Marine Misadventures of a Magicless Kind

[X]Yes. You know how it feels to wonder about your family.
[X]Stay on deck.
[X]"Full cloud cover, and drift with the current!" If the herd is feeding as you suspect, you won't likely draw the herd's attention, but the jump will be more difficult without speed.

Even if Crow is Cor, Im not sure we should be pushing our luck on that front, and it might be some of the trust he was asking about.


(half joke but would be cool)

[x] Crow shared really important information and seems willing to keep secrets with us now. Ask him about hair colors...and what white means.
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Right. On Dusk 2.4 now.

A flag waves from the crow's nest, but the sun's angle steals the image from your eyes.
Do we know what the flag High Revenge is sailing under looks like? Blackie is mentioned to be a 'ruler' of some kind, so presumably there is an Empire? It's strange that we haven't heard any names.
"Hm, strongest is strong, but not all-encompassin'. Rather do one I won't die breakin' on accident. Mind, if'n I swear not t' let a word get t' anyone a' the Perilous Ones—instead a' everyone—that's pretty strong already. That work for ye?"

"Perilous Ones?"

"Includes Blackie, his children, his servants, and his sympathizers. Everyone on this ship and then some. I lose nothin' by throwin' a huge blanket from Blackie t' nightgullies, false ruler t' swabbies, getcha?"
I wonder if that definition is more flexible than it sounds. For example, is Lisen counted among Perilous ones? He is in the Dragon's service, yes, but if Arond changes sides, the captain would still remain his father's child, while Lisen would no longer be a servant or a sympathizer.

Can Esser oaths be sidestepped like that? Moram must have fooled his somehow.

"Water storage. Ye pour the message into yore ear so no one else hears it. One use only for not-waters. It'd take too long t' properly explain. Stow it quick—some guys know about 'em."
The Echo Shell could have multiple uses for waterblooded? I wonder if Jet could learn the trick.
The ones Rakky used seem to function as a recorder. I wonder if there aren't some tools that can be used as a radio...
"Valarond. Don't call him that—he hates his dad. Dunno why he's here and not... He chose t' take after his mother, Alacria. Daughter a' the Mornin' Sky. Nice lady. I miss her." Her smile softens as if she's recalling a far-off memory.
'Don't know why he's here and not...' where? With Vitarrow? Or wherever the firstborn son is?
I thought it's the former, but she should know his circumstances and the 'why's better than anyone. So now that we know some of his family are missing and there was a dragon scale washed to our island... perhaps Rakky knows more than she lets on?
How were you supposed to know that ancient lineages are still relevant? It didn't seem to matter on Florialis—most people there identify by parentage rather than blood ancestry. Well, Moram had a surname, but he didn't pass it to Merry.
Moram had a surname? What was it?
She sighs, falling over with a soft fwump of fur, a freckled cheek squishing into the deck. "Fine, I'll add that info t' yore shell. Ye gave me enough t' cover it."
"Do describe this… sea spirit," he mutters. "Perhaps I know what manner of creature you actually encountered."

Well, the strange woman had told you to obey Eis, and you're not the best liar, so… truth it is.

"Furry," you blurt. "It was covered in gray fur, no limbs I could see. Just a—a kind of big, fuzzy caterpillar-like thing."
Wait. I missed this completely. What does Rakky look like?
I noticed that she managed to give us a shell without actually extending an arm.
At first I just thought - following Jet's own rationalisation - she was wrapped in some cloak after drinking merrily... helped by the fact that she was hidden behind the barrels, we could have easily missed the finer details. Because even the ship's captain, despite all of his distinctive features and abilities, never showed up as anything but human... so I thought everyone else must be too. And our answer to Eis could be taken as an attempt to be elusive without outright lying. I was so caught in her manner of speech that her appearance just didn't register as the most strange things about Rakky. But we really saw her in her seal form, did we? I guess that answers the question what we thought was wrong with Miragua's statue.

So she is a scion... I wonder what her lineage is. Eis is younger (I don't know if scions even age normally), and he is 4th generation, but it's hard to judge these things when their ancestors can live eternally. Moram had his daughter about 40 years ago, and he was around for ages.

She calls Eis 'cousin', because his granddad is Edom (Northsea), whom she calls 'gruncle'... but how can Edom be her grand-uncle if she, Mirakela Northsea, herself bears his name? Wouldn't he need to be her direct grandparent for that? Argh, it's so confusing! :confused:
You are Eis Waterstone: from your mother, you are of the fourth generation in an unbroken line of water from Edom of the Midnight Sea; from your father, you gained the proud legacy of the seas' greatest imbuers.
So Eis has a mother of the 3rd generation, but a human father of the Waterstone/Eithanael line, with the generations likely too numerous to count. This is a bit puzzling. He gets his skills and his familial traits from his father (since he carries his name), but when people talk about his great power and ability in terms of generations (meaning that he is notable even among those), they obviously must be referring to his mother.

Am I to take from this that the Gift and the amount of magic available gets diluted over time among humans, but an infusion of blood from Firstborn and/or scions leads to the birth of exceptionally strong individuals? And that strength is abstract, not necessarily tied to the traits of the scion ancestor, as we see is the case with Eis.

Does it mean that Merry and Nyla are also much stronger than their peers?
Every thread of his borrowed tunic is imbued with water—the potential to suppress a connection to a blood-domain—not as completely as a cloak of Earth, but it's enough.

You are painfully aware that such meticulous threadwork is reserved for the powerful, not for a son of earth (who should have no presence, let alone a twisted mixture of dread and Fire). Without a dampener, the boy would be a beacon to Miragua's sounders. The High Revenge cannot yet risk detection.

You meant what you told the boy. He holds danger and secrets that even he does not know, and until the blacking fades from his hair, you won't have even a shred of a hint about any of them. He could be a distant cousin, a friend of a friend, a murderer by inaction—!
Okay, so this is what Eis sees in us. He knows our domain, though not our lineage. He considers the possibility we could be a distant cousin of his.
This is yet another time Eis makes a reference to Miragua's 'sounders', who can apparently detect magic. I would dismiss it as yet another case of Eis' paranoia - he doesn't know Miragua intends for them to pursue Red Herald, after all, but. But!
You slouch down into your barrel and groan. "Lis, why'd ye have t' go do that? My scramblin' our water trail won't help a whit with all a' yore racket."
Even Rakky is concerned by the show Lis put up. WHY? What does she scramble their trail for? Who does she hide from?

Also, a detail that I completely forgot: Eis replaced our clothes with his own, and infused them with dampening magic to hide our own magic signature. Is that why we haven't awoken to our abilities sooner despite being in the middle of the domain?

Apparently, Jet pings off as Fire and... dread? The first one is Moram's influence, but what can the last one be?
Does Eis' 6th sense skill have to do with blood? I mean, it is mostly water, so it won't surprise me he can get a read on people as part of his magic.
To the eye, she is your contemporary, in the prime of adulthood, but blood is deceptive. (She'd been grown when you were a child.)
What he means is that you can never trust scion's age by their looks, because the blood of Immortals allows them a very long life. How long, though? Are they unaging like their Firstborn ancestors?

Finally, two pieces of a conversation that I don't get, even with the benefit of all the information we've got since then.
"We do not require forever, but time is not on our side." You eye the passing seagulls with suspicion as they perch in the rigging. (Never trust a bird.)

"No luck with a listenin' lizard?" she asks sympathetically.
A freckled arm slings across your shoulders, but you twitch it off reflexively. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be fine, little Eis. He'll choose right, and I'll be here t' help if'n everythin' goes t' the nor'easters."

"Can you fix the Sundered Seas?" Her silence is telling. "Legends say only the Esser can reattach pieces severed from a domain. I know what lies ahead if I fail. You know what follows if I succeed."

(Failure is not an option.)
What Rakky and Eis are going on about here?

What is wrong with Sundered Seas, and what does the subject of their discussion have to do with pieces severed from a domain?

To be continued.
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Thanks for the quick proofread. I write almost exclusively on my phone these days (and turned off autocorrect), so these pop up very unfortunately.
The joke is lost on me. Pls help make sense of it.
Call it a side reference to a wild escapade our dear storykeeper was party to. Basically, it's better to know someone's crazy before you get into a sticky situation with them.
This is something I don't quite get. The Gift is in the blood, right? Even if it isn't 'awakened' or 'activated', it's still there, just... sealed.
Yep. Jet isn't saying he's completely devoid of the Gift, but that he can't use it.
But how did they navigate in the current? Did their waterbloods correct its course to the one they needed?
You've got it, more or less. They take the existing currents and keep them limited to the passage. If they didn't... the currents would run their natural course and converge with the walls, spiriting the ship along with them, and everyone would take an extreme swimming lesson.
Moram had a surname? What was it?
He'd be Moram Amortalis.
But we really saw her in her seal form, did we?
Saw something, did you? I wouldn't put it past her. ;D
What Rakky and Eis are going on about here?
They're talking about Eis' success (or lack of) convincing Arond to make (or rescind) a decision.

What Eis means by referring to the Sea(s) is, "Do you [Rakela] really think you have the power to help me if things go bad? Only the power of the Esser could fix my problems." Yes, he's being dramatic.

I may have made reference to a potential cause of the Sundered/Sundering Sea(s) existence; what's noteworthy is they aren't natural. They're scars on the domain that haven't healed.
They take the existing currents and keep them limited to the passage. If they didn't... the currents would run their natural course and converge with the walls
But... didn't the passage they were traversing collapse on them, and they were kept safe only by an air bubble? What walls?

Yep. Jet isn't saying he's completely devoid of the Gift, but that he can't use it.
It is pretty evident he can, or at least he can be affected by its downsides when put in the midst of his domain. I was just trying to guess why it was inconsistent with what we know of the Gift. By the way, do scions and Firstborn call their power a Gift too? I thought it was called such in reference to the Firstborn giving it back to the humans... but unlike humans, they have it innately.

Say, do we still wear Eis' clothing? We do, right? We don't have any of our own.

No comment on my attempts to make sense of Eis' lineage and how everyone makes it a big deal he is 4th generation descended directly from Northsea despite being a Waterstone?
Am I to take from this that the Gift and the amount of magic available gets diluted over time among humans, but an infusion of blood from Firstborn and/or scions leads to the birth of exceptionally strong individuals? And that strength is abstract, not necessarily tied to the traits of the scion ancestor, as we see is the case with Eis.
Will that be explained in due time by Rakky's diary (I am still puzzled by her calling Northsea a grand-uncle while having his last name), or should I leave it for Q&A? Or maybe answering that would be spoilers?
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By my count I mentioned the walls an unfortunate eight times. Bad form, what what. The passage is in the process of collapsing, not fully collapsed. I'm sure I used "water tunnel" a few times and "tubular" at least once.
By the way, do scions and Firstborn call their power a Gift too? I thought it was called such in reference to the Firstborn giving it back to the humans... but unlike humans, they have it innately.
The Firstborn? Not in reference to themselves, usually. Scions are an exception to many things. I don't think they have a common term amongst themselves. I will say that the human transformation isn't cosmetic for either Firstborn or scions.

Yes, Eis' clothes is still an item in your inventory (that you are wearing).

Bloodlines. Ah, bloodlines. I love to hate genealogies. Reference to "Eddy" as "gruncle" you can call an artifact from before surnames were invented (by me) and should be "grandfather". As for Eis... sigh. He's also a victim of pre-organized bloodline traits. I'll have to fix that glaring error. Edit: no, seems the only real problem was Rakky. Eis is Waterstone from his father and Northsea from his mother.

