Mando Verda (IC)

0th Law

The Promethean Rose
5 Minutes into the Future
@Atma Warrior
@Terran Imperium
You stand in the War Room of Mandalore the Ultimate, along with Cassus Fett and a number of Mandalore's most trusted advisors, which you count among, you suppose. You're gathered around the holodesk, in the process of finalizing the plans for the assault of Vanquo, in order to progress to Taris, which was recently left even less defended due to the recall of the only five Jedi Masters on the Eucumopolis.

Mandalore waves a hand, manipulating the hologram as he speaks, "So, to summarize, Dyre will lead the initial strike force onto the Nightside of the planet, drawing a majority the planet's defense force away, as the primary fleet builds up a screen around the Dayside, engaging the Aruetii once retreat become difficult, if not impossible, for the civilians. Any questions?" He looks around the room.
@Atma Warrior
@Terran Imperium
You stand in the War Room of Mandalore the Ultimate, along with Cassus Fett and a number of Mandalore's most trusted advisors, which you count among, you suppose. You're gathered around the holodesk, in the process of finalizing the plans for the assault of Vanquo, in order to progress to Taris, which was recently left even less defended due to the recall of the only five Jedi Masters on the Eucumopolis.

Mandalore waves a hand, manipulating the hologram as he speaks, "So, to summarize, Dyre will lead the initial strike force onto the Nightside of the planet, drawing a majority the planet's defense force away, as the primary fleet builds up a screen around the Dayside, engaging the Aruetii once retreat become difficult, if not impossible, for the civilians. Any questions?" He looks around the room.
Vante nodded, stepping forward.

"The civilians. What are the plans for them? Are we looking for slaves, corpses, or warriors in this battle Mand'alor?"

Vante's unflinching gaze was leveled at his superior. His posture was perfect and there were scratches covering his Beskar'garm worn with pride. He was the image of a disciplined warrior.

"I hope that some of them tire of fleeing and wish to follow the Resol'nare."
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@Atma Warrior
@Terran Imperium
You stand in the War Room of Mandalore the Ultimate, along with Cassus Fett and a number of Mandalore's most trusted advisors, which you count among, you suppose. You're gathered around the holodesk, in the process of finalizing the plans for the assault of Vanquo, in order to progress to Taris, which was recently left even less defended due to the recall of the only five Jedi Masters on the Eucumopolis.

Mandalore waves a hand, manipulating the hologram as he speaks, "So, to summarize, Dyre will lead the initial strike force onto the Nightside of the planet, drawing a majority the planet's defense force away, as the primary fleet builds up a screen around the Dayside, engaging the Aruetii once retreat become difficult, if not impossible, for the civilians. Any questions?" He looks around the room.
Vante nodded, stepping forward.

"The civilians. What are the plans for them? Are we looking for slaves, corpses, or warriors in this battle Mand'alor?"

Vante's unflinching gaze was leveled at his superior. His posture was perfect and there were scratches covering his Beskar'garm worn with pride. He was the image of a disciplined warrior.

"I hope that some of them tire of fleeing and wish to follow the Resol'nare."

"Who cares about some stupid Neverds, I care more about what our job is supposed to be since the Jedi are gone, are we to support Dyre with the Assault Force or do you have another specific task for us, Mand'lor?"

Replied Llamogg from his seat, his posture being rather laidback for a Mandalorian in a war council, believing that since the Jedi were gone, there was no need for him and the other Knights to be here. he honestly would have preferred to be back on his quarters sleeping.
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"The civilians. What are the plans for them? Are we looking for slaves, corpses, or warriors in this battle Mand'alor?"
"Recruit the ones that you can, enslave the ones that you can't. That said, do not hold yourself back. The true objective is Taris."
"Who cares about some stupid Neverds, I care more about what our job is supposed to be since the Jedi are gone, are we to support Dyre with the Assault Force or do you have another specific task for us, Mand'lor?"
"Gar serim. The optimal use for the Mando'jetti is at the head of Dyre's assault force, in addition to the fact that your presence will help deter him if he attempts to desert again."
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"Recruit the ones that you can, enslave the ones that you can't. That said, do not hold yourself back. The true objective is Taris."

Gar serim. The optimal use for the Mando'jetti is at the head of Dyre's assault force, in addition to the fact that your presence will help deter him if he attempts to desert again.
Vante nodded.

