Idea: Light Relay seal.

  • When light of a certain color shines on the receiver, the seal emits light (deactivates when not shined on).
  • Fold the seal over boards and line them up for instant, low-bandwidth communication. Like signal flares, but directional.

We need a more precise definition; we're suggesting the following. If you have thoughts about it, please speak up. Once things seem stable we'll canonize it and put it in the Seals document.

The blank for the Light Relay (LR) seal has one spiral in its left third, a bunch of stuff in the middle, and another spiral in the right third. The one on the left is the receiver and the one on the right is the emitter. Don't read too much into this as far as seal theory goes; we're only specifying the shape to make it easy to talk about. Please don't poke too hard at the relationships between shape and function.

At infusion time you choose what color the seal is sensitive to (e.g. 'leaf green') and what color it emits (e.g. 'robin-egg blue'). If a sufficient amount of light of the specified color strikes the receiver, the emitter will emit light of its specified color at the same intensity as a HOWS – e.g. upon having enough leaf-green light shining upon the receiver element, the emitter will send out a HOWS' worth of robin-egg blue light.

Chakra being the troll that it is, close investigation of how much light is enough yields inconsistent results. (i.e., the QMs refuse to get too deep in the physics weeds and will use their best judgment.) As a general benchmark, the amount of light emitted from Haru's Outstanding World-Saving seal is sufficient to activate an LR at 3 meters. (A HOWS is sufficiently bright to comfortably read by if it's within arm's reach.) The Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal is significantly brighter (enough to comfortably light up an average room) and will activate an LR from farther away, the extra distance being roughly linear when comparing the intensity of the JADL to the HOWS. (No, we're not providing specific numbers because, again, physics weeds. We're open to establishing numbers if someone wants to figure them out.)

The entirety of the receiver and the entirety of the emitter must be exposed for the seal to function, but the seal does not need to be lying flat; you can fold it in half and it will still function.

The receivers are roughly as sensitive to color as the human eye and they will only activate for the color that was chosen at infusion time. Using
this color list for reference, if you set it to detect "Amber (SAE/ECE)" (#ff7e00) then it will not activate for "Blood Red" (#f35336). At the same time, it's not completely precise, so at least some of the time it will activate for "American Orange" (#ff8b00). Of course, sometimes it won't, because chakra is a troll, which is a polite way of saying that the QMs aren't willing to get too fiddly with this.

Fortunately, the color emitted by an LR is stable, so if you have an LR seal set to emit American Orange then it will always activate another LR that is set to detect American Orange.
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does the seal absorb light normally like paper or magically (ie: will shining a magnifying glass on it heat it up)?

Does the emitted light have the same intensity profile and divergence as absorbed?

What is the absorption area boundary shape (not necessarily same as the seal spiral shape) and is it a hard cut-off?

How far apart are the emitted and absorbed light locations?

Edit: if folded curvically into a lens does it work as a lens?

What counts as exposed? Does a 1mm gap between the seal and a block material give enough space to function?
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Lord Hagface was capable of one that clearly conveyed what an idiot Mari was.
Some things never change
Lady Inuzuka's was amused at Mari's hard-charging optimism and humor.
Some things do
Tsunade's was doubtful and impatient.
Sometimes water is wet
"It's possible that could work," Mari said, in a voice that made it clear that it wasn't possible.
Hah, there's a strong player in my Go club who speaks like that. Complete with deep knowledge, impressive prowess, and Japanese accent (not faked, he's from Japan)
We want them walking the streets of Cloud and the tunnels of Rock, talking about what marvels they saw during their time in Leaf. Talking about how friendly and respectful her people were. How much cleaner and more beautiful and richer the city is than theirs. They'll be back eventually, this time for true.
Eeeeh, we have enough zealots and extremists in Leaf to know this is wildly optimistic, but it helps her speech
The Council members along that side had needed to turn their chairs around to see her.
Unsubtle, but soooo practical
Shikamaru leaned forward, elbows on the table and fingers interlaced.
Translator note: keikaku means plan
"Simple. We grow the civilian population."
Inb4 Kei and Ami get even more pissed off because they are Mori and they now have to run the numbers again. (Honestly the "running the numbers" thing is awesome)
Nothing in that says that we need to care which clan a ninja belongs to or doesn't belong to.
It was at this moment Asuma knew: muahahahahaha
which is going to rub the Hags up like a wire brush on the taint.
Hey, I don't judge the things you do!
Kei has the temperament but she's likely to get steamrolled by some of the pushier Clan Heads. You know her—she's good at wheeling and dealing when everyone is playing fair, but she gets rattled when the other person isn't working in good faith
She so should have helped Kei work on this when they noticed she could be good at it with training, back when she haggled with Pantsā and not only did it well but also enjoyed it
"No, this one was in fact a bit of self-aggrandizing whimsy. I'm allowed to be a hypocrite occasionally."
It's not hypocrisy if you make everyone else say it too. And self-aggrandising when you're so short is basically a coping mechanism *badum pshh*
"Would you have said yes?"

"Well, obviously, but..."

