Kei bowed low. "I fear I have not. The Human Path does not treat its women well. With the exception of female ninja, women are taught to be quiet and meek. I am having trouble finding any who would do honor to the Naraka Rollers. That is not what I'm here for, though." Sorry, the girl gang idea didn't really work out but I don't think you expected it would.
"Oh?" the pangolin said with a sniff. "If you can't even do something that simple, why should the Panchipaama waste time on you?" In that case I get to ask more stuff in return for my help!
"My team and I are planning a heist," Kei said. "We're going to steal from the most dangerous non-ninja organization in the Elemental Nations. We're going to defeat their security, take their goods, and then sell it all back to them and laugh. It will be the first word in the legend of the Pangolin Summoner as I take my place in history. The previous summoner was Ui Isas; he lived centuries ago, yet his name still echoes through our history. Children sit wide-eyed when their elders tell his stories. I intend to be greater. I will write my name across history and the names of my pangolin battle companions will be written beside my own. People still shudder at mention of Ui's Six Scourges; I intend for my name to be different. I and those pangolin who choose to stand beside me will be a beacon, a sign of what women can do and what honor can rest with a missing-nin. We will be a thumb in the eye to authority across the world. We will burn the Hidden Villages to the ground and remake our world in our own image, forging it into a place where women are powers and rulers respect the ruled. Here are some of the virtues and values we will be known for in the future. Note that I'm not giving you specifics, but rather the general feel of the things we are going for.
"I am on the Summon Path today to find companions for this heist. Pandaa and I have made a list of pangolin who would be good choices. I will go to each person on this list and offer them the opportunity to form a one-time pact with me. I will summon them to the Human Path one time, for purposes of the heist. Afterwards they can choose to continue as my companion or to break the pact. I will go home tonight with a shield mate, but I choose to give the Naraka Rollers the first opportunity, as I have so far been unable to honor you as you deserve on the Human Path. So, I ask the great Panchipaama: do you wish to show the Human Path your power or should I go elsewhere?" Fight on my side and you get signal these virtues. Lets start of with one summoning move on from there.
Kei stood straight and tall, arm extended in invitation and eyes locked on those of Panchipaama. Still, she kept watch on the pangolin around them. Her words were being felt; as Mari-sensei had expected, these pangolin were defined by their rebellion against social norms and their loyalty to one another. The scarcity of breeding licenses in pangolin society caused frustration and left a lot of undirected energy swirling around with no outlet. Joining the Summoner on the Human Path, writing yourself into legend...those were words that would play well in this crowd.
Panchipaama's lower jaw dropped open in a pangolin laugh. "This one's got claws!" she said. "Yes. The Panchipaama accepts your offer. I will grant you permission to summon me one time and, if you impress me, we can talk about making it permanent." I agree to get summoned to fight with you once and see what happens.