Not in the same way. Tac Move could let us avoid ninjutsu and engage effectively with high-chuunin, low-jounin targets that find us.
Gank him? As a bonus, it will also disincentivice half-XP points for the rest of the group.I am quite off put by the half an experience point that was some how accrued by Noburi. What can we do to be rid of it.
@MadScientist: You might want to add a section to the sealing tech tree, that just covers the possible use cases of the base macerator seal. Things that don't need any actual seal-work to develop, just testing to make sure the options on the macerator seal and the composition of the payload are optimized.
Off the top of my head:
- Fuel Air Explosive (Payload: Wood, Coal, Other Flammables)
- Mist (Payload: Water)
- Pepper Spray (Payload: Strong Chillis, Pepper, Other Irritants)
- Poison Mist (Payload: Water + Poison)
- Flashbang (Payload: White Hot Iron, White Hot Magnesium)
- Confetti (Payload: Colored Paper)
- Mashed Potato (Payload: Steamed Potato + Butter + Spices)
- Scent Bomb (Payload: Scented Oils)
- Shrapnel Bomb (Payload: Stones)
- Woodchips (Payload: Wood)
- Composting (Payload: Organic Refuse)
- Smoke Bomb (Payload: Talc, Ash, basically anything opaque, not-dense, and non-flammable)
- I Hate You Bomb (Payload: Glass)
- Asbestos Bomb (Payload: Molten Glass, Molten Silicates)
- I Hate You and Your Unborn Children Bomb (Payload: Radioactives)
- Do we even know what radioactivity is?
- Glue Bomb (Payload: Glue, Nobby's Sticky Syrup, Other Sticky Liquids)
- This would be super annoying to everyone involved. They probably wouldn't be all that hurt by it, but imagine being covered in superglue in the middle of combat. You basically have to rip your skin apart to move since the glue will make it stick to everything.
- Feather Bomb (Payload: Feathers)
- We could use this for dynamic entrances or something?
- Nut Butter (Payload: Peanuts, Almonds, etc..)
By the way, could you update the wiki whenever you update your in-thread tech tree?Tech Tree is already pretty complicated without adding in possible uses of seals as well. Feel free to sig your post, though, if you wanna keep track of them.
It's because of half-leveling cost for leveling water ninjutsu.I am quite off put by the half an experience point that was some how accrued by Noburi. What can we do to be rid of it.
Unless QMs change their mind, it's actually just the lowest score that rolls. Which at this point is Hazou and Noburi at 9.Having a group of 6 depending on stealth to engage on our enemies means six stealth rolls of which only the lowest one applies. The chances that one of those is low is quite high.
By the way, could you update the wiki whenever you update your in-thread tech tree?
It's because of half-leveling cost for leveling water ninjutsu.
By the way, could you update the wiki whenever you update your in-thread tech tree?
Maybe just update the wiki without bothering to update the in-thread one and link it. No need to do additional work if you don't have to.
I'm not getting involved in the wiki.
I tend to make update posts when I update the tree, so if anyone else wants to take on that extra work they're welcome to do so then, but I won't.
[X]Training Hazou: High-Stealth Sealing
Wits 5 [10]
Capacity 6 [22]
Capacity 7 [36]
Capacity 8 [52]
Intelligence 13 [78]
Sealing 13 [91]
Stealth 9 [100]
Stealth 10 [110]
Stealth 11 [121]
Save 2 XP
[X] Training Keiko: Quick Quiet Capacitor
Capacity 11 [22]
Stealth 11 [33]
Stealth 12 [45]
Tacmov 16 [61]
Save 0 XP
[X]Training Akane: High Capacity Roundup 2.0
Capacity 6 [12]
Capacity 7 [26]
Capacity 8 [42]
Stealth 12 [54]
Diplomacy 6 [60]
MechApt 15 [75]
Awareness 10 [85]
Save 0 XP
[X] Training Noburi: Stealthy Medic
Resolve 4 [Bank - 8, 30]
MedNin 7 [Bank - 7, 23]
MedNin 8 [Bank - 8, 15]
MedKnow 4 [Bank - 4, 11]
MedKnow 5 [Bank - 5, 6]
MedKnow 6 [Bank - 6, 0]
Intelligence 3 [6]
MedKnow 7 [13]
MedKnow 8 [21]
MedKnow 9 [30]
Stealth 10 [40]
Stealth 11 [51]
Stealth 12 [63]
Save 35.5 XP
Maybe just update the wiki without bothering to update the in-thread one and link it. No need to do additional work if you don't have to.
Fair enough, I'll try to remember to update when you do, then.I'm not getting involved in the wiki.
I tend to make update posts when I update the tree, so if anyone else wants to take on that extra work they're welcome to do so then, but I won't.
