Martial Artist Quest: Chasing Giant Fire Birds [Ranma/Exalted]

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The Undefeated Champion of the World
On Top of Jusendo Mountain
Junsenkyo Springs, China...
The Undefeated Champion


CVN-69 Fella
The Undefeated Champion of the World
On Top of Jusendo Mountain
Junsenkyo Springs, China
Thursday, February 20, 1986

I wa- am the best. Martial artist. In the world. Undefeated champion. I had never lost to anyone (who didn't use a cheap gimmick or that I didn't win against in a rematch).

And I wasn't going to lose now, I vowed as darted between the giant flaming balls of pure fire natured ki and burning columns that erupted from the ground that that stupid bird kept hurling at me. They packed a punch powerful enough to probably knock me dizzy and maybe even take me out of the fight, that is if they ever managed to hit. The idiot kept telegraphing his moves like a complete and utter moron. Made them easy to dodge. I could probably keep doing it all day.

Unfortunately, I might have had to at this rate. What he lacked in finesse he made up in raw power. Like enough power to keep hurling ki attacks nonstop. He could probably squash me like a bug on the extent of his raw power alone, if he decided to go full out. Maybe it was just his arrogance that was keeping me up and fighting. Didn't matter. I'd fought things that had overmatched me in raw capabilities before, and each and every time I had come out on top.

The thing is, ever if they were stronger and faster than me, and maybe had better stamina and deeper ki reserves than me, it didn't make them better than me. The number of people who could be counted on two fingers, and even then I was sure I'd surpass them only given another year or so. No, I had beat them with my skill, and my wits, and my battle strategy.

This little pigeon had been reborn a hundred years too early to even have a chance of beating me.

...that said, I may have been better but, man, he had a ton of power. I thew myself to the left just before another one of those firebolts blew past where I had been, and tumbled before catking my grip to push myself up into a dead sprint, huffing for breath. The thing was, even though I could probably keep dodging all day, that would probably all I could do. Every strike he was making was draining away my endurance; my ki reserves were already scraping the bottom of the barrel. I never had the stamina of Ryouga, I was the sort of guy to finish my (serious) fights quickly, rather than burning through my opponents endurance. If I wanted to conduct any offensive actions, I would have to make them soon and fast.

Even now my muscles were screaming at me to get it over with. My focus was wavering in and out, and my vision was beginning to blur at the edges from hardness of breath. I scanned desperately for a way to attack Saffron even as I threw myself back and forth dodging his firebolts.

The annoying vulture had lofted himself high into the air, exploiting his ability to fly like no tomorrow. People who could fly and took advantage of it angered me to no end, it was like abusing a cheap trick (that others couldn't copy. I had learned all my cheap tricks from other people, fair and square.) He retreated there after I had thoroughly beaten him earlier and wrassled the Kinjakan off of him. From his position of safety in the air, he could counter any of my attacks without being threatened at all; my Moko Takabishis were too weak and too easily countered by his fireballs.

Like I said, it was a really cheap trick (that I couldn't use). Luckily, if there was anything I had learned from using extremely cheap tricks, it was that they could always be countered.

I gathered up the little bit of ki that I could spare, and chilled them. I was already using the Soul of Ice to kill myself from the burning flames, and so adding a cold natured element to my ki was easy. I held it in, waiting for the perfect opportunity as I danced around, dodging Saffron's continuous relentless attacks.

There! I pushed the last bit of strength of out my legs, and dashed right towards a fireball, and leapt at the absolute last second.

Twisting my ki into a short small drilllike spiral pattern, I smashed it into the heart of the fireball, and let it expand from within. I forced my cold ki and the fiery hot ki of Saffron's to mix. It reacted, predictably.

It exploded in in a torrent of hot air underneath me, propelling me into the air. Releasing trickles and drabs of cold ki into the twisting whirlpool of rising air, I controlled its course, so that it would bring me straight towards that oversized seagull, who was just hovering there with a smug look on his face.

I reached out with a rising uppercut, but the bird was either more observant or smarter than I'd thought he'd be. He flapped his wings in an irritatingly lazy gesture and drifted out of the way, watching me fly past him with a smirk on his face.

