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A collection of one-shots based on various story ideas and alternate universes for the world of Five Nights at Freddy´s, and the big and small impacts of those changes. Most involve the Aftons in some way or form. Includes Mrs Afton being the woman behind the slaughter, The parents of the missing children teaming up to kick Williams's ass, Phone Guy becoming a dad to a group of ghost kids, and the most unlikely scenario! William becoming a good person.
A Different Shade of Purple AKA What if somebody else became The Purple Guy? New
Michael was late William noticed. He always came to Fredbears right after school with his friends right behind him. But today he was late. William would usually not notice after all he had more important things to focus on but Henry mentioned it so it got Williams's attention.

"He is probably with some girl Hen," William told Henry even though he didn't exactly believe it. If Michael was dating someone Jennifer would tell him. Unless she didn't notice she was the music teacher at their son´s school so she would.

Ignoring the weird feeling he decided to go for a smoke break. He would wait for Michael while outside.

He lit a cigarette, the nicotine momentarily soothing his nerves. The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the parking lot as William scanned the area for any sign of his son.

Nothing. No sign of him. By his fourth cigarette, William decided to drive down to Michael's school and find out what the hell happened.

A faint sound caught William's attention—a distant, muffled cry, barely audible over the rustling of leaves in the breeze. Instinct propelled him forward, his heart pounding in his chest. He moved swiftly toward the source, his mind screaming at him to run. And so he did.

Around the corner of the building, hidden from the diner's cheery facade, William stumbled upon a scene that shattered his world. Michael, his little boy, lay sprawled on the ground, his school bag discarded nearby.

There was so much blood.

Panic seized William as he dropped to his knees beside his son, a primal roar escaping his lips.

Michael wasn't breathing.

His little boy was dead. The stab wounds were all over his body.

William didn't even realize that he wasn't alone. One of the employees must have heard his scream and was asking him what had happened. William just glared at him.

"Call an ambulance," he finally managed to spit out, his voice a mix of rage and despair. The employee backed away before running to the dinner´s landline or to get Henry. William didn't care. His son was dead.

The next few hours were a blur. The police arrived, taking statements and trying to piece together what had happened. William watched them numbly, the reality of his son's death sinking in like a heavy weight on his chest.

Henry tried to comfort him, but William pushed him away. He didn't want comfort.

Someone had taken Michael from him—someone who would pay dearly for their crime. As the rain began to fall, washing away the traces of blood and tears, William Afton vowed vengeance.

Author Notes:
This story would obviously be a murder mystery following William and the Aftons as they hunt down Michaels's killer. Michael's death of course prevents the Bite of 83 and makes the timeline diverge even more but to be clear: Michael won´t be the only victim. Also, I always saw William as a psychopath who pretended to be a normal guy whose son's death released the monster beneath the man. This time though he won´t target kids