My advice to anyone not on mobile: Look at the keyboard as you type. If you are about to touch the forbidden letter, rethink. Reliance on the search function as the only means of detection appears to be insufficient as a preventative measure.
What do we do now? We don't. This is not a power we intend to use. It's a power we, at most, intend to have ready to use if the need becomes sufficiently dire.

We also ideally have someone else learn Fire Element and Elemental Mastery. Now that Hazou knows IC that the nuke exists, he can easily plan around it.

If word of this comes to Asuma... well, my hope is that he just assumes it was a freak accident of some sort that most likely killed everyone involved. If he asks us what we know, we can't lie to him, or substantially misdirect him. But we can tell him our first-hand account, in which we omit that we were the cause of the effect, and if he presses we insist that the world is better off without such destruction.

...but I dearly hope it does not come to that. After all, who would assume that an effect that massive could be crafted by an intentional seal, let alone a jutsu? Nobody sane would assume this is replicable.
We can send the Tower an anonymous letter with just "destruction of X location is the result of a Leaf research experiment that went awry, not hostile action, don't panic" and some Leaf security codes for identity proof in it. Now, sure, the circle of people who could be responsible would be easy to infer and pretty small, but the letter wouldn't really provide any new information to him: if Asuma doesn't assume it's hostile action (which we very much want), he'd have to assume it was done by Leaf, and then narrow the culprits down to the same people. By the letter, we just (1) cut off the possibility that he calls up a Clan Council in a panic (in which case we may be forced to reveal our responsibility, or at least leak way more information), (2) make it clear the scale of destruction was unpredicted, so he doesn't need to chew anyone out for that either.
3) Make every Fire Element Named Clan Ninja learn EM from Akane... once she's recovered.
She will never accept this, EM is a non-bloodline limited jutsu literally anyone with Fire Affinity can learn. Any ninja with natural Fire Affinity can become a WMD in a year or two's time. The plan to spread the jutsu around is one that leads to CATASTROPHIC ANNIHILATION.

Oh Jashin, we need to nuke Isan before EM becomes more widespread, otherwise it becomes a nuclear time bomb.
Does the forbidden letter rule apply to discord as well?, this is not ood for my nerves
No, just this thread.
We can send the Tower an anonymous letter with just "destruction of X location is the result of a Leaf research experiment that went awry, not hostile action, don't panic" and some Leaf security codes for identity proof in it. Now, sure, the circle of people who could be responsible would be easy to infer and pretty small, but the letter wouldn't really provide any new information to him: if Asuma doesn't assume it's hostile action (which we very much want), he'd have to assume it was done by Leaf, and then narrow the culprits down to the same people. By the letter, we just (1) cut off the possibility that he calls up a Clan Council in a panic (in which case we may be forced to reveal our responsibility, or at least leak way more information), (2) make it clear the scale of destruction was unpredicted, so he doesn't need to chew anyone out for that either.
I like this, let's do this.
risk too much we did. twice. seal radar 1st. now EM.

hazou think jutsu failure? end time match jutsu rule, hours. think no failure? repeatable?

He has not earned my confidence whatsoever with the whole burn-everyone-alive shtick he put on Akane already.
kill civie hazou idea too.
"Yes," Hazō said through clenched teeth. "In the short term it will harm civilians more than ninja, but Rock can't afford to have their entire population die of thirst. They will be forced to send ninja to locate and remove the dams. At the same time they won't want to draw down their current force deployments for fear that we might do exactly what they did to us: Use overwhelming force to hit population centers that have small ninja detachments, as part of a 'defeat in detail' strategy." He swept his hand across Earth Country on the map. "Wherever their people currently are, it's because those places need to be protected. They won't want to draw down the protection so they will be forced to call back the ninja from Fire."

"I was already planning something to that goal," Asuma said. "Specifically, one or more strike forces moving into Earth and destroying population centers along the border as a way of pulling their forward units back. Orochimaru, I would like you to lead one unit."

