[X] Noburi Training: Big Moves
It would help to have a suggestion from Hazō or at least some criteria to give an idea of what he's looking for.
Helpful nudge. Thank you.

Taking suggestions. Edited to this.
  • Work together to create the first steps of a lasting solution.
  • Divide clan and close associates into security compartments and secrets by clearance level.
  • Require plan signoff from relevant compartment members for go ahead. Review weekly.
Tower archive seal suggestions


Tower seal proposals go here.

Poison Gas Seal: Produces chakra-construct poison gas, similar to the yak nin's water ninjutsu. Statement of intent: Usable or modifiable to be used in masse to flood a given area with poison, whilst using our various gas mask seals personally.

High Chuunin. Also under additional restrictions because of likelihood to kill self with proper use of it in confined spaces.


Bubble Head Seal

This seal creates an air-tight, aqueous bubble around the user's head. It penalizes Alertness rolls (though not initiative) by -3, and does nothing else. This is intended to be used in concert with other seals or techniques to keep the user's air breathable while dealing with poison.



Heart-Synch Seal: Point it at someone to make the seal give off vibrations in time with their heartbeat. Provides bonus to Empathy checks, and to cardiologically relevant medical checks.


Lead Blade Seal: When applied to a bladed implement, it increases its inertia without increasing its mass, because fuck you chakramagic, that's why. Has unpredictable (but not sealing failure level) results when applied to things that aren't blades. This seal effectively increases the Weapon value of the weapon it is attached to by 1. This works with ranged weapons as well.

Statement of Intent: It is an intended optimization on Hazou's part to go "What if big sword dropped from big distance via Skywalkers". This would destroy pretty much any building it hit, top to bottom, but that's ah... not as world changing as it might have used to be.

Approximately chuunin.

Yoink Seal: Stores the first valid object that would hit an imaginary line emerging perpendicular to the seal. Does not cause sealing failures if hitting invalid object.



Rebounding Sphere: Creates a sphere floating in the air that when struck, sends the striking object in the opposite vector at equal speed to when struck, once. It is created a small distance ahead of the seal, such that if wrapped properly, a kunai with it attached will bounce back.

Mechanically, this provides a second hit roll if the first misses, at a bonus of Sealing AB - (shifts of an alertness roll against TN 50). There is no loss of momentum. Upper end of Chuunin seals, based on Force Wall.


Gouging Seal: Stores everything in a palm-sized cylinder in front of it, extending as far as possible. Carves holes through objects/enemies where they intersect the storage zone. May or may not cause sealing failures; user beware. ([attack roll] versus athletics for use, does shifts+[weapon] unblockable damage. Does not interact with jutsu effects; no risk of sealing failure for using against someone with armor jutsu or whatever, just for hitting seals or fancy chakra swords or whatever.)


Nightsight Seal: Does what it says on the tin. Okay, little more info: When placed over the user's eyes, it serves to amplify light that touches the seal, and it allows light to pass through as if it weren't there. This can cause damage if used improperly; there is no modern nightvision safety tech in this. It's possible to use over just one eye. This gives a penalty to all checks dependent on depth perception, but allows one to retain sight if blinded by a sudden light.

Call and Repel Metal Seal: This seal emanates a visible pulse, after which some metal objects in the area are pulled toward/pushed away from it at great force. Repel is less effective than Call. This was optimized to work on kunai and shuriken. In spite of appearances, this works on random metal objects aside from kunai and shuriken, even non-magnetic ones. Be careful with piercings. Chakra is a troll if you try to do magnet shit with these.

Two separate seals. Repel Metal gives a -AB to RW rolls involving kunai, shuriken, or similar objects. Call Metal, if properly used, can provide a +1.5*AB bonus toward like rolls; this is highly dependent on preparation and proper use, however.

Approximately Chuunin.


Planetarium Seal: Projects a close up image of the night sky as seen from one's current position, aiding in astronavigation. This seal was stolen from Mist at one point or another, and finds use in sealcraft, medicine, and technique hacking in addition to its ordinary usage. May provide a (very minor) bonus to any of the former where appropriate, as well as a more sizable one toward navigation.

Approximately genin.


Proposals for seals that are in Jiraiya's collection, which ranges from genin to sannin-level, go here.

