidance and protection. Our brothers that have taken wives, quickly found themselves being covered with the responsibilities of those towns.'' the player said, as he walked forward, briefly signaling him to follow.

They walked for what seemed as ten minutes, until they reached a wooden table finely furnished, its thick wood made it seem heavy yet strong. On it several dozen bottles of all kinds of liquor.

Yet what caught his attention the most were the sets of names carefully carved into the wood itself, that he noticed several of the men that had died. He recognized them as several widows and orphan children, that at night would call out their names.

''Why do you torture yourself.'' he said unwillingly, his words leaving him against every ounce of his personal belief.

''They looked to me for protection and leadership and I failed them'' the player answered, as he served two glass cups filled to the rim with alcohol.

As the player handed him one. ''I hear you have enjoyed yourself with several of the woman, we take care of our own'' the player said only to pause as if hinting out something, but what it could have been he ignored it.

Almost as if noticing his ignorance did the man begin to speak. ''If you want to say, there is a place for you here''

His mouth felt heavy, not because his drink was drugged but because he truly wanted to accept. ''I too have a responsibility to the people that look for me for guidance….. Thank you sir'' he said as he finished his drink and left the room.

As he marched out of the building, he understood, why no one here told each other their names, only a person's love ones and most trusted persons are able to know their names. As he mounted his horse and made his way, he now knew that at this first wall, any army would have to kill every last person and animal, for this place was all these people had and with it, their neighbors were the only ones they had.
Wall of Dia

A woman wearing a bright red form fitting armor walked thru the ruins of an ancient tower, one whose evil seemed to resonate thru each and every stone, yet the signs of an age long forgotten when the floating lights of hope and fate of entire generations once lovingly moved every stone still had their traces in it.

For miles one could not hope to look and find a single green patch of grass, for such was the intensity of the battle waged by both the Cardinal Yui and the Horned Rat God of the Skavens.

For a member of the Inquisition a sight such as this should have left her undisturbed. The key word ewas should have, for the amount of power displayed by both the players and the Cardinals could only be described as that of the Gods themselves and their champions waging war with the very forces of hell.

It didn't help that the few players she had spoken to had given her cryptic words, saying such things as them accessing their legendary weapons or finally being able to use their finishers.

The simple fact that the flying castle now stood directly above the remnants of the tower as if acting as a plug or a reminder to all, that this was what happened to those that enrage the Cardinals.

Or was it the fact that for the briefest of moment she had felt her heart stop at the sudden realization that seeing a player in a truly enraged state, no longer restraining themselves. Made her realize just how insignificant,she her order, her people and her world were.

She for the whatever instance of time it may have been, she felt like an insect in the presence of giants.

The simple fact that anyone-anything upto twelve steps away from any player was visibly crushed under the weight of their presence alone in those moments, drove in further, the simple fact that no matter how they may act, or how they may look like her, her people or any other.

They were not mortal men and by such should be treated with the very same respect and fear as one would treat a king or the very highest position of any religious leadership.

Yes the war waged on this very spot was amongst the most horrifying any mortal had ever seen, yet she could not help but bring herself to believe that the wall was named well.

Dia. meaning day in a foreign language, before it was night, noche in that same language, it was always the darkest before the light of day came. To pass this wall was to enter hell it self and cross the ever present fields and dispersed jungle inside the walls of Hades, there if the beast didn't then the ever growing number of Orcs would.

But that was all for another time here she knew that the flying fortress held rule and whatever their ways maybe, no matter how strange she was forced to honor them

The land below was once going to go to a set of beast tamers, but with the war and the ever present danger that the rats might try to revive their fallen God, the King of the Flying fortress was declared owner of these lands and these lands alone, any other wall and their protected sections were someone else's problem.

Yet as she looked up and spotted the speck of the fortress she could not help but realize just what her life was going to become soon enough.

For the truth that Asuna Princess of the Fairies was in fact the Asuna the once proud leader of the Knights of the Blood, came as a shock. For it was widely known that she was Yui's mother, the dark haired child named after the Cardinal of the fortress.