"Clan secret" seems like the safest approach to take with Asuma: "we tested out a clan secret. Unfortunately we don't believe it can currently be used in the field without loss of the ninja in question."
or say use we no will do. keep peace amity. then asuma protect us, protect nuke.
or asuma fear us? fear us nuke leaf?
We can send the Tower an anonymous letter with just "destruction of X location is the result of a Leaf research experiment that went awry, not hostile action, don't panic" and some Leaf security codes for identity proof in it. Now, sure, the circle of people who could be responsible would be easy to infer and pretty small, but the letter wouldn't really provide any new information to him: if Asuma doesn't assume it's hostile action (which we very much want), he'd have to assume it was done by Leaf, and then narrow the culprits down to the same people. By the letter, we just (1) cut off the possibility that he calls up a Clan Council in a panic (in which case we may be forced to reveal our responsibility, or at least leak way more information), (2) make it clear the scale of destruction was unpredicted, so he doesn't need to chew anyone out for that either.
We are the only person likely to do somethin like that, any natives would come clean to their hokae, orochimaru is orochimaru
And the only other option is forein action.
I think this might actually be one of the things that Asuma would push against "clan secrets" on.
I mean, we are just a petty noble, we are supposed to be kept in check by and every other faction in leaf, but whit this we could just burn everythin to the round and yo away if we are ever pushed hard enouh, or if we are just bored.
Also keep your letter in check, Your careless disappoints faflec
I think this might actually be one of the things that Asuma would push against "clan secrets" on.
And moreover, to call it a clan secret would be a lie. As we have seen with FOOM, creative applications of a jutsu do not qualify for clan secret protection. If our clan became the only owners of Elemental Mastery, it could become a clan secret, but we have neither the time nor the means to achieve that in our timeframe (especially since we do not know that Isan has not traded it away to others since they revealed themselves to the world. It is, to them, a simple joke of a jutsu, after all).

One tool I haven't mentioned but which we could rely on is Jiraiya. He once expressly forbade us from pursuit of nuke-level explosives, and for sound reasons. If pressed, we can call on the authority and wisdom of the Lord Fifth to assert that, no, this is not a power that can be spread, no matter the cost.
One tool I haven't mentioned but which we could rely on is Jiraiya. He once expressly forbade us from pursuit of nuke-level explosives, and for sound reasons. If pressed, we can call on the authority and wisdom of the Lord Fifth to assert that, no, this is not a power that can be spread, no matter the cost.
"Any explosives 'big enough to change warfare', you forget right now. Scrub them out of your mind. If we could trust the Yamanaka to do it, I'd ask them this minute, but they would quite rightly think it was safer to kill you instead. Think for a second about the kind of people who would want that technology. Enemy agents. Hostile factions, domestic and foreign, who'd want to hold villages to ransom as leverage. Oh, and those wacky ninja who want to end the world. Those pop up every now and again.
tell kei. then shika if need. thinker think existential much
Two can keep a secret if one is dead.

I say we tell literally no one, don't even talk about it, spread it to no one, and act like the fate of the world depends on us keepin[-] this secret.

Which is true. Like Faflec said, it's a tickin[-] time bomb. Once word [-]ets out, everyone dies. We're the Americans and the Soviets just saw a nuke drop. But it's worse. Here there's a thousand different Soviet countries (all fire element users), and MAD doesn't work with a thousand multipolar actors. It's basically only a matter of time till the world ends.

If anyone disa[-]rees, uh, any [-]ood reason on thinkin[-] the world won't end? Or we can keep the secret indefinitely? I'd love to be wron[-].

Otherwise, anyone have any ideas on how to stop the literal time bomb? Literally all I can think of is to kill all the ninjas or somehow make chakra no lon[-]er work/exist in the world.
We beat Rain!
Suck on that, SenescentSoul!
from the hilltop where the flesh people waited

Seriously tho, "I am sorry for the error, but this is the reason we practice seals far from civilization," seems the best OPSEC approach to me. "Details of what was researched are clan secret, but to be clear, this was not the intended result, and for sure the risk is too much to continue with my attempts. I don't want to answer more questions about the research attempted, but I can tell you all I observed of the failure. Also... pretty please don't tell everyone it was me. I'll owe you."

To keep our involvement a secret as a whole is to risk the killbox, I think, since it hurts Leaf to let another state use it as a threat, or Asuma to have to mobilize around it as if it could be. He would not like that, when the non-truth he would assume (seal failure) is so unnecessary to hide. But Mari can decide, I'd trust her on that. Complete secrecy is better if she thinks we can do it.

Akane is not at risk of difficult questions, because who the heck would suspect her?