Marveling at a Range of Stars (Buffy/Power Rangers/Star Wars/Marvel)

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Summary: A cop, a jungle girl, a witch, a paleontologist, and an astronaut all sat in a spaceship. No, this is not the setup for a joke. It is the situation Buffy and her friends found themselves in late on Halloween night.

Based on the Ship of the Line BtVS Challenge and the fic Power of the Stars by Texaswookie
Halloween pt 1

Rupert Giles blinked at the sudden voice and looked down to find its source scowling up at him. Principal Snyder, the tyrant of a mid-sized high school and Giles' nominal boss.

"I-I beg your pardon?" He stuttered as the other man narrowed his eyes.

"I said, you've been volunteered." He said, crossing his arms. "I need a member of the faculty to watch the drop off for the trick-or-treating event tonight. Some parents can't handle the idea that their gremlins would be watched by teenagers even a handful of minutes sooner. Not that I can blame them. So, I'm volunteering you for the job."

"I, why me?"

The other man snorted, "Because you'll be here anyway. Scurrying in your library, fretting over some book. A few moments away from… that won't gather too much dust on the shelves."

While that was a fairly decent point Giles was quite sure he did not enjoy the phrasing. And while he would like to refuse he couldn't think of an immediate excuse. Not one that wouldn't risk his cover within the school.

"Very well." He sighed, resigning himself. Suffering another one of the many trivial tasks being a school librarian forced upon him. "When will I need to be here?"

"Five PM, on the dot. I want you and the other volunteered to be here before those hooligans can start anything." The little man moved as if to leave, allowing for the library door to slowly ease open. Then quickly shut as he spun around. "And costumes. You need a costume, it is a holiday after all."

He seemed to get a cruel kind of joy at watching the grimace on GIles' face form. When he finally walked away, far down the hall and around a corner, the library door opened to a beautiful woman letting out a large sigh of relief.

"I thought he would never leave." Jenny Calendar muttered, sweeping back her hair and giving him an apologetic smile. "Sorry for leaving you behind like that but-"

"Oh, I completely understand." He assured her, smiling as she laid a hand on his arm. "Wouldn't want to get entangled with any extra school events now would we?"

"Not after that Valentine's Day fiasco last year, no." She gave a mock shudder as he went to lock the doors behind her. "Speaking of, what are you going as?"

"I'm, uh, not sure. Something low effort I'm sure." He said, hesitating as they walked down the hallway and looking at her from the corner of his eye. "I do own a leather jacket. Perhaps I could go as that Malcolm fellow from that movie we watched. Ah, Jurassic Park?"

"A leather jacket? My, how scandalous." Jenny teased, "Were you a bad boy once upon a time Rupert?"

"I believe the colloquial term is 'I plead the fifth."

She barked out a laugh and his heart skipped.

"Glad to see you're getting used to the local lingo, English." She said before giving him a considering glance. "But, that's a no on Malcolm. I see you more as an Alan."

Giles gave her a wounded look, "I do believe I could pull off a Malcolm."

"Nah, not enough of a fuddy duddy for you. The smart dad figure on the other hand…"

"I'll have you know I'm not always a 'fuddy duddy', as you say."

"I'm getting you the hat. There's a cute little costume shop that just opened up near me, I can grab one there."

"I'm going as Malcolm."

"Sure you are."


Buffy watched her mentor walk away, arm in arm with the attractive computer teacher. Which was simultaneously cute and ew. It was also beside the point.

"Looks like the coast is clear Will." She said, edging around the corner with her friend. They had been waiting there since their troll of a principal stomped towards the library. He had already cornered them once, forcing them to be chaperones for a bunch of elementary schoolers. She didn't want to even guess what he'd try if he saw them again.

"It also looks like he locked his doors." She muttered as she gave the door an experimental pull. Now while she could break the lock, with a literal flick of the wrist, she didn't want to go that far. Giles would get irritated at her, then he'd lecture her, which was no fun.

"We could wait until later?" Her red-haired friend offered with a rather weak smile.

Buffy pouted, thinking it over before shaking her head. One, Giles looked like he was probably going to be busy for a while, again ew. Two, she didn't want to waste any more of her costume buying time waiting for a chance to look at some stuffy old Watcher Journals. Who needed them anyway! If she needed to know more about Angel she'd ask him!

And if he wanted to turn his head at some vampire floozie then she would turn it right back. She'd show him just what he was missing!

"C'mon Wills, we got some shopping to do!"


When Xander found the girls there was already a small pile of costumes starting to build up. Buffy seemed in the process of picking up each costume off the wrack, examining it, and tossing it back with not so faint disgust. Willow, meanwhile, stood off to the side, a ghost costume held close to her chest as she watched Buffy with a wary eye.

When Willow saw him her face lit up with relief.

"Xander, hey!" She exclaimed, waving him over and perking Buffy's attention. He took a breath and decided to rip the bandaid off. His pride still hurt but Buffy was still his friend. So he could do this, probably.

Heedless of his discomfort Willow bowled her way through the pleasantries and got to the heart of the holiday. "What'd you get?"

He held up the toy rifle he found in the discount bin.

"That's not a costume," Buffy said flatly, giving it a bit of a glare before directing it to Willow's own choice.

Xander bristled a little bit as she turned away from him. The sting to his pride singing again even as he plastered on a smile for Willow. "I got fatigues from an Army surplus at home. Call me the Two-Dollar Costume King, baby!"

Willow smiles at him but he could tell that she knew something was up. It was probably obvious, he wasn't so good with the whole 'hiding his feelings' thing, not around her at least. Not around either of them apparently as Buffy's eyes focused on him, like a hawk spotting a mouse. He felt about as pinned.

"Hey, Xander? Look…" She paused as he turned towards her, toy gun pointed in her direction. "About this morning, I'm really sorry."

Xander grimaced, "Do you mind? I'm trying to repress here."

"Okay, how about this? Next time I'll just let you get pummeled." She offered, even giving a hug to seal the deal.

"Thanks." He said with a roll of his eyes but returned the hug. "Maybe keep that promise to guys who can get a suntan? I'm pretty sure I can take them."

"Uh-huh." She said, smiling up at him as they ended the hug.

"What? I totally could! I've got some muscles now, see?" He flexed a bit to show that, yes, he did in fact have some muscles there. He was no bodybuilder, but it was there!

The girls gave him his proper appreciation. Between their giggles, but credit was given. And all was well, until Buffy snagged their costumes.

"Hey!" They yelled in unison, trying to swipe their costumes back. Unfortunately, her Slayer reflexes made it an unfair match.

"Nuh-uh." She said, zig zagging her prizes away from her friends' reaching hands. "You guys aren't doing Halloween right! I'm not allowing this!" She waved a finger at them both, the ghost costume swinging in her grip. "Halloween is 'come as you aren't' day not 'let me get the cheapest and most boring choices'. A soldier and a ghost? Really?"

"Some of us like cheap, thank you very much." Xander said stiffly before pausing, "Wait. Rephrase that."

"And ghosts are a classic choice! It's spooky. Like Halloween!"

Buffy rolled her eyes. "And that's all Halloween is about? That certainly explains all the clown and Power Ranger costumes I see every year." She pointed a finger, cutting off his 'clowns are evil' comment before it could form. "The point is, Halloween isn't JUST about being scary. It's a part of it, sure, but the costumes are more than that. They let you be what you're scared of being. Be a little goofy, be a little sexy, get into character, have fun! Be what you want to be, not what's convenient!"

There was a beat of silence before someone said "Wow, that's a good point."

The three friends turned to stare at a small grouping of familiar looking nerds who scurried off. Though not before dropping some of their off-the-rack costumes back on the shelf. A few other people seemed to be taking their example. Putting back what they had in hand, and wandering further into the store.

The guy at the register seemed ecstatic about the whole thing. Probably the owner or something.

"Anyway," Buffy said, drawing her friends' attention back to her. "You are not going as… these."

"Oh, and what are you going as Miss Smarty Pants?" Xander asked, arms crossed and giving a bit of a scowl.

"Something sexy and wild." She said with a grin that became a bit teasing as she saw his scowl start to morph into something intrigued. "Have to show Angel what he's ignoring."

The scowl returned but he was still interested, very interested. "I recommend spandex."

Buffy snorted before jerking her captured ghost costume out of range of a creeping Willow hand. The redhead tried a few more swipes before she let out a whine of "Buufffy!"

"Nope. I'm putting my foot down here." She said, going so far as to toss the costume at the top of a shelf, two aisles over. "No ghosts."

Willow's face started to match her hair, a mix of embarrassment and frustration with more than a hint of anger. "But I like ghosts! And, and, I can't do the sexy thing" Her voice became quieter with every word, painfully so. "I'll just end up looking like a spaz."

Xander looked between the two girls, feeling very much confused and starting in on worried. He thought he was going to have to say something to help his Willow out of her funk but Buffy acted quicker.