Shock Sphere Seal: When activated, this seal creates a barrier of electricity 15 meters radius that is mostly-opaque. Any attempts to cross it by man or beast must contend with a roll of Physique versus Sealing (at research time; this may be updated with a relatively-easy project). This takes fifteen minutes to activate. When active, moving the seal disrupts the barrier's effect, though it may be placed safely within any form of containment to keep it safe; it is not dependent on line of effect to use.


Mortar Seal: Produces an explosion [as with explosive seals] a specified distance and direction away from the face of the seal. Reusable, can be activated once per turn.

Jiraiya's Amazing Speed-Enhancing Seal: This seal increases the speed at which time moves for the target it is attached to for between 15 and 42 (absolute) seconds. This provides the user an effective additional supplemental action, and gives them a +Sealing AB *1.5 bonus to anything dependent on reaction time. These include but are not limited to Alertness, Athletics, [attack jutsu/skill], etc.

This does cause an increase in aging, however minute, and cuts the duration of buffs/debuffs down to 2/3.



Jiraiya's Speed Bubble Seal (was used for veterancy for the above)

Two seals delineate the area of this seal, similarly to Air Dome. Within the area of this seal, time flows faster by a factor of 1.1. This provides a +2 to combat rolls made while within the area of this seal, and does not stack with the above seal. TN: Approximately genin level. Other seals are mentioned in the notes, that were used to build up to the Amazing Speed-Enhancing Seal, but these are the only two present.
The Stupendous Jiraiya's Incredible Imago Seal

This seal creates an afterimage of the vague outline of the user as they move. It requires that the opponent succeed on an Alertness vs Sealing (at time of infusion) TN, else they take a penalty of -5 to rolls to target the user. This penalty may be higher or make impossible certain effects, such as genjutsu, due to eye contact being difficult to acquire. This gives the user the aspect "Afterimages" or similar. Creates actual holographic projections, not genjutsu -- it therefore does not serve as veterancy for genjutsu seals. No free lunch.

Somewhere between high genin and mid chuunin, hard to tell.
Jiraiya's Vengeful Spikes Seal

This seal, when activated, does nothing. However, if the user is struck by an attack in the following 27 seconds, no matter the distance, this seal strikes back at them with a shadowy spike emerging from the ground. It attacks at Weapon: -1 and rolls Sealing (time of infusion). This spike leaves no traces, and does not deal physical damage, but nonetheless can weaken and kill as if it did.
Fortification-Annihilating Seal
This seal is dual-function. It is usable to destroy a single wall (chakra trolls if you try to munchkin this or probe it too deeply). Against earth jutsu, it destabilizes the chakra structure of earth-element jutsu, causing the jutsu to fail. This effect occurs within melee radius -- if someone is unaware they need to dodge this, and is a melee opponent, there's no dodging it. This would, for instance, break Pangolin Earth Armor or other earth-based armor jutsu, MEW, etc. Used against earth jutsu directly, it provides approximately a -(sealing AB) penalty to it.

Higher than average complexity, chuunin-level.
Lightning Rod Seal

This seal draws lightning-aspected chakra toward it, at which point it combusts. This seal does not cause sealing failures when destroyed. It penalizes Lightning jutsu directed toward it by -AB for 10 seconds.

Jiraiya's notes: "I must have been high when I made this. It's not worth the time to use," The implication being that drawing lightning jutsu toward yourself is a Bad Idea.


Fire Sealing Technique

Any fire jutsu that touches the surface of this seal is sealed away within. When 'full', the kanji at the center reads 'Flame'. This is based on the seal Jiraiya used in Naruto canon to stop Itachi's Amaterasu.

Roll opposed Sealing (at time of infusion) versus the jutsu level. If the seal wins, the jutsu fails at the user, drawing in all the flames powered by the jutsu. Remaining, normal fire may still exist.

Low Jounin.


Five-Element Barrier Seal: This seal may be used reactively (because it's pointless otherwise) instead of dodging with Athletics. It blocks up to 5 attacks at (Sealing [at time of infusion] + 2xSealing AB). When struck, it responds in kind with an attack at Sealing+Sealing AB of the same element in the direction the attack originated from. It blocks physical attacks and those outside the standard five elements, but does not reflect them.

Contrary to its name, this seal is only a single seal element. It lasts a full round. Moving beyond its effects causes it to cease to function. It appears as a multicolored, fluorescent crystalline barrier, and breaks into crystal fragments at the end of its duration, when it absorbs five attacks, or when the person within steps out from within it.

Included is a lot of cursing on it being 'too damn bright' and that seeming impossible to change. (This causes no mechanical effect.)