By rule of thumb, you can expect older generations to have high access, but variable control and will.
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The vote for or against searching for more of Arond's family is still tied, 3 - 3. Anyone want to throw in their twopence?
0.4 - Segment Summaries
| Segment Summaries |
If you're an M3K veteran who needs a reminder about past events... or if you're a newcomer who thinks the quest is tl;dr, here's a useful tool to keep you oriented. This will be considered a work in progress until the quest is finished. If there's something in a segment that you think should be in here, please say so. Thanks for reading! —Lithos
Day 0.1 - The Beginning...
You are established as a character with no parents in a world where family members activate the elemental power in their descendants. You live on Florialis Island, where you were raised by some kindly villagers.​
Established Facts
You have a connection to the sea… somehow.​
You've lived on Florialis (of the Koridor Archipelago) for as long as you can remember.​
The power to control an element is passed through bloodlines and can only be activated by a close blood relative.​
First mention of the Esser​
First mention of the children of the Esser (the Firstborn)​
You are Jet. Your strange hair is as white as gull feathers. Some think you a bad omen while others regard you as good luck.​
You are a beaconmaster; you guide boats and ships safely away from the cliffs after nightfall.​
Established: knowledge of stars​
Day 1.1 - Calm
You wake up to the afternoon sun and go to Lenolia Village for supplies for a night at the beacon. After meeting with Merry and your childhood friend, Nyla, who invites you to her Gifting Day, you pass by the docks where you meet Jard, who jokingly offers to take you with him on a fishing trip.​
Established Facts
You were the apprentice of the beaconmaster, Moram.​
Your mentor left you two items: a firestone knife and his old coat.​
First mention of Miragua​
First appearance of Merry, a fireblooded healer and your mother figure (coppery hair)​
First appearance of Nyla, your childhood friend and Merry's niece (cinnamon hair)​
First mention of Moram, Nyla's grandfather and Merry's father​
First appearance of Jard, a waterblooded fisherman and Merry's husband​
First use of hidden perk: star scrying​
Gifting Day: the day on which a person receives the ability to control an element​
Blublo: a dark blue gourd the size of a papaya, with stone-hard skin and bitter seeds, harvested for its nectar​
You're prepared for the night. You do not bring anything else with you to the cliff.​
You decline Jard's offer—you have a job to do.​
Day 1.2 - Work as Usual
After declining Jard's offer, you proceed to the top of the beacon cliff and prepare to face the fury of a flock of nightgulls.​
Established Facts
Nightgulls are territorial and aggressive birds, nocturnal in nature.​
First appearance of nightgulls​
You have a decent staff-stick from your extra wood. You'll whack the nightgulls at midrange.​
Day 1.3 - How... Juvenile
You fight off the nightgulls with your stick with a bit of difficulty, and your rope tether is broken. The night passes without further troubles, and you must decide whether or not to attend Nyla's Gifting.​
Established Facts
Nightgulls hate the beacon more than they hate you.​
They loathed Moram, your late mentor.​
They have access to the winds, and therefore wind-based attacks.​
Juvenile nightgulls have gray undersides.​
Adult nightgulls have dark blue plumage.​
"Don't rely on sight. The elements in their purest form are invisible, and wind is the most deceptive."—Moram​
Your quick mind is what gets you out of trouble.​
You choose to go to Nyla's Gifting and find a gift (?!).​
Day 2.1 - A Gift and a Gifting
You go to Nyla's Gifting, bringing a young nightgull as a present. Merry tells a story of the origin of the Gift and subsequently unlocks the ability in Nyla. You give Nyla the nightgull, and she gives you a scale with unusual properties.​
Established Facts
Nyla receives the Gift and finds she's a waterblood.​
A fireblood can activate the Gift in a waterblood.​
You receive a gift from Nyla: a single scale as big as your palm, silvery with a hint of blue, so shiny you can see your surroundings reflected in it.​
First (official) appearance of Kruakkk​
First mention of Nylan, Nyla's father​
First mention of Pirra, Nyla's mother​
First mention of Lani, Moram's wife​
First mention of each of the four Esser​
First mention of the Firstborn as phoenixes, seal kin, and dragons​
First mention of corruption​
First appearance of a waterstone tool (Jard's knife)​
Merry tells a traditional story of the creation of humankind by Earth, the conflict resulting in the wounding and dormancy of Earth, the rise of monsters, and the mercy of the Firstborn towards humanity, whose access to the power of the domains had been revoked by the Esser.​
Your eyes are brown, and your skin refuses to tan darker than a toasted coconut.​
"I hear the sea in my sleep, even in my dreams. It's been calling me for a while, but I've always had things to distract me from it."—Jet​
You decide to hang out with Nyla at the beacon cliff instead of resupplying for the night. (You do not resupply, do not prepare for the night, and do not get a replacement for your broken rope.)​
Day 2.2 - Reflective Perspective
Nyla spends time with you at the beacon cliff and reflects on her friendship with Jet.​
You, Jet, see a large ship (the Red Herald) casting off and get a closer look at the crew through the scale Nyla gave you. After she leaves, you prepare for another night at the beacon.​
Established Facts
The scale acts as a spyglass.​
The sea calls to Nyla because of her newly-Gifted state.​
According to you, the Red Herald sailed from the east.​
First Nyla perspective​
First appearance of the Red Herald. It can probably hold an upper limit of 450 passengers.​
First appearance of the crew of the Red Herald (visible crewmembers have varying shades of gray hair)​
First appearance of the maybe-captain of the Red Herald (his silvered hair is tinted with the barest reflection of blue.)​
"The water's a little loud, but it's not like I'm hearing it with my ears. It's more I'm feeling a song… the ocean's always been there, but now I know it's there. Always. It sings, or speaks, or something. Like it's singing a song I've always known but never heard until now, and I can't make out the words."—Nyla​
You, Jet, decide to build a makeshift shelter around the beacon in preparation for the next nightgull attack.​
Day 2.3 - Black Sky
You fight off the nightgulls as usual, but because you did not resupply and replace your rope, you are forced to plummet off the cliff into the dark waters.​
Established Facts
You can swim.​
Black sky nights (new moon nights) are considered unlucky.​
You decide to swim against the waves toward the beach.​
Day 2.4 - Live On!
You swim hard towards the beach around the cliff's promontory. Within eyeshot of land, you're attacked by a krakenspawn. You're half-drowned and wrapped by tentacles. Though you give a good fight, severing tentacle after tentacle, you succumb to the darkness.​
Established Facts
You hear a scream from someone underwater.​
Your firestone knife shines even underwater and will burn things while submerged.​
First "appearance" of Moram (graying red hair, crimson band around forehead)​
Emberfish: little fish that light up upon making contact with something​
Krakenspawn: the offspring of a corrupted sea-guardian (aggressive, octopus-like creature)​
Readers vote Kruawww! (Activates alternate perspective).​
Day 2.5 - Son of the Winds
You are Arond Windor, captain of the High Revenge. You talk with a loyal nightgull about the boy your crew saved from the dark waters. You must decide whether or not to continue chasing your uncle without stopping at the nearby island for supplies.​
Established facts
Tarrow Mylston had stolen the Red Herald and managed to take nearly half the rowers of the Bloodwind with him.​
Nightgulls have heat-seeing eyes.​
Arond can understand and speak to nightgulls.​
Arond is at Florialis for supplies and a patch-up for the High Revenge.​
Arond's children are absent or dead.​
According to Kruaa, Arond's father had thrown one of his rowers overboard with the fishbait and made his brother watch.​
First Arond Windor perspective​
First (official) appearance of the High Revenge
First appearance of Kruaa​
First mention of the Perilous Brood​
First mention of Arond's father​
First (official) mention of Tarrow Mylston, Arond's uncle​
Maybe if you were truly brave, you would have joined Uncle instead of chasing him down, but you're not. You fear Father more.—Arond​
You decide to risk closing the gap between you and your uncle on your current supplies. In consequence, you take your unconscious passenger with you. (Lower supplies, no ship repair, higher risk of accidents)​
Dusk 1.1 - Smiling Steel
You, Jet, wake up and meet Eis Waterstone, First Mate and healer aboard the High Revenge. He informs you of your injuries (which he healed), threatens you, and prepares to leave the room.​
Established facts
Krakenspawn ink is a wonderful natural stunner.​
Your firestone knife is double-edged and has no guard. Eis has never seen one like it.​
Eis has healed you of everything except the scars you received from the krakenspawn.​
According to Eis, the Waterstone bloodline is known for imbuing stone and metal with water properties. They are the only forgers of waterstone, which cut only what the wielder intends.​
According to Eis, Arond sleeps through the day and dislikes sunlight.​

First appearance of Eis Waterstone, First Mate and healer (blue eyes, wolf-gray hair, stubble, maybe ten years older than you, bland smile, really likes scalpels) He's a bit shorter than your very average height, but he's more muscled.​

"I do not know why Arond took you. It's a wonder he saved you when even I can sense the flame on you. Perhaps you are just a son of earth, Giftless, lost by your blood, but I do not think for one second that you are safe. I hope I am wrong, but give me one reason to think you are a danger, and I will make sure you never again have to worry about life debts."—Eis​

Before Eis leaves, you ask why he thinks you're dangerous.​
You decide to rest and wait until dusk to talk to the captain.​
[Lost: Moram's coat, satchel, bedroll.]​
Dusk 1.2 - Short Tradeoff
Eis tells you that he can sense that you were constantly in the presence of a powerful flame. He demands to know which fireblood the flame belonged to and refuses to say why he thinks you're dangerous unless you give him that information.​
Awakened: another term for the Gifted​
Unwoken: another term for being Giftless​
"Anyone Awakened—Gifted—with any degree of sense can feel that you were constantly in the presence of a powerful flame. Its potency is undeniable."—Eis​
"I can only stand to be this close to you because I've met others who feel similar. One, I trust my life. The other, I would murder as he slept."—Eis​
Readers vote to change to Nyla's perspective.​
Dusk 1.3 - Daughter of the Sea
You are Nyla. While mourning the loss of Jet, you encounter Brand—a young man about your age—who is a windblood and a member of the volcano watch. After an exchange of words in which he is unbearably insulting and you warn him to back down, you attack him. The replacement beaconworkers split up the brawl.​
On the High Revenge, you (Jet) prepare to meet the captain as dusk falls. Eis advises you to agree with everything the captain says.​
Second Nyla perspective​
First appearance of Brand, a windblood around Nyla's age, member of the volcano watch (a pineapple blond with pimples)​
To return to Florialis, you, Jet, decide to appeal to the captain's sense of duty by bringing up your life debt.​
You will also ask about the High Revenge's destination and if you have anything to fear from him.​
Dusk 1.4 - Hidden Potential
You, Jet, meet Arond Windor, captain of the High Revenge, and fail to convince him to return you to Florialis anytime soon. After a conversation during which you discuss your motivations and his mission, he asks you to join his crew.​
Established Facts
According to Arond, his mother is Alacria of the Morning Sky.​
His destination is to capture the "Son of the Morning Sky".​
The High Revenge is going towards the northeast.​
Eis is the one who dove in to save you.​
According to Arond, Eis' bloodline grants him resistance to waterborne poisons.​
First encounter with Arond Windor (quite tall, broad, black hair, beard, gray eyes that reflect amber, maybe Jard's age, familiar?)​
"Eis Waterstone is the most skilled healer of the fourth generation. I trust him with my life."—Arond​
"Do not lose that coat or knife, boy, and if you stay on this island, you will live a long and safe life—barring death by foolishness."—Moram​
You decide not to accept or reject Arond's offer to join his crew, leaving the decision for another time.​
Dusk 2.1 - History of Indecision
Conversation over, Arond leaves the room. You sleep. In the morning, Eis reprimands you for not accepting Arond's offer and tells you a tale of the Frozen Firefields as a lesson about indecision and inaction. It is set shortly after the First War; in the tale, a corrupted phoenix is taken down by the Black Dragon, the son of the Morning Sky, and Miragua.​
Established Facts
You are now a deckswabber.​
First mention of the daughter of the Morning Sun​
You'll do as Eis says, swab the deck, and sing and dance while doing so. Might as well be a proper fool.​
Dusk 2.2 - The Fool of the Sea
You begin swabbing the deck, singing and dancing (badly) in the process. Your performance attracts the attention of Rakky, a quirky woman who is knowledgeable about the goings-on around the ship. She offers information in exchange for the story of Moram's death.​
As Nyla, you listen in on your aunt's discussion of her worries for you and reaffirm your desire to leave the island.​
Established Facts
Your hair has been dyed completely black by the krakenspawn ink.​
You're now wearing a set of clothes borrowed from Eis.​
The Black Dragon, bane of the Second Age, is alive.​
First appearance of Rakky (freckled, wears speckled gray cloak, quirky)​
First official mention of Viperilon​
Second use of star-scrying​
In which you make a fool of yourself by dancing and singing "The Phoenix and the Dragon" and gain major Rakky points​
The High Revenge may hold an upper limit of 300 crewmembers.​
Windblooded sailors boost the ship's sails.​
"Krakenspawn ink stains cloth nigh permanently, and hair until it grows out. The time and effort to remove it isn't worth the execution, as it results in the destruction of the item in question."—Eis​
"Yeah, [the Rising Three] killed the ol' lizard [the Black Dragon]. He got better."—Rakky​
You, Jet, decide to tell Rakky about Moram's death in exchange for information, but only if she swears not to tell anyone.​
Gained: Eis' clothes​
Nyla chooses to further her sailing skills instead of concentrating on her healer training.​
Dusk 2.3 - Seashell, Hear Shell
Rakky makes an oath not to reveal your story to anyone under the scope of the Black Dragon. She gives you an echo shell so you can record your story and store it for later listening. She skedaddles before Eis shows up. Eis questions you on who you were talking to.​
Established Facts
Rakky's real name is "Mirakela of the Northern Sea" (Northsea).​
Rakky swears an oath not to reveal your story to the Perilous Ones… in return for information on the situation on the High Revenge. She gives you an echo shell, which uses water to store messages​
Arond's unshortened name is Valarond.​
Rakky can sense you've been around someone strong in fire.​
According to Rakky, Arond hates his father.​
First use of a bound oath (Rakky)​
First mention of the Perilous Ones (earlier mentions Perilous Brood), which includes the Black Dragon, his children, his servants, and his sympathizers​
Rakky is a storykeeper. She seems to know Alacria, Arond's mother.​
When Eis asks who you were talking to, you tell him you were talking to a sea spirit and are probably going crazy.​
Gained: echo shell (an item used for storing sounds)​
Dusk 2.4 - (Absolute Certainty)
You (Jet) tiptoe around the fact you were speaking to Rakky. Eis appears to be acting more oddly than usual, being almost cheerful and playful.​
As Eis, you reflect on your attitude towards Jet. You find Rakela and speak with her on Arond's immovability in changing his mind. Then, you confirm the approximate distance between the High Revenge and the Bloodwind.​
Established Facts
Eis, through his mother, is of the fourth generation in an unbroken line of water from Edom of the Midnight Sea; from his father, he is Waterstone.​
His clothes are imbued with water's potential to suppress and hide a connection to a blood-domain—though not as completely as a cloak of Earth.​
Rakky is a helmswoman and navigator. She is Eis' distant relation, through her great-great-whatever-grandfather Edom, and was born in the Sheer Winter.​
According to Rakky, the Bloodwind is "a week or four days" away.​
First Eis Waterstone perspective​
Parentheses denote Eis' feelings of absolute certainty.​
Eis refers to Rakky as Rakela.​
Rakky has gray hair.​
Without a dampener, the boy would be a beacon to Miragua's sounders.—Eis​
To the eye, [Rakela] is your contemporary, in the prime of adulthood, but blood is deceptive. (She'd been grown when you were a child.)—Eis​
"Arond must commit to one course. This is no capture mission, no matter what he wants to think."—Eis​
You, Jet, decide to head for'ard instead of following Eis back.​
Eis maintains the ship's pace; steady as she goes.​
Dusk 2.5 - "I knew a fool boy worse than you."
You head for'ard and startle an artist (Crow) who is drawing Arond's portrait. After he flees, you meet a man you call "Auburn", a fireblooded roguish type whose headband is exactly like your mentor's. "Auburn" is raring for a fight and wants to have a bout with you.​
As Nyla, you spend time with your nightgull pet and practice your control of water… with mixed results.​
Established Facts
Because of your terrible dancing, the crewmembers who saw you largely don't see you as a threat.​
You realize Peril, Viperilon, and the Black Dragon are one and the same.​
Nyla: Received Bright Feather from Merry. It glows dully like a dying ember edged in ashes. You keep it on a leather strap as a necklace.​