She reached out, placing a hand on her friend's shoulder and forcing them to meet eyes. "You don't have to do sexy." She said gently, "I'm going to be doing enough of that for both of us, but you are going to be adventurous. For me if not for you? Aim for… cute?"

Willow chewed at her lip, obviously torn but she did give a nod. And Buffy beamed at her, even hugging her. A hug where she gave Xander the 'I'm watching you' gesture over her shoulder.

He held his hands up in surrender, he knew a losing battle when he saw one. "I'll find something cool, jeez!" As long as it was under twenty dollars, he needed the rest for twinkie supplies.

They shopped around a bit more and Buffy, despite her speech, ended up taking the longest. Xander quickly found a faux NASA jacket that he instantly fell in love with. Willow meanwhile kept trying to sneak a ghost costume. Right up until Buffy forced a rather conservative witch costume into her hands.

"No ghosts." She said, digging through another bin for something. "You are at least showing your face tonight. Ah!"

She smiled as she pulled out a wrapped costume, faux leopard print obvious even from a distance. The image on the front promised a costume with a bare midriff and a plunging neckline. Xander wasn't sure if it was okay by school rules but he approved and, apparently, so did Buffy.



Cordelia did not stomp through the halls of Sunnydale high, she was too grateful for that. Ask anyone.

What she did was stride aggressively.

Paths cleared for her as she met the various eyes around her with a painted smile. She looked good, she knew it, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with it. Especially because she was in the wrong costume!

Everyone was changing their costume up last minute and her desired sexy cat outfit. Instead, she had to go to some run down startup and get stuck with a sexy cop costume. A faux uniform of navy blues and pink trims that relied more on exposed legs than curves to be 'sexy'. It was a complete waste of her figure but it's what she had to deal with.

She was going to show that no good idiot Devon what he had stood up. Just because he was the lead singer of some small town band didn't mean jack, not in the face of Cordelia Chase. The Ingrate!

She paused and sniffed at the thought, staying still long enough for her eyes to take in the crowd at the front of the school. The usual set of dorks was around, each in their own cheesy little costumes.

A jungle woman, really? She thought Summers was \better than that. Even if she turned out to be a freak. Probably trying to get Angel's interest back, good luck with that. Rosenberg seemed to have branched out with a flowy witch's costume, still plain. The librarian didn't look too bad with his black button down. Though the image was completely ruined by a red handkerchief around his neck and a straw hat. Harris wasn't worth mentioning.

She stiffened as she felt a tug at her skirt, fury starting to boil up from her gut as she whirled around. Said fury sputtered out as she stared down at a little teary face holding up a wristband for her. "My friends don't want to play with these anymore. Do you want one?" The little kid asked, snot threatening to leave his nostril.

She bent down, by the knees so she didn't jump start his puberty, and looked him in the eye. "What is it?"

He sniffed, "I made them for our costumes but they changed their minds. We're going as the Village People now." Which did explain his firefighter costume. "But I didn't want to go as the Village People so I made these but they don't want to but yesterday they said it would be a cool idea."

"Okay, okay. Calm down." She said looking at the offered wristband. It was an ugly gray thing made of rubber bands of painted bottle caps. "What is it again?"

He told her and she snorted, but she still took it because she wasn't a monster. "Y'know who would love these? See those four over there? They'd be thrilled to have them."


"Really." With that, the little munchkin made his way to the loser squad and Cordelia tucked the bracelet into one of her many pockets. Seriously, the skimpy costume had more pockets in it than most of her daily wear.

With her good deed done for the day she continued her stride into the school. Devon's stupid bandmate was probably still lazing around somewhere. If she couldn't find the snake she might as well yell at his puppy.


Willow adjusted her dress as another gust of wind pulled it much too tight. Buffy had said it would be cute but she found she was showing more of her nonexistent curves than she was comfortable with. Yes, she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts underneath but that didn't stop the embarrassment.

Pulling at the brim of her witch's hat she pointed the way to the next house with her wand. "Let's." She started, trying to think of something cleverly Halloween-y to say before giving up. "Let's head over there, please."

They trailed after her, bouncing from sugar and excitement. They technically shouldn't have eaten any of their candy yet, razor blades and all that, but Willow couldn't keep an eye on all of them at once.

"C'mon guys." She said, waving them along up to the door.

"Trick or Treat!" They screamed in unison as the door opened. The old woman on the other side gushed over them as she dug into the bowl of her candy.

Then Willow blinked and Madison opened her eyes. Dazed and confused she looked around a town that very much wasn't Briarwood. It felt disgusting. The air here was a bowl of tar compared to her hometown's misty tingle.

She jumped as someone screamed, literally right next to her. Spinning around she found an old woman scrambling away from a pair of battling… imps? They certainly didn't look like any Morlocks she had ever seen.

Still, she kicks them apart, more out of instinct than anything else. "Hey! Stop that!" She even raised her wand as a threat, the glowing blue tip more than enough to send the pair scurrying away.

"Hmph." She harrumphed, satisfied the fighting was over. Until she looked up and down the street where dozens of such fights were sparking. People were running, screaming, away from various monsters of all kinds. Some of them even looked a bit familiar. "Um, ma'am I think you better get-" the door slammed shut and a half dozen locks sounded behind the thick wood. "Do that… okay then."

Madison made her way to the street, unsure of what to do. Well, more than try and scare away the creatures chasing after the screaming humans.

Her wrist started to speak, a crackling sound from a bracelet she doesn't remember wearing. "This is Andros the Red Space Ranger. I'm here with the Yellow Galactic Ranger. Does anyone else hear me?"

There was a pause, then a series of beeps.

"Black Dino Thunder Ranger here." A voice eventually responded. "Man, it's been forever since I've used one of these."

Then another voice, "SPD 5 Pink Ranger responding. Does anyone have a clue on what's going on here? Or where here is? Or even when?"

Madison fumbled a bit as she pressed the button on the side, "Uh, Blue Mystic Ranger. I think there's a spell going on but everything is so chaotic, I can't get a good read of it. What are we going to do?"

"Meet up," two voices said at once, both of the men from earlier. Though the older ceded to the younger. "We'll meet up and make a plan then. Until then gather information on your way and stay safe.

That seemed easier said than done but she would do her best. This night may look crazy but there were Power Rangers there to set things right.
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Halloween pt 2
It was Halloween night and the air was positively filled with screams. A sound that made the local nightlife roll their eyes. They couldn't believe someone would, or even could, be that gaudy. That cliché. Especially in their town.

Attacking humans on Halloween of all days? It was so much better to just curl up on what was to be a quiet night and snack on a fresh kitten or two. At least that's what the local demon population thought. Ethan Rayne was never much for decorum, especially when it came to a good time. His good time to be more precise. Other people's enjoyment was much lower on his priority and care list.

He hummed to himself as he examined his spell, specifically the bust that laid at the focal point. He had been a bit unsure about invoking the name of Janus for his spell. The god was all about the orderly transition of things and he was a chaos worshiper. Not exactly the usual bedfellows there. But, despite his misgivings, things were going off without a hitch!

The very nature of the god, the one that worried him so, flowed seamlessly with his intent. And with a bit of siphoning from the local Hellmouth's ambient energy, well, he thought the results spoke for themselves. He even gave the air a chef's kiss to show his appreciation.

A whole town, or at least those who bought from his humble shop, had been transformed into their costumes. An easy enough concept to think of but hell and a half to pull off.

Hopefully, it would be enough to rouse the attention of his old friend. If not, well, at least he had a bit of fun.

Ethan blinked as the bell to his shop's front rang. "That was quicker than expected." He said. Tapping his lips. Not even an hour in and someone has already come banging at his door. It should have been longer, he took the usual precautions.

Peering into the main room he spied three figures advancing down the rows of costumes. There were three men, each terrifying in their own way, but one, in particular, struck a nervous cord in him.

"Oh, I most certainly did not sell those costumes." He muttered, interested despite the sinking feeling in his gut. Said interest fled as he was dragged from his feet to stare into a deeply scarred face.

It smiled at him.


She had never been to this planet, of that Maya was sure. The buildings and roads reminded her of Terra Venture, but she had never experienced the feeling of the land. That icy hot sensation that stabbed along her skin? She had never felt something so dark, something so starkly evil.

Not even Scorpius, Trakeena, or even the Psycho Rangers compared.

This was likely why she didn't find herself shocked to see monsters attacking people. How far said monsters flew when she kicked them? Now THAT was a surprise.

Shocking enough that the rest of the creatures scattered from the street, those that saw that is. Maya narrowed her eyes after them but her priorities, thus her attention, put the people ahead of everything else.

"Are you alright?" She asked, crouching down and offering her hand.

The woman, a teen really, ignored the hand and picked herself up. She then patted herself off and proceeded to rush away without so much as a thank you.

"Well, that was rude." She said, eyes tracking the girl as she ran down the street and into a nearby home.