[Balance Note: The numbers here are largely because it's intended to actually block attacks from jounin, which means they're using chakra boost and esoteric attack buffs and Sealing doesn't get that. Also, Jiraiya made this, and it's the kind of seal he'd actually regularly use. Obviously, this is a very high level seal. Jounin, edging on sannin level, IMO. Depending on the mechanics of sage mode relative to its use in canon, it may also allow easier use by allowing the user to be stationary, which is obviously a plus for Jiraiya.]

Fire Element Suppression Seal
On skin contact, disrupts willing target's ability to use Fire Element. Lasts short period, putting target more in tune with other 4 Elements. Repeated use permanently degrades ability to use Fire Element.

Is a bioseal (hence the brief duration) that was created in collaboration with Orochimaru, to ease the learning of new elements for Leaf ninja, though its downside got them both in trouble. If used 'safely', it provides a 20 XP reduction in the cost of learning a new element. If used unsafely, it provides a 50 XP cost reduction, and commensurate loss of XP to all jutsu of the fire element.


Gravity Series:

High-G Seal: Produces a zone of high gravity. Produces aspect taggable by people who have trained in this environment.

Low-G Seal: Produces a zone of low gravity. Produces aspect taggable by people who have trained in this environment.

Heavyweight Seal: Increases the weight of the attached object/person. (-Ath, +Weapon)

Lightweight Seal: Decreases the weight of the attached object/person. (+Ath, -Weapon)

Pull Point Seal: Seal produces its own powerful gravitational field, pulling in nearby mass. (roll to pull enemies into a zone)

Push Point Seal: Seal produces its own powerful anti-gravitational field, pushing away nearby mass. (roll to push enemies from a zone)

At start, high chuunin. Each provides veterancy toward the others, however.


Lunar Veil Seal: While under moonlight, the user does not cast shadows. Where appropriate, this provides the aspect and tag "Luna's Protection" toward stealth or athletics (only while operating under stealth).

High chuunin.
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Can lightning Element jutsu be amplified through the lense if a crystal? Or maybe Sun/Light Element?

If we take Quartz, and alter the facets enough so that they serve as a sort of mirror/honing device, would it increase the lethality of such jutsu?
[X] Action Plan: Tutorships and Trials
Words: 141
  • Sanity check with Kei and Mari (under opsec conditions)
  • FOOM
    • Does everyone need to stop FOOMing, or just Akane?
    • Is there any way we can continue (in a more "normal" amount?), or is it too much of a risk?
    • Do as is suggested.
  • If Noburi and Akane are interested in an apprenticeship with Tsunade, meet with Asuma to make it happen.
    • Follow Mari/Kei's advice.
  • Work on making the new estate awesome
    • Koi ponds, gardens, Jiraiya Gate Statue, much better apartments than last time, and make Kei's room to her specifications.
    • Ask Snowflake, Crystal, Winterlight, Scalpel, etc, if they want a room/for their preferences.
  • Misc
    • Visit Mareo, bring gift basket. Chill, talk about family (maintain opsec where necessary).
    • Tutor Harumitsu, introduce to wider Goketsu family (to give him a social support network outside of the Hagoromo)
    • Work on Minato's Notes
Vote for this if you want a little more specification in content.

It's not thrilling but I do want to talk to Kagome about what the actual mechanics behind how we'd use Minato's techniques to re-inflate the Rift (as well as some other Rift-related questions related to closing it) and it might be an opportunity for sealing mumbo-jumbo.

[X] Action Plan: Mentors
Word count: <300
  • Mari:
    • Should we adjust everyone's training plans until the move has settled? Akane in particular is going to be busy moving her garden.
      • (Implication: does everyone need to stop FOOMing, or just Akane?)
      • Follow her recommendations.
    • Noburi's sisters' visit was cancelled. Is this yet another message from someone? Can you translate for us?
    • We want stronger bonds with other clans. Can you talk through the challenges/opportunities/advantages/disadvantages of a few clans with us?
      • We've had business relations with the Aburame, and Shino liked us.
      • The Akimichi are a part of ISC and might help our standing with conservative sympathizers.
      • The Sarutobi seem calm/cool, and Asuma wants us to integrate.
      • Sasuke offered to give us advice and he went on that mission with us.
      • Minami Minori's mother said we could drop by for tea.
  • Kagome:
    • We're going to be moving into the city soon. That means easier access to hot chocolate but it's probably going to be stressful, too.
      • First, just listen to his feelings. Gently/subtly encourage him to share/voice them. Empathize.
      • Once he's talked some of that through, ask what we can do to help. Be supportive.
    • The Rift:
      • We worked through Minato's first seal.
        • That man was crazy. A genius. But crazy.
        • Can you talk through how we might be able to adapt his chakra…construct…things? to re-inflate the Rift?
      • When we get the Rift open, will it stay open? Will we be able to close it? Will it close naturally? Asking after his best guesses.
    • We were thinking about having a sealmaster-only ceremony for Yudai. Aburame, Sarutobi, Harumitsu, anyone else who isn't a stinker? It's nice to talk shop sometimes.
      • (Be supportive of his feelings/emotions.)
    • Oh, are you still trading puzzles with that Isanese sealmistress? How's that going?
  • Study Minato's notes.
Vote for this if you want a little more specification in content.