Tch. Well, that's fine too. I can still get him. With another blast of ki, I detonated the last dregs of hot air within my fireball induced twister, curled up into a semi ball to absorb the impact, and rode the blast back in the opposite direction, towards Saffron. Now that I didn't have the mass of the twister to control, this was going to be tricky.

There! Now! I suddenly straightened out in mid air, twisting towards Saffron. With a sudden burst of motion, I lashed out with a perfect double dropkick straight to his back while he wasn't looking.

Stunned in mid air, he reacted far too slowly. Reaching out and latching onto his back with my arms, I clamped my legs around his waist to stabilize myself. I grinned viciously. This was going to be good.

And in one smooth motion, I ripped both his wings off.

We started falling almost immediately. There was a moment of silence as Saffron tried to process what had just happened, before he shrieked in pain.

"You insolent worm!" He roared at me, trying to claw at me with his arms. A few swipes came dangerously close to my face and I decided, yeah, that was enough of that. I took hold of one of his arms, and with a smooth kick ruined the shoulder joint completely, smashing it into a pulp of cartilage and bone. He screamed again. "I'll fucking murder you, you pissant ant!"

"You've been promising that for almost an hour, now!" I gleefully taunted him, even as I dislocated and tore up his other arm in our fall to the ground. Twisting him around so he would impact the ground face-first, I laughed. "So much for the mighty phoenix king!"

As the ground rose up to meet us, I twist on his back once again to place both feet on the small of the back. Tracking our approach earthwards, I waited until the last second before kicking off brutally against his back, propelling myself into the air at the same time that I sent him crashing into the ground.

He cratered the ground, facefirst and heavily. I landed hard, a few meters away, but absorbed the impact in my knees and tumbled to a halt. Pushing myself up quickly, I rushed back into close to close combat, only to have to suddenly break off my sprint into a lunge to the right, as a pinpoint accurate beam of fire shoot straight for me.

Damn it, was he already up? I looked up to see him already half regenerated, stubs of swings already growing back, ruined arm mostly functional again. With a wrench he popped his dislocated shoulder back in. A gruesome vengeful look was on his face. "You'll feel every bit of that pain sixfold, worm."

This... wasn't looking quite so well for me. I had put a lot on that last attempt, either hoping it would disorient him enough that I could finish the fight, or to take him out entirely. I reached desperately for more energy, but came with nothing. Aw, damn.

He advanced on me, meaningfully, and then a giant explosion punctuated the silence between us. Me and him immediately looked out into the distance where the noise had come from, and saw a sickly green ki fizzle into the air.

I grinned. Good at least, Ryoga had managed to get it.

Saffron turned back to me with a grow, and spotted the satisfied expression on my face. It didn't make him happy at all.

"What?" He demanded of me. "What was that noise? What did you do?"

"Stalled you," I answered, gasping haggardly for breath . "This whole fight was a delaying action. Ryouga, Mousse and the others have already beaten up your underlings and closed the phoenix tap. Soon your great big Jusendo bath won't be anything anymore."

He reared, back, suddenly struck by his situation. That's right. When I had taken the Kinjakan from him earlier in the fight, I had thrown it and the Gekkajan to Ryouga with the instructs to fight their way past the Phoenix Lord's underlines and close and open the phoenix and dragon taps respectively, and then turned around to stall him. And for over an hour, I had. I had fought him, fist to fist, trading blast for blast, and been worn to the very edges of my endurance.

But I had done it long enough for Ryouga and Mousse to finish up the easy parts. Akane would be revived with water from the dragon tap. I'd hidden this plan throughout our entire fight, but now it was finally revealed.

Saffron was never going to get his full transformation. I had known it the entire time.

And now he knew it too. With a hateful realization of what I had done, he asked in a voice filled with barely suppressed rage and anger. "Saotome! Was this your plan all along?!"

"Damn right, it was!" I crowed. "It was my plan from the very beginning!"