The backlash of this information can only be called disastrous, for it was only the warriors of the fairies that were seen fighting, when every man woman and sadly child fought for their lives, both inside the holy city of San Andreas, the flying fortress and the neighboring towns, with various kingdoms.

The people of the fortress[N.P.C's] demanded that she be returned to them, for her loyalty was with her knights, not the Fairies, while others considered her a traitor. She had casted out her Humanity in exchange for the magic of the Fairies.

Then there were the few that said that when she had gone missing, the fairies in their treacherous ways, had forcefully converted her into one of them.

But all voices agreed in one thing Kirito, the Black Swordsman, the king of all the fortress, could not be allowed to be married to a fairy, she was not one of them and they would only accept their queen to be a Human.

Be her a peasant-a simple soldier or of royalty-in fact they had no problem with her being a wolf or an Orc. They were all surprisingly accepting of any kind of being that had fought in the many recent battles.

The simple fact that the few Dwarfs and Leprechauns had sent their daughters and everyone welcomed them with open arms spoke that may they be Fairies, they were one of them, regardless.

Nearly all of their kingdom, save for those incapable of fighting were seen all across the battlefield.

The simple fact that Asuna was now a Fairy was not the problem, in fact many welcome the soldiers and the many knights of the Fairy kingdom for it was them that were seen as a valuable hand in the war.

But the sheer awkwardness of the Fairy people, not because they fled to their tree, but the simple fact that they had denied entrance to it, by anyone that was deemed not one of them.

Somany had run to it for protection only to be left out even as the enemy approached them, none of the supposed superior beings even tried to help. What good was all that magic, where was their superiority then.

No the leprechauns , led the people under ground to the safety of the magically protected stone rooms, the dwarfs used their magically infused runes to strengthen any building already capable of resisting continues bombardment and turned them into medical facilities, and refugee sectors.

The knights and soldiers fought neck to neck with the humans and allied creatures, yet of the supposed noble race as a hole.

There was no trace of them.

The problem rose when several members of the ruling class of the flying castle, demanded that Kirito take a wife from one of them. The players themselves were shocked in more ways than one, not because the players found that Asuna was now a fairy, but because it had been kept from them.

The feeling of betrayal was heavy on their shoulders and the fact that Kirito absolutely refused to separate from his wife as taking a second one by his standards was absolutely out of the question.

Lead many to believe him to be just as uncaring as the fairies themselves, the simple fact that it was he who fought all across the castle from top to bottom and from one end, to another, was what kept the feeling of mutiny away from the people.

However there was one compromise done and one alone.

The castles floors were to now have a ruler, while also having a floor guardian, each would be expected to have a wife, while that wife would only be acceptable as Human the fact remained that should any of them choose something else it was acceptable to a few of them.

This act was done so no other being could take the power from the Humans of the castle and strip from them the one place that was theirs.

San Andreas herself had changed little, save for the peoples now increased devotion to the Cardinals and the Players, tho they now feared them more than before.

Where a person could be seen insulting of lightly drinking with some, they now spoke with a sense of fer, as if they were speaking to a superior at work.

Tho many of the concubines, found themselves even more attached to their once slave masters, many of the men that called them theirs , had protected them with such ferocity that the belief that the only place for them was with their masters, was now further semented.

However now as to her, she was here behind the Wall of Dia, in an attempt to find the truth of the players origins.

Two years ago, when some of the fighting died down in one of the further away kingdoms a scroll had been uncovered displaying the names of several players, they had been the ones to defeat a dungeon that was long lost and claim the rare items. This could have not been possible for the place that the scroll been uncovered was easily thousands of years old and the players looked barely over eight years of age.

It was hard to uncover who or what these beings were or if they had ever been anything other than what they are now, for in the state of chaos the world is in, few records can survive.

Before to her people there was a mist that prevented anyone from going any further, to some soldiers the sky was the limit, to the Krogan the only boundaries were how to get from one world to another fast enough.

The simple fact that the krogan came from another planet and the players saw them as nothing unusual spoke volumes of what these beings had seen.

