Marine Misadventures of a Magicless Kind

Explicitly, yes.

Implicitly, Eis has been wringing his hands about it for a while. But now we understand that they aren't simply bound to service by force or threats, but by Esser's oath they are unable to break without dire consequences to themselves. This complicates matters... but also simplifies the solution - just kill Blackie, and the oaths would fade. Easy!

Edit: although... Crow mentioned something about the lack of mutual protection that can cause a domain to overcome the oathtaker unless reciprocated. But that sounds like Crow's personal problem.
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Only one type of oath covers this.
A person can swear loyalty to someone without signing their life away. Such is the loyalty of a businessman on a contract versus a brother in arms... or in this case... a crewmember's loyalty versus that of a bondservant. The crewmember doesn't necessarily put his life on the line for the oathkeeper.

Edit: @Nevill Yes, and Waterstones in general are rather known for having fine control, hence a lower risk.

Edit: Think Crow said it at some point in the omake... having a mental line between family and bloodlines. That'd be why the deliberate refusal to call Arond his brother.
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A person can swear loyalty to someone without signing their life away. Such is the loyalty of a businessman on a contract versus a brother in arms... or in this case... a crewmember's loyalty versus that of a bondservant. The crewmember doesn't necessarily put his life on the line for the oathkeeper.
True, but that kind of oath doesn't have magical effects attached, does it?

Crow expected something out of swearing loyalty to Val. It was not stated what his plan was, but he was worried about the power changing people and wondering how his brother can stand so much wind right before thinking about Valarond. I can't help connecting these threads of thought, and to me, there is only one way Valarond could have helped him with his problem.

Though thinking about it further, Valarond has proven to be able to take hold of another's power even without an oath. Maybe that was what Crow counted on initially, having someone around who could quell the worst of it rather than boosting his own control.
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that kind of oath doesn't have magical effects attached, does it?
It does if magically reinforced. Certainly, one could have a business agreement or a friendship without an oath, but here a word truly can be your bond.

You may assume that, in a two-way oath:
More binding oath = larger benefits and/or consequences
More sacrificed = more potential gain
Ah, I see.

So far all loyalty oaths we've seen were very strong oaths. Like the one that bound Moram and Reyzan to the Council and slowly killed them once broken. Or the ones Blackie makes other people swear. I have also assumed that Lisen's oath was equally strong, because I doubt he thought of ever betraying his kin, and they needed every scrap of power they could get. Seeing Crow swear on his life made me think they just don't come in other, milder varieties.

I take it that 'sons of Earth' can't swear oaths, having no means to enforce them without access to their magic?
Ah, I see.

So far all loyalty oaths we've seen were very strong oaths. Like the one that bound Moram and Reyzan to the Council and slowly killed them once broken. Or the ones Blackie makes other people swear. I have also assumed that Lisen's oath was equally strong, because I doubt he thought of ever betraying his kin, and they needed every scrap of power they could get. Seeing Crow swear on his life made me think they just don't come in other, milder varieties.

I take it that 'sons of Earth' can't swear oaths, having no means to enforce them without access to their magic?
Indeed. You'd be correct. ^^
Dusk 3.7a - The Wrath of Kruakkk
Apologies for the wait. I've had to order a new pc, which, while not the main source of my delay, has contributed. So instead of putting all of 3.7 up at once, here's 3.7a, to be followed by the much heftier 3.7b.

Dusk 3.7a - The Wrath of Kruakkk

The bright yellow sun shines brightly upon the eastern wood-ground-beaches of the island… and upon you, Kruakkk.

You are not amused. Your human captor has not only commanded you to watch over the boat of the large fish-scented male, but also had the audacity to fall asleep! From your cage's position atop a rowing bench, you can see her snuggled peacefully in the alcove under the next bench, letting out a soft breath every few moments. She refuses to wake, even with the stiff winds you throw at her fleshy face to disrupt her rest; she is like a newborn, easily exhausted from a little touch of her domain. Curse your angle! Your prison and bench between you and her cuts your power to less than half!

