A while ago you posted this:
And I pointed out that her AoE technique (if it was the electroshock AoE) could be avoided by Hazou and Noburi through the use of Skywalkers, which would allow them to levitate upwards and so avoid it.
@OliWhail pointed out that Minami would have to wait a round in order to use the attack because Hazou/Noburi are slower than her (in initiative) and so they'd end up using Skywalkers, the round ends, and then the enemy Jonin would kill everyone before Minami could use her jutsu.
@1234qwerty pointed out (in response) that the T(E)GR rulebook says Minami could hold her action until after Hazou/Noburi used Skywalkers, and then electroshock at the end of the round.
Was wondering if that would have been a logical alternative to going into melee: I'm not 100% since I don't actually know the specs of Minami's AoE jutsu and what it does (mechanically, beyond "shocking" people).