She remembered a simple event that happened long before this war\battle she was barely a recruit, she had been protecting a group of children mostly girls. One in particular had screamed so much that she was actually drawing enemies to them, she herself fell from being stabbed by a sword.

Who the enemies were back then was lost to her, but what happened next will remain in her memory for the rest of her life.

That small frail girl, summoned animals of all kinds, they swarmed enemy to enemi and before the night was over, they had devoured nearly all of the attackers.

None of them no matter how innocent, was never defenseless.

Of that she had to constantly remind herself, even now as she looks at the bright eyes of the children playing at the distance and how their cheerful laughter seemed to draw joy to this place.

Truly these were interesting times.

What magic must have separated Humanity from each other, must have come undone, for in every world there was one ever present reminder, that the players and the kingdoms once stood together and that was the ever present ruins and legends of great heroes that rose in times of great unrest.

Truly these were interesting times.

She made her way thru the ruins in a motion that seemed to weave itself with the movement of the blowing wind. Her armor no matter how primitive in comparison to some of the adventures or how advanced, compared to some recently unleashed trainees anxious to prove themselves.

At the edge of the broken remains of the tower, there was the slowly growing signs of a small town. Already brothels, ins for any traveling merchant or knight, men-woman-children joyfully drank and spoke about their lives. Despite the area they were living in.

She had just made her way to the edge of the bar, when she heard a man screaming at the top of his voice.

''Hear me, hear me. I have a perfectly good woman, in fact she was my wife. She has served her purpose and is now up for auction, she will be no slave, but she could be a servant-concubine and if any are interested a wife' the man announced as he held the hand of a young beautiful woman, that stood on top of a chair.

She briefly noticed how the woman held her hair up, wore a simple brown dress that reached the floor had she stood on the ground that is, and that her skin was peach color.

''Well get on with it'' the bartender screamed. ''How much do you want for that woman so the auction can begin'' the bartender finishes.

''Fifty coins, that is fifty of every kind'' the woman's husband answered.

No one answered, not a word was said. No one until a drunk soldier answered.

''I'll take her, but you lose any connection to her. If she has any wee ones I'' take them too'' the soldier said as he placed the coins in front of the man.

''Agreed''the woman's husband, answered with a grin so large it threatened to tear apart his face.

Even as he served a cup filled to the top with whisky, and handed over to a soldier, one whose colored patch clothing seemed so different that she wondered if he was from another kingdom.
Where the drunken soldier was covered in a green armored cloth that all soldiers wore, this one had simply a black shirt and brown armored pants with black boots.

''Idiot'' the soldier said as he turned to look at the woman as she took the soldier's hand, the pain filled expression, combined with her strained smile almost made the people around her feel pity.


''Hey'' the soldier spoke to her, tho she chose to ignore him.

''Hey'' he called to her again, tho this time he continued.

''See that drunken idiot, the one that just bought that girl. Well he's one of the few people that has Player status. That guy right there lead an entire platoon mixed with both players and ordinary soldiers.'' the man besides her explained.

''So I take it he's powerful.'' she answered.

''No, but anyone that stands with any player….Knows that stupidity gets you killed. That woman has just won the lottery.'' he said as he began to drink his whisky.

''So, tell me'' she began ''Is that normal'' she finished as she pointed at the woman from before.

''What business'' the bartender answered her.

Even as he began to point at a wall behind him, it had various numbers and letters that constantly changed. Beneath it, letters and numbers changed slowly and beneath those was the same, except these ones had the markings of changing once every day.

Finally beneath those just above the bartender's head were a set of wooden names or a set of numbers with price sighs.

''Not from around here are you girl.'' the bartender asked as he filled another drink.

''I am a member of the Inquisition of the blue prints. It is my order that uncovers the pages and the history of the people long since lost'' she answered, tho her answer did little to startle the bartender.

''An Inquisitor, word of advice those weapons of yours won't save you and if they do few will not hunt you and your order.'' the ma besides her said.