You, Kruakkk, proud amongst your brethren, are a free creature, of the greatest domain, of the most prestigious of bloodlines—the pureness of wind untainted by earth flows through your veins! You shall not obey your captor. What care do you have if this boat is damaged, if your jailor falls to misfortune? None. She has no redeeming qualities, this daughter of fire, spawn of the ashes. She is too loud, would exude light if she could, and cannot understand your woes.

And so you merely look on as a suspicious cloaked figure sneaks towards the boat. Human, no doubt, and up to no good. Humans with head coverings always appear less trustworthy (this one appears like an upside-down chicken nest, woven of straw). Further on shore, a small flock of adolescent humans looks on, huddled together like twittering old hens. Are they watching this?

With a quiet leap and soft landing on deck—windblood? O, such a stain upon your greatness, great ancestor!—the cur produces a short knife and proceeds to saw at the tethering rope. So it does intend to steal the watercraft.

The sun-blurred figure is on the far end of the boat. You have sworn to attack any who come near, and so you shall strike and throw it off when you can make it hurt. Despite your earlier thoughts, you have no interest in getting stolen by someone with more brains but less honor than the female annoyance.

The coward cannot see you or your captor from its angle, being blocked by the mast, but you can make out its shape, even with your eyes dazzled by the sunlight.

It treads closer, unloosing the great white cloths from their ropes as it goes.


One sail falls. The human seems to be having trouble, what with its clumsy fumbling of the ropes.


The second sail falls. You tilt your head in interest, wondering how your human captor can remain in slumber, for the windblooded thief is not trying to be silent. Does the intruding imbecile not know she is here?

The figure reaches the largest sail. Close enough. You throw an experimental burst at the coward's head.

Perhaps the Esser of Wind, blessed ancestor, assisted your wings, for you blew the human's head covering away with all the gentleness of a dandelion fluff. But you do not think of this in the moment, for through your sun-glazed vision, all you see is… yellow. Your blood quickens to the thrumming of your heart. Pineapple. Pineapple! That unmistakable yellow pineapple hair—the Evening Sun, Rekavok! Ferralong, the blood-enemy of your great forefather!

At the sight of that most hateful shape, the gale within you tears loose from its restraints! Your wings scoop the air within your cage in wide bursts, letting one wind slide across another as they fly. You have not the control to create proper dervishes like your good henmother can, but your strength is enough to drive the cretin back. He cries out at your ambush attack. To your astonishment, the human firebird tries to bring the winds to his side, but he has not the focus, thrown off-balance by your power. (How could a firebird try to command the winds?) You do not stop even after you have thrown him overboard, his arms flailing for a hold.

[Kruaw! Kru-kruawww! Kruakkk!] "You dared slay Viperilon, the ancestor of my kin, with your poisonous words? Our hatred runs deep. We remember. By the wing of Kruakkk, I sentence you to die, doomseer!"

A cry goes out from the young flock on shore, and the burst of triumph is near intoxicating, but your victory vanishes like smoke. The cur had managed to hold fast to the edge of the boat, assisted by a rope tangled around his wrist. You give the ancient one that much—he is nimble enough, already heaving himself up by the one arm.

The mortal blood thrums frigidly in your veins. You had the advantage of a surprise attack, but that opportunity is gone. You cannot let him retaliate.

The firebird is strong, but if in human form, you can drown him underwater, or at least keep him from retaliating. You shall be a hero. Who amongst your brethren can say they made one of the suns set, let alone the most hateful of them all, he who saw the first death of your glorious forefather? May the Inferno burn the soul of the doomseer!

[]Priority: keep him off the boat to drown him. Attack to break his hold.
[]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.

And so the unmoored watercraft begins to drift, unchecked by anyone, with only a handful of juvenile hooligans as witnesses.


This shall be a fairly short voting time, so be sure to make it count. Stay tuned for the part finale: Dusk 3.7b - Crashdown.
[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.

It's like a game! That we win when he's dead.
[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.
[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.

..So now Nyla's disappeared as well, huh. Poor Merry and Jard.
She refuses to wake, even with the stiff winds you throw at her fleshy face to disrupt her rest
He is fanning her in her sleep! How thoughtful of you, Fuffles.
What care do you have if this boat is damaged, if your jailor falls to misfortune? None. would likely drown, what with you being in a cage.
Though Nyla would probably set you free if it came to that.
And so you merely look on as a suspicious cloaked figure sneaks towards the boat.
Didn't you swear an Esser oath to become a living alarm? For shame, Fuffles!