Somewhat certain the girl would be safe Maya moved along herself. She crouched behind vehicles that seemed less bulky than those on Terra Venture, holding less purpose in their design. Or so it seemed to her. It felt a bit silly to be skulking as she was but circumstances compelled her to try.

Circumstances like somehow ending up on an unknown world, again. This time surrounded by dozens of strange creatures.

What she wouldn't give for half a clue on what was going on. Or a familiar sight to ground herself.

She soon found herself with a bit of the latter when a familiar battle cry rang through the air.


She rushed to the sound, chasing after her first sign of normal. But instead of finding one of her friends, as she had hoped, she found herself looking at one of their brothers. And he was surrounded.

"Andros!" She yelled, racing towards the fight.

The creatures around Andris felt the same as the little ones she scared off a moment ago, exactly the same. They were ill placed and their presence seemed like a twist in the world. They weren't natural, they didn't belong. Every creature felt this way. The only difference between these and the ones she faced was that most were quite a bit taller. Not that it seemed to be helping them much.

The air rang with an electronic voice, "1" it called out along with another battle cry from Andros. Red energy ignited around his fist and connected for a devastating effect.

The hairy creature rolled across the pavement. Sparks trailing after it in a light show that made the other would be attackers search for easier prey. Leaving their once ally on the ground groaning in unconscious pain.

Andros, like her, stared after the creatures as they ran but did not move to follow. Instead, his head turned. His eyes focused on her face as she approached.

"Maya?" He asked, as if unsure it was her. And she felt much the same. He looked… different. She couldn't quite put her finger on what it was but he was different. Maybe it was the shorter hair? Or maybe it was because he lacked his usual blonde streaks? Whatever the case she knew it was hiking, his usual uniform over a red shirt gave him away. As did his next question. "Is Karone here too?"

"I…don't know." She said, denial dying at her lips. If she and Andros had somehow ended up on this twisted version of Terra Venture, well, who was to say if Karone or anyone else could be there or not?

Andros gave her a long stare before bringing his wrist up to his mouth. "This is Andros, the Red Space Ranger. I'm here with the yellow Galactic Ranger. Does anyone else read me?"

As he spoke Maya heard a small echo coming from her own wrist. Looking down she spotted a silver bracelet that hadn't been there before. She squinted her eyes at it, suspicious, then jerked back as a new voice beeped through.

"Black Dino Thunder Ranger here." The voice said, older and sounding wistful towards the end as they muttered. "Man, it's been forever since I've used one of these."

A second voice cut in. "S.P.D. 5 Pink Responding. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? Or where, or even when, this is?"

"Um," A third voice started. "This is the Blue Mystic Ranger, I think this is a spell but I can't get a good read on it. Everything is too chaotic and wide. What should we do?"

Andros clocked the sides of the watch like device again.

"Meet up." He said on chorus wiry the Black Dino Ranger. Both paused before Andros went on. "We'll meet up first. From there we can make a solid plan of action together."

"Sounds good." Dino Thunder said. "Where do we meet up?"

Andros looked around and spotted what looked like a street sign, the color offensively off to Maya's eyes. He read off the name he spied, asking if the others were nearby.

"I have no idea where that is." "Ditto." Two of the Rangers said while the Mystic Ranger let out a surprised sound.

"Oh! I'm on that street!" She exclaimed, "I'm waving, do you see me?"

They did, a red haired girl in a blue dress was waving and looking around. Maya waved back and beckoned the other girl over.

Andros nodded as he spotted the girl walking towards them. "Alright, I think it'd be best if we kept moving. Things are a bit busy wherever there was. Read out the street signs as you pass them, help who you can, and stay safe." He mulled something over for a moment before adding, "May the Power protect you."

Maya had never heard the phrase before but if that's heavy, important.

There was a pause followed by a heartfelt "You too. See you soon" from the Black Dino Thunder Ranger.

Andros turned towards Maya and the new arrival, jerking his head to the side. "Let's go."

As they jogged Maya found out the other girl's name. Maddison, or Maddie as she insisted, was a sorceress of some trying and power. Something she was using to great effect as they made their way through the strange settlement.

Globes of water and bursts of force scattered the attacked monsters as they passed. Her strange wand more effective than even Andros's Battlizer Gauntlet and its flares of red energy. But Maddie could do more than that. Something that both her fellow Rangers felt was vastly more important.

"There's magic here" She started to explain, stumbling a bit as she worked out what to say. "Like, more than any spell would call for. If I had to guess this town is on or near some sort of nexus of magical power. One that's not nearly as friendly as the Forest back home."

Maya nodded her head at that. The air was as Vile as anything she could imagine.

"Can you track the spell?" Andros asked, "Find the source?"

"Maybe? It's not exactly my specialty and it's kinda buried underneath all of-" She gestured her hand vaguely in the air. "This. It would be easier if I knew what to look for, what the spell did."

"It brought us here?" Andros offered

"These creatures as well," Maya added. "They don't feel as if they belong here."

"Well, yeah, most monsters don't."

Maya shook her head. "No, more than that. It's like, it's like someone blanketed them in something and wrenched them into place." Maya squinted at her flower Rangers, getting a feel for them. "You two feel like that too."

"So whatever this spell is, it's still going and affecting us?" Maddie muttered, waving her mechanical wand in the air with the blue tip glowing as she pressed a few buttons. "It is! You can feel that?"

"I've always been able to sense things." Though that extra sense of hers felt stronger since she arrived, heightened. Like her strength. Was it a part of the spell? No, no that didn't feel right.

It was something else, something within her not being caster on her. It wasn't the Quasar Saber or the Lights of Orion. It was a deep rooted thing, a shadow to their brightness.

Whatever it was, it wasn't malevolent nor was it one of her current issues.

"Could you track it?" Andros repeated, focusing them back on the task at hand. But she could only answer him with a shake of her head. He sighed and sweet back his short hair. "Okay, we're going to keep moving then. Hopefully, we'll find a direction to go by the time we find the others."

"Until you find that Black Ranger you mean." A brown haired woman said as she approached. She wore an outfit not unlike the Galactic Space Alliance. A crisp uniform accented with a color that likely signified some rank. In this woman's case, that color was Pink.

It was a bit revealing compared to GSA uniforms but who was she to judge?

The new Ranger gave them a winning smile.

"Sydney Drew, SPD." Offering a hand to each of them. "I'm assuming you're the other Rangers? Y'know, considering the color coding. The Academy's History lessons taught me that was to look for in case of temporal events."

The three looked down, taking note of their clothes. A red undershirt, yellow skirt and top, and blue witch's dress. Maya had never thought of it like that before but when she thought of her and Andros's teams she saw the pattern there too.

"History lessons?" Maddie asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm from the future." She said with a bit of a shrug. "Just a few decades but all your teams are in the archives. Not going to be giving out spoilers though. Sorry."

There was a pause as they digested that but Andros pushed them on. Bringing up his communicator and contacting their last Ranger. "We just met up with Pink, are you close by?"

"Depends, are you guys near Elm or East Boulevard?"


"Then I'm still pretty far off. You guys keep going, I'll catch up when I can. I always do."

"Alright, try to stay in contact." Andros said before filling both him and Sydney, in on what they figured out. It wasn't much, not something to really go on, but it was progress. A clue.

Something Syd seemed to latch onto.

"And you can't track it?"

"No, everything that doesn't fit is blanketed by the same spell. Everything reads the same and it's spread out in every direction."

"And you scanned all of us? The monsters?"

"Not the monsters, not yet at least, but all four of us are basically radiating the same spell."

"A spell that you don't know the effect or origin of." Syd crossed her arms and gave Maddie a flat stare.

Maddie threw her hands up in the air with an exasperated, "Yes!"

To this Sydney only hummed, looking from the girl to around them. "Now, I don't know much about magic but I know a thing or two about decorations. Does anyone else notice what day it is?"

Maya looked around and it did indeed look as if there had been some festival taking place. Carved vegetables at the front of every home with a theme of bats and cobwebs just about everywhere. What day it was or what the decorations meant? Well, for that she could only share a blank look with Andros.

Maddison, meanwhile, slapped her forehead with a groan. "Halloween."

Maya shared another quick look with Andros. "Is that some Earth Holiday?"

"How don't you know about Halloween?" Maddie asked.

And, in her own way, Syd answered both questions. "Oh yeah, you two are aliens. Right."

"Aliens?" Maddie interrupted and was summarily ignored.

"Anyway, the basic gist of it is that people, usually kids, dress up in costumes today. Usually as scary monsters, or superheroes, or something cute."

"I think Ashley mentioned this once." Andros muttered before dragging himself back to the point. "You think this holiday has something to do with the spell that brought us here?"

"Well, yeah." She said as if it were obvious. And it was, for her. Maddison as well as she put the last pieces together

"People were turned into their costumes." Maddie's face twisted with the words. "Someone cast a spell to turn people into their costumes, and that includes us."