She didn't answer, even as her eyes met the bartenders, the man was short- fat-yet his black suit and joy filled smile, displayed a sense of comfort, that told her that any attempt of hostility would be the end of her.

She swallowed and decided to take different approach.

''So what is this place exactly?''she asked.

The bartender smiled and began to speak ''See those numbers up there, well those are the prices and the worth of the things shown on the to with them. They keep changing because that is a market all over the world.

Think about it this way, here something might be expensive, while somewhere else it's worthless.'' the bartender answered her, yet it was the soldier that continued.

''The ones on the bottom are things in the immediate area, that can't be shipped out or can only be obtained by the common people, who can't afford anything else.
Everything else goes in between them, kingdoms-nations or planets'' he said, as he began to walk away.

She proposes that last world Planets.

''It's a good thing you didn't try anything Inquisitor, had you done so. It would have been a blessing for you if you only ended up dead or raped'' the bartender, said his smile now gone, but held atone so serious that spoke volumes.

''Players don't take kindly to their comrades dying'' he said as he approached her and whispered to her ear ';'Stay away from the castle, every floor may have a guardian beast and a king, but they all have a military capable of standing up to anyone.'' tho unusually long were his word, the tone itself said that any attempt for infiltration was ridiculous.

''What happened in the castle'' she asked.

''No one knows, the only ones that do were those present. They say that Black the fallen knight rose to defend his kingdom, while other say that the castle people managed to take one of the servant of that demon.

Others still say that whatever happens, forced their daughters and sons to spend one year in the military regardless of the floor.'' the bartender answered her, his voice no longer a whisper.

''Tell me man, does lave trade happen here'' she asked the bartender.

''Of course, however no Humans are allowed to be slaves. Our allies ares truly off the table and only for a few years can slaves be owned.'' the man answered as if it was common knowledge.

Instinctively she drew her blade only for hundreds of pistols and daggers were drawn to her and for a long moment they all stood silent and she let out a smile.

''You were right, no one likes anyone starting trouble here'' she told the bartender, the man simply chuckled and and answer.

''I told you''

She bowed her head as the weapons were put away as the men and woman near them realized the two of them must have had a bet and moved on with their lives.
She walked away from the bartender and made her way to the exist and was met with the briefest of sighs of a sort of gentle white mist, far into the distance.

There was a scent of cool wet dirt-small traces of blood and if she wasn't mistaken, the distinct fragrance of shame.

Knights-soldiers-adventurers and even some merchants entered the remains of the tower bringing out as many relic that they could. Be them weapons, magical items or even works of art, from a mysterious civilization that was clearly not a Skaven.

Still for whatever reason she gave a thought to the people that had accompanied her to the walls and how or what they could be going thru at this moment.

The players are creatures that share a lot of Humanity's beliefs, no matter how contrary and in reality many believed that they were simply people blessed by the Cardinals.

Tho it shamed her, she two once believed such a thing. That is until the Horned Rat's appearance…..

These creatures no matter how much they may have, no no matter how Human they may seem could never be Human.

They were demi Gods and should be treated as such, for if they were to ever turn the power that was demonstrated that day or was it years…..

There would be nothing left.

She briefly recalled reading thru the interrogations of the traumatized knights that had returned to the order and the ones from the kingdoms, even some soldiers that allowed them to. The accounts were so confusing that they were nearly incomprehensible.

Some said that the sun never settled.

Others said that they were mere servants that had fought in the war as their masters died and it was to them, to take up the mantle. This wouldn't have been an issue, had they all not claimed to have been children, when they all had left their homes.

To add greater confusion to it all, others had claimed that what had happened had ended years ago.

Only a few things were completely unchanged from all of these accounts, the sheer amount of power demonstrated, power that had driven fear into the very hearts of men, woman no, what had happened those days near the players,.

Was no place for any woman.

She made her way to one of the inns to spend the night and saw that as she entered the drunken soldier and the woman he had bought were entering one of the rooms. Almost immediately the sounds of ecstasy began to be heard, it was of no importance to her.