Saffron snapped. With a scream of rage, he charged forward, flapping half healed wings and lighting his entire body up in an aura of fire. I raised my fists, and we engaged to fight hand to hand. I had far superior advantage in skill, there was no way he could even reach the base of my mountain of skill, but my body refused to react properly to my commands; too tired and too beaten I simply had nothing left. I dodged around his blows the best I could, taking only clipping hits and return his that broke bones wherever they struck, but it just wasn't enough. He could simply afford to trade blow for blow, letting his regeneration compensate.

I couldn't.

Finally, he landed a heavy blow into my stomach, and I staggered weakly backwards, coughing up blood. I tried to push my legs to get me back into the fight, but they collapsed underneath me, dropping me onto the ground. Dribbling blood down my chin, I stared up at the blindingly bright sun.... Wasn't it almost afternoon by now...? Why was the sun still so bright....? I blinked, blearily.

Saffron hauled me up by the front of my shirt. With a sneer, he flapped my wings and hauled me across the sky. Down there, below me, I could spot the waters of the Jusendo retreating.

The guide had warned us that while intermixed the waters of the Jusendo were too chaotic to bathe in. As long as the waters of the springs pooled together in the massive lake, who knew what might happen? It had the whole reason that we had come here in the first place, all the curse victims. To stop Saffron, to save the pools. For that, we had put Akane at risk, and had almost caused her death.

It was my failure as a martial artist.

"You've lost, Saotome." Saffron bragged. "Your efforts were all for naught. Soon, I will be before your friends. They will fall quickly before me, and I will reclaim the Kinjakan and Gekkaja from their bodies."

Ryouga... Mousse... I thought. Flashes of all the fights we had, both against each other and together, fighting against another. I struggled weakly. I couldn't let Saffron kill them. Yeah, they were a pain in my ass, but they were still my friends.

"And once I've taken back when is rightfully mine," Saffron continued. "I will open up the taps so I may finish my transformation. I will crush the amazons beneath my heel and the Musk as well. I will lead my people to their rightful glory, as they deserve."

Shampoo.... Herb.... those servants of Herb whose names I couldn't remember..... even the Old Ghoul.... Was Saffron going to kill everyone? I struggled weakly once more. Just a little bit more. Just... a little more....

"For you attempted insolence, you will suffer the most," Saffron decided. "I shall slaughter your friends, the girl chef and her vassals, your cursed fool of a father. I shall lay the torch to all you love."

Ukyo.... Pops.... no... I wasn't going to let that happen! I tried to draw on my body, but it still refused to answer. Fine. I drew on my mind, and tried to think of a way to step him. If my body wouldn't respond, maybe my spirit would. I breathed in hard, and tried to think of a way to beat him. pride. I'd beat him with that.

"That girl who sacrificed herself for you, and now who you've sacrificed yourself for. How fitting that both sacrifices should be in vain. You've lost Saotome. You've lost completely and utterly."

...speak for yourself, idiot.... Ranma Saotome never loses. Not to you... not to the Old Ghoul.... not to Happosai.... not even to myself.

I.... am... the.... best!

With a last burst of strength and confidence, I dragged out my pride for my final attack. The blue glow of a Moko Takabishi surrounded my body, consuming the last of my ki.

In the face of certain death.... boast.

I hurled it at Saffron. My aim was haphazard, but I wouldn't miss this close. It smashed into his left wing,smashing through the weak hollow bone, and tearing it off with a disgusting sounding crunch. With the loss of one of his wings, we entered a flat spin, falling towards the Jusendo lake that was shrinking below us.

"...! You!" Saffron looked at me in surprise, shocked by my ability to muster up the last reserves of his strength. He pushed ki towards his missing wing, pushing its regeneration faster with speed., I couldn't let that happen. I reached out, slowly, and deliberately, and broke his shoulder joint.

"Saotome, you fool!" Saffron roared over the roaring winds at my continued defiance. "The chaos waters have intermixed; who knows what may happen?! It could kill you! Let go, you idiot! If you wish to die, die on your lonesome!"

He tried to fend me off with the arm which wasn't holding on to me, but I reached that and broke that too. Then I latched on to him in a bear hug, preventing him from just dropping me to escape my grip.

"You..." I said, seconds before impact. "...never... touch.... Akane."