There was another pause as Andros and Maya made the connection themselves. Their faces twisting in a mirror to Maddie's disquiet.

"So, we're not us?"

Maddie shrugged, her face still contorted in thought and unease. "I don't know. Maybe we switched places with whoever dressed as us. Maybe our minds are overlapping or even possessing their... Or we are just approximations of what they dressed as."

None of those options sat well with them. And it was made no better when another thought bubbled out of Maya.

"Does that mean the creatures we fought…" Her eyes started to widen as something gripped her heart. She looked at Syd. "You said children dress up?"

The face she made told Maya that the other Ranger had the exact same thought. "I'd rather give them a few bruises now instead of just letting them hurt someone else."

While none of them could disagree, their grimaces remained. Maya made a private promise to herself to pull her punches as much as she was able for the rest of the night. Especially with how strong said punches were that night.

Was that from her… host?

And that brought up another question

"Why would anyone dress as us?" She asked out loud and received an immediate response.

"Why wouldn't they?" Syd asked rhetorically. "We're Power Rangers. And we're going to make whoever did this regret bringing us here."

That seemed to be enough of an answer for the group, it even elicited some smiles and smirks. Still, that didn't feel quite right to Maya. In fact, it felt profoundly wrong. But she ignored that feeling in favor of moving on.

And move they did.

Despite facing monsters and creatures straight from humanity's nightmarish imagination the unmorphed Rangers swept through. That same synergy of before was boosted further by Syd's own unique abilities.

Abilities that, with a single touch to a light pole, turned the woman's fist into literal steel. A fist of metal that she used with great experience and skill. It wasn't often that she had to strike anything more than twice.

Though Maya was glad to notice that the others, much like her, were holding back compared to before.

Not that the people they rescued seemed to notice or care about either way. Running away with little more than a scream or a backward glance. Which, in honesty, was a fair and smart reaction. But a thank you would have been nice.

They had just cleared another street when it happened.

A ripple swept through the air, unseen but latching. Gripping onto the magic that had wrapped around her, the Rangers, every creature on the street and kept going. The magic seemed to flicker then expand. Weaving into the vile energy that permeated the air and dragged it along. Maya looked up as the mingling energies stretched towards the sky and pierced the cloud, further.

"That's not good." She muttered as the others recovered from their shudders.

"What was that?" Someone demanded only for Maddie to scream the answer.

"Someone is altering the spell!" She yelled, her head swinging as she looked for the source.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. '' She gripped her wand, the blue tip glowing fiercely. "But it can't be anything good! We need to find them!"

"And where are they?"

"I don't know!"

"I do." Maya pointed towards where the ripple started. Where the air seemed to pulse and darken. "It's that way!"

The others looked at her for all of a second before nodding, trusting her.

They started to run, following Maya's directions as they rushed down street after street. The transformed creatures seemed to be in a daze. Blankly staring forward or lashing out at literal nothing. Andros was on his communicator the whole run.

"-towards it now. Try to make it if you can."

"This is getting ridiculous." The older voice growled. "I'm going to try something. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you soon."

There was no response from him for all of a moment, then there was a crack of Thunder. A bolt of black energy slammed to the side of them, flaring in their eyes and then dissipating as quickly. When the spots left their eyes they saw what the bolt had left behind, a passenger in a black shirt.

Andros squinted his eyes as the newcomer started to stride toward them. "Tommy?" He asked incredulously.

The man nodded, giving Andros a tight smile. "Good to see you again. You look good, younger. We can talk about it when we have more time. But right now I believe we've got some running to do."

The two men gave each other another smile and clasped hands before bursting into a run. Maya bolted after them, quickly taking the lead as she was the one who actually knew where they were going. Meanwhile, Syd and Maddie hung back long enough to share an eye roll.


With the Rangers finally gathered they came upon the epicenter of the spell. It was an unassuming place, a costume shop in a half empty and ill repaired plaza.

"Ethan's." Tommy read out loud, the sight of the sign turning something ugly in his gut. He wondered why.

Maddison stepped next to him, eyes squinting as she tried to peer into the shop's darkened windows. "A costume shop? I guess that makes sense."

Tommy winced at the reminder. They had explained to him what they thought was going on while on their way over. He didn't want it to be true but he had seen stranger things and it had made too much sense

"So, how do we handle this?" Andros asked. "One group through the front, the other through the back?"

"Wait? Wouldn't it be better to stick together? Because, you know, strength in numbers." Maya asked, rubbing at her arms from the growing chill.

"I second that. It's always a bad idea to separate the group in horror movies. Which we seem to be in." Maddie said, backing her up.

"Not if they have their own numbers inside." Syd countered, her breath frosting. "We don't want to be boxed in with whoever is in there and a dozen of their closest friends. Better to pinch them in."

The wind hissed and ran a shiver down Maya's spine. "There's at least two of them in there. They are the worst things I've felt tonight." Maya gave a second shiver as the wind hissed again.

"Well, if we're doing this who's going with who? Maddie asked, frowning as the wind hissed louder. Only there was no wind, there wasn't so much as a breeze.

A bell rang, a small little door chime that grabbed everyone's attention. Five heads turned towards the source and each one of them jerked back as a large figure came striding out of the building.

Each of them disturbed by the black Armored figure approaching them but only one immediately reacted. Of the five only two recognized who was coming but only one of them truly understood the danger they were in. Only one of them worked in a comic book store and saw what the character could really do.

"Morph!" Maddie yelled, already typing the needed spell into her wand. "Morph now!"

There was no time to argue, nor was there a desire to. Not when a blade of red plasma ignited in the man's hand. He regarded the group behind a dark and expressionless mask. His hissing breath rang one last time before the battle started.

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Any guesses on who the 2 other Star Wars costumes are before the next chapter comes out in the next few days?

sidenote: I'll post an information chap tomorrow to explain to non-Buffy fans what Ship of the Line is.
Gave that a quick edit because damn, put it through google docs check and grammarly so I'm hoping it's better. If anyone sees anything else let me know.

edit: fuck, grammarly undid all the changes when i copied it. I'm going to be. I'll fix it tommorow.
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I have to say, this has to be one of the least contrived situations to get them all to wear different costumes. Well done.
Halloween pt 3
Okay, edited the last two as well as I could with Grammarly and Hemmingway. Hopefully it helped. Anyway, I'm breaking up the fight scene into two bits, I think it flows a bit better but it does make this chapter shot. Pt 4 should be out by Saturday, weddings and children willing.

Marveling at a Range of Stars pt 3

To each a different gesture, to each a different call, but to each the same gift.

Rocketing into the galaxy a mystical force answered their emergency call, powering them up in a barrage of fractal colors. Light flowed over them, wrapping around them and solidifying into something like cloth. Not quite spandex, not quite vinyl, each wore form fitting outfits of similar but radically different designs.

A ferocious warrior in Black. A series of golden triangles lined his sides with a bestial maw forming the visor of his helmet.

An electrifying swordswoman in Yellow. A white breastplate across her chest and a wolf glaring from above her visor. In her hand was an ornamental sword with a wolf design at its hilt.

An explorer in Red. Five squares of color running along his chest and a circuit board visible in his helmet.

An officer in Pink, her left arm dyed black from the wrist up where it formed a large number '5' over half her torso.

And, lastly, a mage in Blue. Her short blue cape flapped as she raised her axe like wand into the air.

They stood in a line, excess energy burning and bursting behind them. The night illuminated as they posed, weapons drawn into fantastical battle ready stances.

"Power Rangers!" They yelled as the last of the energy died behind them.

The man standing let out a raspy breath, his own cape flapping behind him from the remnants of the explosion.

"Unimpressive." He breathed, dismissing the display of power with a flick of a finger.

The Red Ranger went flying, tumbling across the asphalt even as the others rushed forward. Most of the others, Pink had started to circle around while Blue stood her ground.

She placed her wand to her forehead, holding still as the fin shaped gem glowed brighter and brighter. A nearby fire hydrant burst, water gushing into the air before slithering towards her like a rushing snake. With a yell, "Ha!", she thrust her wand forward and the coils of water followed.

Slipping between the charging Black and Yellow the stream slammed forward. The geyser splashed as it met its target, who didn't move an inch. Who kept his steady advance. Who didn't have a single drop of water touch his armored form.

The rush of water splayed and separated feet away from his open hand. His breath remained a steady rasp, uncaring of the oncoming attack. In his other hand a red blade hummed, water hissing as stray droplets met the heat of the weapon.

A weapon he swung casually as the Yellow Ranger rushed towards him, she answered with an upward swing. Behind her, someone yelled a warning but she wouldn't hear it over her own war cry. "HIYAH!"

Her ornamental blade met the red bar of heat and her opponent paused. Yellow energy sparked from her blade as she struggled to match his strength, it was frankly inhuman. Especially considering her newfound strength. The creature, for this was no human, regarded the white star of energy where their weapons met.