First appearance of "Auburn" Lisen Ferralong Redtail, fireblood (auburn hair, green eyes, crimson band tied around forehead, three scars like clawmarks extending from temple to chin [left side])​
First appearance of Crow, a windblooded artist (short stature, hooded gray cloak, gray eyes)​
First image of Arond Windor​
"If I get killed? I know Mylston's sword is swift and painless."—"Auburn"​

You decide to trust Rakky.​
You'll fight "Auburn", using the mop as a weapon.​
As Nyla, you name your nightgull Fuffles.​
You know the winds better than the average person, having been taught by Aunt Merry about their effect on weather and direction.​
Gained: Bright Feather (a lucky charm from Merry)​
Dusk 2.6a - "If you meet, do not indulge him."
As Nyla, you learn a bit of sailing from your uncle and affirm your goal: to leave the island and find Jet's family. You return to the medicine shop to help Merry, finding out that she's treating Brand. Merry asks you to make stomach tea for her patient, and you're left with a tempting decision whether or not to tamper with it.​
Established Facts
Jard taught you (Nyla) how to hide your wake in the water.​
Nylan was Jard's brother.​
Nyla decides to cast off with Jard the next morning.​
When given the opportunity to spike Brand's tea, Nyla doesn't give in to temptation but decides to pretend she messed with it.​
Dusk 2.6b - "You'll never get rid of that little rebel."
You—Jet—"spar" with "Auburn" and lose badly, but you manage to take first blood before Eis enters the scene. Through the following exchange, you find out "Auburn's" name is Lisen Ferralong Redtail. Lisen and Eis begin arguing about events in the past, and they begin to fight in earnest. You must decide how to stop them, if at all.​
Established Facts
Lisen knows at least basic fire healing techniques.​
Crow uses darts about five feet in length to send messages or signals.​
Lisen's family fought in the Sheer Winter.​

First mention of the oathbreakers​

Earthblood: an insult and curse of the highest degree [you and your whole bloodline are servants of corruption; the source of all depravity; the reason for all suffering; a curse on the world by merely existing]​
"Remember the terms—there's to be no sparring on this ship without the watch of Captain Arond."—Eis​
"I knew a fool boy worse than you. If you meet, do not indulge him. You'll never get rid of that little rebel."—Moram​
You'll get Crow to help stop the fight.​
Dusk 2.7 - The Bird Who Flees
As Nyla, you watch Brand drink the tea and taunt him.​
As Jet, you meet Crow (officially) and try to convince him to stop Eis and Lisen.​
Established Facts
Nyla didn't complete her healer's apprenticeship but has sworn the healer's oath.​
Healers are traditionally oathbound to act towards a patient's well-being.​
Crow's weapon is an atlatl and long dart. His power over wind is strong.​
Official meeting of Crow (a cloth mask and hood conceal his features; has black hair, might be around Nyla's age.)​
You tell Crow to forget about waking Arond to stop the fight. You suggest he use his winds to separate them.​
Dusk 2.8 - Has a Will of His Own
Crow resists your suggestion, and Eis deals a brutal injury to Lisen's eye. Crow calls Arond, and Eis is punished by being made to heal Lisen. Eis' duties are given to Rakky until the task is done. Arond talks to you and reveals his full mission, as well as that his wife is a hostage of Viperilon.​
Established Facts
Eis half-blinds Lisen in the fight.​
Rakky temporarily takes Eis' place in command of the day shift.​
You learn the details and drive behind Arond's mission.​
According to Arond, Lisen and Eis grew up in the Sheer Winter and were Awakened too young.​
First official witnessing of a bloodline ability (Arond)​
According to Arond, the Ferralong bloodline is known for farsight, and losing sight is, to them, a sign of great misfortune and shame.​

Had Crow been holding the winds still this whole time? He doesn't lack power, so what does he...? Maybe… control?—Jet​
"He even dared to light his flames in clear defiance of your prohibition on Awakening for frivolous reasons, an action that may have assisted Miragua's sounders in locating us."—Eis​
"Eis Waterstone, you shall heal the wounds of Lisen Ferralong Redtail to the absolute best of your ability, and, until his sight is once again fit for watch duty, serve him as you would me. Should he provoke you with words, you shall be silent. Should he strike you in revenge for his injury, even if the entire crew stands witness, you shall not retaliate, nor shall you permit another to retaliate in your stead. You are in his debt until his sight is fully restored or he releases you. And should he die before then, your debt goes to his closest kin, and you shall fall on their mercy."—Arond​
"I must remove Tarrow Mylston, Vitarrow of the Morning Sky, my uncle, as an obstacle to the Reign of Cold. For the crime of thrice rebelling against my father and once assisting in his murder, I will recapture him and his crew."—Arond​
"To most, my father requires they swear an oath of loyalty to him in exchange for their lives. But he knows me all too well, and he demanded my oath in exchange for sparing my wife. I could rebel, but at what cost? I must doom my people's freedom to spare the ones I love… or doom my beloved to spare my uncle and my people. If I fail to choose, I doom them all."—Arond​
You decide to come clean to Arond about your involvement in the fight and your part with Crow. You'll ask for advice on how to apologize. Ultimately, you will spend one more day in the day shift before waking in the night shift (result of vote tie).​
Dusk 2.9 - Seadogs and Windbirds
As Jet, you must decide what skills to offer to the crew.​
As Rakky, you receive news about Eis' indisposed state and promptly take charge, speeding the ship onwards. Full speed ahead!​
As Kruakkk, you despair and bemoan your fate as the captive of an annoying human.​
Established Facts
Rakky is a titled Royal Historian who serves Miragua.​
The majority of the crew doesn't know they're not on a standard bounty hunt.​
Crow is a stowaway who has sworn loyalty to Arond.​
Eis is trying to convince Arond to ally with Tarrow against the Black Dragon.​
Rakky's primary loyalty to Miragua is confirmed.​
Miragua and Vitarrow are old friends.​
First Rakky perspective​
First mention of Efric, also known as The Eel or Eelfric (or Effy), a navigator who is oathbound to Vitarrow. Is one of Rakky's cousins. He's helmsman of the Red Herald.​
First mention of the term "Torchhead", in reference to Lisen​
First Kruakkk perspective​
First official mention of water corridors​
Labyrinth Deep: A strange maze of underwater caves. Vitarrow, the Morning Sky, was trapped there but escaped.​
Rakky refers to Miragua as the "Patient One"​
You, Jet, will tell the ones in charge about certain of your skill, including your ability to hit things in the dark (one-eyed) and your quirk of knowing the location of some things based on the position of the heavenly bodies.​
You, Kruakkk, will attack anyone who comes near! You shall be free!​
Dusk 3.1- Morningfall
You, Jet, tell Rakky the story of Moram's death as she uses an echo shell to record your telling. The reader is granted a more personal perspective of the events due to a prior special vote.​
Moram searches for Vitarrow by using his fire to probe the Labyrinth Deep through a whirlpool. He receives an alert from Merry, who threw one of his feathers into the beacon fire. He flashes to the waypoint, where his daughter tells him of the active volcano eruption and asks him to help. Moram tells Jet to keep the beacon burning. After a little heart-to-heart with Merry, the beaconmaster goes to Lenolia Village and brings the scattered people to order.​
With a few fireblooded volunteers, Moram nears the volcano, soon discovering the source of the eruption: a corrupted adult salamander. After battling core-to-core, he succeeds in killing the beast by bonding the mountain's fire to his own. Now overflowing with power, he manages to send a message to one of his faraway friends. Moram manages to flash back to the beacon, where he speaks with Jet one last time and gives him his cloak and knife; Moram then dies, his body burned out from the strain of using the mountain's fire.​
Established Facts
Moram fought in the Sheer Winter as a commander.​
He once made an oath of loyalty to the Vermilion Council. Because he broke his oath, he is severely weakened and cannot revert to his natural form without losing life energy.​
He uses specially imbued pinions as points for travel; he gives one to Merry.​
He creates a firestone blade by pouring his fire and essence into a knife; he binds the Light of Dawn to it before giving it to Jet.​
First mention of the Vermilion Council​
First official appearance of the Light of Dawn, the Jewel of Sunrise​
First mention of the Corruption as "Dorian's Folly" and "Earth's Curse"​
First official mention of Ferry Sanslock, Remoriam's sister​
Windbloods can boost the volume of someone's voice.​
Firebloods can cool temperatures by leeching heat away; they can absorb power from bonfires, the sun, and the moon.​
Lava is natural firestone.​
Cloak of Earth: hides the wearer's strength and essence: allows the Firstborn to transform into human form​
Salamander: reptilian, dwells in volcanoes. A full-grown adult could snap up a cow in one bite. They cannot swim well.​
Character: Moram