We broke the surface of the water, and dunk, deep into its depths.


The Dowager screens the Well of Urdr day and night. Not looking for another Great Contagion, she has had enough of those, but for a way of escape. Of whispers of another world, free from the grasp of the Neverborn. She does not wish to plunge the world into oblivion, anymore, merely to find a way to another world.

It's a pity she misses what may be her best chance as it flashes through a corner of the Well of Urdr.

A pattern spider pauses. It is faced with an extreme conundrum. It deliberates on the issue for a split second, chattering with the other pattern spiders crawling up and down the loom. Finally, a supervisors arrives, and gives it instructions, before skittering away. Very slowly and deliberately, it follows the instructions given, weaving a new thread into the weave loom of fate.

The thread is purple.

A minor dignitary in the Bureau of Heaven shifts through a vast library, rifling through books of gods, so he can cross reference this.... well, it's complicated. As he pulls down volume 234 on the list of fire gods of the third rank, he notices a new entry in the book. It's written in hasty purple ink, and it's splattered all over the page. Ugh. What a mess. Can't these higher ups be neater? And actually write in the correct volume when they edit these? Everything else is perfectly alphabetized. It's not that hard to just write in the correct place.

He slips the book back on the shelves, huffing with indignation at the harsh treatment, and the fact that he'll probably have to fix this terrible editing later. The book with the name Saffron scribbled hastily between Zabiyana and Zabiyanaa is quietly forgotten.

A hundred different shifts happen across creation at once. So minor, that only the smallest of people notice. They brush it off, or leave it be. And creation keeps trudging onward.

I woke up slowly, and immediately begin to regret it.

Everything hurt way too much all of a sudden. My- well, my everything ached. This was a thousand times worse than the time pops threw those hornets nests at me. At least then, not everything was hurting all at the same time. I groaned in pain.

There was a splashing of water, and then someone placed a wet rag on my forehead. Its soothing coolness suffused throughout my head, and dulled the headache that was playing havoc on my raw nerves. It felt so much better. I sighed and relaxed. So much better.

I fell back to sleep.

My stomach woke up me up the second time. It growled, and growled, until the aching woke me from my rest. I groaned in pain for the second time, caught between my inability to move and the desire to eat.

It was pure agony- at least for a few moments, then someone raised a bowl of soup to my lips.

It was heaven. I drank all of it in a few seconds, and then there was a second bowl. And a third. A fourth. Until my stomach was temporarily sated. I could eat more, but without the urge of hungry pressing me away, the allure of sleep was too much.

I drifted back into unconsciousness.

When I woke up for the third time, it wasn't for hunger or for pain. I woke up on my own the last time, opening bleary eyes and blinking away the crust that had gathered over my eyes.

I stared up at an unfamiliar ceiling- rice paper of some sort, separated into cubes by laminated wooden stripes. A traditional house? I looked left and right. The walls were rice paper too, and bamboo tatami mats laid on the floor. The floor was covered by futons, upon one of which I was laying. It was soft, and comfortable.

Really comfortable. Almost too comfortable. So comfortable that if I laid here any longer, I'd probably fall back asleep.

And honestly, I sort of wanted to go back to sleep. Everything still hurt, and I really wanted to sleep it off. The insidious part of my brain which always wanted to sleep whispered seductively about how I needed to heal up, and it kind of had a point.

I deliberated on the issue.

[ ] Investigate (Weight: 0.75x)
[ ] Go back to Sleep (Weight: 1.5x)
Q/M's Notes: In case you're wondering why this quest is back:
Yeah. There we go.

Let it be said that I always deliver!
Last edited:
Rules and Basic Character Sheets
Because Invisible Castle no longer exists (boy, things have changed a lot) I'm not using that anymore. But... you know... SV has a dice roller. And so, why don't we just use that? Roll when and what I ask you to, no more and no less please.

Options will often be weighted, meaning that votes for them count for more. If you can make a good argument for one of the options, I can and will change the weight. (Hint, this makes it so that you should explain your choices more) Weights are situational and based on principles and virtues as well as immediate concerns.