"Interesting." He spoke, another raspy exhale gushing from the triangular grill of where his mouth would be. His voice was a solid baritone that chilled her, literally and spiritually. This creature was not right. As unnatural as a Psycho Ranger, more so. "But not enough."

He pushed her blade down, guiding her momentum and power to stumble that sent her tumbling behind him. Out of his way as he quickly parried a quick succession of attacks from the Black Ranger. "EYIAH!" the Ranger yelled, his rapier like weapon lighting up the night with every collision with their enemy's blade.

Even as the creature faced the quick onslaught he made enough time to block a burst of pink laser fire aimed at his back. The Pink Ranger only stopped her fire when the bolts started flying back. "Whoa!"

He regarded them all, hand still raised and blocking the stream of water. The small parking lot flooded as the Rangers cautiously surrounded the dark figure. The figure's feet crunched on freezing water, slowly turning to regard each of his opponents.

"You possess interesting equipment." He said, still uncaring of Blue's efforts. "I look forward to scavenging them from your corpses."

"Okay, seriously, who IS this guy?" Pink asked, her blaster still raised and trained. "He looks like that guy from those ancient movies."

"He IS the guy from those movies! He's Darth Vader!" Blue yelled, finally letting go of her command of the stream. Swiping her wand up to form several spheres of water, each of them hovering at the ready. "HE can move things with his mind, is a cyborg, and has a lightsaber that can deflect lasers and cut through almost anything!"

Yellow held her own saber up to the ready, "Well, he can't cut through our weapons."

"As a team, we can beat him!" Black said, turning the dial at the hilt of his weapon.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Red said, holstering his blaster to summon a large drill like sword.

With another rasp the dark figure, Darth Vader, raised his now freed hand in a clenched fist. "If you believe that is the limit of my power, that your mere teamwork will be enough, then you are painfully mistaken." With that statement hanging in the air he splayed his fingers, and the air bubbled.

A sphere of force rushed along the wet asphalt and sent the Yellow and Black Rangers skidding back. Pink lasers streamed through the air with deadly accuracy only to be summarily deflected and avoided as the monster advanced.

Spheres of half frozen water rushed towards the Blue Ranger. She struggled to control her own element as Vader redirected them again and again. Ever closer the dark figure advanced, only to jump back as a whirling blade slammed down.

The Red Ranger pushed back his hand, "Keep up the pressure! We'll keep him off you!" He yelled, rushing forward to join Yellow in the growing melee.

They were pushing him back, Quasar Saber and Spiral Saber sparking in rapid succession against the lightsaber. Then the Red Ranger flinched back, sparks flickering from his shoulder. "What the?" He said as the Yellow ranger hissed, forced to kneel as sparks flew from her knee.

Behind his visor, the Red Ranger watched as the red blade of plasma shrank to its original length. "A cheap trick!" He yelled, slashing downward in an arc of blue energy.

In reply, Vader seemed to glide backward. "A winning strategy." He said, raising his hand again and clenched. Andros felt a pressure around his neck. His suit sparked under the pressure as he struggled from the invisible grasp. Thanks to the power of his suit he could still breathe but it was becoming more difficult by the second. Becoming more worrying as his feet left the ground, toes splashing against the asphalt.

Pink laser fire peppered the monster again. His lightsaber blurred as he deflected the blast back to their source. The Pink Ranger rolled out of the way, her free hand snapping out a baton like weapon as she rushed into the fray.

Then she backpedaled as she spotted something behind her opponent. Vader turned his head to see the Black Ranger raising his sword into the air. "Brancho Staff, Full Power! Earthquake!" He yelled, slamming the tip into the ground.

And the earth cracked.

The ground shook as a fissure expanded from where he struck, pipes burst and an underground cavern caved in. Sewage and treated water mixed and splashed as rubble fell in. But not their opponent.

He slammed to the other side of the new gorge in a rush of power. Away from the makeshift team as he examined the new landscape.

The Black Ranger ripped his weapon from the dirt as he made an observation. "This isn't working, we need more power! If you got a power-up, do it now!" He yelled, crouching low as he let out another yell. "Super Dino Mode!"

His helmet roared. Black energy stretched from his helmet's visor into a feral jaw. Jaws that clamped down with enough force that the golden design lining his sides pushed out into spiked armor.

The Pink Ranger was quick to join in, thrusting her badge shaped device into the air and yelling her own phrase. "SPD SWAT Mode!"

A headset-like device unfolded from the side of her helmet as a heavy black armored vest covered her chest in a flash of pink light. Light that still radiated from the '5' on her chest. In her hands a large laser cannon with a passing resemblance to a shotgun formed.

The Red Ranger, more hesitant than the others, pressed a button on his wrist. A '3' rang through the air and energy crackled along his form. His muscles swelled and the material of his suit hardened. A second computer forms within the chest armor. On his back a jet pack materialized, long wings worthy of a small fighter jet unfolding as he took to the air.

If the Red Ranger was hesitant Yellow and Blue were near paralyzed. Each for different reasons.

For Yellow, it was because she didn't know if she even could. To activate the Lights of Orion the other Rangers of her team needed to be there, and they weren't. Still, she tried. Reaching out to the air she called for them. She could feel them, trying to reach back, their figurative fingers touching but never grabbing ahold.

And then something reached out from within her. Dark, demanding, lonely, and filled with a burning desire to strike down evil. She was really hoping that was whoever dressed as her but she'd take every bit of help they could get.

"Lights of Orion, activate!" She yelled, golden bands forming around her shins and forearms. A Yellow clawed gauntlet flashing into reality as the cross guard of her Quasar Saber extended. A green gem flashed with power on her right biceps, the same energy within the 'V' of her new belt buckle.

The Blue Ranger, on the other hand, was struck by indecision. For while she had a way to empower herself she wasn't sure if it would be enough, not against this man. And she did have another option, even if it was escalating. If there was such a thing with Darth Vader.

She pulled out her Morpher and typed in a series of numbers, summoning up a magical circle around her.

And then she grew.

Flesh turning to various shades of mechanized blue armor, towering over every building in the small town.

Vader stood on his side of the fissure, staring at the transformations, and did not so much as sigh. All he did was adjust his stance and readied himself for the coming battle.

Hope you enjoyed, let me know how I did on Vader.
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Well, as a certain newscaster would say: that escalated quickly!

Though the Morphing Grid and Powers Rangers Magic being summoned into and used in the Buffyverse should have implications. Because The Grid is partly sentient, and will probably decide to stick around, while the Lights of Orion will definitely affect the Slayer Spirit in some way.

Not to mention all the collateral damage that is bound to happen, up to and including the Hellmouth possibly being destroyed or severely weakened by this battle...
Halloween Pt 4
Finally had time to edit this, 80% sure I didn't fuck it up. I hope you guys enjoy

Marveling at a Range of Stars pt 4

From the shadows of the costume shop's window, a man observed the unfolding battle. He noted his prospective opponents' costumes, effects, and abilities. Tracing each detail and design with an experienced eye.

"They are not a unit." He mused, observing their tactics. How the one dressed Yellow rushed in as if expecting to her flanks. Which was in complete opposition to how the Pink one stood as if she were a part of a firing line. "Similar elites from differing military branches perhaps?"

That felt close, off but close. While their weapons and tactics were different there was still a uniformity. Their uniforms, not costumes, held a similar design to them. The Red one's in particular hinted to this. A band of colors ran across his chest, corresponding to those of his allies.

Black, Yellow, Red, Pink, Blue.

This would suggest that there would be multiple teams of similar coordination. Each a small group trained and equipped for specialized forms of combat or adversary. A unified force of diversified means.

Which explained how they, like himself, had so quickly found themselves with allies after their… unexpected arrival. If there was a unifying factor between them, as it seemed, it would make sense. They even appeared to have their own force users. Which in turn explained how they found the source of the occurrence so quickly.

Not as quickly as the Empire's best but commendable all the same.

"Oh?" He said, a faint of surprise worming its way into his voice. The minor planet shake was nothing more than a note in his mind. Another interesting piece of equipment they could capture. But the sudden transformations? Those could be useful.

One seemed to gain enhanced physical parameters. Three of the others spontaneously gained new and more powerful equipment. And the last one, the last one grew.

She grew and grew, becoming a mechanized giant of angular lines and deep blues. Taller than an AT-AT and magnitudes more dexterous.

"That is worrying." He reported. "Lord Vader may be in trouble."

"Really?" A weary voice asked and he gave the native man the courtesy of a glance. The man, for the most part, was uninjured largely in thanks to his cooperation. And his role in the night's events.

A translocation of minds, features, abilities, and even equipment? An intriguing and valuable ability, though intrusive.

The man was fortunate that the Emperor felt more of the former than the latter. Even going so far as to call the event "good practice". A statement he filed away for later consideration.

