Marvel 616 vs 1610: Which is a more dangerous place to live?


Company of Negotiable Virtue
In your eyes and in your arms and in your head.
It's commonly accepted that the mainline Earth-616 Marvel setting (like most comic book settings) has such a diverse and overwhelmingly powerful array of threats in it (especially once you leave earth-local) that anyone living there is essentially on a death world. After all, the heroes have to save the day every time, and there are certain threats out there that only need to win ONCE for Average Joe Citizen to be up the proverbial creek without a paddle. Odds are that someday, if you aren't starring in your own title, you'll be collateral damage to some scheme or crisis.

It's also commonly accepted that the the MCU's Earth-199999 is a significantly less dangerous place to live, although as the MCU continues to expand over time, this becomes less certain of a statement.

What I was wondering, however, is where Ultimate Marvel's Earth-1610 falls on that spectrum. Is it, like the MCU, a net "safer" timeline simply because it had a more limited period of existence for new threats to be introduced and developed? Or are there reasons why living there would suck far, far worse for the average citizen than living on Earth 616? I really only have tenuous, hazy memories of the Ultimate line myself, having largely ignored everything except the Spider-Man title, so I'd like to hear the community's thoughts on where Average Joe Citizen is more at risk, and deserves to live with more existential dread of their inevitable fate.
As bad as 616 is with the density of big events and supervillains, nothing as bad and globally deadly as Ultimatum has ever happened and stuck. Your odds of dying are higher than the mainline Marvel Universe from that event alone.
I say worse than 616 because every other person seems to be a Cannibal
Earth-1610 has less of a reset button.

So, Earth-616 is worse. At least there you don't have to worry about whether or not you were brought back to death because the local reality warped lost their shift again. :V

Erath-1610 is a way, waaaaay more dangerous place, but the existential terror as to whether or not to could be unmade from existence should be way higher in 616. I don't think 1610 had anything close to that scale of existential power... but they had a lot more grounded and violent threats. So, youve probably got a shorter life expectancy, and less chance of having your entire life retconned because.
Earth-1610 has less of a reset button.

So, Earth-616 is worse. At least there you don't have to worry about whether or not you were brought back to death because the local reality warped lost their shift again. :V

Erath-1610 is a way, waaaaay more dangerous place, but the existential terror as to whether or not to could be unmade from existence should be way higher in 616. I don't think 1610 had anything close to that scale of existential power... but they had a lot more grounded and violent threats. So, youve probably got a shorter life expectancy, and less chance of having your entire life retconned because.
Man everyone always says that shit like you would know it happened but you wouldn't