"Do we have any intel on if Jedi disobeyed orders and stayed?"

He seemed excited at the prospect.
"Do we have any intel on if Jedi disobeyed orders and stayed?"
Mand'alor shakes his head. "We do not know if there were Jedi who disobeyed, but even then, it would be more likely for them to be on Taris. A good thing that it's our next objective, I imagine."
Mandalore waves a hand, manipulating the hologram as he speaks, "So, to summarize, Dyre will lead the initial strike force onto the Nightside of the planet, drawing a majority the planet's defense force away, as the primary fleet builds up a screen around the Dayside, engaging the Aruetii once retreat become difficult, if not impossible, for the civilians. Any questions?" He looks around the room.
Ayrish stands in a confident stance, her feet slightly apart and her arms by her side. She smiles faintly at Vante's question, once in the thick of it, everyone is going to do whatever they want with the civilians and refugees. She is wearing a standard Mandalorian armour but heavily modified and on her right arm highlights with the colour of her clan. Her helmet wasn't on as she prefers to talk to those around her face to face and it is only polite in such a meeting.

"Mand'alor. How are we going to be deployed? Who is going with who and who's going to lead things down there? Are we going on separate ways so that each of us leads a unit of their clan? That sort of thing. While we did handle the strategic planning of the battle, that leaves the tactics." Ayrish points out, her hands on her hips meaning she's ready for action.​
Gar serim. The optimal use for the Mando'jetti is at the head of Dyre's assault force, in addition to the fact that your presence will help deter him if he attempts to desert again.
"Very well then, and if he tries, I will make sure that he does not get far" replied Llamogg, enthusiasm filling his tone as the thought of stopping Dyre from deserting filled his head. the Idea of messing with someone he saw as stupid making him quite happy.

Mand'alor shakes his head. "We do not know if there were Jedi who disobeyed, but even then, it would be more likely for them to be on Taris. A good thing that it's our next objective, I imagine."

"I hope the Jedi do not run away when we get there as they did on this planet, I do want to test my mettle against another Force user that is not on our faction" Remarked Llamogg, all disinterest gone from his body as the topic of fighting a Jedi was inserted into the conversation.

"Though, it makes me wonder, why would the Jedi leave this Planet? it seems far too much like a trap to me." Wondered out loud the Force-sensitive Nautolan.
"Though, it makes me wonder, why would the Jedi leave this Planet? it seems far too much like a trap to me." Wondered out loud the Force-sensitive Nautolan.
Ayrish rubs her chin thoughtfully.

"A trap? Unlikely. Remember that they're stationed in Taris, not Vanquo. If even we heard about it, then it is public news. Probably something that puts the Jedi in a bad spot. If it is really public, we'll hear soon enough about the reasons once the news runs wild. For now, let's just take this window of opportunity. Carefully, of course." she suggests.
Ayrish rubs her chin thoughtfully.

"A trap? Unlikely. Remember that they're stationed in Taris, not Vanquo. If even we heard about it, then it is public news. Probably something that puts the Jedi in a bad spot. If it is really public, we'll hear soon enough about the reasons once the news runs wild. For now, let's just take this window of opportunity. Carefully, of course." she suggests.

"Yeah, you are right, maybe I am simply overthinking things, besides if it is a trap, I doubt it was made with Mandalorian force users in mind." Replied Llamogg sending a grateful smile at Ayrish.
"Mand'alor. How are we going to be deployed? Who is going with who and who's going to lead things down there? Are we going on separate ways so that each of us leads a unit of their clan? That sort of thing. While we did handle the strategic planning of the battle, that leaves the tactics." Ayrish points out, her hands on her hips meaning she's ready for action.​
Mandalore nods, waving a hand to zoom in the holoprojector. "Indeed. There are currently three primary targets on the Nightside of Vanquo. The first is the Garrison, housing most of the soldiers on that side. Victory means the ground forces on the Dayside are forced to spread out, moving to support that side and leaving them ever more vulnerable. The second target is Egradena, the main population center on the Nightside. Victory will, aside from the obvious benefit of more... recruits, allow us to use the population as hostages, should circumstances prove it to be necessary. The third and final primary target is the entrance to the Mines, which contain valuable resources to continue our Crusade. Your Mando'jetti will be divided amongst the objectives evenly. Dyre will be the nominal leader of the Mine Assault. Who volunteers for which task?"
Mandalore nods, waving a hand to zoom in the holoprojector. "Indeed. There are currently three primary targets on the Nightside of Vanquo. The first is the Garrison, housing most of the soldiers on that side. Victory means the ground forces on the Dayside are forced to spread out, moving to support that side and leaving them ever more vulnerable. The second target is Egradena, the main population center on the Nightside. Victory will, aside from the obvious benefit of more... recruits, allow us to use the population as hostages, should circumstances prove it to be necessary. The third and final primary target is the entrance to the Mines, which contain valuable resources to continue our Crusade. Your Mando'jetti will be divided amongst the objectives evenly. Dyre will be the nominal leader of the Mine Assault. Who volunteers for which task?"
Ayrish leans forward, a thoughtful frown marring her face as she considers her options.