The system is a bastardized version of Exalted for which you can thank ES_Corp, Aleph, and co. Basically, it's 5 attributes, 15 abilities, and the principle + style system. If you want further details go here. I've made some of my own modifications to the style system, basically I've stolen a page from Legends of the Wulin, specifically internal styles. So basically, you have internal and external styles, internal being manipulation of your essence (or as Ranma calls it, ki) and external staying essentially specialties. Basically all terrestrial, celestial, and sidereal martial arts have become internal styles. It's complicated, and also not play-tested, so if it's really fucking broken, we'll just return to the old system, but for now I'm trying it out. You can still only gain bonuses from one internal and external style at the time.

If you have any questions about this quest specifically, feel free to ask me. Just put @Jemnite in your post, I will probably get to it depending on how spam filled my alert box is at the moment. If I don't answer in a reasonable amount of time, feel free to ping me again.

The setting? Exalted, obviously, with a Ranma in it. And I guess maybe a few tweeks that I may make to the setting or steal from others (mostly ES_Corp and Revlid, and maybe Aleph and co. occasionally)

Stunting and Channeling:

If you don't know what stunting is, I'll explain it. Stunting is basically writing a short bit of fluff for incoming scenes or plans and votes that you're planning to take. If it's for a vote, I will maybe increase the weight on your vote depending on how well the stunt is written. if it's for an incoming scene, you get stunt die depending on the quality of your stunt. Note that if your vote wins, your stunt is then also probably applicable to the scene that's about to happen as well. In some situations, write ins are only possible through stunting.

Channeling is pretty simple too. It's basically heroic willpower, where you use a principle or virtue to add the power of shonen to your action. (That's not actually what it is, but it sums it up pretty well, so I'll leave it be.) i.e. you get more dice. The amount of dice you get is the principle or virtue rating, channeling a 5 dot principle will get you five dots, a 3 dot virtue will get you three dots, etc. You'll get channel options in certain votes, and you can maybe create an option in a stunt.

This, of course means by stunting you can get both stunt dice and channel dice, so in most, if not all cases, it's a good idea to stunt.

Because this is a post based forum quest, rather than a real time game, the criteria for judging stunts is a bit harder. I'll be require short lengths of actual writing, rather than a short description, more paragraphs in content rather than sentences.

1 Die stunts will be equivalent to either a really (and I mean really) detailed plan, or a short paragraph's worth of writing, You regain two motes if one of these is submitted for a scene.

2 Die stunts are basically a good solid piece of writing's worth. Taking into account motivations, opponents, environs, skills, etc, etc. Length doesn't so much as quality. If you have a good short work that accomplishes basically the same thing as a long piece but more concisely, I will give you two dots alike. You can regain either 1 willpower or 4 motes from 2 die stunts.

3 Die stuns are impressive. And I mean really impressive. If you have a three die stunt on your hands, I will tell you. Honestly, because I'm not such a good writer, you can probably judge if it's three die if it's better than my writing. You can regain either 1 willpower, 6 motes, or gain 1 experience from 3 die stunts.

I'll do my best to use a bit of every stunt I can, so unless yours is basically non-relevant to the scene, you'll probably see at least an element of it in the actual update.

Using Charms or Powers:

I will list charms and/or other mysterious powers you might acquire (which probably will never happen, let's be honest. Basically everything in Exalted is charms). I will usually auto-use charms as necessary for a fight scene, but like, if you want to like actually specify the charms through stunts and votes. The same thing applies to styles because Ranma possesses so goddamn many of them. If you exalt as an infernal, any attempt to use an excellency must be justified by the excellency's themes. If there are variable mote-buy amounts for charms you want to use, you have to state how many dice you want to buy.


  • Heroic Mortal:
    The Martial Artist Ranma

    • Skills: I am a master of just punching people in general. This includes punching them with swords and other weapons which are not generally thought as fists.. I am an expert with ranged weapons, and at surviving as well as leaping, jumping, running, dodging, and other athletics. I am very aware of my surroundings and hard to ambush. I am a surprisingly good scoundrel, I can break into houses, lie my ass off, and pickpocket like no one else. My presence is powerful and I can convince people to do things by just talking to them for a short while. I am proficient at following clues, practical skills, and getting around to places.