Are they still on Florealis? Aren't there, like, a couple of villages at most? I don't think a boat theft would fly in such a small community, but Brand being Brand, he's probably after sinking the boat and getting Nyla in trouble with her Uncle.

Damn it, should've used the laxatives! :mad:
That unmistakable yellow pineapple hair—the Evening Sun, Rekavok! Ferralong, the blood-enemy of your great forefather!
So Rekavok was one of the Rising Three! But then why did he forbid the Council from taking action? Ugh, this is getting confusing.

At first I thought that the hair was one of Ferralong traits, and that Brand can trace his lineage back to Rekavok, but then I remembered Kruakkk has a bit of a birdbrain and a lot of attitude, and is so triggered by pineapples that he might just imagine he is fighting the great phoenix himself at the first hint of the color.

This would make for a great story to tell the chicks! Go for it, Brave Sir Fuffles!

[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.

...not sure how exactly nightgulls fit into the Creation legend. Were they animals turned intelligent through Essense? Were they already created that way? Or are they descendants so far down the genealogical tree that they forgot how to shapeshift, but are otherwise as intelligent as any other person? What other species can boast having the Firstborn as their ancestors?

..So now Nyla's disappeared as well, huh. Poor Merry and Jard.
I don't think Brand would lose to a bird. Which would mean that between him and Nyla, they can probably steer the boat back to the island.

...I doubt the boat can make the trip across the seas. They don't even have supplies.
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[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.
Ah. It seems I underestimated the call for blood. I believe there's no contest, you landsliders. :D
Didn't you swear an Esser oath to become a living alarm? For shame, Fuffles!
He did indeed fulfill his oath to Viperilon to "attack any who come near." ;)
I may have mentioned or alluded to their origin via Jet flashback, though I wouldn't be able to cite where off the top of my head.
They don't even have supplies.
I believe Nyla's inventory says otherwise.
Ah, come to think of it...
"When the Black Dragon's third claw shines in the night, his children rise like a cloud of evil to extinguish what light remains," whispered Moram to your seven-year-old self, beaconlight playing flickering shadows across his fierce grin while behind him rose scores of beady black eyes on dark blue feathers. The rising wind whipped the tails of his headband and sent his coat flapping as the wingbeats of war resounded. "For the last that monster saw ere life left his eyes was the light of dawn, and with his last breath, he cursed its bearer by name, swearing his blood would ever seek the end of all that dares to shine."

You snort at the fond memory, a smile curling your mood. Your mentor could be overdramatic, but his stories used to help you stay awake for the beaconwatch. Awake with terror. In reality, for creatures whose seagull ancestors were said to have tasted the death-blood of the Black Dragon, they aren't that frightening. They still pose a peril for the unwary, though.
They drank the blood of the Firstborn and so gained his blood powers... and his idiosyncrasies, it looks like.

...does that mean that scavengers and vultures have a disproportionally big probability to host empowered species? Should we be worried about Dread Mosquitoes hatching somewhere? :D

Interesting quote, too. To hear Kruakkk tell it, Rekavok was among those who killed Viperilon, but the last thing the dragon saw was the 'light of dawn'... or so Jet heard, but perhaps it was the Light of Dawn, after all? And as far as we know, Moram was its keeper, whatever it is... and Moram's Bane is yet another name for the nightgulls. So does it make the Rising Three Miragua, Rekavok and Remoriam? I would think that at least one of them would be a dragon instead...
I believe Nyla's inventory says otherwise.
Only for a day's journey.

Are there any settlements within a day's reach of Florealis? I can't recall any being mentioned.
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[X]Priority: maximum punishment. Let him back on, then double your attack while he is unbalanced.
0.5 - Q&A #1
I'm sure you've been waiting for this for far too long. My deep apologies for my absence, everyone, but life and full-time classes have kidnapped me and are holding me without ransom. Moving to the other side of the world has been rough, and while the graduate classes are quite informative and the change of scenery is exhilarating, the combination pretty much axes my time and ability to adjust to my environment. Thus, my creative writing has taken a huge hit. The only thing I can say is that I have not stopped writing for this quest, but I can no longer make any predictions on when I can update. For that, I'm sorry. If you're still reading this quest, thank you for your patience.