"The children of Wind have a saying; everyone has three names that affect their lives. One from their parents, one from their peers, and one they choose for themselves."—Moram​
Birth name: Remoriam: the ever-free ember of dawn​
Given name: Amortalis: a name reflective of wilder times and bloodshed​
Chosen name: Moram: the ember's shadow​
He is the First Son of Fire, Keeper of the Light of Dawn. As a Firstborn, a phoenix, his true form is made of pure essence.​
He is friends with Vitarrow and Miragua; he considers Reyzan, the first Redtail, to be his favorite brother, and thinks Lisen is a fool boy and a troublemaker, though he is admirable as a survivor with an undying spirit. He cares deeply for Jet and wonders if his ward would forgive him for what he views as denying him his bloodright [the Gift].​
Quotes (Moram)
My pinions are beacons to my senses, especially when destroyed; when I was in the flush of my power, I could locate mine from any distance.​
My daughter knows the weight of a blood oath made to the Esser; few live to tell the tale if they break their vows.​
A tragedy, that such a mighty being has fallen to the Curse… and a reminder that no one is immune, bar the Esser themselves. Well, except Earth. Earth is an exception to many things.​
I again curse my idealistic younger self for making that foolish loyalty oath to our Council. For making me choose between my life and power or death and freedom.​
The core treats impure essence like the body does sickness, and I was immersed—however briefly—in earth-mixed wildfire. My own pure flames will recognize earth as a disease… and so they will burn my body to ashes.​

Before dying, Moram sends a message to Tarrow concerning Jet.​
You, Jet, decide to mend things with Crow. He's had a night to cool off. You will also see how Lisen's doing; he might appreciate a visitor.​
Dusk 3.2 - Enter the Corridor
You, Jet, visit Lisen in the sickbay. He's just as provoking as before, and you barely hold onto your temper. As the conversation rolls, he reveals that Eis has already healed his eye, fulfilling the terms of his oath. You let Crow in through the window and get the opportunity to apologize for previous actions. The ship lurches, and you open the door to find that Rakky has taken the ship to the Sundering Seas. You are now traveling via water corridor—deep, current-filled gouges and channels in the water.​
Established Facts
Lisen has a hybrid Ferralong-Redtail emotion sense (Ferralong for sight, Redtail for emotions)​
Lisen's already healed and—in collaboration with Eis—is keeping it secret.​
Rakky takes the High Revenge into the Sundering Seas; you are now sailing inside a water corridor.​
You suspect Crow was an "early riser" like Lisen.​
Crow may have been a slave before joining Arond.​
Crow's raw power may be the third highest on the ship.​
You demand a favor from Lisen.​
Readers vote for a perspective change to Lisen.​
Dusk 3.3 - Boring Tales of a Lost Torchhead
You are Lisen. You try to heal your seasickness by guiding healing flames to your head; due to your poor control, you lock yourself into a memory sequence. You at first recall your time with the Torchheads, but Eis enters the room, causing your memories to shift to your time as a prisoner of the Black Dragon. Once released from the sequence, you poke at Eis to make him mad so you can see his emotion pattern's reaction. Together, you speculate on Crow's allegiance and bloodline. After the First Mate leaves, you must decide between messing with Eis, messing with Jet, or planning your escape (again).​
Established Facts
Lisen sees emotions as color patterns.​
The only time his fire is fully under his control is during battle.​
He was acquainted with Reyzan (Redtail) and Remoriam (Amortalis).​
He was once a prisoner of Viperilon and was forced to fight for his captor's amusement.​
Vectoriel Bledform, a scion of Vengefall of the Evening Sky, gave Lisen his scars and is the reason for his early Awakening.​
Swearing loyalty strengthens the mind's resistance to being overwhelmed by one's blood-domain.​
Lisen was once a prisoner on the Bloodwind, the flagship of the Cold Navy.​
According to Eis, five sons of Peril exist; the first was slain in the Winter, and the youngest is unaccounted for.​
First Lisen perspective​
First appearance of Reyzan of the Midday Sun​
First glimpse of the Sheer Winter​
First official mention of the Breath of the Center​
More detail on the mechanisms of oaths​
Lisen in the memory has a phoenix feather.​
Lisen refers to Viperilon as the Blackest Sky.​
It's a fact that swearing loyalty strengthens the mind's resistance to being overwhelmed by one's blood-domain. Keeps one anchored. Your ancestor [Reyzan] corrects you gently. "That is only partly true. What it truly means is that you cannot act against me without consequences; my goals become yours, and when I call, you follow. You become… hm, I suppose you become something like a vassal to me. Your own fire will know if you are not acting in the spirit of the oath."—Lisen's memory​
Lisen has sworn loyalty to Reyzan. (Higher aptitude for healing, strongest time is midday, will not burn out as easily)​
Lisen decides to outright ask Crow if he is a spy.​
He decides to de-ink Jet's hair when he can. Curiosity reigns supreme!​
Dusk 3.4 - Let the Training Wreck Begin
As Rakky pilots the ship and gives you heart attacks, you exercise your star-scrying ability at length for the first time; Crow draws accurate images of creatures for you to see, and you search for them.​
As Nyla, you practice controlling your waves as Jard throws fish at you to keep you focused. He clears you as a self-risk, saying you're able to stay near your blood-domain unsupervised, and gives you words of caution for when you exercise the Gift. After you exhaust yourself, Jard asks you to keep watch over his boat, the Slipstream, as you rest.​
Established Facts
You (Jet) are attached by a lifeline to the ship.​
Your star-scrying skill doesn't work when trying to find nonliving objects.​
Alas, poor Flinky and his first appearance...​
According to Rakky, your star-searching ability is a fire-based skill.​
Your locator ability seems most effective when you've seen the target species with your own eyes, but an accurate image and a detailed habit description is an acceptable substitute.​
Your ability seems more accurate than precise; if you search for a fish, you're locating the whole school instead of the individual. You can't figure the size of one creature or the number of individuals in a group.​
Nyla's parents died at sea.​
According to Jard, krakenspawn ink is removable by applying lemon juice.​

Giant jumping clam: a giant jumping clam​
Corridor 'craw: giant lobster, very delicious in chowder (according to Rakky)​
Moram was a morning person.​
You decide to test the limits of your locator skill.​
Nyla decides to rest and let her nightgull keep watch.​
Dusk 3.5 - Searching for Trouble
You, Jet, continue to hone your star-scrying skill. You test your limits by looking for nightgulls (non-water creature, far and close distance), for Nyla (human, far distance), for Miragua and Vitarrow (Firstborn), for Moram (to confirm his death), and Eis (human, close distance). When you look for Vitarrow via Crow's sketch, you succeed but see two eyes staring back at you. You must decide whether or not to tell Rakky what you saw. You ask Rakky why the crew of the High Revenge is chasing one of the Firstborn, and she counters by giving you a choice between information; lose the echo shell and learn the story, or continue with nothing lost or gained.​
Established Facts
You recognize Crow's sketch of Vitarrow as the image of the man you saw from the clifftop.​
Having received information on how to identify Firstborn by name, you realize Arond is a dragon.​
You can locate creatures, humans, and Firstborn from a distance.​
You are not limited to creatures of water.​
You get a headache when trying to locate a close individual target.​
First official mention of Kies Andryns, a human descendant of Latherel who also has the star-scrying ability.​
Rakky asks you privately if Moram ever told you why the Council of Vermilion voted to keep themselves and their scions out of the Winter. She mentions a rumor about Rekavok's possible involvement with the result of the Vermilion Council's vote.​
Rakky has gray eyes.​
You decide to tell Rakky about seeing Vitarrow.​
You decide to continue testing: not finding out the story, but not losing the knowledge in the echo shell either.​
Dusk 3.6 - Watery Tunnel Vision
As Rakky, you warn Crow and Jet not to spread around the news that Arond is chasing his uncle, the Firstborn called Vitarrow. Far as most of the crew knows, they're chasing down pirates. Thanks to Jet's star-scrying, you know where Tarrow is: outside the corridor, on the Charted side, roughly between the High Revenge and the Bloodwind.​
You're in charge of coordinating the wind and waterblooded sailors to navigate the narrowing corridor; under your command, the wind sailors form an air bubble while the waters direct the currents to keep the ship from crashing into the corridor walls. Your multitasking keeps you from keeping as close a watch as you'd like on Jet and Crow.​
As Jet, the sea calls to you. It's the same as when you were on the island, but much, much clearer and louder. You're enthralled by its song, but Crow pulls you back before you can get pulled to a watery grave. After a short scolding from Rakky, you return to star-scrying.​
In a show of trust, Crow shows you a painting and asks you to look for two of the people in it (Alacria and Vespian). You must decide whether or not to help him and if you will look for any of the others in the picture. The ship heads toward an encounter with kelpies… and you must decide whether to stay on deck or return to the sickbay.​
As Rakky, you must decide what orders to give the crew in the approaching threat of a herd of ship-wrecking water horses… at the same time as planning the jump out of the corridor.​
Established Facts
Crow's air bubble has a muffling effect on the sea's song.​
Rakky, at close distance, can't sense you when you star-scry her.​
According to Rakky, scions can take human form without a cloak of Earth.​
First named mention of Vespian, Altiria, Valicors, and Viperiel.​
Leopard-spotted Sea Carpet: a giant sea slug (nudibranch), carnivorous; an engulf a small skiff​
Kelpie: equine omnivore with whalelike tail instead of hind legs; presence detectable by the scent of lavender; can wreck ships​
You, Jet, decide to help Crow find Alacria and Vespian. On the side, you plan to search for Altiria and Viperiel. In the face of approaching kelpie danger, you decide to remain on deck.​
As Rakky, you decide to go for the stealthy option, despite the consequential rise in difficulty of taking the jump out of the corridor. You will order the crew to drift with the current under cloud cover.​
Dusk 3.7a - The Wrath of Kruakkk
As Kruakkk, you rage against your unjust imprisonment and hapless captor.​
A suspicious cloaked figure boards the boat, seemingly without knowledge that your captor [Nyla] lies nearby, sound asleep. This sneak then cuts all ropes securing the boat and the sails. You throw a breeze at him and find that he is Rekavok, the Evening Sun, the pineapple-haired enemy of your forefather, Viperilon. You attack!​
You must decide how to continue your judgment upon the great enemy. Shall you drown him, or shall you let him aboard farther into your range and dish out the winds of Maximum Fury?​

Established Facts
Jard's boat, Slipstream, has been set adrift through the machinations of a certain windblood and the rage of an unfortunate bird.​

First mention of Rekavok as the Doomseer.​

According to Kruakkk, Rekavok has pineapple-like hair.​

You have decided to confer upon your enemy... Ultimate Pain Everlasting. You will let him aboard and redouble your attack!​
Dusk 3.7b - Crashdown: Part 1
As Jet, you watch Rakky orders the crew to create a cloud cover to keep the ship from being spotted by the predator kelpies. You then search for Alacria and Vespian. You cannot find them, but you can tell they are alive. You tell Crow what you could find. The High Revenge then exits the water corridor, with some crewmembers succumbing to exhaustion.​
As Rakky, you calculate your next move and order Crow to get Eis out. You subsequently assign Eis to the helm while you ascend to the crow's nest to get the lay of the land. From your new vantage point, you see the corpse of a giant platefish, surrounded by a kelpie herd, and deduce from the killing wound that your cousin Efric had enlisted Tarrow's help to delay the High Revenge.​
As Jet, you search for Altiria and Viperiel to keep your mind distracted from the song of the sea. You find that Altiria is nearby. Then, you find that Viperiel's parameters are odd, resulting in you searching for him under two different stars. With the first, you get nothing-something, then a piercing headache. With the second, you black out. Crow pulls you up when you regain consciousness. Your mind burns with rage on sight of him. You attack Crow, but because you are fundamentally Mindful, you question why you're attacking him and let go instead of going for the kill.​
Eis pulls you back. Crow runs off. The odd healer identifies the source of your mood switch: a manipulator Influencing your emotions. The crew begins to attack itself, resulting in a split between the windbloods and waterbloods. Eis takes hold of all the water in the area to keep the waterbloods from sinking the ship, though the act visibly taxes him. The windbloods take advantage of their opponents' new weakness.​
As Rakky, you descend the mast into chaos. After subduing an Influenced windblood (Triven Vinstrom), you realize the attack is a sign of a manipulator. You reach Eis and take control of the water to for'ard to lessen the drain on his energy. He hypothesizes that this manipulator, rather than Viperilon, is the same one that was the doom of Jeketstrait, the last fortress of resistance in Waterstone territory. You are not fully convinced. However, you notice Crow's absence and reluctantly note that he could be the manipulator.​
The High Revenge has stopped moving, with only you and Eis keeping her from wandering, and the cloud cover is destabilized without the crew coordinating to keep it up. You must decide how to position your resources to get out of this mess with the fewest casualties.​
As Jet, you must decide whether or not to reveal that you were searching for Altiria and Viperiel, which could land you in deeper trouble but could also help the crew identify the manipulator.​