      All in all, I think I am the best at everything important. I'm excellent at fighting, and good at surviving in a variety of places, and being self-independent. However, others say I am critically lacking in academic areas, which honestly don't matter that much in my opinion.

      External Styles:
      Beating Pulse Style: Some men live their lives purely on their instincts, and such they fight on their instincts too, without a plan or strategy. Most people who fight like this quickly learn not to, but some others incorporate fighting into their instincts, and learn to rely on nothing but them. They take fights wherever they spring up, and make no attempt to prepare. This style can only be used unarmored, and either unarmed or with improvised weapons (for the purposes of this style, stolen or scavenged weapons count as improvised). (Mastered)
      Soaring Hominid Form: Since the dawn of man, humans have dreamed of flying. Most accomplished this dream through machines and other contraptions. But some never stopped trying to fly on their own. Practitioners of this style are vastly at home in the air, possibly more than they are in the ground. They leap and soar through the air as if they were birds, themselves, and are almost untouchable in their domain. This style can only be used unarmored and usually unarmed. Form weapons are staff, unarmed, and thrown. (Mastered)
      Death by a Thousand Strikes Style: It's said that a thousand papercuts will eventually kill a man, and thousand waves will eventually wear down even a great and mighty boulder. Practitioners of this style take this statement to heart. They practice fast and relentless attacks which although alone, may be repelled without much difficulty, together break through enemy defenses and deliver punishing flurries of blows. This style can be used in armor no heavier than light, and only unarmored or with weapons with a rate 3 or higher. (Mastered)
      Hidden Armory Form: An unarmed man hits you with a bo staff. This is the essence of this style. It's a style that uses sleight-of-hand tricks to seem like the user is holding nothing, using nothing, but hitting you with a weapon. The strength of this style lies in how quickly one is able to draw weapons from concealment and use them. Form armor is usually long clothing, but masters may forgo this. (Novice)
      Thief and Lech Style: Not everyone fights fair. The practitioners of this style take it a step further, and say that no one should fighter fair, and if you do fight fair then you're an idiot who deserved that poison in your tea. Practitioners of this style are some of the dirtiest fighters going to any cheap trick to win. They'll kick you when you're down, poison your food, anything. Form armor and weapons are anything and everything, because if it hurts the enemy, you better use it. (Proficient)
      Brutal Barbarian Style: A brutal and savage fighting style used by thugs and street gangs. What it lacks in technique and finesse is made up for by numbers, brutality, intimidation and force. This Style can be used in armour, and is compatible with all weapons, though heavy, brutal or improvised tools are most commonly seen among those who use it. (Novice)
      Man as Boulder Form: A good defense is a solid offense, some say. Others say it's the other way around. Man as Boulder practitioners are masters of defense, and attack after letting their opponents wear themselves away on their impregnable defense. Their bodies usually are extremely tough to weather the punishment it suffers, and their ability to intercept blows is good. This style may be used with any armor, and form weapons include axe, mace, sword, and polearm. (Novice)
      Innocent Seducer Form: The very name of this form is a contradiction. How can one seduce another while being innocent. Practitioners of this style, are often utterly unaware they are actually practicing this style. They do unintentional things that make the heart flutter, and through their actions accidentally become the objects of ardent desire. To practice this art, you must be true and honest in your intentions. (Mastered)
      Razor Tumbleweed Style: Some play the game of hearts and minds fairly; manipulating, examining and carefully crafting their arguments. Not so practitioners of this style. This style disdains logic, subtlety and wit for blunt provocation and offense; finding what its targets care about and attacking without regard for hurt feelings or induced ire. Though most practice it through the relative safety of letters or anonymity, there are nonetheless some brave (or stupid) practitioners who relish in using it in person. (Mastered)
