What should the lead character's title be?

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(There's a lot of ground to cover in this, bear with me.)

The year is 2182. It has been...


Chaotically Inclined
Anything non-rude.
(There's a lot of ground to cover in this, bear with me.)

The year is 2182. It has been twenty-five years since the Relay 314 incident, where humanity made themselves known and had a brief but remembered conflict with the Turians and the Saiyans.

Now, an Arcosian diplomat has put forth their own funds and resources to create a multi-species team of elites in the hopes to further unify the galaxy as a whole. With the support of the Council, they have gone through with their mission.

With their resources, they have created a one of a kind ship, named Temperance which was created through the efforts of various species willing to go along with this mission.

The first mission is to bring down a criminal empire helmed by an Arcosian criminal. Rather small on the galactic front, but these are the first steps.


First, and most importantly, this is Mass Effect. And Mass Effect has been known to be controversial. This will cover mature themes. Which will include the following: Gore, War, Violence, Death, Sexuality(I'm unsure of how far that may go but it will not be heavily featured), Alcohol Usage, Etc… If the idea of this offends you, this is your first but not final warning. I will put anything that could be offensive into spoilers.

Secondly, you will not be in control of Commander Shepard. Shepard's background, actions, and alignment are to be my decisions. It's simpler that way, and easier on me.(Please, do not take this as me thinking there is a 'Canon'. I know better. It's simply easier for me to have a defined way that Shepard does things.)

Third, in the event that the character is a human, there will be no Spectre status made available to you. It's only been 25 years since Humanity made themselves known to the Galaxy at whole. And this is before the events of the first Mass Effect, so even Shepard isn't a Spectre. I'm sorry. As much as I'd like to, I also would rather not break the lore. (Says the person who's making this….And making it a crossover…..Heh heh heh….)

Third, this is a crossover. Which means, I'm taking some of the species I enjoy from some other forms of media and importing them into the Mass Effect universe. This also entails them bending the knee to the Mass Effect universe's laws. It's easier that way. I may bend some rules for some things.

Forth, this will be written in strictly third person to allow as much of the story possible. However, your choices will be influencing the main character's decisions. Their decisions will then cause an impact on the galaxy around them. Be Warned. There WILL be consequences.

This quest will begin in 2182, which is the year prior to the events of the Eden Prime War(Mass Effect). Although it may not be exactly one year until Sovereign, Saren, and the Heretic Geth attack.


  1. All Deaths Are Final. The one and only disclusion to this rule is Commander Shepard due to the Lazarus Project.
  2. This system shall run the Paragon and Renegade system. And due to this being a text based quest, interrupts aren't a truly viable option. However, I'll put them in through the character's actions previously to the best of my capabilities.
  3. Romance: You only affect the player character's thoughts and decisions on this. Not the other character's. If you have the PC try to go for someone who's simply not interested, it's not gonna happen. If you have questions, I'll answer them.
  4. Loyalty Missions will be a thing, and they will be important. Not having someone's loyalty and trust can be. . . Problematic. And the player character may have a loyalty mission as well.
  5. You will be controlling the main character during this quest. At some points there may be decisions that impact other characters and or something that requires player input.
  6. Actions have consequences, and once the vote is locked in, the decision is final. Do what you think is best.
  7. I am open to the player character being a different species, if you give me a detailed explanation and background.

(Events prior to what is mentioned remained the same)
530 BCE: Arcosians discover the Citadel, and begin talks with the Asari and the Salarians.
500 BCE/0GS: The Citadel is formed, with the founding species being the Asari, Arcosians, and the Salarians.
1 CE: The Rachni Wars begin when the Rachni are discovered after opening a dormant relay.
80 CE: The Salarians uplift the Krogan after discovering them, in an attempt to combat the Krogan.
300 CE: The Rachni are declared extinct. The Council grants the Krogans a new homeworld, which causes their population to explode.
693 CE: The first S.p.e.c.t.r.e is appointed, a Salarian named Beelo Gurji
700 CE: The Krogan rebellions begin.
705 CE: The Arcosians uplift the Saiyans, in an attempt to fight off the Krogan. Initially, the Saiyans drive the Krogans back.
706 CE: The Citadel Council makes first contact with the Turians, and persuades them to join in the war effort to aid the now dominated Saiyan against Krogan war effort. This pushes the Krogan back, but it's only delaying the inevitable.
710 CE: The Turians unleash the Salarian created Genophage onto the Krogan, their population starts to decline.
800 CE: The Krogan Rebellions finally end. The Saiyans and Turians become the military force and the peacekeepers, having developed a kinship and a mutual trust for one another. The Citadel Conventions are drawn up after this.
820 CE: Saiyan purists rise up against the Saiyan monarchy, starting petty acts of terrorism.
825 CE: The Saiyan Civil Wars begin in earnest, the Purists hating that the Saiyans needed the help of the other races to gain galactic travel. They however, do not attack the other races off world.
828 CE: The Turians help in the effort against the Saiyan Purists.
837 CE: The Saiyan Purists are evicted off of Planet Sadala, and colonize on a planet that they rename and called Vegeta. The Saiyan Civil Wars end. The Purists are still allowed Galactic travel.
900 CE: The Turians are granted a seat on the Council for their efforts against the Krogan and helping the Saiyans. The Saiyans decline as they know they are more prone to fighting and might not have the best in mind for the universe.
1500 CE: And entire colony goes dark, those who arrive to search it find survivors, and most of the trained soldiers who had gone there wind up dead. The only surviving soldier reports a creature that was hunting them.
1987 AD(Earth's time): An elite mercenary team is hunted down one by one by a mysterious creature. Of those who came in contact, there were only two survivors. First confirmation that humanity isn't alone.
1997(Earth Timeline): Another hunter comes to Earth, this time to Los Angeles. A police officer is the one who defeated this one.
2000 CE: The Council contracts a Spectre to find out what's been causing these disappearances throughout the Citadel space, the Spectre and their team are all killed during their investigation.
2053 CE: Another Spectre comes into contact with these hunters. The two have a drawn out battle before the creature self-destructs. The Spectre survives although gravely wounded and gives a detailed report of the battle.
2072 CE: The aforementioned Spectre comes into contact with another 'Hunter' now given the name of Yautja, and dies during the battle.
2157 CE: Relay 314/First Contact War: The Turians watch humans activate a relay, which has been made illegal, and attack. The human counter attack results in the three month war period occurring, with Saiyans also entering the fray.
The Turians and Saiyans capture Shanxi, although they are evicted by the Alliance's Second Fleet one month later, although with heavy casualties.
The Council intervenes, stopping the war. They broker peace between Humanity and the Saiyan/Turian Alliance.
2176 CE: The Skyllian Blitz: Batarian pirates launch an assault on Elysium, however, the Legendary Commander Shepard rallied the colonists on Elysium, holding the colony and sealing the breach. Commander Shepard was awarded the Star of Terra for this.
2178: The Alliance launches an assault against the Batarian extremists on Torfan, ending the threat from them against humans.
2182 CE: Our story begins.