Established Facts
You, Jet, cannot locate Alacria or Vespian for some reason, though you can tell they are alive.​
You get an even worse headache if you try to alter an established star-search formula.​
The ocean's song has been quieter or less concentrated since you exited the corridor.​
Altiria is nearby. Perhaps even close enough to see.​
Searching for Viperiel knocks you unconscious.​
One of this manipulator's tells involves the presence of gray eyes.​
Aggressive reminders a la punch to the face can temporarily drive off the Influence of a manipulator.​
Eis is powerful enough to take full control of the waves in a competitive radius for a while.​
Rakky is powerful enough to take control of waves already controlled by a strong waterblood (Eis).​
Crow, a windblood, can silence people's voices.​
According to Rakky, Vitarrow (Tarrow Mylston) killed the platefish with his personal weapon, Mylstrydr.​
According to Rakky, there are few enough manipulators alive that she could count them off her fingers and still be able to hold a tankard.​
According to Rakky, Vespian was a manipulator with gray eyes.​

First named mention of Mylstrydr.​
First named mention of Thelassa.​
First official mention of coldsteel.​
First official appearance of a manipulator.​
First mention of Jeketstrait.​
First appearance of Jella.​
First named appearance of Triven Vinstrom.​
Vespian might not be surnamed Windor.​

According to Rakky (and Eis), a decade ago, Northseas and some Waterstone refugees were killed at Jeketstrait by a manipulator.​

Cloud cover: a stealth technique adapted from a devastating storm technique; developed around the First War era​
Ivory-plated platefish: a fish known for having tough armor; can grow to at least the size of the High Revenge.​
Kelpie (continued): come in varying shades of green; their young have silvery undersides; the older the specimen, the darker the green; iceberg predators [See some? There are more below.]; near indestructible at liquid temperature; weak to extreme temperature change, coldsteel, and firestone (lava)​
Vinstroms: Rakky considers them generally a nice, neutral, classy bunch.​
Jeketstrait: the last fortress of resistance in Waterstone territory; manned by Northseas and some Waterstone refugees; all slain through the Influence of a manipulator​

"Stare at the stars too long, fool boy, and you'll burn out your eyes."

Half the crew shall go to kelpie defense, keeping the predators away from the ship. A quarter shall search for the information needed to disable, neutralize, or block the manipulator, and a quarter shall prepare for the jump.​
Rakky will split her attention between kelpie defense and manipulator defense, being suited to both as a strong scion of water, an authorized carrier of coldsteel, and a war-scholar with the necessary training to resist most manipulator Influence.​
Jet will tell Rakky and Eis what he knows.​
Dusk 3.8 - Crashdown: Part 2
Rakky orders the crew to split into kelpie defense (windbloods) and preparing for the corridor jump (waterbloods). Cloud cover is dropped for practicality.
As Jet, you tell Raky and Eis how you drew attention to yourself (and therefore the High Revenge) by searching for Altiria and Viperiel with star-searching techniques. Neither crewmember takes it well. You suggest to Rakky that Lisen might help find the manipulator, but she doesn't seem to know about his emotion-sight. Impatient, she tells you to distract the dragons with your star-searching. She then runs off to command the waterbloods in defending against the kelpies.
You, Jet, must decide whether to get Lisen as you had suggested, do as Rakky said, or find Crow (who seemed to recognize the manipulator).

Established Facts
According to Rakky, normal waterbloods cannot do much against kelpies.
According to Eis, a technique that uses someone's name and image is considered an "essence ability."

"Ye don't yet have enough power t' be strong, but ye have more than enough t' cause trouble. Think before ye jump!" -Rakky, quoting Remoriam

You, Jet, decide to do what Rakky said. You will throw your star-searching at those dragons and make yourself get noticed. Hopefully, you can distract him or her long enough for it to matter.
Dusk 3.9 - Crashdown: Part 3 (Dusk finale)
As Jet, you make a risky plan to not only draw the manipulator's attention, but potentially drive them off. After some information gathering and data organization, you take out your firestone knife and Nyla's marvelous scale and begin searching for Altiria and Viperiel.
As Rakky, you supervise the net-casts to drive the kelpies away from the ship's sides, but some make it past the distracted and angry defense. You cannot let the waterbloods have their waves back until the manipulator is dealt with or risk total destruction. Knowing that kelpies can also attract predators from below, you direct your senses downward and sense something that scares you: the barest shadow of something from the deep.
As Jet, your eyes begin to bleed from the stress of searching for the dragons. You instinctively drop the distance parameter from star-searching, realizing you do not need to know where the manipulator is.
You deduce that being frustrated and angry makes your emotions indistinguishable from the rest of the crew, and thus of no interest to the manipulator. After a brief word with Eis, you force yourself into positive zen mode and successfully attract the manipulator. You subsequently plunge the firestone knife into your brain, according to your plan.
As Rakky, you see some Influenced sailors get forced out of the manipulator's grasp. One mentions feeling fire burning in his head. Suspicious, you wait for evidence to let the waterbloods have their waves back. You soon get it in the form of Crow, who is using his darts to fell some seagulls. You realize that the birds could have been distance relays for the manipulator. With that, you ready yourself to use your coldsteel.
As Eis, you stare at Jet's rigid body and curse your inability to move from your post. No one could survive a firestone knife through the skull. You question if Jet had known what he was doing beforehand.
Rakky shouts at you to give the waves back to the waterbloods. She informs you that Crow had stopped the manipulator and that she will clear the way through the kelpies. She subsequently shifts into seal kin form and leaps overboard into the corridor, shocking you with her possession of coldsteel.
You order all crewmembers to get into position to jump from the corridor. Crow volunteers to assist, and you allow him despite your misgivings about his control. You tell him you will knock him out if he slips. The climb up the corridor wall proceeds roughly. Crow manages to maintain control until after the halfway point. He then sees Jet's body, which causes his winds to react to his distress.
You, Eis, must decide what to do at this critical juncture: knock Crow out, or trust him to hold on a moment longer.
As Nyla, you have a strange dream/nightmare about a firebird and Jet falling from the beacon cliff into an ocean of lava. You wake to find that night has nearly fallen, that your nightgull in a whirlwind, and that the voice of your friend calling for help is actually the voice of Brand (Graysmith). At your threats, he admits to untying the boat for a prank.
You, Nyla, must decide what to do with him: pull him aboard out of pity, leave him there to be humbled, or cut the rope and leave him to whatever fate.

Established Facts
According to Eis, a foreign mind (such as that of a manipulator) is like a disease that could be purged with sufficient will and/or assistance.
According to Eis, the Influence also ends if the source (the manipulator) is ended (killed).
You, Jet, can drop parameters in star-searching if looking for less specific criteria.
Star-searching may cause enough stress on the eyes to make their blood vessels burst. Dropping parameters can lessen stress.
Kelpies can attract bigger predators from the deep.
Eis believes that Jet's eyes had been brown (not brown) when he stabbed himself.
Eis cannot cure true death.
According to Rakky, because of deep-sea monsters, Ederye and Malariel of the Abyssal Sea rarely come to the surface.
Rakky has left the High Revenge.
Crow is powerful enough to freeze water unintentionally.

First appearance and mention of Dar Endinfall​
First appearance and mention of Torra Dansteppe​
First mention of Nole (of the stupid gold teeth and garlic breath)​
First mention of Seffon (and the nighties)​
First mention of Nyla's surname (Deepheart)​
First mention of Brand's surname (Graysmith)​
First official use of coldsteel (by Rakky)​
First on-screen full transformation of a scion (Rakky -> seal kin)​

Kelpie defense: Kelpies' forms can be temporarily disrupted by stones/earth, such as those at the ends of weighted nets. Kelpies are immune to water at temperatures similar to their body temperatures, and waves do not bother them.
Coldsteel: a frigid wind bound to metal; near-immediately freezes any water it touches; risky to use in water because of the possibility of trapping the user in an icy grave

"Answer me, you scale-shedding coilsnake!" - Jet, to Altiria or Viperiel
"Go back to the Darkness!" - Jet, to Altiria or Viperiel

You, Eis, decide to wait, trusting that Crow will hold on long enough.
You, Nyla, decide to pull Brand aboard. He really is a pitiful creature, isn't he?
Night 1.1 - Negative Space
As Arond, you revisit a memory of a meeting between your mother, Alacria of the Morning Sky, and your older brother, Vespian. During the meeting (which is sound-sealed by your brother), Vespian gives an object, concealed in a cloak of Earth, to the Morning Sky. You note the presence of Annacondra of the Midnight Sky, your aunt, though she says nothing. Vespian reveals that Rekavok Ferralong had come to give him a message that the path he walks would see his death if he reached his goals. After your mother and aunt leave, you and your brother engage in a bout of playful sky-wrestling. After, you talk with him about the meeting. Vespian will not tell you more without your oath of protection regarding his treasure. You agree, and the two of you seal the oath before the memory breaks.​
You are taken out of your memory by Eis, whom you had been debriefing within a sound bubble. The crew and your ship had safely made the jump out of the Sundering Seas, though not without losses.​
A misunderstanding causes Kir Dansteppe, a member of the night shift, to attack Eis. She is stopped by Din Endinfall, an assistant healer of the twilight transition. The debrief resumes as you muse on your past in the Winter- the early days of knowing Eis, your injured memories, and their recovery due to a certain healer... as well as the loss of Jet. You discuss Altiria's role from the previous day and whether or not your father had a hand in it. Eis speculates on reasons why your father wouldn't leave the twins behind. You then address what the High Revenge will do regarding the pursuit of Tarrow Mylston. In addition to confirming Eis' support, you instruct him to bring Flincolian and Seffon, your third and second mates, to hold council.​
You end the debrief and leave, observing the crew and noting the increased tension between former and current enemies. You find where Crow is- exhausted, lying next to Jet's body. You decide whether or not to press Crow for his identity. After, you decide whether to contact your nightgull spies on the Bloodwind, whether to ask your father for answers about the previous day, and whether to send a message to your uncle.​
As Eis, after Arond leaves, you delegate the duty of supervising healer to Din Endinfall, who you had handpicked for that position. Kir Dansteppe makes her animosity towards you more than evident, despite Endinfall's influence, then challenges you to a fight. After answering with your decision, you leave.​
Back in the sickbay, you sharpen your knives and prepare to go after Seffon, Arond's second mate, priming your paired daggers with a paralytic. Meanwhile, you philosophize about the role of traditional names and their role in your brand of freedom. Once prepared, you move to leave but halt when Lisen bursts into the room, tugs a sheet off a patient, steals a bottle from your desk, and shoots back out the door. You decide whether to prioritize going after him or going with Arond's orders.​
As Nyla, you take stock of your situation with Brand.​
Now, you choose what action to take next: follow the wind, consult Brand, take inventory, or burn the bright feather.​
Meta: You decide which perspective will definitely be used in the next segment (Eis, Lisen, or Nyla).​
Established Facts
According to Arond, Vespian rarely speaks aloud.​
Vespian is a scholar of Kalmeri College. He had not gained a mastery by the time of Arond's memory.​
According to Arond, daylight will eventually tip the balance of the flame that keeps him alive, thus causing his death.​
According to Arond, Eis is the only man he knows of who has suffered essenflay and survived.​
Crow captured Altiria's seagulls, which Arond then interrogated.​
Eis now knows that Altiria is not one of the twins.​
According to Arond, both he and Vespian got their martial education from their uncle.​
According to Arond, Vengefall holds watch over the Whirlwind Isles while Viperilon is absent.​
Eis is an older brother.​
Arond's surname was once Peniron.​
Eis has been healing people since sunhigh (the average healer would drop after an hour or two of intensive healing).​
First official appearance of Vespian (Arond's memory)​
First official appearance of Alacria (Arond's memory)​
First appearance of Kir Dansteppe​
First appearance of Din Endinfall​
According to Arond, Vengefall and Viperilon have long been allies. Both were corrupted in the past.​

Vespian Kellinan: Arond's older brother, born to Viperilon Kellinan and Alacria Windor. A scholar of Kalmeri.​
Seagulls: Have a different screech dialect than nightgulls. Arond finds the morning screech dialect strange to translate.​
:{Rekavok Ferralong came to me last sunhigh with a message. He told me that he had Seen a choice before me. I could turn my back on my path and live, maybe gain more renown, maybe even… start a family...or I could keep on, reach my goal, and then my life will end.}: - Vespian Kellinan​
"Not on him... Esser and blood, on my head be it." - Vespian Kellinan​
["Your core and body will mend, and your memories will repair themselves with time, but I know you little—I cannot tell who you are!"] - Redtail​
You, Arond, decide not to take advantage of Crow's weakened state. You do not ask him his identity.​
You also decide to check in you your nightgulls on the Bloodwind. Risky, but potentially useful.​
In addition, you will send a message to Father to ask about the purpose of Altiria's attack.​
You will also write a letter to Uncle, telling him about your memory about Vespian. You will further ask for a peaceful meeting.​
As Eis, you decide to humor Kir Dansteppe. You goad her into bringing someone with her to fight in the sparring ring later.​
You prioritize following Lisen instead of following Arond's orders right away [negates priority advantage on Seffon].​
As Nyla, you decide to trust your own knowledge of winds to help guide you to a more advantageous location.​
[Meta] Lisen's perspective locked in for the next segment.​
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I arrived thinking this was an update...