As far as I'm aware, wikia's are all user-based with the exception of blatantly-illegal stuff which is, of course, shut down.How sure we are that the stuff we put there is going to stay in Wikia? Is this really the sort of content they want there?
I don't really have the energy to mess with the wiki either so I don't really know what you guys are doing there, so take this with a pinch of salt.
I have feeling that if too much discussion moves there we will just splinter the already-not-that-bigthreadcommunity(?) (EDIT: I don't think a community is the right word but I can't think of a better one). The wiki would make more sense if you used it to collect the conclusions of the discussions we have in the thread and update various new trivia that comes up in the form of pages for characters, locations, etc.
I'd probably be happy to vote for Kei with extra stealth but I dunno if she'll accept it in-character.
I apologize about the banking notation, it seemed pretty intuitive to me?
Sure, I've been meaning to do this for a while.
- Storage Seal [DONE]
- Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA PMYF_V1 [DONE]
- Timed-Storing Storage Seal
- Matter-Eater Seal
- Siberian Seal
- Increased-Volume Storage Seal
- Multiple-Item Storage Seal
- PMYF_V2 (Additional Requirement: Timed-Dispensing Storage Seal)
- Ranged-Dispensing Storage Seals
- Ranged-Storing Storage Seals
- Linked Cargo-Transferring Storage Seals
- Kinetic-Dispensing Storage Seal AKA Gun Seal
- Sentry Turret Seal
- Macerator Seal (No Stress Limiter) [DONE]
- Macerator Seal (Amplified Stress)
- Macerator Seal (Scalable Stress)
- Fabricator Seal
- Stressless Storage Seal
- Pokeball Seal (Additional Requirement: Animal Training Seal)
- Matter Increaser Seal
- Material-Selective Storage Seals (other than the types listed elsewhere)
- Fluid Storage outside of containers
- Storage of Wakahisa-Water without loss of chakra
- Kagome's Implosion Seal
- Air-Cannon Reactive Armour Seals
- Reverse Rocket Seal
- Mummification Seal
- People-Eater Seal
- Poison Removal Seal
- Light-Storing Seal
- Laser Cannon Seal
- Explosion Seal [DONE]
- Non-Thermal Explosion Seal
- Shaped Explosion Seal
- Explosive Reactive Armour Seals
- Ray-Gun Seal
- Explosive Mine Seal
- Seal of Grand Fireball
- Seal of EM
- Seal of Shaped EM
- Summoning Seal Analysis
- Hiraishin
- Automatic Teleport-Dodge Seal
- Remote-Subject Teleport Seal
- Telefrag Seal
- Mass Teleport-Evacuation Seals
- Time Travel Seal
- Time Dilation Seal
- Nullify Spacetime Manipulation Seal
- Seal of Kamui
- Webway Seals
- GPS Seal
- Clock Seal
- Vista Seal
- Casino Chakra-Detection Seals
- Chakra-Sensor Seals AKA Extrasensory Seals
- Warning Light Seal
- Sound-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
- Speaker Seal
- Mosquito Seal (pumps out unpleasant headache-inducing noise as a non-lethal deterrent)
- Hypersound Seal
- Sonic Cannon Seal
- Microphone Seal
- Noise-Cancelling Seal
- Shaped-Area Noise-Cancelling Seal
- Sonar Seal
- Light-Output (without chakra-detection) Seals
- Flashbang Seal (Additional Requirement: Sound-Output Seals)
- Laser Gun Seal
- Monitor Seal
- Digital Camera Seal
- Silent Video Camera Seal
- Video Camera Seal (Additional Requirement: Microphone Seal)
- Radar Seal
- Seal of MEW
- Seal of Henge
- Seal of Earth Clone
- Seal of Tiny Earth Clones
- Seal of Nanoclones
- State Seals
- Logic Seals
- Computer Seal (Additional Requirements: Speaker Seal, Monitor Seal, some kind of input)
- Internet Seals
- Force Wall Seal
- Force Wall projected from a single Seal
- Single-Direction Permeable Force Wall Seal
- Selectively Permeable Force Wall Seals
- One-Way Mirror Force Wall Seal
- Force Shuriken-Extension Seal
- Force Kunai-Extension Seal
- Force Cage Seal
- Opaque Force Wall Seal
- Force Hut Seal
- Programmable Force-Architecture Seal (Additional Requirement: Computer Seal)
- Force Tower Seal
- Force Citadel Seal
- Blood Loss Prevention Seal (Additional Requirement: Single Diagnostic "Detect Wounds" Seal)
- Razorwire Seals
- Force Buckler Seal
- Force Tower-Shield Seal
- Skintight Forcefield Seal
- Five-Seal Barrier
- Kinetic Resistence Seal (F-SB without the four extra seals, only partially decreases movement and damage instead of eliminating them)
- One-Seal Barrier (F-SB without the four extra seals, locks position relative to the Earth)
- Mobile One-Seal Barrier (O-SB that locks position relative to the target itself, allowing indestructibility without immobility)