The Arcosians were one of the first three species to find their way to the Citadel, and were one of the three founding species of the Council. They are responsible for the Saiyan Uplifting against the Krogan during the Krogan Rebellions.

The Arcosians are all biotics, although not nearly as powerful as the Asari nor the Saiyans can be.

The Arcosians tend to be diplomatic, even if they are a warrior. Most of them being well mannered and polite, even if they aren't very happy with who they're interacting with. They are run by a democracy.

Arcosians also deploy special armor, due to their tails. They may also have spikes added to the armor in case of close encounters.

They all have the head 'gem'. Some have grown horns while others have not.

Hailing from the planet Sadala, Saiyans are the work force of the Galaxy. Skilled biotics with a hard work effort and many fetching warriors among them.

The Saiyans have been split between Purist Elitists and the Saiyan Kingdoms, due to the Civil War which followed the end of the Krogan Rebellions.

The Saiyan government employs a mono-democracy, where the Royal family tends to produce multiple children, and then one of those children is voted to be the next King or Queen.

Oozaru: The Saiyans have a truly unique ability, being able to gather Blutz Waves reflected from lunar bodies into themselves and turn into a decently sized ape-like creature, referred to as the Oozaru. Few can tame themselves while in this state without the use of a highly specialized implant, only certain few have been capable of doing it otherwise. The Oozaru places them at 15 feet tall, increasing their mass and strength, as well as causing their biotic abilities to increase. They have developed special armor that is flexible and durable enough to survive the transformation.

The Legend: There is a story told from generation to generation, from battles of the Krogan Rebellions and the Saiyan Civil Wars of a Saiyan warrior who was an incredibly skilled biotic, the most powerful Saiyan ever known to history. Some refer to this Saiyan as 'Super', while others simply say it's fiction, stated in some made up belief. There are no official records of a "Super Saiyan".

Saiyans have seemingly followed a similar path with humans, however they have deviated as the Saiyans have retained their tails while humans who also evolved from apes and primates do not have theirs. Other than that, Saiyans and Humans look nearly identical. The Saiyans hair tends to stop growing after they reach a certain age, and is also likely to spike and remain in that hairstyle.

Commander Shepard

The Legendary Commander Raven Shepard is a War Hero, who hails from space. She's known for her skillful use of biotics and calm demeanor. She's also been a paragon of virtue, following her heart in combat and her moral compass. She knows she's in the spotlight, and will now make a bad name for humanity on the galactic front.

The Temperance
The Temperance is a one of a kind frigate designed with both stealth and assault in mind. A large amount of credits and resources from the various races in Citadel space have gone towards this advanced ship. Although, the ship would be considered a jack of all trades, not an ace. This will be the ship that is used throughout the mission.

The Temperance was also granted the usage of a M35 Mako, with it being stated than an Alliance Soldier be the only one allowed to drive the Mako.


Character Profiles: Below are the character options. Make your choice of character, whether they are Paragon, Paragade, or Renegade. Then choose if you want Biotics.

The character will be fully defined through the quest.

[]Alexandra Grant, N7. Human Female.
[]Marcus Brody, N7. Human Male.
[]Sarix Leerus, Asari Commando.(Automatically Biotic)
[]Lenessa Meto, Asari Doctor.(Automatically Biotic.)
[]Notious Arlos, Turian Military, Male
[]Velia Sevitus, Turian Military, Female.
[]Roto, Saiyan Elite Forces, Male(Automatically Biotic.)
[]May, Saiyan Elite Forces, Female(Automatically Biotic.)

Can they use Biotics? (Y/N)
[]Paragon Bonus
[]Renegade Bonus
[]Paragade Bonus
[]No Bonus.

(All credit goes to the artists, I did not draw those and could not have.)

The Current Vote:

As of now we are simply deciding who and what the main character will be.

I shall be giving this roughly a week. At the halfway point, I shall take the available names given and place them in a separate vote.
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FYI: Read the line about Biotics being responsible for the Oozaru and just closed the page. Came back to at least warn you that some people will probably find that annoying.
I have redesigned the character selection between 8 characters, simply copy the name and post it below. Note if they are to have Biotics or not.