Without further ado, here are your much belated answers to your questions. Do tell me if I missed any.

| Q&A #1|

Q: What would've happened if we chose Cors instead of Jet? Reis?
A: You would've been an entirely different person with different origins and different hidden abilities, and the Sheer Winter would've had a different conclusion, since the events there determined who ended up on the island.

Q: Or Fisherman or Gatherer instead of Beaconmaster? Would our caretaker still have been Moram, or someone else?
A: There were two ways it could've gone. If Jet-as-fisherman, then you'd have been taught by Jard and most likely would've made it off the island under your own power. If Jet-as-gatherer, Merry would be your guide, and you would've begun with some solid medical and above-average foraging knowledge. If Reis or Cors, Tarrow or Mira could've been on the island instead of Moram, with appropriately altered roles.

Q: What would've happened if Jet hadn't fallen?
A: Jet would've kept his coat, met up with Nyla the next day, and encountered Brand, potentially giving rise to a nice, character-defining brawl (seriously, I had some of that drafted out). Arond would've docked on the island and gotten supplies and some repairs, cueing Jet's second chance to voluntarily leave the island.

Q: What was the next idea to get him off the island?
A: After the cliff method? The immediate next would've been willingly with Arond, as in the previous question. If the voluntarily-going-with-Arond method was dodged, then the next would've been voluntary, via a small boat, through Jard's instruction. If that was dodged, the next in line was the Brand Method, which Nyla didn't dodge 'cause the voters were nice to Brand and didn't have him stuck at home via tea prank. The next would've been kidnapping by Viperilon himself, aka Hard Mode. After that, well... volcanic eruption number two. After that, a tsunami. After that, maaaybe a friendly seal would've stopped by to help out. By then, honestly, I would've given up kicking you off the island and destroyed everything anyway.

Q: What's the deal with Eis being the 'Smiling Steel'? Is that an official in-universe name for him? How'd he get it, if so?
A: Yes, it's an official moniker. Segment titles are relevant if not always literal. Eis thinks his patients gave him that nickname, because when he's calm, he smiles both when he's cutting people up in spars and when he stitches them back together. But truly, it caught on after someone overheard this observation from Arond: "His smile... It is, at times, as unfeeling as steel. When did it turn that way?"

Q: What would have happened if Lisen had gotten the message from Remoriam, rather than Tarrow?
A: For one, Lisen's backstory would have some differences. Any word from the outside, especially from his commander, would've told him someone was still out there, and it would've given him something to live for. Right now, he's alone—a man with nothing to lose but his life. He also would've known Jet's name and vaguely where he could find him, so could infer that Jet-with-dyed-hair was that Jet.
"So, we're brothers of some kind, ya know? Brothers by association with the good old Commander. Gave ya a nickname too, did he? Wait, hold, lemme guess—'fool boy'. Always that. 'What do y' think you're doing in the larder, fool boy?' or 'Get down from that rail, fool boy, or I'll throw you to the sharks myself!' Always was well-behaved, me. Now, us? We'll do fiiiine, 's long as ya remember I'm the older brother."
"Mentor, I understand you so much right now. I take back every complaint I ever made—please, save me now!"

Q: What if Jet had somehow kept his coat?
A: He wouldn't have needed Eis' clothes, since he would appear exactly as advertised (a son of earth), and Eis himself would have had a far tamer, almost courteous reaction to him. Arond would likely have recognized the coat as more than ordinary and would've questioned Jet on it. Rakky would've asked to borrow it for experimental purposes, would have had far more questions, and may have been able to recognize whose coat it was. Lisen would've instantly recognized it as Remoriam's and acted accordingly.

Q: Are there baby Firstborn?
A: No. They all sprang, fully grown, from the creator's pen. There are, however, scions, who are born (and therefore are babies for a while), live very long natural lives, and tend to die when they are killed.