In all reality if what the soldier from the bar had said was true, then that woman had landed in better lands and all she had to do was sleep with that man whenever he wanted.

As a woman she thought it was wrong, as a person she knew that now she would be semi safe. Yet as an inquisitor she knew that that woman's fate was of no importance, anyone that disagreed with her, had clearly not lived in the edges of the safe areas protected by guards.

Slave trade, sex trafficking and more dark happening that became even darker the further away from the safety of the areas……..

Even as she made her way to acquire a room, every sense of understanding of herself came to an agreement, it was better for that woman to have a man with her. For if she could not free herself, she would never survive alone.

As she reached the counter a woman with long red hair, muscled body that was well distributed, that it didn't overly show from her body. A brasier that had metallic guards and a leather thong, her boots were reinforced and her right arm was covered with a silver gauntlet, while her left was only a simple cloth.

She was young and beautiful, yet had a look of defiance-energy and anticipation.

With her was the same soldier that she had spoken to earlier, she now saw his short black hair, light brown skin and machine gun that was standard for all soldiers. They paid and in an instant the barbarian woman's voice echoed through the hall.

Instantly men howled as if congratulating whoever made her scream with such pleasure.

The innkeeper's daughter that had emerged at that moment was completely red and was shocked with the arrival of several Krogans, who sat in one of the many sofas that littered the waiting room.

The sofas had several people sleeping on them, she was about to say something when the hotel\innkeeper spoke.

''Some have only an hour to sleep, others just need to rest. They all pay, but no one bothers them

Everyone wants a safe place to sleep'' he said to he, as he turned a sign in sheet. Signaling her that if she wanted a room she had to sign in.

It took one silver coin to get a high end room, with a position that would benefit her, this included someone to awake her in a certain time. Food that would be taken to her room and if she so desired any servant or slave she may need.

As she went up the wooden stairs she found herself looking at the various designs on the walls gently carved and so delicately formed that had horsemen chasing beast of several kinds.

Her room had a marvel floor, flowered curtains- a bed that had a white sheet covering it and seems like it was made of a cloud considering how comfortable it was.

She began to remove her armor and noticed that its blue coloring had begun to fade, this was concerning because the armor was brand new and it was covered with runic engravings. It was the effects of the tower and whatever evil plagged it and it was further proof that only fools would ever enter it unprepared.

She set her armor aside and went to sleep, even as she began to drift into sleep, the sounds of love making from the couples or men with the nightly hors, loud laughter of drunken men threatened to keep her wake.

Still she somehow managed to drift into a deep sleep.

The next day she awoke and discovered that even as she walked out of her room, that naked men and woman were walking out of their rooms, they were all heading to a room that had a large set of stairs.

She briefly followed only for a guard to tell her that if she wanted to enter she needed to take her armor off and that if she didn't have any towels then one would be provided for her.

Even as she entered, she found herself arriving in a room filled with men-woman-children all taking of their cloths and setting them on baskets that when closed no one could open, in fact picking one up was all but impossible.

Again anyone that had any trace of blood or mark from the tower was told to was that stuff away before entering, those that refused were told to leave.

They would do it or die, those were the only three options. Was-leave or die.

She decided to wash and expected to be attacked but non be came, the room she made her way to was a place that had water falling in it.

There people and some other creatures scrubbed all of the unwanted material away.

When she moved past the guards again, she found herself entering a room with a massive underground lake. There people were bathing, near the edges children and their parent played as they cheerfully played, with various balls that bounced up to the ceiling.

''You look confused'' a guard said to her. When she didn't answer he continued. ''This way any mutation can be seen, no one can hide it and the fact that if anyone could was in private they would not be found until it was too late.'' the guard said as he looked at the people.

''No one attacks anyone, there are too many people for that'' he finished before he walked away he signaled a woman that was handing out something called shampoo.

The woman noticed him and as she walked towards her, she found that a well muscular arm wrapped itself around her neck, she found herself with the exposed breast of a smiling woman that said.

''Oy you're the one that was coming into to the inn last night'' it was the barbarian woman, the one that was so unrestrained with the soldier.