"I will lead the attack on Egradena." she says confidently. Better say it first before any of the others do. She'll have the opportunity of sparing the civilians from a horrible fate if the more bloodthirsty of the Mand'alor's round table knights had taken the lead instead for that one. She may be merciful but not stupidly so. She is still practical and pragmatic. The civilians will be either drafted as soldiers or enslaved and sold. In other circumstances, she would have left them be but Mand'alor's crusade doesn't have the time to look out for the civilians and they could end up rising up against them while they're occupied with Taris which is unacceptable. The least she can do for them right now is to spare them from the fate of dying. As slaves or soldiers, they still have a chance at least.
Mandalore nods, waving a hand to zoom in the holoprojector. "Indeed. There are currently three primary targets on the Nightside of Vanquo. The first is the Garrison, housing most of the soldiers on that side. Victory means the ground forces on the Dayside are forced to spread out, moving to support that side and leaving them ever more vulnerable. The second target is Egradena, the main population center on the Nightside. Victory will, aside from the obvious benefit of more... recruits, allow us to use the population as hostages, should circumstances prove it to be necessary. The third and final primary target is the entrance to the Mines, which contain valuable resources to continue our Crusade. Your Mando'jetti will be divided amongst the objectives evenly. Dyre will be the nominal leader of the Mine Assault. Who volunteers for which task?"

Ayrish leans forward, a thoughtful frown marring her face as she considers her options.

"I will lead the attack on Egradena." she says confidently. Better say it first before any of the others do. She'll have the opportunity of sparing the civilians from a horrible fate if the more bloodthirsty of the Mand'alor's round table knights had taken the lead instead for that one. She may be merciful but not stupidly so. She is still practical and pragmatic. The civilians will be either drafted as soldiers or enslaved and sold. In other circumstances, she would have left them be but Mand'alor's crusade doesn't have the time to look out for the civilians and they could end up rising up against them while they're occupied with Taris which is unacceptable. The least she can do for them right now is to spare them from the fate of dying. As slaves or soldiers, they still have a chance at least.

Liszen Klast

A stately woman with a shock of white hair spoke up for the first time, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"Taking Egradena would be easier if we had inside help. My skills are best suited to turning some of the population. The cleverer among them must already see that our victory is inevitable. They will come willingly to us if they see an opportunity to come out on the winning side. Give me some time to work on them before beginning the assault, and we will take the city with fewer casualties and less collateral damage. And a friendly population will be less work to keep in control."
Mandalore nods, waving a hand to zoom in the holoprojector. "Indeed. There are currently three primary targets on the Nightside of Vanquo. The first is the Garrison, housing most of the soldiers on that side. Victory means the ground forces on the Dayside are forced to spread out, moving to support that side and leaving them ever more vulnerable. The second target is Egradena, the main population center on the Nightside. Victory will, aside from the obvious benefit of more... recruits, allow us to use the population as hostages, should circumstances prove it to be necessary. The third and final primary target is the entrance to the Mines, which contain valuable resources to continue our Crusade. Your Mando'jetti will be divided amongst the objectives evenly. Dyre will be the nominal leader of the Mine Assault. Who volunteers for which task?"
"I shall devastate their Garrison and see if they have a true warrior among them. I request a smaller group of the more elite warriors we have that possess War Droids. It is all we will need."

He had a small smile at the thought of the task.