It's not thrilling but I do want to talk to Kagome about what the actual mechanics behind how we'd use Minato's techniques to re-inflate the Rift (as well as some other Rift-related questions related to closing it) and it might be an opportunity for sealing mumbo-jumbo.

[X] Action Plan: Mentors
Word count: <300
  • Mari:
    • Should we adjust everyone's training plans until the move has settled? Akane in particular is going to be busy moving her garden.
      • (Implication: does everyone need to stop FOOMing, or just Akane?)
      • Follow her recommendations.
    • Noburi's sisters' visit was cancelled. Is this yet another message from someone? Can you translate for us?
    • We want stronger bonds with other clans. Can you talk through the challenges/opportunities/advantages/disadvantages of a few clans with us?
      • We've had business relations with the Aburame, and Shino liked us.
      • The Akimichi are a part of ISC and might help our standing with conservative sympathizers.
      • The Sarutobi seem calm/cool, and Asuma wants us to integrate.
      • Sasuke offered to give us advice and he went on that mission with us.
      • Minami Minori's mother said we could drop by for tea.
  • Kagome:
    • We're going to be moving into the city soon. That means easier access to hot chocolate but it's probably going to be stressful, too.
      • First, just listen to his feelings. Gently/subtly encourage him to share/voice them. Empathize.
      • Once he's talked some of that through, ask what we can do to help. Be supportive.
    • The Rift:
      • We worked through Minato's first seal.
        • That man was crazy. A genius. But crazy.
        • Can you talk through how we might be able to adapt his chakra…construct…things? to re-inflate the Rift?
      • When we get the Rift open, will it stay open? Will we be able to close it? Will it close naturally? Asking after his best guesses.
    • We were thinking about having a sealmaster-only ceremony for Yudai. Aburame, Sarutobi, Harumitsu, anyone else who isn't a stinker? It's nice to talk shop sometimes.
      • (Be supportive of his feelings/emotions.)
    • Oh, are you still trading puzzles with that Isanese sealmistress? How's that going?
  • Study Minato's notes.
Could you change Study Minato's notes to do sealing? Studying his notes is kinda... being done already?
Vote for this if you want a little more specification in content.

It's not thrilling but I do want to talk to Kagome about what the actual mechanics behind how we'd use Minato's techniques to re-inflate the Rift (as well as some other Rift-related questions related to closing it) and it might be an opportunity for sealing mumbo-jumbo.

[X] Action Plan: Mentors
Word count: <300
  • Mari:
    • Should we adjust everyone's training plans until the move has settled? Akane in particular is going to be busy moving her garden.
      • (Implication: does everyone need to stop FOOMing, or just Akane?)
      • Follow her recommendations.
    • Noburi's sisters' visit was cancelled. Is this yet another message from someone? Can you translate for us?
    • We want stronger bonds with other clans. Can you talk through the challenges/opportunities/advantages/disadvantages of a few clans with us?
      • We've had business relations with the Aburame, and Shino liked us.
      • The Akimichi are a part of ISC and might help our standing with conservative sympathizers.
      • The Sarutobi seem calm/cool, and Asuma wants us to integrate.
      • Sasuke offered to give us advice and he went on that mission with us.
      • Minami Minori's mother said we could drop by for tea.
  • Kagome:
    • We're going to be moving into the city soon. That means easier access to hot chocolate but it's probably going to be stressful, too.
      • First, just listen to his feelings. Gently/subtly encourage him to share/voice them. Empathize.
      • Once he's talked some of that through, ask what we can do to help. Be supportive.
    • The Rift:
      • We worked through Minato's first seal.
        • That man was crazy. A genius. But crazy.
        • Can you talk through how we might be able to adapt his chakra…construct…things? to re-inflate the Rift?
      • When we get the Rift open, will it stay open? Will we be able to close it? Will it close naturally? Asking after his best guesses.
    • We were thinking about having a sealmaster-only ceremony for Yudai. Aburame, Sarutobi, Harumitsu, anyone else who isn't a stinker? It's nice to talk shop sometimes.
      • (Be supportive of his feelings/emotions.)
    • Oh, are you still trading puzzles with that Isanese sealmistress? How's that going?
  • Study Minato's notes.