Q: Do the Firstborn reincarnate?
A: See the answer to Firstborn death later in the Q&A.

Q: How aware is Earth?
A: Theorists say Earth lies in a deep, timeless slumber in an undisclosed location, deep underwater and underground, where none can wake him. As for awareness... if Wind decides to give Earth dreams of the waking world, that's their choice.

Q: How active are any of the Esser, actually?
A: The Esser were far more active during the First Age, when they shifted lands as they walked and shaped their domains as they wished. They also took part somewhat in the First War, but since the end of the First Age, no catastrophe has been great enough to warrant the intervention of the Esser. In the present age, they largely leave the domain-governing to their children, the Firstborn, though they are not ignorant of the happenings in the world. They also observe Esser-bound oaths, which are breakable only by death, and they watch over the powers of time, space, and birth. Do the Esser intervene in daily life? That's tricky to say. The simple answer would be no, they do. The more specific would be that many of their actions are wide-reaching and still in motion. There are, however, certain people favored by the Esser and by the creator of the universe, Soloth Tali. The lives of these individuals tend to leave marks on history, just as making decisions might shape the course of a story.

Q: How do you get your inspiration for this quest?
A: In fits and bursts from various sources. The original premise of MMMK was inspired by the hero's journey and enforced by my interest in the growth of "powerless" characters in powered worlds, while the idea for a mostly-marine setting was filched from the manga One Piece. The Esseran (Esser and Firstborn) were loosely inspired by "Ainulindale" from J. R. R. Tolkien, and you may recognize other small areas where the Professor's texts, specifically the Silmarillion, has affected my content. The Gifted are, perhaps obviously, partially inspired by Avatar: The Last Airbender. The beaconmaster position was inspired by the campfires and bonfires I've attended and by the many days I've spent at windy cliffs near the sea. The coastal and seaside cliff settings, incidentally, were almost wholly inspired by the short time I spent in the Azores growing up, so I am very aware of the strength of the wind at those cliffs (they can tear a car door off).
As for continued inspiration... I get that from reading stuff from various fields and by living life. The water corridors, for instance, are a combination of my experiences at the Niagara Falls basin, the water tunnels in various aquariums, and the Red Sea scene in The Prince of Egypt (Dreamworks). Characters likewise are an amalgamation of people I know, characters whose stories I've read, and bits of my mind. Characters' accents, if any, exist due to the late Brian Jacques of Redwall fame (I do not intend on imitating molespeech in this quest). Rakky, specifically, is pretty much a character hybrid of a Skipper of Otters with a small strain of Long Patrol hare. I could go on, but I'd be rambling. I'd welcome a much more directed question in this area if you wish to know more about something or someone specific.

Q: It is said that there are eight Firstborn. Is the number constant because they cannot truly die or because new ones will be generated if they die?
A: I suppose it depends on the definition of death. In the sense "gone from the earthly plane and never coming back," no, they don't die. If they're exactly the same when they resurface... well, that's another story. This will be addressed in future segments.

Q: If they can die, how is it ensured that there are always four pairs of siblings?
A: The Esser said eight Firstborn, and it was so. They said four pairs, so it shall forever be until the end of time, when Soloth Tali writes "The End" at the death of the universe.

Q: Are the life forces of said siblings linked to each other? If so, did that mean Remoriam's sister died?
A: There's no Destiny Bond linkage in the sibling bond. When Laliferry/Ferry died, Remoriam/Moram at most felt a Disturbance in the Force (TM). That goes vise-versa too.

Q: Can Firstborn of different elements mate together in human form?
A: Yes. Mating in human form is the only way the Firstborn can have children.

Q: What were the powers of the (uncorrupted) element of Earth?
A: Earth is the power of physical form, rather, the power of a clay vessel with property-shifting abilities based on what it's filled with—in humanity's case, that's fire, water, and wind. This ability is consistent with multiple forms of earth, including metal, which is how weapons like the Gentle Blades and Jet's firestone knife can exist. Earth can give body to the formless and can take on the power or a characteristic of whatever essence imbues it. So, though earth's base form is "powerless", it can become disastrously powerful. Especially with the Esser of Earth, who has the additional power of amplifying what he absorbs, the power scale could dramatically increase.
The events of the First Age had the three remaining Esser casting "humans OP, plz nerf," so today, the children of earth still possess the multi-essence potential of their Earth origin, but they no longer have the Essers' permission to access a domain other than their blood-domain. Therefore, Gifted humans technically have the abilities of two domains, but one is effectively locked away. They have the key to the door, but the door leads to a brick wall. Sons of earth are just that—sons of earth—unless or until they receive the Gift.