      Back Alley Bandage Style (Saw and Bones Form): Where people crowd together in teeming cities and spaceports, fights are sure to follow. Not everyone has the coin for a proper doctor, though. This style is used by the poor and desperate, a compendium of sloppy techniques sufficient to (usually) prevent the deaths of its patients. Practitioners follow their gut and their experience to do whatever is necessary to save lives, distasteful though it may be. Treatment rolls made with improvised equipment always qualify for this Style. (Novice)
      Craven Absconder Style: Stand your ground and fight? Clearly the words of a madman. Wise men know that when the going gets tough, the sensible get gone. This Style is entirely based around the philosophy of running away to run away another day. Its practitioners are often self-admitted cowards, and focus entirely on separating themselves from the source of the danger as fast as possible - destination can be decided on the way. This Style cannot aid any aggressive or offensive actions whatsoever. (Mastered)
      Retreat Into the Wilds Form: Long has history been painted with depictions of men or women who go off into the wilds to train their spirits, skills, and bodies. This style is the training trip manifest. Practitioners of this style learn to survive in the wilderness while at the same time transforming their muscles to steel and expanding their spirits. This style must be practiced with a giant backpack. (Proficient)
      Toil and Labor Style: Some cities of Creation have elaborate contrivances of water or steam that can do the work of dozens in half the time. In most places, though, muscle power still reigns supreme. Millions of serfs from pole to pole engage in back-breaking labor every day. This Style aids actions based on brute strength and menial, untrained labor; the dull work of a slave or workhand shoveling hay or lifting blocks of stone into place. (Proficient)
      Wall-Running Gymnast Style: Parkour, free-running, the wingless flight... there are many names for the fast, agile style of movement beloved of a certain class of agile gymnast. Traceurs tumble and toss themselves around with reckless abandon; vaulting over obstacles, leaping across gaps and dodging around anyone who tries to bar their way. This Style cannot be practiced with any equipment that incurs a mobility penalty. (Mastered)
      Artful Courier Form: Couriers actually have quite dangerous jobs. They can be subject to be such things such being shot in the head and being left for dead (and maybe being rescued by a kind doctor). But yes, being a courier is quite dangerous. Such that couriers have learned a way to defending themselves. This style focuses on protecting the cargo and the courier, while delivering the cargo in a timely manner. (Proficient)
      Light-Fingered Larcenist Style: This Style is found in a number of forms in thieves, robbers, and pickpockets, and all sorts of scoundrels. Its practitioners learn to be innocuous and unassuming, maintaining a casual air and forgettable expression even as their fingers creep like snakes into pockets and satchels. A deft and steady hand is a must for such thieves, as is the ability to kick up a distracting fuss when it seems danger is on the horizon. (Proficient)
      Hypnotizing Hawker Style: A style used by those who sell their hot wares by the wayside, this is a style of cooking, but also being flashy and magnificent while doing so. It's based around drawing attention from people, whether by amazing cooking stunts, or by delicious tempting smells. Users gain bonuses for situations where they attempt to attract someone's attention. (Proficient)
      Enamoring Dancer Form: For dancers, by dancers. This style is a graceful dancing style, that can be on ice or land. It hypnotizes the audience with its graceful movements, and brings their hearts desires to the forefront. Through observation of the crowd, you can determine nature or mood, or even understand their actions. (Novice)
      Falling Petals Style: The tea ceremony is an ancient art, known not only to mortals but to gods and even demons. It is one among many developed for its purpose. Whether it be midnight viewings of the moon or formal negotiations under a flag of truth; the ritual and ceremony of formalized motions serves to calm aggression and bring a meeting of enemies to a peaceful resolution. This Style applies only to formalized or ritualized interactions where a recognized protocol or specific procedure exists. (Novice)
      Heartening Fan Style: When you have a crowd cheering for you, sometimes it raises your spirit quite a bit. When you have a member of this school cheering for you, your spirit breaks through the roof. This style focuses on raising morale and supporting a hero from the crowd. (Novice)
      Capricious Feline Style: This style is meant to mimic the most selfish and uncaring of common pets, the simple feline. From its agile moments to climb up trees and other obstacles, to its use of the razor sharp cat's claws, this style imitates all sorts of felines, from the tiger to the puma. (Mastered)