QM I've been curious, was the bird being sapient with a culture planned, or a rewrite you threw in?
I arrived thinking this was an update...

QM I've been curious, was the bird being sapient with a culture planned, or a rewrite you threw in?
The bird thing wasn't originally planned. It kinda took off once Kruakkk became a character though, so as early as Day 2.1. That's why the 'gulls initially have no hidden speech. I haven't edited in any before that and most likely won't unless people are curious what they're saying.

An update shall come. This one's been hard to write for many reasons, both in-universe and in real life. Meanwhile, I have a tiny backlog of... omakes I guess. Anyone interested in seeing them?
Omake I: In Memory
Omake I: In Memory
Deleted scene. Canon, would take place a little after Nyla's perspective in Dusk 2.2.

There is no body to bury at your friend's funeral.

It's just you, Aunt Merry, and Uncle at the tip of the memorial peninsula, the high tide crashing all around. The three of you are huddled close in front of the unmarked slab of white stone, worn smooth from the elements: the tomb of those lost at sea. You've mourned your parents here... and now, your best friend.

The round stone in your hand is smooth and white, carefully painted with red, gray, and blue swirls—he never found out his blood domain. You'd never really gotten why people spend so much time working on a thing they're gonna throw into the darkness of the deep sea, but now, you understand a bit more. This rock, this bone of the earth, is him. A symbol of your best friend.

It's not enough.

Your throat is as tight as your fist. If the rock, this substitute, crumbles in your hand… would your friend rise from the sea and apologize for worrying you?

As you were daydreaming, Aunt Merry had continued with the traditional sendoff. You focus in on the oft-repeated words: "...For humankind's flesh was formed from earth, and our blood from the depths of the sea; the boundless sky mirrors our minds, and fire the light in our hearts. Yet as a dewdrop falls to the rising sun, and an ember darkens to the winds of night, and a breeze is lost without a sound… from earth were we made, and to earth we return. Let us who remain on this side of the horizon never forget. Until we meet again, my friend, good night."

Her breath hitches in the last sentence. She finds comfort in Uncle Jard's arms. He looks at you, dips his head slowly, and shepherds her a few paces back to give you privacy. He can't leave you alone with the sea just yet.

You relax. Aunt Merry finds comfort in tradition, but you don't see much the point. The words of memorial are heavy, flowery, and depressing. They say nothing about the bright days playing together in the sun, or the nights you sat beside him after the death of your grampapa. They say nothing about the laughs… like the time he and you set a net trap for Moram (the old man stopped to point and laugh when it backfired on you both), or the time you challenged each other to see who could drink down a whole gourd of blublo nectar fastest…

Or the insecurities you confided in each other, about your dreams and hopes for the future.

In the end, he left first.

"Hey, Jet," you murmur, concealing your words in the timbre of the surf, "We're alright. Aunt Merry isn't, but she will be. You know how it is. Uncle is Uncle—I'm sure he's been venting out on the open sea. But you're right. I should check on him, huh? Can't have him blaming himself for… not finding you."

You don't blame Uncle. You can't, or you'd be blaming him for every other fisherman who succumbed to the waters around Florialis.

You're at a loss for words. That snowy idiot… you said everything you wanted to him every day except the one thing you'll never tell him. Never the right time… never a good time. Too late now.

The salt is wet on your face as you stand tall. You roll your friend's memorial stone in your hand, and, with your whisper made secret by the sea's crushing voice, you reaffirm your promise:

"I'm taking your dream with me, Flaky, so go on and rest easy on those timeless isles."

With that, you pitch the stone towards the horizon with all your strength. Upward, out, down, until its splash is lost to the waves.

Be at peace, my friend.
"I'm taking your dream with me, Flaky, so go on and rest easy on those timeless isles."
So she is sailing to find our family and solve the mystery for us? Or is she sailing for the sake of it, because we wanted to see the outside world?
What was Jet's dream, again?

The summaries you put up are immensely helpful. The updates have a lot of meat on their bones, and it is sometimes hard to see the naked facts under all the fluff. Seeing them laid bare and summed up in a few words helps follow the outline of the story.

Also, it makes one think. For example, I never bothered to note this down as relevant:
Juvenile nightgulls have gray undersides.
Adult nightgulls have dark blue plumage.
And here is another small detail that I wouldn't think important.
First appearance of the crew of the Red Herald (visible crewmembers have varying shades of gray hair)
First appearance of the maybe-captain of the Red Herald (his silvered hair is tinted with the barest reflection of blue.)
But taken together, they might be pointing to something. Who are people on Tarrow's crew? Why do their hair follow the nightgull plumage patterns? Are they scions?
Arond's children are absent or dead.
I thought they were dead or held hostage by Viperilon. Didn't get the impression that any were missing... though I suppose Arond wondering if Jet weren't one of his indicates there were some whose fate he is uncertain of.
You decide to hang out with Nyla at the beacon cliff instead of resupplying for the night. (You do not resupply, do not prepare for the night, and do not get a replacement for your broken rope.)
Didn't think that was important at all. Didn't even register that the rope broke during the previous assault. It wasn't mentioned in the next choice (after Nyla's gifting), so with everything else that happened it was only natural we forgot about it.

It could be a narrative technique, as Jet would be likely to forget as well with his friend's most important day on his mind, only remembering it during his next watch when he discovered he was lacking his safety net... but in most cases I'd argue such things need to be communicated better. I didn't even realize that's how we got thrown off the cliff before I read the notes. Not that I'd complain about how it turned out - I got exactly what I wanted. :D

A question, though, to complete the picture in my mind. I've bolded the choices we made... but how would any of the other choices influence the outcome?
[]Same strategy as before. Find a good stick.
[]You have a woodpile and rocks from the cliff. Build a makeshift shelter around the beacon.
[]You have a firestone knife. Use it for everything—it burns both wood and flesh.
[]Ignore everything. Concentrate on making the fire bigger to survive the winds.
[]Resist. Try to swim against the waves toward the beach.
[]Resist. Try to get a foothold on the cliff to climb back up.
[]Stay still. Cling to the rock as long as you can and wait for help to come.
[]Go with the flow. It might wash you ashore.
[]Go with the flow. Resist if you think the danger is high.
I'll keep digging through the notes. Fascinating stuff. I have a healthy respect for the choices now that I see the consequences laid out.
You decide to risk closing the gap between you and your uncle on your current supplies. In consequence, you take your unconscious passenger with you. (Lower supplies, no ship repair, higher risk of accidents)
Who'd know that something we did way back then could still have an effect 20 updates later? I quite enjoy this kind of design.
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I'm glad the summaries help. :D They help me too.
So she is sailing to find our family and solve the mystery for us? Or is she sailing for the sake of it, because we wanted to see the outside world?
Both, really. I believe the relevant quote may come from Dusk 2.6a.
how would any of the other choices influence the outcome?
To be honest, I don't remember exactly what I had in mind for those, but it was probably something like this:

1. Thins out the flock, keeps you close to the beacon. No major incident.
2. Allows you to distance yourself from the beacon, barely dents the flock, results in falling off the cliff. Beacon stays lit till just before dawn.
3. Thins out the flock, keeps you close to the beacon, close-range engagement results in injuries.
4. Runs out of wood. Stays atop cliff, potential consequences in the morning. Results in injury to the High Revenge.
1. Swims in blackwater, sure monster encounter, low energy results in ambiguous end.
2. Is attacked by nightgulls, falls and dies.
3. Makes it to morning and is saved by Jard.
4. Is dashed against the cliff. Dies.
5. Is immersed in blackwater, sure monster encounter, higher energy ensures an unambiguous victory. Makes it to shore under own power.
Looking through the notes some more...
First official witnessing of a bloodline ability (Arond)
What is Arond's bloodline ability? Is it this?
Before the diminutive watcher can hit the deck, a large, strong shadow materializes like a specter and catches him like he weighs no heavier than a sack of feathers.

With a thrill twisting your stomach, you nearly don't recognize him without darkness and lanternlight wreathing his solid frame, as if he doesn't belong under the sun. Your mind recognizes a strange dichotomy between the captain and his subordinate—one carved from stone and the other of air, one a great oak and the other a willow sapling—but somehow, they're not opposites but complements.

You marvel that Crow could so summon his superior… and even more that the man allowed it.
Being able to be summoned while ignoring rules of physics? Teleportation?

Buuut... is it bloodline-specific? Doesn't Moram use the same? Admittedly, his needed an item to facilitate travel. Or is it just to locate the target?
He uses specially imbued pinions as points for travel; he gives one to Merry.
Speaking of...
Nyla: Received Bright Feather from Merry. It glows dully like a dying ember edged in ashes. You keep it on a leather strap as a necklace.
The feather is definitely Moram's. But didn't Merry burn the pinion he gave her to call upon his aid?
Someone else has cast one of my waypoints into the hearth of the Light of Dawn: the only blaze powerful enough to reach me at this distance. I reabsorb my flame to concentrate on the source and—
Where did she get anoth-?
"Indeed." I let my daughter go reluctantly and dash the rain from my face before it can fall. "Here." I reach above my headband, pluck the reddest pinion I can find amongst the dead grays, and infuse it with a spark. "You will need a new one, just so you do not return to pulling them out in my sleep!"
Oh. Oooh. That's what Nyla has! But does it still have its powers now that its owner is dead? It... might still be a beacon, but is it a waypoint? Is there anyone left who can access it?

What exactly is Light of Dawn? First I thought it was the Sun, then some kind of compressed raw Fire Essense... now I don't know what to think.
There's a lot of these cool names dropped here and there, teasing with some bits of half-forgotten lore. Like Breath of the Center:
before you, the outer cloud wall of the Sheer Winter looms white and sinister, a testament to the power of the stolen Breath of the Center.
Is it something Viperilon stole to create the Sheer Winter? Is it a Wind counterpart to Light of Dawn? Shouldn't there be something for the Water Essense as well?

Also, there is something about Arond's siblings...
According to Eis, five sons of Peril exist; the first was slain in the Winter, and the youngest is unaccounted for.
Head shake. Crow points at Alacria, then Vespian.

"Why just them?"

The artist glares back defiantly, then huffs. "They are. missing. Are they… alive? I… Crow. want to… find out." [...]

"Vespian… Espian. Eldest." Two names again. You're beginning to see a pattern. [...]

"...Viperiel. Periel. Youngest."
Unlike Eis, Crow doesn't consider Viperiel missing, and doesn't know that Vespian is dead. I wonder which one of them is mistaken. Given that Eis was a soldier/servant for the Black Dragon and Crow was a slave, I would trust the former to be better informed, and think the latter is the one out of the loop. Looking back, I also see notice that Eis knows where the twins are...
(They say the monster sends his bloody twins down when beasts and captives can't amuse him. Inferno, rumor says he devours the losers. You never want to find out if that's true.)
"Three of five still live… that I am aware of. As you know, the eldest was slain in the Winter for siding with Vitarrow. Arond is here, the twins are wherever their cursed father sends them, and the youngest—" a flash of a grimace "—unaccounted for, presumed dead."
Since Crow isn't asking, presumably he is aware as well.
Which rules out Valicors, and only leaves Viperiel... whom we just voted to find as Jet.