For the moment he observed both the battle and his Emperor. While Lord Vader was battling fairly animatedly the Emperor stood stock still.

He stood over the bust of a two faced humanoid. A deity according to the local element though not one he or many actively worshiped. With a thumb pressed against each of the effigies' foreheads the Emperor was calm, gleeful. There was a stirring in the air that his eyes could just make out.

A shimmer of heat, a tremor of struggle, a grab for power.

One his Majesty Palpatine seemed to be thriving in and even winning. Completely focused on his task yet aware, aware, and very much listening.

So it was to him that Grand Admiral Thrawn spoke. Not to the cowering man whose eyes seemed to spark in delight at the battle. Oddly it did not seem that he favored either side to win. He was reacting as if was watching a particularly interesting bit of theater.

A dangerous mindset. One he kept an eye in as he voiced his observations.

He announced what he observed of their tactics, their equipment, their strange abilities.

"Like turning into a bloody big robot." The local added, leaning forward for a better look of said giant attempting to stomp on Lord Vader. A futile gesture that sent them stumbling with a powerful push in the force.

"Quite." Thrawn said blandly, red eyes giving a brief look of distaste before. "For now I would say Lord Vader has our opponents distracted. May I ask, my Emperor, how much longer?"

A dark cackle filled the room. It was more of a chuckle but there was a tingling quality to it that stopped any other description than a cackle.

"So much power." He laughed. "Right at my fingertips, enough power to change a world. To bend reality and create anything I desire."

There was another shimmer in the air as the Emperor worked his power. The Emperor's laugh started to peter off. His smile becoming frustrated before settling into a displeased frown.

"Almost anything I desire… and not from nothing. An irritating distinction." He hummed, still frowning but pleased. Yellow eyes trailed towards Thrawn. "I do believe we will need transport, Grand Admiral. Take some of the paint there and mark one of those primitive transports with the Imperial symbol. The change should be instant."

"As you will."


Like an angry hive, the Black and Yellow Rangers swarmed around the Dark Lord. Weapons lashing out with enhanced power that made even the cyborg weary.

"Eiyah!" The Black one yelled, his strange weapon locking with Vader's saber in a shower of purple sparks. The Dark Lord let out a small, impressionable, grunt at the impact. His cybernetics suffered a slight strain that was negligible under his control of the force. Yet it was there.

The Yellow one was worse still by far, each of her strikes was like those of a charging Reek. Between the two of them damage had started to build up across his armor. Cuts did dents he had to take and weather through, even when they took fingers from his left hand.

His right hand was more than enough.

With a shift of his grip and a ripple in the Force Vader bared down on the Black Ranger. Locking their blades in place and trapping his adversary. For a few precious seconds Vader held him, gaining himself a human shield to regain his bearings. Even if it was only for a moment.

Seconds he used to probe at his opponent's mind. What he found gave him some surprise.

"There is a darkness within you, seared into your flesh." He said, eyes tracking towards his opponent's bicep." Bleached and faded but as deeply entrenched as it is ignored." So entrenched in fact that a few pushes from his master would bear them a new minion. "To push such power aside is a weakness"

"You are the last person I want to hear that from." The man gritted out, enhanced strength pushing against the red blade. "And you really shouldn't be focusing on one person in a group fight!"

The Yellow Ranger appeared in a blur. Electric yellow energy crackled along her saber as she swung down for a decisive strike.

"I wasn't."

His mangled hand already raised, three fingers splayed as telekinetic energy rushed forth. For all her forward momentum, for all she hung in the air as the rush of power met her, she was still taken by surprise. The tip of her blade skidded along the ground as she flew back. Devastating the primitive materials of the road and sidewalk.

Vader hadn't even turned from his first opponent as this happened, so the amusement he was reading was clear to him even before the Ranger japed.

"I wasn't talking about her."

The force, oddly slow on this primitive world, screamed at him just as the blow came. A metallic wing took him at the gut, lifting him off his feet as the jet of an oversized flight pack flared.

For a scant second the Red Ranger dragged him through the air, swerving away and dropping Vader with a complete lack of ceremony. Vader landed with a thud, meters away, damaged knees sparking as they bent from the impact. The mechanics audibly ground as he stood, extending slower than they should.

Slow enough for the Rangers to reset their footing and for a giant hand to come crashing down. Again. As before Vader surrounded himself in a bubble of power, catering the ground in a perfect circle as the blow came. With both arms raised he readied himself for the second swing before twisting around to narrowly avoid a stream of heavy laser fire. His cape didn't have the same luck, holes punching their way through the armored cloth.

He batted a few of the heavy blaster bolts back at the Pink Ranger only for her to cartwheel out of the way, still firing from her oversized blaster. Shots he was forced to let his armor take as Red menace launched another missile.

He redirected it towards the Blue giant, letting the explosion knock her back, storefronts shattering under her heels. Vader moved as the earth trembled.

Laser fire cut into his path while the Yellow and Black Rangers were hot on his tail. It didn't matter, he reached his target all the same.

The giant shrieked as his red saber skidded along the blue armor of her ankle. Sparks flew and nary a scratch appeared from where he struck. The giant still hopped back, clearing more space. The usual pair of menaces were closing in fast but Vader held no worry.

He had stalled long enough.

A burst of blaster fire rained down from above. Meticulously targeting the immediate threats, cratering what was left of the street. Even the Red one had to fly wide as a familiar Lambda Class Shuttle lowered itself behind him.

The lower wings never so much as scraped the ground as the ramp lowered. A familiar voice crackled from his helmet's comm. "Lord Vader, the Emperor has secured control of the artifact and is ordering for you to fall back."

Vader gave his adversaries one last glance. Observing how they cowered together in the face of proper Imperial firepower. He could sense the fear in them, fear hidden and drowned out by obnoxious determination. Like a rebel, before they were broken.

He gave an unseen scoff as he showed them his back. "Be grateful for this reprieve. There will not be another."

"Hey!" "You think you can just get away?!" "Someone stop him!" They all yelled, voices overlapping each other in an annoying rush. Meaningless shouts of defiance were thrown at his retreating back, even as blasters fired and ion engines whirled to life.

They broke atmosphere before the giant could even think of reaching them.


The ship streaked across the sky with the bright blue lights of the engines. Maddie reached out to grab it but came back with only air.

Andros sold past her outreached hand, thrusters burning as he sped into the sky. Further. Voices called out behind him but he was too far to hear. Friction fought against the protections of his suit, heating and sparking against the atmosphere as he climbed.

This was a bad idea, even with his Battlizer's powers he wasn't sure if he could take on a ship like that. Not if that monster was on board, and most definitely if he was not alone. But still, he gave chase. Anything that Maya called "more evil than the Psycho Rangers" deserved nothing less than his best efforts.

With a final push of his thrusters he broke through. He was in space.

The sensors in his helmet were ringing. Warnings of the atmosphere changes and radiation spikes. He ignored them. Confident in his empowered armor's ability to protect him as he followed the flight path of the shuttle.

He froze.

Andros managed to keep his voice steady as he pressed the side of his helmet. "This is Andros, can you read me?"

Static cane to his ear, smoothing out as two technologies translated each other. "We read you, Andros." Syd replied, " What's going on?"

"We have a problem."

In front of him, high above Earth's orbit, was a ship that dwarfed nearly every ship he had seen before. Like a dagger stabbed into the void it floated. Holding enough obvious firepower to raise half the surface of a planer with little effort.

And the evil they were fighting was flying right into its open hanger.

"They have a starship out here and it's massive." Andros paused, working his tongue to force out a question he was dreading. "How likely is it that they'd fire at the planet?"

There was a beat of silence followed by Syd's almost hesitant voice. "Dr. Oliver and Maddie are saying that it's very, like extremely, likely. You, uh, might want to get on that."

Andros took a second to look at the docking shuttle, "I don't think my Battlizer can take on something that size." As powerful as the armor was there were limits. The shuttle was something he could likely handle but it was far too late for that.

There was another pause on their end. "Dr. Oliver says your ship is in orbit and we're teleporting there now… wait, teleporting? You guys have working Eltarian tel-"

Syd cut off with a familiar rumble of thunder. Andros took a figurative look down, spotting four streams of color rushing away from the Earth. Rising from the planet and towards a familiar sight.

"The Megaship?" Or, more accurately, the Astro Megaship MK2. Big, blue, and boxy the ship was fresh from the production line of KO-35. Better than the original in nearly every way. Only the fact it wasn't the original made it inferior.

How was it here? Could a spell really drag not only himself but a whole spaceship across the galaxy?

He sped into the opening docking bay, his Battlizer dissipating as he entered the ship proper. Familiar halls greeted him as he raced towards the control room, as did a familiar voice.

"Welcome back, Andros." A feminine and electronic voice called out as he passed by a series of red eyed cameras.