      Internal Styles:
      Heart As Ice Form: Ancient Chinese Martial Arts teach about hardening your heart to ice, and to mimic it in every form. Usually it's just to kill your compassion and principles so that you may fight without them interfering with your decisions. But people who have mastered the use of their chi use it both literally and figuratively. By using this form, you gain bonuses to surviving the heat, resistance against heat, controlling your principles and virtues, and manipulating the cold. (Expert)
      Rising Dragon Style: This style has nothing to do with dragons. Rather, it's named a technique that must be mastered for the potential to learnt the first technique technique of the Rising Dragon Style. This Style is an expansion of the Heart as Ice Form and the Blazing Passions Style, going from heat and cold, to the wind itself. It prides itself on aerial maneuverability and the ability to use the wind as attacks. Both Heart as Ice Form and Blazing Passions Style must be learned, and one must be at least expert level as a prerequisite for this style. (Novice)
      Blazing Passions Style: The Opposite to the Heart as Ice Form, this style rests upon the idea of channeling your virtues and principles for burning willpower. Adherents of this style learn to use their beliefs and ideologies as fuel for their attacks, and are filled with conviction in their choices. Uses include creating a 'battle aura', creating 'killing intent', and at the highest levels introducing fire elements into your attacks. This is generally considered the easier to learn of the two styles, but the harder to master. (Novice)
      Blatant Bandit Form: The robber who attacks with strength and brutality fears no man. Might of arms is all that matters. This style was developed to be extremely brutal and destructive, and basically break into buildings without care for the police or the inhabitants. In combat, it's very lethal and very deadly, going for one hit kills. Uses include forced entry, one strike kills, inflicting crippling wounds, and kicking people while they're down. (Experienced)
      Silent Thief Style: The thief who sneaks unseen has nothing to fear from any man. Stealth is the truest offense and defense. This style was developed to be completely unseen and to get into buildings and run away with things without being detected at all. In combat, it focuses wearing down the opponent with a thousand strikes, all while being impossible to respond to due to stealth. Uses include erasing presence, inflicting combat penalties on the enemy, constraining and capturing enemies, and being able to steal vast amounts of stuff. (Mastered)

    • Thoughts on Other Characters:

      Saffron: Wow, this guy is such a jerk. Like super jerk. Maybe even the biggest jerk? Well, I've some pretty big jerks, so that's not even for sure, but he's pretty high on that list. He like sort of punched all my friends halfway to death, and then threatened to kill everyone I loved. Also, he has this weird predilection for torturing people, and his attitude is terrible. Basically, this guy? Hate him.

    • Ranma's Principles:
      5 Dot:
      Be the Best (At Martial Arts); Survive
      4 Dot: A Martial Artist's Duty; Don't Get Shown Up; New Techniques are the Best
      3 Dot: Fill My Stomach; Be a Man; Hurting Girls Makes Me Feel Bad; My Honor Demands It
      2 Dot: Hate Being Controlled; Everybody Look at Me!; Revenge is a Dish Best Served Whenever I'm Hungry
      1 Dot

      Ranma's Virtues:
      Compassion: 3; Conviction: 2; Valor: 4; Temperance: 1; Willpower: 8

    • Ranma Character Sheet
      Heroic Mortal
      Essence: 3 Mote Pool: Personal: 11 Peripheral: None
      Soak: 5B/2L Health Levels: -0x1,-1x2,-2x2,-4x1, Incapacitated
      Backgrounds: Resources 5 (A Giant Loade of Starmetal), Mentor 1(Hachiman, and old man)
      Dicecap from Charms: Attribute+Ability


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Well, I liked this last time. Here's hoping it survives this time!

Anyway, sleep is boring, and metagame-wise we know that this world is super-dangerous.

[X] Investigate (Weight: 0.75x)
[X] Investigate (Weight: 0.75x)
-[x] Remember the Fight? Saffron?
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[X] Go back to Sleep (Weight: 2.0x)

Ranma just fell through ever possible existance, and some that arn't. Let the poor kid sleep.
[X] Go back to Sleep (Weight: 2.0x)

Hopefully we roll better this time, so we don't have to go through that mindscape again.
He's in bed and getting food. So this is 80% better than usual where he picks himself up and get abused again right after life threatening injuries.

Best to finish healing so that he can face the next challenge standing