''Come wash my back, today I celebrate that I am now we'd'' she said with a grin.

As an inquisitor she knew that this role came to the woman of the barbarians woman, the same would be dome for the men but by other men. If the signs that the love making was great, then strong children would follow from the two now married couple, however if one or both lacked the needed marks, then weak children would be born.

She was about to say something when she noticed that the same woman from before accompanied the barbarian,it was now that she noticed that the woman that had been sold the night before, had pale skin, long blond hair and now that she looked closely, deep blue eyes.

''Today we are both sisters, will you prove our new husbands at the right ones.'' the barbarian said with a look of anticipation.

''Only if you answer why me'' she answered.

''Last night, you were present when she was bought and when me and him entered our room. You are witness to us both'' the barbarian said, without a hint of doubt.

''A….Apparently her husband and mine are brothers from the same unit and by player and the fortress laws they are brother of battle. means we're sisters now'' the blond woman spoke.

Their time passed in silence she noticed how the barbarian had several bruises on her back and how the blond woman had several scratches on her back.

Both woman in turn washed her back and her hair similar as she had done theirs, when they were done bathing the barbarian simply spoke.

''My name is Yuli and I came here to search for a strong man. In time I will bare children and they will all be strong, my days of wandering are over'' she said her voice carrying anticipation and joy.

''My mother like hers and her mother before hers were all good housewives, now it's my turn. Like them I will teach my girls and my boys or ways, my husband is a strong warrior and will be a good protector and provider'' she said with anticipation, as if she was looking forward to the future.

''Last night my husband sold me'' said the woman with blond hair. ''Last night the man that bought me consummate our union and today he has been nothing but a pure gentleman to me.'' said the woman before pausing..

''My name is Rosie'' she said as they both waited for her to continue.

''I am named Alexsis, a member of the Inquisition'' she answered, as the barbarian got out of the water and began to walk away.

''Well time to get with my Husband and see what he believes we should do'' the barbarian said, as she walked away.
''Oh and sister, no servant of any player will harm his wife, that is what all the stories say'' she said as she walked and banished from sight.

They stood there covered to their waist in water and as she was about to get out the blond woman rose and began to walk away before bowing her head . Her voice now a whisper uttered the words '' Best I return before he angers.''

Finally as she got out and walked away, she noticed how several knights came in in full battle armor and loudly screamed., '''What the hell mad, we were supposed to leave an hour ago!'' one of them screamed, as he forcefully took another man out.

Yet as she walked past them, none even took notice of her.

To caught up in their duty that none of them cared for her, or was it that none of them saw her as a threat.

As she made her way to her room, she found that several men were now dressed and walking away, a large fellow blocked her way. Not because he wanted to, but it was his size.

He looked at her naked form and if she were to actually care, the look of disappointment would have been an enraging moment.

As she reached her room, she heard the man say. I tell you, I don't understand your people's desire for thin woman. The graph woman are much better, the ideal woman will weigh two hundred and fifty pounds'' the man said, only for his companion to chuckle and answer.

''I know what you mean, skinny girls don't make good woman for child bearing, I choose a good well rounded woman any day'' they spoke to each other ast they walked away.

Her armor awaited her with a note. The signs of taint were present on her armor and it had been cleansed, no charge was met and the note also said for her not to weight for it to get to such a state.

Why had she not worried about her armor not being in its box, was the fact that she had overheard a man explaining to a woman that any taint was cleansed and that her things would be returned to her.

She dressed herself and made her way to the magical platforms in order to reach the first floor of the floating castle./ It was time to speak to the players and the people of their kingdoms.
Even as she walked she could hear the people joyfully conversing with one another, men and adventurers speaking of the directions they could or would be taking. Others discussed how the tunnels that were being opened and repaired seemed to somehow mix themselves with several of the towers own pathways.

San Andreas was indeed a massive kingdom and in fact it was widely believed that it was in one time just as large and as wide as the walls that now shielded it.

