Less true of Leaf than anywhere else. Since Jiriaya's notes are available for anyone to learn from them. That's enough to get Sealing in the 40s.
What we might do is suggest that the Tower makes reading the notes payable as an extended mission. So that anyone who wants to work on them full time still has an income for the duration. That means that more sealsmiths will be able to finish the notes and make skywalkers
You ninja-d my next post!
Jiriaya's notes can singlehandedly carry a sealsmith to the level where they can make skywalkers. And the lootboxe xp bypasses stagnation, which people working as chakra donors/seal printers will be.
Note that unlike explosives/storage scrolls/skywalkers, Jiriaya's notes aren't avaliable outside of leaf, and are a major theft risk. We'll need to be careful about where they're available, and not let dozens of people take copies home.
But with all this combined, Leaf could quickly and easily achieve national seal-production superiority.
Not only does a skywalker advantage combine well with ranged attack jutsu(fire's best niche), it also combines well with... explosive tags. Interesting.
This gets dual use out of our new chakra-donor track ninja, means leaf ninja always have plenty of skywalkers, and our genin in perticular will benefit from ample access to skywalkers and explosives.
Unlike most ways of powering up genin, giving them wildly-known seals won't weaken leaf if/when they are captured, as the trick is one of infrastructure; mass-production via free-market incentives, Jiriaya's notes, and using undervalued chakra-users.
We should put this proposal to Naruto.