She shrugged. "Then what's the problem?"
*Sigh* she'll never respect our authority... which sometimes is a good thing. Fine. Okay. Grr.
But there are some inefficiencies in the system
Me after seven seconds into any political discussion, and seven seconds before "THE PROBLEM IS CAPITALISM"
"Mari, that makes no sense," Asuma said. "If you decrease taxes then you get less taxes."
Thatcher be like
"Why do you have one-third of a Rafu selector on that sheet?"
Hang on-
If it's not a Rafu selector then why does it look like an unrealistically giant breast?
Are Rafu selectors just three boobs? And where can I get one?
and men get stupid and compliant when they're thinking about boobs.
Goes to show, men can't be wrong all the time /jk
We need a more precise definition; we're suggesting the following. If you have thoughts about it, please speak up. Once things seem stable we'll canonize it and put it in the Seals document.
This sounds very good. I have a few thoughts.
If a sufficient amount of light of the specified color strikes the receiver, the emitter will emit an equal intensity of light of its specified color – e.g. upon having enough leaf-green light shining upon the receiver element, the emitter will send out the same amount of robin-egg blue light.
Is there an upper bound on the amount of light emitted? If we invent Hazo's Illuminator: Monstrously Bright, Ohsagewhy and put it up to an LR, would it then emit light of the same blinding quality? (NB: 'yes, there is some upper bound - we'll articulate it when it comes up', 'Hazo is unaware of any upper bound and would need to do the research' and 'hmm, good question, we're leaving it unspecified until it becomes important' all feel like wise responses.)

If we wind up using this for radio or relay communications, then in fairly short order we're going to attempt to come up with an amplifier variant which produces brighter-than-incident light by some multiplicative or additive factor, or just emitting a fixed quantity no matter how much light went in as long as it was triggered. That last one is what I would have expected the LR to be: it emits light of a constant strength once the detection threshold had been surpassed.
As a general benchmark, the amount of light emitted from Haru's Outstanding World-Saving seal is sufficient to activate an LR at 3 meters.
In the specification, it might be useful to clarify whether this is three meters at night, three meters in relatively normal daylight, etc. My expectation would be that you get a bit more range (double at most?) during night/in darkness. Or maybe chakra is just weird and it's always more-or-less three meters no matter the amount of ambient light.
The Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal is significantly brighter (enough to comfortably light up an average room) and will activate an LR from farther away, the extra distance being roughly linear when comparing the intensity of the JADL to the HOWS. (No, we're not providing specific numbers because, again, physics weeds. We're open to establishing numbers if someone wants to figure them out.)
I will probably figure this out at some point. Thank you for the opportunity to do math!

...actually, how about now?

In terms of quick numbers, my arm is about a meter long. Let's say that you need one Hazo (Ha) of light intensity to read comfortably. Intensity is power divided by the square root of distance; this means that the power of HOWS is one Ha m^2. This in turn means that the threshold intensity of HOWS is 1 Ha m^2 / (3 m)^2 = 1/9 Ha.

Let's say that you can comfortably read if a JADL is five meters away - they're very bright, after all. This means that the intensity of JADL is 25 Ha m^2. 25 Ha m^2 / r^2 = 1/9 Ha -> r = sqrt(25 Ha m^2 / (1/9 Ha) = 15 m.

This confirms our intuition: however much further away you can read using JADL compared to HOWS, that's how much further away it activates compared to HOWS. Five numbers is a placeholder - to find out the activation range of any light-producing seal for LR, take the distance from which you can comfortably read by the seal in question and multiply by three.
The receivers are roughly as sensitive to color as the human eye and they will only activate for the color that was chosen at infusion time.
Can other sealmasters make HOWS/other illumination seals which are of the specified colour if the sealmaster that infused the LR tells them what the colour is? This question could boil down to, 'is the language that sealmasters use to discuss chakra thickness sufficiently nuanced as to reliably capture an individual colour'.
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I'm not sure but shouldn't it be cube root? Light spreads in three dimensions. That said so do gravitational effects and it's the square root for that so...
The surface area of a sphere scales with the square of radius. (The surface areas of 3D shapes in general scale with the square of whatever the radius equivalent is.) In this case, we care about the area over which the power is being smeared - bigger area, thinner smear.
I am enjoying all these Marked for Optics discussions. Also, LR seals can be arranged into a computer. A NOR gate is functionally complete, meaning you can connect a bunch of them into any other logical gate function. So you can build any logic circuit with only NOR gates (NANDs are functionally complete too). So calculators, computers, whatever.

Let's do binary logic: false is 0 is red (R), true is 1 is green (G). A NOR gate should take two inputs, output G if and only if both inputs are R. Imagine a closed box. In one side, two apertures for the inputs. In the opposite, two LR, one that activates on R, outputs G, the other one does the opposite, such that they emit towards the outside of that side. Paint the other walls of the box green, such that the red reflections are attenuated:
GG input: GtoR LR activates, output is R
GR : GtoR LR activates, helped by the wall color. RtoG does not, the red color is absorbed by the paint. Output is still R.
RR: no GtoR activation, but twice the R is enough to activate the RtoG. Output is G.