The fact that Santa Maria, the last or if one was a local of the holy city the first wall, was proof of this. Seeing as several old buildings were in fact used to connect its construction.

Yet there were even those that said that the city was at one point far larger than that, while still others said the contrary.

The simple fact that so many things were held in mystery, was the very reason her order existed. Just how many secrets did each player hold, in reality mortals such as her could never know and what secrets long forgotten by them, never to be reclaimed, was what reminded her that she could never do enough.

As the light of the ever rising sun met her gaze, the distinctive smell of the dead nearby reminded her that she was still in a dangerous area.

As she walked thru the burned broken remains of the towers broken form, she walked passed a group of slavers that held a set of blue woman held by a set of crystalline chains.

Only a thin cloth covered their breast and reproductive area, no more cover was given to them.

She had heard stories from soldiers and knights of how the players in fact had entire kingdoms in realms so wonderful or so terrifying that a mortals could barely comprehend them.

Monkey man were brought in cages, they came from a place called Mars and were held guilty of both enslaving and killing Humans.
The players had indeed gave them an option, yet they had refused….Now they were little more than slaves and if ever lucky pets.

Good riddance she thought to herself. Humans were the rulers of those kingdoms and whatever catastrophe may have happened, were now in the past.

She briefly passed a group of N.P.C's who flinched and welcomed her as they spoke, she waved goodbye and went her way.

No one truly knew what made a person an N.P.C, but it was widely believed that they lacked something in them, yet no player ever truly forgave anyone that was discovered to harm them unneeded.

In fact it was told in whispers by the N.P.C's themselves that the players had once wiped out an entire kingdom, who had treated the N.P.C's as little more than beast.

Whether this was true or not, she didn't know. Yet an inquisitor had spoke once to her superior of a war on a realm, one so terrible that the players nearly killed the planet itself. How, they had repeatedly struck the ground beneath them and threatened the rulers that the last chance they had was either surrender or die.

As to what drove the players to do this, he would not say.

Finally after she had finished walking she reached a simple set of pillars that stood on other side of a simple white floor, that itself held a simple blue crystal. She walked up to it and felt every piece of herself ignite before the feeling banished and immediately after she found herself in a large green field.

It was at that very moment that the sounds of moaning caught her attention and as she turned to look at where the sound had come. She found herself staring at a woman, moaning loudly as another woman massaged the back of her neck.

''Do you want to try'' a woman asked her as the walked up to her.

She simply stared.

The woman continued before her eyes had a glimmer of somehow understanding. ''If you recently arrived, this floor is the beginners floor, if you enter the soldiers section, the soldiers will turn you away. However if you enter the outer areas there is no protection.

Please remember no one will help you, because there is no one policing the areas'' the woman told her.

''Where is the ruler of this floor'' she asked the woman

The woman simply pointed at a large building that had a simple oval design with a woman with small dof pointed ears, along with a fluffy tale. Her figure was thin, yet had the signs of a small growing stomach, the early signs of pregnancy.

Her small breast yet wide fips along with her dark almost black hair moved in a way that made every movement of her body, seem so seductive that it would make any man turn to look at her.

Even as she walked up to the dog woman, she was slightly amused to find that the woman was continuously eating several kinds of fruit. Yet she could feel herself feel slightly resentful, for every time the woman ate or bit of everything, she seemed almost to do it seductively.

The problem was that she herself knew that for a member of the wolf\dog human race this was as natural as air and in fact the simple truth that the woman even had some red juice from a cherry she had bitten run down her lip, past her chin, to her chess.

She knew that this woman was a slob, ny her species standards.

''Excuse me''she said, in a strong voice.

The woman turned looked at her, took another bunch of cherries bit them and waved at her. Yes this woman was indeed a rather bulgar woman, by her people's beliefs.

''I am Alexis, I have come to speak to you regards to the events that have gone unrecorded'' she began, only for the woman to raze her hand and stop her from continuing.

''You ask too much, I am not my husband. Tho I do manage this place, he is the ruler. He has order me to ask you three separate questions. His brothers have already been told that you are present seeking knowledge.'' the woman said as she stretched out her hands in the air, displaying her curves , somehow enhancing her figure.