"Thanks, DECA." He said, turning the last bend as the door opened and saw a flash of familiar colors. Yellow, Blue, Pink, Black. For a moment he thought it was his team. But the shades were off, each design different, even the ratio of earthlings to extraterrestrials had changed. All different. Even with the power-ups gone it was clear.

Maya ran a hand along a panel. "It looks just like the old one!"

Andros carefully didn't mention that she and her team had destroyed the old one. Instead, as the most experienced pilot in the room, he took control of the situation.

"We don't have much time. Everyone to a station!"

"Um, I've never piloted a spaceship before."

"You're a Ranger, it'll come to you." He said, taking his seat. The others followed. Their order felt wrong, the colors jumbling as they rushed to find seats. But there was no time to complain or to get sentimental.

Not when the other ship was powering up. While he wouldn't say the readings weren't off the charts they were worrying.

"Do you know any weaknesses to this thing?" He asked, looking at the two experts on the subject but both Black and Blue shook their heads.

"I'm not that much of a geek. I think it's called a Star Destroyer?" Maddie said while Tommy muttered. "I'm just glad it's not the Death Star."

Andros eyed the ship as it maneuvered to face them, a pair of turrets raising their barrels as if tasting the void. It was moving, slowly, slower than expected. Andros would take that, any edge was a weapon he could use.

Andros accelerated the Megaship, the dampeners negating most of the g-force as he aimed at the only obvious target. The bridge, sticking straight up from the figurative top of the ship and complete with expansive viewports.

Twin ion cannons fired, a smooth rumble across the ship as the sphere of energy jolted ahead. And splashed across a translucent shield, because of course it wouldn't be that easy.

"DECA, any readings on what type of shield that was?" He called out, diving under the ship and away from the aim turrets. Only to find more under the ship. "Tsk."

Spinning between a burst of green plasma the Megaship rolled out of the way, into relative safety. All the while DECA gave a bland monotone answer, "Unknown, analyzing."

"They're called deflector shields!" Maddie yelled from her station. "Does that help?"

"Extrapolating meaning… More data required."

"And how are we going to get more data exactly?"

Syd was the one who answered, "Duh, we shoot it more."

And shoot it more they did. Ion cannons and laser turrets gave fire as the Megaship weaved between plasma fire. The turrets were slow, unnecessarily and worryingly slow. Andros could only think of two reasons for this.

One, they were being lured into a trap of complacency.

Two, the other star craft wasn't fully manned.

But two couldn't be right, who would come to a star system without a full crew? … He did, and not just because of a spell. But they were here because of a spell, both of them. And if Andros didn't have his crew…

"DECA? Can our scans get through their shields?" He asked, acting on a hunch.

"One moment." The computer called, "Black Ranger, please cede control of your station."

Tommy raised his hands away from the computer, "Do what you have to do."

"Thank you." The next few moments were filled with evasive maneuvers and rapid fire blasts. "Scan complete. Four biological lifeforms."

Andros smiled.

"Things are starting to look up." He said and from the little cheers around him, his new group understood as well. "Any news on those shields DECA?"

"Only that we do not have sufficient power in the ship's current form." She hinted and Andros was more than happy to take it.

"Understood. Begin undocking procedures." The room started to shift and their chairs slid down a new opening. They glide smoothly into the docked shuttle to a chorus of "Whoas" as they launched.

A white shuttle, based on Earth's space programs, flew through the void. Spiraling as they raced forward, narrowly avoiding potshots. "I'm going to keep us steady. Are you guys ready?"

"What ARE we doing?" Maddie asked, as calm as he had ever heard her.

"We need Astro Megazord power to get through those shields." He explained. "And we're going to give it to them. Now, listen carefully." Andros gave out careful instructions to operators who were already doing exactly what he described. The Grid was at work but it paid to be careful.

Especially now.

Enemy fire was becoming more frequent, as if more hands were appearing aboard the enemy ship. For all he knew that was exactly what was happening. All the more reason to get this right.

Looping the ship around Andros guided them back to the MK2. The bulky blue ship was under fire as well, plasma buffing against its shields as it shifted. The rim unfurling into legs, arms unfolding from the underbelly, a bright red M visible on the revealed chest. A mechanical giant waiting for its helm.

So familiar and new, the MK2's first transformation.

Andros shifted the side stick, "Begin docking." He held his breath for a moment as the shuttle itself transformed, the viewport and wings rising as a giant face was revealed. The enemy continued to fire but the neck sank into place. A jolting sensation that lit up the controls with a new energy.

"Astro Megazord, online."

The zord went tumbling across the void. Control panels rang as Andros struggled to stabilize the giant. Thrusters flared and shields recharged as Andros regained control.

"What was that?"

"Wild guess? Giant space gun."

"Let's not get hit by that again." Syd said, eyes on the read out.

Andros ignored the conversation, going over damage reports fed to his screen from Syd. He agreed with her, that was a powerful blast. And, unfortunately, it wasn't from some main cannon. It was the turret like lasers near the bridge, all eight of them.

They had burst through the Astro Megazord's shields and the sheer concussive force knocked them back. Yeah, he wasn't planning on taking any more of those.

With a flick to the controls grids of energy formed around the mech's hands. White lines of energy shaping the outlines of impossibly large weapons. A silver sword and a round blue shield.

"Energizing the Astro Saber." Maya said, yellow pixels burst along the blade with a flip of a switch.

Andros flipped a switch and braced himself, "Energizing thrusters." The zord rumbled and space zoomed past them. Plasma flew at their approach, battering at their already depleted shields but no more than a singe in the face of the Astro Shield.

Within a second contact was made. An inaudible crash rang in the void as the Saber met the ship's shields, energy and matter both resisted.

"C'mon!" Someone yelled, it may have been Andros. He didn't know, his attention was too focused on bringing down more pressure.

Eventually, shortly in the grand scheme of things, the blade made it through. A gouge along the hull sparked fires and rumbled explosions. Yet the ship still stood, angling away from the strike even as it came.

More than a few of the others cursed.

"Prep for another pass." Andros said, keeping his frustration in check. One energized swing usually did the job. Not here apparently. Whoever built that ship had built it to last.

"We got incoming!" Maddie said, "They launched a fighter… A TIE fighter I think."

An image came to their view screen, a small spacecraft with two long panels on either side.

"It's him." Maya said, voice hard. "The man in the dark armor."

"He's not the only one coming." Maddie seemed to surprise herself as she brought a new image to the screen. Across Earth's orbit a series of missiles were launched by numerous satellites, even a few slower ones from the surface.

"Since when does Earth have all of that?" Andros asked, it would have been nice to see more than a few times during his time there. Even if they were simple nuclear explosives it would be a welcome distraction at the very least.

"Not until the 2020s… in my timeline." Syd implied, eyes forward. "We are in the fringes of the contingency plans here. I don't even remember those ones."

Well if that didn't sink Andros's stomach straight into orbit then nothing would. The good news was that whoever launched those missiles seemed to deem the Rangers the good guys and only targeted the other ship. The bad news, the 'TIE fighter' had already shot down half of them in flight.

It was an agile little craft with powerful laser cannons for its size. Something the Astro Megazord soon learned.

With shield raised, they swung with a precision that would have left many warriors of Earth green with envy. Still, they missed. The fighter weaved around the blade, lining the zord's body with laser fire that did little more than give a slight drain to their shields. Which may have been the whole point.

They may have been in trouble if the Star Destroyer wasn't busy fighting a whole planet.

Those missiles that Andros had so easily dismissed turned out to pack more of a punch than he was expecting. Spherical rends in space ate into the ship's shields and hull.

"That is not Earth tech."

It could have been him to say that, or maybe it was Syd or even Tommy. The source of the fact did not change that it was a fact. Earth did not have tech of that level, and shouldn't for another hundred years or so.

That, that was worrying.

And, something that Andros had to question, "Why didn't we pick up those readings?"

"You expect me to know how to use this low tech panel?" Syd defended herself.

"It's not-" Andros stopped himself, "Just listen to the Morphing Grid. It's guiding you, listen to it."

"You know that's not perfect, The Grid gives an instruction manual but-"

"Guys!" Tommy snapped at them, "Focus up. Debate all that later, we have a giant ship and its annoying little friend to take care of." His words were enough to snap the two out of bickering. Bickering Andros knew was unlike him but something he had to ignore when Maddie spoke.

"Do you guys see that?" She asked, Maya answered her immediately.

"I can feel that."

Each Ranger's visor turned forward, the viewport zooming with a tap, revealing something disturbing. Bit by bit, maybe even inch by inch, the enemy ship was healing. Repairing itself from unknown warheads and sword slashes alike.

"He's using the spell that brought us here." Maddie confided, "I don't know how but he's using it to repair the ship."

"This might take longer than usual."

"Then buckle in kids, this is going to be a tough fight."

Right. They had a fight to win, one that was likely going to go longer than most of them were used to. In an unfamiliar Megazord, in an unfamiliar environment.