Well then. *bunkers down*
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Omake II: Behind Gray's Eyes
Omake II: Behind Gray's Eyes
Deleted scene. Canon, takes place during Dusk 2.8 after Eis leaves.

You are a chastised mass of failure. With your rage cooled by Arond's scolding and the chill of self-reparation, you transport that incorrigible Ferralong to the sickbay, kept in a drugged sleep with an infusion of nightflower.

Your sworn leader knows you too well—your pride is well and truly spiked through with shame and guilt. It was hard enough walking back under the judging eyes of the wind sailors. What is a physical punishment to a man who can heal most injuries? Pride is all you have, when the remnants of your family cast away their honor to survive the Black Dragon.

You've disappointed your captain and betrayed his trust, and in doing so, sabotaged your efforts. If you cannot make Arond see that his cursed father seeks only Vitarrow's death, not recapture, then your cherished leader, your friend, will return home to death—whether his own or that of everything he loves—if his uncle does not do the deed himself. But what if Arond does know? What if, beyond impossibility, he succeeds in killing the son of Wind?

You shudder. You will take this punishment, though your pride burns at serving anyone other than your sworn leader. Try, for Arond's sake. Because if your hatred of the children of fire hurts him, then perhaps… perhaps it's worth taking a step back, though all you can see in them is the life the Firstborn of Fire denied—

I wanna see your bad tooth! You're gonna lose aaaaall your teeth like grandypappy did. C'mon, say 'eeee,' old man brother!

—your people.

You methodically prepare the sickbay for your patient, lost in the roil of your thoughts.

Now that water isn't roaring in your ears and boiling in your veins, you know you were in the wrong in the duel. You look into your foe's damaged eye through the thin layer of water you've spread to stanch the wound… inflicted in anger. It will take but a short time to heal. Physical wounds are easy.

Flight risk.

Something uncomfortable in your chest twinges. You douse the spark of pity with cold anger.

Fire is the enemy. The Firstborn of Fire are the enemy. The children of Fire. Are. The. Enemy.

But to call the descendant of Ferralong (Redtail) an enemy would be to say the Torchheads were wrong; Redtail and Amortalis… they acted to save your people, and at great cost to themselves. (All in vain.) That… you cannot deny, even if the words came from Ferralong (Redtail)'s mouth.

He was your friend, once, maybe, before you found out the truth: that the Firstborn of Fire had stood back and watched the blood of Waterstone freeze. Eithanael, your proud Firstfather, begged on his knees for help! But because of the Council of Vermilion, because of Ferralong—!

The familiar smile steals over your face, tinged with bitterness. What a fool you were those days, going beyond Arond's command… to pity a prisoner your age. To associate with one who fought on the other side. You should have stuck to the letter of your orders. Lisen is your enemy. He has to be, or you've betrayed him: over and over, betrayed him.

You place your head in your hands. "Eis, what have you done?" you mutter.

Mercifully, your unconscious patient does not answer. When he wakes, it will be as if nothing changed. You will heal him. You will hear his report. He will infuriate you, and you will resist maiming him further. You will not forget, and he will not forgive.

There are wounds that are far more painful to heal than to let lie.
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Huh. So the Council of Vermillion was in fact a Fireblood-only club? The name should have made that self-evident, but somehow I put more emphasis on 'council' and thought it was a greater organisation. Now I recall Rakky mentioning the Azure Court and the Whirlwind Throne in her notes, which I now understand would be the Council's counterparts among Water- and Wind-blooded Firstborn. It's a shame they didn't create a more united body to handle the world affairs.

So it goes like this: after the defeat at the hands of the Rising Three* the Black Dragon returns in all of his undead glory, steals Breath of the Center (where from?) and builds Sheer Winter, a giant glacier-like castle/land where he rules supreme. The Council declares non-interference, allegedly at the behest of Rekavok (Ferralong), and does nothing. After a while, realising that this can not continue, and Sheer Winter may grow out of control, Remoriam (Amortalis) and Reyzan (Redtail) break their Esser oaths they swore to the Council, and wage war on Viperilon.

*(which I presume to be Miragua, one of the phoenixes - Reyzan or Remoriam - and some unknown third actor... Vitarrow? Is this why they banded together again?)

The two phoenixes also took their scions and followers with them, and together they took the name 'Torchheads'. My understanding is that the followers didn't become oathbreakers - because they were not bound by oaths to the Council directly, - and thus didn't have to pay the price the original Torchheads did. That isn't to say they didn't suffer, because even though Vitarrow managed to destroy Sheer Winter, it landed him in the Labyrinth (still don't know what that is), and the armies of the Firebloods were scattered and captured.

Since Lisen comes from two lines, one of which doomed Eis' kin to slavery, and the other tried to save them, the feelings of the first mate on his 'prisoner/patient' are sharply divided.

I'd like to know where were the Azure Court and the Whirlwind Throne when the war happened. It sounds like this was something that should have concerned everyone, so how come the Firebloods got to play such a disproportionate role? There was also something about Moram being the keeper of Light of Dawn, so maybe that played a part in his decision?
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Nyla, Moram - ver.1
How about some rough sketches? Have a preview of the faces of Nyla (post Dusk 2.5) and Moram. Prototype versions as usual, though the basic design shouldn't deviate much. I haven't quite made a "final" version of Jet.
View at the risk of your imagination being dashed to pieces.
...Style consistency? What is that? o_O
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Omake III: I Will Be Free
Omake III: I Will Be Free
Canon. Takes place approximately three weeks before Dusk 1.1.
Posted on Independence Day (USA). Wherever you live, may you always remember that freedom comes at a price.

"Go to him. If you want to be free, find Arond on the High Revenge and leave this place. Never fear; he has chosen your mother's path over my brother's. You can trust him with your life."

You've held your aunt's parting words closer than any gift. Though you know Valarond only by reputation, by a single meeting many years past, and through the rare glimpses when he returns to Greater Obsidian, you trust your aunt. She'd been your refuge in your mother's absence, sneaking into the fortress at odd hours to tell you stories of the world outside the Isles, encouraging you to be the eyes, not the claws. To see from different perspectives and use them to your advantage.

And it was through her eyes you saw your cage; the guards your watchers, the servants… spies. The master of them all... [your] sire.

"A bird that can fly in its cage is still captive," your aunt would always tell you. "Freedom is the prize of those who dare spring the lock. They think you weak. Their ignorance shall be your escape."

You dream of tearing away from your bloodline's legacy, despising [your] sire's path and what it's done to your family. Your true family. Perhaps your rebellion had been Aunt Anna's goal all along. You're grateful for her help, whatever her motives. She didn't have to risk discovery for your sake.

Day by day, you waited and watched for your chance. It came; the High Revenge returned to the Whirlwind Isles, and you discovered when it would depart. You planned to slip aboard quietly the night before. Nobody would miss you.

If only your brother hadn't chosen that morning to rebel in his own stupid way. (Why didn't he tell you? You would've helped. Avoided this situation.) Now, you're relevant. Now, you're more wanted than you've ever been in your whole life. Even from this distance, half a day away from Greater Obsidian, you imagine you can hear the rage of a dragon and the members of her Flight tearing the city apart to find you.

It's due to the Esser that you set a single foot on the High Revenge. You've escaped, but you're not out of trouble yet.

Breathe. You might get out of this.

Inhale… exhale.

After your Awakening, your aunt had taught you to hone the dagger of control instead of longing for a sword of power. Now, you have the sword and none of your former sharpness. What had once been the escapist dream of a teenager had escalated to necessity overnight; the winds are as much your enemy as your ally now: a guardless razor in your hands. The song of the Tempest croons in your mind, a lullaby you can't ignore, louder than the harmonies of the Esser; it carries a tone of the acceptance you've craved since the days of play-fighting your brother on the beach to the call of 'gulls. The good days, when your family was almost real… almost whole. But power changes even the best people. Your brother was no exception. How does he deal with this much wind? You need to get to Valarond and swear loyalty—fast!

If you were going to get caught this soon, it should've been after sundown. He's probably asleep!

And then there's that. Your aunt, the queen of concealment, would be disappointed.

The point of the Waterstone's stiletto knife is at your neck, a hairsbreadth from taking your life, and your escape routes are disappearing with every crewmember who turns to watch. It goes against every lesson your bloodline taught you for you to stay hemmed in, trapped on all sides, mere paces from the captain's cabin. But you don't want to hurt them.

Freedom at any cost, crow. You aren't strong enough to care what happens to them. Tiria—think of Altiria. Think of her anger. Imagine she uses them against you if you start caring. Only Valarond matters.

She won't find you. Not now. Not here. You've given her little reason to guess you've left the city, let alone the archipelago.

It's only a matter of time.

"You are a long way from land, stowaway," says the smiling man standing between you and the captain's cabin. Gray. All gray, eyes and hair. A Winter-born Waterstone—he'll be one to watch out for. Tunic and attire are fully water-imbued for discretion, like yours. Self-imbued? More's the value then. Knife in boot, knife in boot, knife in hand, knife in forearm, knife in... he's always prepared to fight, yet he he has the cleanest hands you've ever seen on a man. Righteous paranoia, obsessive cleanliness, Waterstone control—he's probably a healer. Could he be the one your aunt spoke of? The last free Waterstone...

You meet his eyes and glimpse yourself; your disguise cloaks your slight figure from head to toe, but it can't hide the defensive turn or cornered stiffness in your shoulders. You straighten to appear less threatened. Body language is important.

"Valarond. I must. See… him." You swallow the last shreds of your pride. "...Please. I must… join you."

"No friend of Arond would call him by that name. Anything you must tell him, you can tell me. Now, who sent you? Who is your master?"

You shake your head. The man takes the gesture as a refusal and brings his face closer, blocking out the evening sunlight.

"You do not want to show yourself an enemy, stowaway." His blade tip grazes your bandaged throat and nonono! "I will ask once—"

"G-get back!" you shout, feeling the rise of your domain reacting to the cold burn of the scar.

Too late. The wind responds to the echo of a memory, bursting from your body to blast the man back, smashing the Waterstone against the cabin wall. He crumples to the floor, gasping for breath. The surrounding crewmembers react quickly.

"Grab him!"

"Don't let him at the captain!"

No. Stop it—stop it now! Focus!

The winds lash out all around you, pushing back those who would restrain you as you choke on another bubbling breath, cooling crimson rivulets draining away over the cliffstones. Your winds have deserted you. All you taste is copper and death.

Tempest, couldn't you keep it in for ten minutes under pressure? You're not there anymore! You. Are not. Dying!

The Tempest roars, and all your strength is nothing. The electrifying scent of the storm fills your nostrils, and you are unmade, everything you are… dissolving away like the morning mist. No, nononono! Help! Someone, please help! I-I don't want to die! Help me, brotherrrr!

Here. You're here. You've escaped. Stop remembering!

The air rampages all across the ship, buffeting the mast and furled sails with an unending howl. Windblooded sailors find themselves unable to counter the gale, and others are forced to take cover belowdecks or behind rattling crates and barrels. Unfixed ropes lash like deadly whips in the whirlwind. Boards creak with alarming volume, and the deck rocks underfoot, sending the unprepared tumbling like flightless seagulls in a storm.

…It's no good. The wisps of control escape your fingers in rhythm with the song of the Tempest. There's nothing you can do but remove yourself from the area and hope the domain calms itself. As your hope dwindles, your despair only fuels the destruction, and sailors take shelter from airborne splinters accelerated to hurt, from debris scattering in all directions. You prepare to charge through to the rails to dive overboard.

The crew is well within their rights to call you an enemy.

Sorry, Aunt Anna.


The winds cut from your grasp and fall still, and the nearest three sailors take the chance to seize you, bearing you faceforward into the rough planks, knocking the air half out of your lungs and shoving your mind away from the nightmare.

Not just a nightmare, crow.

You've had your winds seized from you before, twice: once when [your] sire held the air in the room still while punishing a traitor; the other when your aunt was teaching you silence. Both swept your space aside as if it were nothing but dandelion fluff. This is different. The feel of this space overlapping yours is like a linen cloth folding over your rough edges and wrapping them away. Like a staying hand on both shoulders, soft yet firm in warning.

It's… quiet. The Tempest is gone.