Q: Is there any creature that can use "pure" corruption/corrupted Earth like any other element?
A: If you mean earthbender style a la Avatar, no. The closest anyone could get is by picking up and throwing a corrupted rock or earth-based weapon.

Q: Can humans be corrupted?
A: This shall be addressed in the future.

Q: Who is the Dorian that Remoriam mentioned ("Dorian's Folly")?
A: Dorian Damare was a mighty warrior and passionate leader—a human of the original race, the earthbloods, who had access to the powers of all the domains. The leader of the bid to (as records say) challenge the power of the Esser over the domains, he was also the most vocal and visible of that movement. He became the catalyst for the fall of Earth, and his actions—most notably the Folly—directly brought about the rise of the Corruption, for which all who remember those events curse his name and bloodline.

Q: Will we ever learn what the hell is with Jet making tiny mud huts?
A: Ah, that would be Jet and his personal sense of comfort. For one, he didn't want to hire anyone to build something he could put together with his own two hands. For another, he thinks small spaces built like that are cozy—something about feeling the warmth in that volcanic earth, hearing the ocean, and having a fresh breeze blowing in from the coast. ;D Also, he treated the place only as a place to sleep and store some items, much like one would treat a dorm room that was only large enough for a bed and a closet.

Q: Why do we understand Kruakkk, but no one else can?
A: Nyla, having absolutely no bloodline connection to any lineage that does confer the understanding of common screech, does not have the ability to understand Fuffles, unlike Arond. You and I, on the other hand, can tap into the space of Wind in our brains and can enjoy the voiced woes of an unfortunate bird.

Q: Is the quest dead?
A: No, no it is not. The setting is too interesting for me to let die. I, too, am not dead. I've just gotten busy with life.


If I missed any questions, send me a note, and I'll see about slipping another answer in. If there's a certain character interaction or scene or piece of history you'd like to see in a future omake/sidestory, feel free to mention it in a comment. If inspiration hits and it doesn't touch on major quest spoilers, I may write it out. Once more, apologies for the wait. I hope to have the next segment out this week if all goes well.
If that was dodged, the next in line was the Brand Method, which Nyla didn't dodge 'cause the voters were nice to Brand and didn't have him stuck at home via tea prank.
So the Brand method really is a thing, huh? Please tell me we didn't drown him, I would dearly love to see what a few weeks on the same boat as Nyla would do to the guy's psyche. :rolleyes:
The next would've been kidnapping by Viperilon himself, aka Hard Mode.
Man, we seem to miss all the cool stuff!
After that, well... volcanic eruption number two. After that, a tsunami.
I guess Jet really brings ill fortune to those around him, simply by being the wielder of Plot powers that yearn to be realized.
"Mentor, I understand you so much right now. I take back every complaint I ever made—please, save me now!"
This, however, is still in the cards, seeing how we put Lisen to his usual mischief trying to discover Jet's bloodline.

I am just glad you are still around. It's a bit depressing having people simply disappear into the aether.
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I am just glad you are still around. It's a bit depressing having people simply disappear into the aether.
Thanks, that means a lot. I was honestly expecting to have lost most of the voters at this point...
I was fully intending to put up the next segment before I moved, but as you can see, that didn't happen, and I pretty much got swept away "into the aether" (or the Tempest, to be universe-appropriate). However, I do think the result is a better now.

...You can believe I had some plans for the kidnapping-by-Viperilon thing. I rather like the path you all took, though.
Any word from the outside, especially from his commander, would've told him someone was still out there, and it would've given him something to live for. Right now, he's alone—a man with nothing to lose but his life.

D'awwww sads

But yeah, welcome back! If you were in my physical proximity I would hug the shit out of you