Can we get a detailed description of how shaped charges work?
Kagome hasn't taught you the shaped charge seal, although you've seen it so you could research it if you wanted. Here's what you know from observation:
They release an explosion (heat and force) that exists only within a single conical area and exerts no force on the seal itself.
The heat is roughly equivalent to a campfire, so it will set paper and other tinder on fire, but the duration is generally not long enough to do more than scorch thick wood. (Yes, you have seen him use a shaped charge to light the campfire.)
The force is sufficient to kill a person very, very thoroughly.
You have never seen the intensity of the heat or the force vary.
The shape and size of the cone is set at seal creation time. The point of the cone is at the center of the seal and the height of the cone (i.e. the range of the blast) is normal to the surface of the seal. The base of the cone may be either a circle or an ellipse.
Kagome typically creates three settings:
- Circular with a 160 degree angle at the point. Used for splatting close-in opponents that are good at dodging.
- Very flattened elliptical cone that is effectively a blade. Used for his not-suicide belts so that they don't catch your own arms when they go off
- Very flattened short-range cone that he uses as a force axe for cutting firewood.
You've seen him make ones with a range of 1-6 meters. (i.e. Melee or Medium range)
They are always one-use only.