You struggle with all your might to meet the eyes of the man emerging from the cabin: the only man here who could have wrested the winds from you. He really is strong in will. He must be. Since yesterday, your will has been all that kept you from falling to your blood-domain. The last loyal son of [Peril] that sire has the area airlocked—not a breeze stirs in your radius. You do not relax.

Of course he's strong—as expected of a son of Peril. A shame his love for Aunt Justicia keeps him from rebelling outright.

He'd be like Vespian, then, frozen to death. They'd bury his armor in place of his body.

Before you stands Valarond—no, in human form, he's Arond Windor. The second son of the Morning and Midnight Skies towers over you without trying, standing proud as a leader of men should, the dark of his hair absorbing the evenlight. You know everything that's been written about him and all that your aunt would tell: of tales that he helped people escape the Sheer Winter, that he sets free the slaves on the ships he captures. But in the single flash of your far-off memory...

The giant man stood in the kitchen doorway, as still as a turtle in the cold. You're not afraid but your brother is afraid of turtles so he hid behind you.

"Who you?" you demanded.

"I am Valarond, little one."

"Why you cry, Ballawond?"

"It is nothing. Worry not about me. Look to yourselves; you are brothers. That bond can never be replaced. Look out for each other... always."

...He'd been sadder. The grief is buried now, only made visible through your imagination.

"W-Windor," you wheeze.

"Has my father finally sent an assassin to kill me?" Arond says, a frown creasing softened stone. As expected, he doesn't recognize the face through the mask.

Would he know you without it? He's probably forgotten you exist. It's been years since you were that small. You've changed.

You're of two minds about being forgotten. Arond's distaste for [your] sire is no secret. That he may despise you because of your bloodline is more concerning. Shared blood doesn't make family. Arond himself is, to you, a stranger, though you'd take him over [your] sire any day.

"I…" you grit out through the body weight pressing between your shoulder blades, "I am… no assassin. I do not. Seek to harm you!"

"No, he would have sent a more refined weapon, and far better informed. You are a bludgeon, not an assassin's knife," muses the second son. "You are no man's tool." At his signal, his men pull you up.

You stand to your full height as best you can (with them holding your arms behind you) and tilt your head up to meet his eyes to take in his focus.

Arond sees his crew, scattered and bruised. Then, he turns focus to you. Full eye contact, with only a flicker down at your clothes. A runaway, disguised, cloaked, and masked, driven to desperation. In that moment, he's concluded you stowed away at Greater Obsidian, for your clothing isn't cheaply made; the water-imbued fabric is part of the reason you made it aboard undetected in your condition, sneaking in under cover of day (and the rest was your aunt's lessons and the will of the Esser). You are no threat to him, but you may be dangerous to his crew.

You blink. It could be a lot worse.

"Who are you? What is your bloodline?" he asks.

You shake your head, unwilling to answer in truth… unable to answer in lies. Would he still talk to you if he knew who you were?

You are a terrible liar, crow.

And slitting your throat made you more honest, which is positive. Congratulations!

"Answer the captain, you—!" The sailor stops short, face paling. He must see the shadow of the Tempest in your glare.

Arond doesn't miss it. "If you will not answer, stranger, then show your face. Unknowns are a danger on this voyage."

"I… c-cannot."


You sense more than see one of the men reaching to lower your mask. No… no, it's too soon!


The sailors restraining you clap their hands over their ears, staggering back. You struggle free and stumble the last few steps towards your last hope. He doesn't move to defend. He doesn't intend to. You see it in his eyes.

You have no control. Arond, who shares your bloodline, is powerful. Your aunt says you can trust him with your life. You trust her. You must trust Arond, and you need him to trust you. You need control, or you will bring death to everyone. For that... you need to swear loyalty, and he needs to accept it. You need the winds to listen or you will never be free from the destiny of your bloodline. Freedom at any cost.

Any cost except dying!

I am not afraid of death!

You seize your solution.

"Arond… Windor. By blood… and Wind. And Tempest. My life… is yours to take!"

What. What are you doing?

Startled, Arond steps forward, reaches out. He would recognize the shade of your oath; he was there when the remnants of the Waterstones surrendered to the sire. "Stop! You cannot take that back!"

You don't. If anything, you speed up, forcing the words through a ravaged throat:

"With you. I stand in victory or. Defeat. Your foes... are mine. Your dreams are mine. Your treasures... shall I cherish. My winds are… yours to c-command, from now until my death. I am… your sword and shield—"

This wasn't the plan!

"—For life… Your life. I shall serve… no other. My life is yours to take!" You drop to your knees and shove the bandages away from your neck, baring the part-healed wound: the deep, horizontal slash of a windstone knife. A sailor swears ("Blood of Earth!"). You're too intent to pay it notice. "I am… Crow. You will… know. Who I am. In time. If you c-cannot trust me… Trust. My word."

Arond's silence is as much a blade to your neck as his First Mate's had been. He could leave your oath one-sided, and you would be like the Waterstone clan. Enslaved. Without the protection of a mutual oath, you would succumb to the song of the Tempest. Even you can't resist it forever. What if you're fated to be killed by your bloodkin? No, no, you trust your aunt. Arond's a good man. But he's also [your] sire's son… but so was Vespian. You resist the urge to take in his perspective. It wouldn't feel right... in this moment.

Valarond is not an idiot. He won't pass up a life oath. By the Center, crow, has it occurred to you that you can't solve everything by gambling with life oaths?!

You had an opportunity, and you trust Aunt Anna's judgment. You were going to swear loyalty anyway, right? This oath fulfills your objectives and resolves every problem since yesterday's disaster. He will answer!

"You are young yet to be Awakened," Arond says at last—an understandable guess. "You lack control. You may swear to me, and I may lessen your burden, but I am no Firstborn; there is little more my bond can give to your advantage. Is this truly your will, Crow, to bind your destiny to mine?"

The corners of your lips rise as a cautious relief overrides the guilt of keeping secrets. Your will. When was the last time you could answer that in truth? It is your deepest desire to follow a path other than the one [your] sire wants.

"Yes. It is… my will."

My will. Free will.

"Then I hear and answer." Arond's words project to his disheveled crew as he opens the air to his voice across the shredded deck. Your hope grows with every word until you're trembling from its weight. "Let it be known that this young man has sworn his life to me, and until my death shall his oath stand. By blood and Wind and Tempest, I accept your life as mine. My sword and winds shall be your shield, and my home a shelter from your foes. For loyalty, my trust; for obedience, my honor. May the Esser judge if I abuse your word; I accept your life as mine."

You feel Arond cede the air, set it aside as a feather as weighty as lead, unwrapping your space. You cautiously reach to pick it up. Slowly. Unthreateningly. A large, gentle breeze answers your call, circling your body, never still. It separates in two. The first falls still at the close of your hand; the other rotates across your arm, wobbly, unsteady, rebellious—you silence it before you lose control.

If you hadn't been on your knees, you would've fallen; you hadn't expected to feel so strongly about the simple act of calming your blood-domain. You'd thought that ability lost to you.

Arond… he owes you no trust—nothing—but he's given you protection. You'd hoped for refuge; he's offered you his home. And your shared oath has lessened your weakness. Perhaps his reputation isn't just a mother's secret pride or a sire's amusement or a sibling's exasperation. Your aunt was right about him.

There are catches to stuff like this, genius. There's no way you could've known this would turn out alright, and you're still his servant in every way that counts. Congratulations on misinterpreting 'at any cost.' You just traded one cage for another.

No. The choice was yours, and that's what makes the difference. Yes, he could order you to unmask right now and bring more risk to you. He could order you to kill—to die. You could refuse. If he doesn't forgive it, the consequence will be yours to bear.

I do not fear death.

"Rise, Crow, and be welcome."

You do so, cover your neck again, then bow slightly from the waist, straight-backed, in imitation of [your] sire's servants. You ignore the murmurs from the sailors behind you. Their opinion doesn't matter. Only Arond's matters. He affirmed your oath!

Arond continues: "We shall speak on what or from whom you are running, later. You must have risked much to reach my side; but you are one of mine now; you need fear no man aboard this ship."

It's not the ones on the ship I fear.

"I… will not. Betray. Your trust… Arond Windor."

Curiosity gleams like embers in the eyes of your mother's son. "I admire your courage. Others would call you a fool for giving your life away so freely, but I swear to you I shall not take my oath lightly. You have entrusted me with much; so you shall receive much in return. What would you ask of me? If it is in my power, within the bounds of our oaths, I shall grant it."

In that moment, in your gratefulness, you want to tell him everything. About Aunt Anna, about your mother and your idiot brother, about your situation… about the Tempest. Everything, to a man you met once when you were barely old enough to walk. Everything, to the one you've sworn to serve for life. Your oathkeeper. But it's too soon. Not yet.

You already respect Arond more than the rest of your bloodline. Maybe when you're no longer on the run, when proven yourself and shown him your face, he'll say the same of you. Maybe your family can once again become more than figures on a torn scroll.


Shut it.

"Freedom," you declare. "Show me. The way to freedom. I want… life."

I am not afraid to live.
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This is the last omake before a real segment—I mean it! Here's the plan. I will update with the next segment next week. If not, you're free to come knocking. Then, after four days (enough to get the voting started), I'll put up the Q&A. Questions are still open and will be until I post the segment. After Dusk ends, I want to return to smaller and more frequent posts. We shall see if it happens.

Why have I been absent? Ha, the answer is simple; I've received a bad combination of having less time to write and less self-motivation. These omakes have been part of the process of getting me back in. I'm about to move away to a wholly unfamiliar country, and I'm just the slightest bit freaked out. I have a lot to do before I'm back in balance.

Thank you for your patience thus far, and please bear with me a while longer.
Knife in boot, knife in boot, knife in hand, knife in forearm, knife in...
That's a surprisingly accurate description for Eis. :rolleyes:

You'd think there wasn't much left to reveal about Crow's situation after he already confessed to Jet who his family is. And yet...
You've had your winds seized from you before, twice: once when [your] sire held the air in the room still while punishing a traitor
So, Viperilon has wrestled control from Crow to punish another. What could that be about?
The Tempest roars, and all your strength is nothing. The electrifying scent of the storm fills your nostrils, and you are unmade, everything you are… dissolving away like the morning mist. No, nononono! Help! Someone, please help! I-I don't want to die! Help me, brotherrrr!
I mean, it's hardly this, right? Even though the inflection on 'brotherrrr' is much the same as what Jet heard while fighting for his life in the water, it couldn't have been. That was the rower Jet has sensed via the blood domain, a guy on Bloodwind that Viperilon threw overboard a few minutes before Eis fished Jet out of the water. This scene on High Revenge happened three weeks before that.
Or was it an echo of something different that Jet has heard?

And then there is the brother in the flashback that happened about... 15 years ago? Who was the kid with Crow?
If only your brother hadn't chosen that morning to rebel in his own stupid way. (Why didn't he tell you? You would've helped. Avoided this situation.) Now, you're relevant. Now, you're more wanted than you've ever been in your whole life. Even from this distance, half a day away from Greater Obsidian, you imagine you can hear the rage of a dragon and the members of her Flight tearing the city apart to find you.
Who is this brother he speaks of? Is he the same as in the flashback? The dragon searching for him is almost certainly Altiria. So, the one he speaks of... is it Valikors?
Wouldn't he have been an adult during Sheer Winter, as Crow is the youngest brother?

There is a strange refusal to call Arond brother even in his thoughts. Crow always refers to him as 'the son of his parents' instead. Why's that?
You resist the urge to take in his perspective. It wouldn't feel right... in this moment.
And then there is this. A most curious choice of words. Whose perspective Crow is talking about? How does one 'take' it?
There is also a matter of a voice in his head, constantly disagreeing with him. And the interesting use of brackets to mark the '[your]' pronoun whenever Crow talks about Peril. Is Crow the one we think he is? Or does he happen to be several people/perspectives?

Hey, magic could have done weirder things!

And then there is Vespian. 'Frozen to death', but Crow asked Jet to confirm if he truly is dead. I wonder what is going on here.
I thought reading supplementary material was supposed to help answer questions, but now I have more of them than when I started. :???:

This wasn't the plan!
Er, what was the plan? Right from the start, he says:
How does he deal with this much wind? You need to get to Valarond and swear loyalty—fast!
with the implication that without swearing loyalty he can't 'deal with this much wind'. Only one type of oath covers this. How could this not be planned?
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