- Location
- The state of Paranoia
Contact more merchants for merchant network.
Get tons of samples of any of our favorite foods that Choji didn't have a chance to try during the exams. We can have a picnic with him as part of bringing our clans closer together, and gift him a few storage scrolls worth of anything he particularly likes so he can share with Chouza/others in the clan. This will help us advertise the benefits of trade.
The goal is to move the Akimichi from a clan that backs peace/uplift because the Nara think it's a good idea, to a clan that backs peace/uplift because they see the benefits it brings to them personally.
Catalog the major industries that Mist has. Everyone knows that Mist does fishing, but they probably do other things too. Also ask merchants what kinds of stuff is in high demand in Mist.
Goal: Find more things that Mist and Leaf can trade with each other. I want to tie Mist and Leaf together as tightly as possible through trade.
Blood and political convenience are okay for a while, but steady trade between Leaf and Mist will keep us allies even after Ren is gone.
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