- Tripwire Seal
- Civilian-Usable Storage Seal (two tripwires run over the surface of the paper, tripping them activates their functions, one stores, the other unstores) (Additional Requirement: Storage Seal)
- Single Diagnostic Seal (monitors a single biological function) (Additional Requirement: Any Output Seal)
- Multiple Diagnostic Seal (combination of multiple SDSs)
- Lie-Detector Seal
- Rengeneration Seal
- Monogenic Mutation Seals
- Polygenic Mutation Seals
- Auto-Dispel Seal (Requires: Single Diagnostic "Detect Foreign Chakra" Seal)
- Sealing Modularity
- Seals that can maintain their charge by drawing from supplies of Wakahisa water
- Beacon Seals
- Automatic Seal Reactivation
- Flesh Maintainance Seal (required component for putting seals on flesh)
- Seal Self-Repair (alternative component for putting seals on flesh)
- Seal Error-Checker (scans a seal blank for known errors) (Required: any output)
- Altered Gravity Seal
- Anti Deva Path Seal
- Black Hole Seal (plz no)
- Gravitational Time Dilation Seal
- Wormhole Seal
- Gravitational Space Warping Seal
- Gravitational Warp-Drive Seal
- Seal of Light-Weight Rock Technique
- Seals of Pangolin-Element Techniques
- Seals of Composite Element Techniques
- Seal of Ice Element Freeze Ray
- Seal of Ice Element Ice-Cube Dispenser (makes ice cubes from real ice, like MEW makes walls from real stone)
- Seal of Dust Element
- Seals of Mokuton Anti-Bijuu Techniques (Additional Requirement: ACL Microorganism Generation Seal)
- Chakra Draining Seal
- Chakra Battery Seal
- Artficial Chakra Lifeform (ACL) Microorganism Generation Seal
- ACL Plant Generation Seal
- ACL Minor Demon Generation Seal
- ACL Demon Generation Seal
- Seal Neural Interfacing
- Sensory HUD Seal
- Animal Training Seal
- Unadaptive Genjutsu Seals
- Sensory Deprivation Seal
- Pain Seal
- Imbalance Seal
- Knockout Seal
- Shinigami Seal
- Paralysis Seal
- Empathy Seal
- Retrograde Amnesia Seal
- Anterograde Amnesia Seal
- Suggestibility Seal
- Linked Genjutsu Vector Seals (when the user and victim are both in range of/in contact with the appropriate seal, the user can cast genjutsu on the victim without needing to see their eyes)
- Poor Man's 64 Palms
- Area Chakra-Disabling Seal
- Stun Seal
- Poor Man's Chidori
- Seal of Lightning Boost
- Seals of Elemental Construct Generation
- Seal of Invisibility (physically bends light around the subject, not genjutsu based)
- Linked Chakra-Transmission Seals
- Force Generation Seal
- Gyroscope Seal
- Cannon Seal
- Mass Driver Seal
- Proximity Motion Detection Seal
- Projectile-Storing Storage Seal (Additional Requirement: Ranged-Storing Storage Seals)
- Intoxication Seals (different seals for intoxication with different drugs)
- AoE Intoxication Seal
- Time-Delayed AoE Intoxication Seal
- Edo Tensei (how am I only just adding this now?!)
I have feeling that if too much discussion moves there we will just splinter the already-not-that-big thread community(?) (EDIT: I don't think a community is the right word but I can't think of a better one). The wiki would make more sense if you used it to collect the conclusions of the discussions we have in the thread and update various new trivia that comes up in the form of pages for characters, locations, etc.
The wiki is being used for storing information on mechanics, lore, etc. in a more accessible and searchable form than the massive documents in the first post of the thread. There is no discussion going on at the wiki, so I can't see how it'd splinter things.
When I want to discuss something on the wiki. I just link it here.
IIRC those are the most common settings, but the QMs haven't answered whether/how far those can be altered
I believe this is covered by the "Matter-Eater Seal"?Not sure if this is on the sealing tech tree:
Store a part of an object. Ex: use a storage seal on say granite, the seal grabs a 1m^3 (or whatever size setting) chunk out.
Would be useful for excavating/building, cutting materials, rapid exit tunneling, etc.
Also, we'll soon hit the point where our sealing level is high enough that we can just spend sealing time on research instead of leveling. Which is great because it's less of an XP sink while still allowing us to continue progress
Store a part of an object. Ex: use a storage seal on say granite, the seal grabs a 1m^3 (or whatever size setting) chunk out.
Would be useful for excavating/building, cutting materials, rapid exit tunneling, etc.