This isn't just a house, it's a clan compound. It's at least two dozen acres of land, a square plot more than 300m on a side, that includes:
- A 10' wall around the whole area and an imposing gate
- A very large two-floor mansion at the end of a decorative multi-colored gravel walkway, with extensive basements and sub-basements, some of which were very clearly produced via jutsu.
- Five smaller one-family houses, again one-floor, with mundane basements
- A hedge maze with a meditation grove in the center
- Elaborate gardens, some of which contained rare medicinal herbs
- A hot spring with a communal bath house and segregated bathing areas
- A dozen minor outbuildings (sheds, a dedicated jail with 4 cells, etc)
- A training hall (a 50' wide, 10' deep pit covered in sawdust to use for a sparring ground) plus an attached sickbay / recovery area
The main 'house' is more of a rambling mansion built approximately in the shape of an X. The central common area includes library (sadly, the books have all moldered away) and a commercial-grade kitchen. The wings are intended for living space and each contain various linen and cleaning closets, bathrooms, and 5 separate bedrooms varying in size from "1-person luxurious" to "master bedroom that's just silly". The basement contains the family vault. The first subbasement contains what was probably an alchemist's lab and storage for test subjects that were undoubtedly not humans, really, we promise, as well as a secret tunnel that comes up outside the walls of Leaf and contains a number of locked and barred gates down its length, as well as concealed pits and multiple sets of support beams with "PLACE EXPLOSIVE TAG HERE TO CAUSE COLLAPSE" painted on them. The exact number of subbasement levels is unknown, and it may be best left that way, since not even the ANBU wanted to go too deep.
The main house still looks impressive, but the roof leaks everywhere and has three head-sized holes where it's rotted out. (Fortunately, all on the side away from the street.) The furniture was all so musty and bug-eaten that it needed to be burned. Most of the outbuildings are badly damaged by weather, termites, chakra-enhanced varmints, etc. The grounds are second-growth forest at this point and swarming with minor varmints.
Jiraiya bought it because he felt it was a steal for what you were getting and he was planning ahead to when this would be a real clan with hundreds of people in it. As to why he thought he could afford it, based on your
very limited understanding after perusing the clan account books it's clear at this point that:
He had significant training in accounting, presumably as part of running his spy network. Tracking the economics of foreign polities would have been a major focus of his efforts.
After 40+ years of ninja service and opportunities for looting the people he assassinated, he was stupidly wealthy. Of course, he left all his savings to Naruto, since he figured that the Gōketsu had enough in the bank + Pangolin income to be fine.
He had income streams aside from the Pangolin money. You can tell that they're there but you cannot understand what they are or how to put your hands on them because the paranoid bastard wrote the accounts in something that is at best a cryptic shorthand and may actually be active encoding.
If you manage to figure out what these revenues are and how to get at them, and if he hasn't bequeathed them to Naruto or someone else, then you'll be in better shape than you are.