Can you fit in, for the Noburi's sister part, asking Mari for help in getting the visit to come thru, ie by leaning on Ami or any of her resources? I believe it's a natural follow through.

…I think we should bite the bullet and inform him about the seance.
Last edited:
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Dec 21, 2022 at 11:09 AM, finished with 136 posts and 15 votes.

Voting is closed.


Tower seal proposals go here.

Poison Gas Seal: Produces chakra-construct poison gas, similar to the yak nin's water ninjutsu. Statement of intent: Usable or modifiable to be used in masse to flood a given area with poison, whilst using our various gas mask seals personally


Heart-Synch Seal: Point it at someone to make the seal give off vibrations in time with their heartbeat. Provides bonus to Empathy checks, and to cardiologically relevant medical checks.


Yoink Seal: Stores the first valid object that would hit an imaginary line emerging perpendicular to the seal. Does not cause sealing failures if hitting invalid object.


Gouging Seal: Stores everything in a palm-sized cylinder in front of it, extending as far as possible. Carves holes through objects/enemies where they intersect the storage zone. May or may not cause sealing failures; user beware. ([attack roll] versus athletics for use, does shifts+[weapon] unblockable damage. Does not interact with jutsu effects; no risk of sealing failure for using against someone with armor jutsu or whatever, just for hitting seals or fancy chakra swords or whatever.)


Proposals for seals that are in Jiraiya's collection, which ranges from genin to sannin-level, go here.

Jiraiya's Amazing Speed-Enhancing Seal: This seal increases the speed at which time moves for the target it is attached to for between 15 and 42 (absolute) seconds. This provides the user an effective additional supplemental action, and gives them a +Sealing AB *1.5 bonus to anything dependent on reaction time. These include but are not limited to Alertness, Athletics, [attack jutsu/skill], etc.

This does cause an increase in aging, however minute, and cuts the duration of buffs/debuffs down to 2/3.


Five-Element Barrier Seal: This seal may be used reactively (because it's pointless otherwise) instead of dodging with Athletics. It blocks up to 5 attacks at (Sealing [at time of infusion] + 2xSealing AB). When struck, it responds in kind with an attack at Sealing+Sealing AB of the same element in the direction the attack originated from. It blocks physical attacks and those outside the standard five elements, but does not reflect them.

Contrary to its name, this seal is only a single seal element. It lasts a full round. Moving beyond its effects causes it to cease to function. It appears as a multicolored, fluorescent crystalline barrier, and breaks into crystal fragments at the end of its duration, when it absorbs five attacks, or when the person within steps out from within it.

Included is a lot of cursing on it being 'too damn bright' and that seeming impossible to change. (This causes no mechanical effect.)

[Balance Note: The numbers here are largely because it's intended to actually block attacks from jounin, which means they're using chakra boost and esoteric attack buffs and Sealing doesn't get that. Also, Jiraiya made this, and it's the kind of seal he'd actually regularly use. Obviously, this is a very high level seal. Jounin, edging on sannin level, IMO. Depending on the mechanics of sage mode relative to its use in canon, it may also allow easier use by allowing the user to be stationary, which is obviously a plus for Jiraiya.]


Gravity Series:

High-G Seal: Produces a zone of high gravity. Produces aspect taggable by people who have trained in this environment.

Low-G Seal: Produces a zone of low gravity. Produces aspect taggable by people who have trained in this environment.

Heavyweight Seal: Increases the weight of the attached object/person. (-Ath, +Weapon)

Lightweight Seal: Decreases the weight of the attached object/person. (+Ath, -Weapon)

Pull Point Seal: Seal produces its own powerful gravitational field, pulling in nearby mass. (roll to pull enemies into a zone)

Push Point Seal: Seal produces its own powerful anti-gravitational field, pushing away nearby mass. (roll to push enemies from a zone)
Updated this.