''Question 1; if we are on the bottom floor, how is it that we have the light of the sun and the light of the moon and the stars. Yet at the same time we don't see anyone on the higher floors.'' The dog woman asked her yet she didn't answer.

''Number 2; If we are on the bottom floor and we can see just how thick and deep the floor is, how are we able to hold dungeons that are literally entire floors. Yet they have no mass in the castle or the outside area either.'' the woman asked her, yet she still didn't answer.

''Finally, how is it that the entire ecosystem is maintaining itself considering the height we are in the sky at the moment.'' the woman finished, yet she didn't answer for she had no answers.
A deafening silence lingered between the two of them, only the moaning of the woman and men could be heard as they were given their massages. ''Mmmmm, mmmmm''

''My husband once told me, that even tho the Players themselves don't have any true desire to rule. They do so out of the people's necessity for them'' the dog woman said.

''What do you mean?'' she asked immediately after, not waiting a moment.

''What I mean is that while true there are those that rule over the people out of their own free will, there are plenty that have been pressured into said positions.'' the woman said as she took a hand full of melon pieces, that were delicately carved into the shape of flowers.

As she threw one by one into her mouth and smiled as she bit into them she began to speak again.

''We live in cruel times, behind our walls we are safe, or at least as safe as possible. How many places don't have the luxury of having an entire knight-soldier or adventurer unit placed near them.
Come now Inquisitor, surely you've noticed it. Just how the world seems to be getting darker.'' the dog woman said, as she let her words hang.

''That is precisely why I'm here, we. That is my order and I believe that the Players are only a small number of their true force, so if this was true'' she began to explain only for the woman to cut her off.

''I said before you ask to much. Look at what happened with just one mad player, now you wish to awaken the rest of them.

Did your order never think about why they weren't reawakened'' the woman said as she closed the distance between them in a second.

''You didn't even know the answer to any of my questions, even tho they apply to any dungeon-fortress or kingdom.

Yet you believe yourselves capable of controlling such power'' the woman said as she began to change, her delicate form growing ever more muscular by the moment, her small teeth were replaced by fangs that completely cover her mouth.

Her delicate hands were now thick claws with razor sharp tips and the very air around her became filled with the sense of danger and cruelty. This was the werewolf tribe.

''Tell me why shouldn't I just kill you and prevent the madness you plan to unleash upon the world. Haven't we been true enough, haven't plenty of children been dragged away from their cribs, are expecting mothers doomed to give birth to mutant abominations.

Should entire towns be whiteped out because people like you can't leave well enough alone'' the dog woman snarl.

''It is precisely that reason and many more why we search for the past, it is within those lost ages that the way of pushing this darkness back lies. If the players and their kingdom were once able to do so then they must have had away, but you have seen it your self. They can't do it alone.'' she answered , however she restrained herself from drawing her sword.

''Leave, the place you seek is at the edge of the soldiers realm. You will understand when you get there'' the dog woman said as she pointed far into the distance.

She did as she was told and began to walk, for over five hours she walked, passing by adventures that were trying to fight of any animal they could find. Soldiers that ran strengthening their bodies and a group of knights desperately trying to raze their level.

However it was when she reached a wall that marked the edge of the section of the castle that she felt her heart beat faster and faster by the second. A wall that reached to the second floor with over five thousand names written on it [different characters N.P.C's and different avatars people used]

''Hard to believe but nearly every name here is a sleeping player, the thing is that the names keep going as you go up. They get smaller tho, until they finally stop'' a man dressed in an blacksmith suit said as he looked at her.

She didn't even turn to acknowledge him ''Why is that?'' she asked him

''Well because it's said that those that made it to the top were completely unkillable'' he said as his voice held a small mark of pain ''A lot of people died back then'' his voice was now covered in greef, however he immediately turned and walked away.

As he left a light began to cover the area round her ''Floor enitiantin activated, to reach the second floor you must defeat the guardian'' a voice said from all around her.