So we can make a NOR gate with two seals and a seal-size box painted green. The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit CPU made with 2300 transistors (transistor to NOR gate count is a bit iffy, but let's say the compare one-to-one).

So we can make a 4 bit computer with only 4600 seals! Which would take about 575 m3.

But wait! I used binary logic for demonstration purposes. We can use as many colors as the LR will be able to differentiate, for geometric x^n efficiency gain!

And then use it to predict rice markets or play Ricecountry trail or whatever.

(I am supposing the receiving and emmiting parts of the seal can be pointed away by folding it. Otherwise LR seals cannot ever be turned off if they are set to the same emission and activation color. Could be sidestepped with a more complicated arrangement.)

Extra: want advances in classical mechanics? Use an implosion seal on an horizontal force wall: frictionless plane in a vacuum!
At infusion time you choose what color the seal is sensitive to (e.g. 'leaf green') and what color it emits (e.g. 'robin-egg blue'). If a sufficient amount of light of the specified color strikes the receiver, the emitter will emit an equal intensity of light of its specified color – e.g. upon having enough leaf-green light shining upon the receiver element, the emitter will send out the same amount of robin-egg blue light.
So unless I misunderstand, the LR is useless as a relay. Since the intermediate seals don't boost intensity you can't daisy chain them together. The signal will continue to decay until it peters out.
Chakra being the troll that it is, close investigation of how much light is enough yields inconsistent results. (i.e., the QMs refuse to get too deep in the physics weeds and will use their best judgment.) As a general benchmark, the amount of light emitted from Haru's Outstanding World-Saving seal is sufficient to activate an LR at 3 meters. (A HOWS is sufficiently bright to comfortably read by if it's within arm's reach.) The Jiraiya's Awesome Daybright Lantern seal is significantly brighter (enough to comfortably light up an average room) and will activate an LR from farther away, the extra distance being roughly linear when comparing the intensity of the JADL to the HOWS. (No, we're not providing specific numbers because, again, physics weeds. We're open to establishing numbers if someone wants to figure them out.)
HOWS are supposed to be 1/3 the brightness of the JADL they're based on. Does that mean they'll activate a LR at 3x the distance (9m)? Using an inverse square law based approach, LR range depends on the square root of brightness. In that case we would get ~1.7x the distance (5.3m) from a JADL.
So unless I misunderstand, the LR is useless as a relay. Since the intermediate seals don't boost intensity you can't daisy chain them together. The signal will continue to decay until it peters out.
Can be sidestepped with more LR seals. If you space the chain so that the intensity loss is half at each step just put two LRs at each step.
I will probably figure this out at some point. Thank you for the opportunity to do math!

...actually, how about now?

In terms of quick numbers, my arm is about a meter long. Let's say that you need one Hazo (Ha) of light intensity to read comfortably. Intensity is power divided by the square root of distance; this means that the power of HOWS is one Ha m^2. This in turn means that the threshold intensity of HOWS is 1 Ha m^2 / (3 m)^2 = 1/9 Ha.

Let's say that you can comfortably read if a JADL is five meters away - they're very bright, after all. This means that the intensity of JADL is 25 Ha m^2. 25 Ha m^2 / r^2 = 1/9 Ha -> r = sqrt(25 Ha m^2 / (1/9 Ha) = 15 m.

This confirms our intuition: however much further away you can read using JADL compared to HOWS, that's how much further away it activates compared to HOWS. Five numbers is a placeholder - to find out the activation range of any light-producing seal for LR, take the distance from which you can comfortably read by the seal in question and multiply by three.
Wow, this is fantastic. Thank you so much!

A bit of poking on the internet suggests that a 60W incandescent desk light would be 800-900 lumens, whereas an LED light would only require 8W for the equivalent brightness, so we'll use that as the equivalent power of the seal. (For simplicity, we'll assume that all of it is light (for the visible-spectrum HOWS) or heat (for the infrared-spectrum HOWS).)
We already have intensity numbers for JADLs, no need to invent the Ha OOC. IC we'd call it the "Goketsu (Gkt)" probably
Extra: want advances in classical mechanics? Use an implosion seal on an horizontal force wall: frictionless plane in a vacuum!

EDIT: Note that Force Walls aren't actually frictionless. They're very smooth, comparable to glass, although as always the exact details are fuzzy and inconsistent because the QMs don't want to deal with it because chakra is a giant troll.
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Thinking more about LRs as actual relays, they could be paired to feed on each other up to the 6 m distance. As long as they are in range, once one activates the other, the other feeds more intensity back to the first, increasing both outputs exponentially. Chain these pairs, and you get a single-use activation chain at 2/6 seals per meter.
I kinda hope that the end product of trying to do radio seals requires so many seal elements we have to take over the Kurosawa to make it viable
I kinda hope that the end product of trying to do radio seals requires so many seal elements we have to take over the Kurosawa to make it viable
It would be pretty awesome to create a Seal that not only became integral to Leaf's military strategy, but that required our ongoing cooperation to use effectively. Gives us a lot more leverage than we would have otherwise