Yet they would stand there and fight. Because they were Rangers. Until their zord and powers were destroyed, beyond that, they would fight.

With shield and sword, the Astro Megazord would battle the Star Destroyer.

Laser fire, strange missiles, and an energized sword would light up Earth's sky. A confused populace watched in horror and awe as grainy video gave some a clearer view of the battle. Of the mechanical giant that stood between them and a blast of burning plasma, its blue shield scorched as it raced forward.

"Damn it," Tommy cursed, the uncharacteristic word naturally slipping from his mouth. "Vader is peeling off, what's he after?"

"Looks like some sort of… space fighter jets? Five of them. Seriously, since when does Earth have this stuff?" No sooner did Maddie report this did one of them go up in a small ball of fire.

"Can we help them?"

"We have to."

The Rangers fought through the night, aided by a dwindling team of Earth's bravest pilots. They fought and fought against the massive self healing ship that seemed to become more operational as time went on. Against a TIE fighter that flew like the devil, reaping into the defenses the planet below offered.

For hours they fought. With damage building and eyes opening across the globe, the Rangers showed this world that there was more out there. More to be afraid of, more to hope for. In the shadow of the planet they shined bright.

It would have been poetic to say they fought until dawn, but that wasn't what happened. The alien ships and lost travelers had no way of knowing this, only a terrified and amused man would know. But he was not in the right state of mind to take notice. To see that their night was soon coming to an end.

Midnight had struck.

Halloween had ended.

It came with no great gong or chime, no great clock ticked, time marched on. And so the spell ended.

The Star Destroyer rippled, a wave of energy flowing over the hull and spreading. Out and out it went, washing over the racing fighters. One died mid flight, listing to the side as the last two of Earth's defenders continued to run, unaware of their newfound safety.

The Astro Megazord braced itself as the wave came, shield raised, then froze. The energy touched them and then rebounded. Crashing back inwards with such force that sent the new statue spinning away.

Further and further they floated away, dead in the void. Systems down, Rangers unconscious, and their enemies in similar straights.

The battle was over. For the night.

But, who knew what the morning would bring?

I am honestly glad this part is over. The Buffy cast is more fun for me to write than Rangers. Less uptight, with a notable exception.

Anyway, one of the issues for me with this challenge is how parts of the crossover are basically left behind, usually in an effort to make Xander look more badass with his new abilities. If the built in conflict and others getting power wasn't a clue.

I also think I found a pretty interesting way to merge Buffy with Marvel to keep Earth relevant. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it. Please tell me what you think.
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Huh, usually it's Stargate Earth, not Marvel, which means that those missiles were from SWORD...

Damn, Nick Fury is not going to put up with the usual Scooby BS here...

Though who's the Emperor? I wanna say Warren, but it could be Andrew or Jonathan as well...

Also, would Buffy Vamps just be another subset of Marvel Vampires?
Character -> Costume -> Ranger
I thought it would be fun to show what each character looked like, what costume they wore, and what Ranger they changed into thanks to a trinket.

Her costume:

Who she ended up as:

Her costume:

Who she ended up as:

His costume:

Who he ended up as:

Her costume: (roughly)

Who she ended up as:

His costume:
(who he tried to be)

(who he ended up as)

Who he ended up as:
I wonder if the gang will keep their civilian powers. Maya didn't have anything and witch-ness may well just accelerate Willow's arc, but giving Xander TK, Cordelia Syd's Absorbing Man bit, and Giles invisibility could take them neat places.

Especially since this is a Marvel cross so you could potentially have Cordelia run into Absorbing Man and duke it out that way, or other characters note that similarity and maybe make assumptions.
Though who's the Emperor? I wanna say Warren, but it could be Andrew or Jonathan as well...
While Andrew would be dumb enough to go Emperor, Jonathan would only be willing to go as far as Thrawn for a SW bad guy. Warren on the other hand, would ultimately think Vader to much of a wuss to go as him, and, well, the Emperor would just call to him. Leaving Andrew trying to "prove" that Vader wasn't wussy. Also, Andrew would probably think that the voice for the character was "sexy" then backpedal and call it manly. In which both Jonathan, and Warren completely ignore it, and how uncomfortable it makes them. First in that Andrew was obviously homosexual, and second that Andrew didn't think them "hunky" enough to drool over.

Course, as soon as they wake up Jono is gonna switch sides, Andrew, if we're lucky, will panic and crash (annoying twit he is) But Warren will be desperately trying to regain his "Emperor" status, and, again if we're lucky, get taken out by SHIELD, or SWORD while he tries to be "The Senate".
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I was rereading comments and saw this. I want to remind the crowd that Maya did have abilities. A sixth sense and talking to animals. Not much compared to a Slayer but it's there.
The Slayer Spirit might just hold on to those powers, especially the communication with Animals, as they're very useful. Slayers should already have a sort of Sixth Sense, but I imagine that it's probably going to be boosted...
Jonathan would only be willing to go as far as Thrawn for a SW bad guy
Not saying your right or wrong but I'm curious... how'd I do with Thrawn?

Slayers should already have a sort of Sixth Sense, but I imagine that it's probably going to be boosted...
Slaydar is very much a thing, and Maya's sixth sense was pretty significant. It's more intunment with nature deal but it comes with a side order of prophetic dreams.
Wow... I put this off for a while... but err... to admit; I never got into star wars mania. No money to spend frivolously. But, I only know that Thrawn, as described by fans, is a pragmatic Evil due to cultural leanings; I just knew that Jono of the BtVS series would be hella uncomfortable with the villain theme of the group, and would only go so far as Thrawn as a "lesser" bad guy. Whereas Warren has so many dedicated inferiority complexes that over the top hammy villains would attract him. Largely because the likes of the Joker, The Emperor, and such, typically won against the good guys. Before, ultimately, getting defeated. Such character's speak to his inner control freak. Meaning he wouldn't ever let anyone, not even Andrew, take on the role of The Emperor.

And while Vader is more physically imposing, and stronger in general; Vader ultimately falls to the good guys and switches back. Warren would consider that kind of character a wimp, because the lack of control. The fact that The Emperor died, wouldn't matter, just that he did it on his terms and in the process of enacting some grand scheme (that didn't succeed, but that would be secondary to Warren being impressed) And just because Warren insulted Vader, Andrew would go full Roleplay as Vader, which is likely why Vader was able to fend off five rangers with power ups. Andrew would have been completely convinced that he was just that good as cosplaying as Vader, that he even convinced himself that he'd become Vader, and thought it was cool that other Hallow'een'ers were going along with the disturbingly realistic imagination he was having.

Yeah, Andrew is one of those that an author only keeps if they want cheap, meaningless drama insertion points. Losing Andrew would only affect the story in the sense that you'd have to actually figure out how to add drama using the setting, instead of an easy plot device character that was basically ripped out of a Saturday Morning Cartoon. Unfortunately... I can't foresee any easy way to get rid of Andrew; but, fortunately, it is very easy to get rid of Warren. He'd be so desperate to regain his status as The Emperor that he'd not even realize that it was to late, and end up getting himself killed, unless stupid lucky. But, again, he could live, but would also only be a plot device character, that wasn't even as good as the one he'd be standing in for, and would only be a nuisance character there to cause dramatic strife. You have a plot given means to get rid of Warren, you would have to decide if you want a contrived ending for Andrew... and Jono would basically, be the only one left standing... that if Thrawn influences, can be the on again, off again villain that shows up to annoy the heroes of the story when it suits him. I.E. an actually useful plot device character that isn't a derivatively contrived cliché.
On the subject of Vader vs 5 Rangers:
It my opinion that if he was facing a full and proper team, ones that had complementing powers along with teamworkmand equipment, he'd have lost. Most Ranger teams could take him, as teams.

Through, In Space and SPD are more likely to lose than Lost Galaxy, Dino Thunder, or Mystic Force. Being blaster heavy wouldn't help them while the other 3 teams are just powerful.

Sidenote @James Birdsong - after thinking in it the In Space one works pretty well too. I need to listen to all of them again tonget a feel if there's a better one.
Interesting. It was a while since I read a BtWS Halloween story. Could be fun to return to the genera.

Nice idea to have Marvel Earth as the merged crossover setting as well. That should move the story out over a greater area instead of either staying mostly in Sunnydale or directly heading out in deep space, as many Ship of the Line challenge stories do.

It must be a rather early in the timeline for Marvel Earth though, since they were so surprised that super-tech missiles capable of space defence were a thing. So I guess there has been no public and commonly known examples of mutants and other people with superpowers yet?

As someone with absolutely minimal knowledge of Power Rangers and only casual knowledge of SW I appreciate that there so far has been at lest some descriptions of who the characters are, what they can do, and what they looks like. I'm not saying that there has to be gigantic detailed descriptions, but getting a short blurb or sentence describing them is neat, and the information post with pictures really helps with visualization as well.