"Does any Mandalorian here wish to join me?"
A stately woman with a shock of white hair spoke up for the first time, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"Taking Egradena would be easier if we had inside help. My skills are best suited to turning some of the population. The cleverer among them must already see that our victory is inevitable. They will come willingly to us if they see an opportunity to come out on the winning side. Give me some time to work on them before beginning the assault, and we will take the city with fewer casualties and less collateral damage. And a friendly population will be less work to keep in control."
Ayrish smiles fondly as she moves to the side of the other woman and gives her a powerful slap on the back.

"That's what I would say to be a good idea Liszen but we are limited by time. We do not have the time to convince all of Egradena to join our side and even if you manage before the offensive to convince miraculously in just a few hours a few thousand people that wouldn't change much in the scale of things when there are millions of other people and that's without including the refugees." Ayrish says regretfully.

"Liszen, you may suggest using the age-old Force Mind Trick but on multiple targets, it is a dangerous thing to do; considering the fact that it only works on weak-willed people, so if you tried to use it on a group of people, you would run the risk of some of them being unaffected, noticing that the others are behaving oddly, and calling attention to what is happening. This would negate the benefit of using the Trick in the first place: everyone knows you're up to something, and you gain the distrust of the locals," she explains her point.

"A friendly population during an invasion is neigh-impossible unless we're of the same cultural sphere and that's been way too optimistic. No matter in what way you spin it, no one likes it when their homes are intruded upon by military forces and this is adding to it the ensuing conflict with the Republic forces that would destroy and make a battlefield out of their home, Vanquo," she says while looking at her fellow Knight, searching her eyes.

"Unless Mand'alor wishes to change his strategic war-plan on both this battle and on a galactic-scale and let us fortify our position here in Vanquo in the long-term instead of striking Taris while the Republic forces are still staggered. Liszen, your suggestion is unreasonable," she says regretfully, her eyes refocused on the hologram.

"I am not however against turning a few people so that we have better information on how to strike down strategic locations or suppress any insurrection of the displeased civilians and refugees early on before it starts getting momentum." she compromises.

"I respect your noble intentions, one a true Knight should keep close to their heart." she looks pointedly at Vante. "but you shouldn't let it drag you down. When hard decisions are to be made, we should make them. There is always a choice but it is up to us to make the best one possible for our Mand'alor and the success of this campaign. We are at war, after all. We're not pacifying primitives." Ayrish sighs as she finishes her short speech. She crosses her arms on her chest and leans on a nearby wall to let the discussion flow again. She truly wished to as Liszen suggested but the reality was having none of it.
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Mandalore nods, waving a hand to zoom in the holoprojector. "Indeed. There are currently three primary targets on the Nightside of Vanquo. The first is the Garrison, housing most of the soldiers on that side. Victory means the ground forces on the Dayside are forced to spread out, moving to support that side and leaving them ever more vulnerable. The second target is Egradena, the main population center on the Nightside. Victory will, aside from the obvious benefit of more... recruits, allow us to use the population as hostages, should circumstances prove it to be necessary. The third and final primary target is the entrance to the Mines, which contain valuable resources to continue our Crusade. Your Mando'jetti will be divided amongst the objectives evenly. Dyre will be the nominal leader of the Mine Assault. Who volunteers for which task?"
Ayrish smiles fondly as she moves to the side of the other woman and gives her a powerful slap on the back.

"That's what I would say to be a good idea Liszen but we are limited by time. We do not have the time to convince all of Egradena to join our side and even if you manage before the offensive to convince miraculously in just a few hours a few thousand people that wouldn't change much in the scale of things when there are millions of other people and that's without including the refugees." Ayrish says regretfully.

"Liszen, you may suggest using the age-old Force Mind Trick but on multiple targets, it is a dangerous thing to do; considering the fact that it only works on weak-willed people, so if you tried to use it on a group of people, you would run the risk of some of them being unaffected, noticing that the others are behaving oddly, and calling attention to what is happening. This would negate the benefit of using the Trick in the first place: everyone knows you're up to something, and you gain the distrust of the locals," she explains her point.

"A friendly population during an invasion is neigh-impossible unless we're of the same cultural sphere and that's been way too optimistic. No matter in what way you spin it, no one likes it when their homes are intruded upon by military forces and this is adding to it the ensuing conflict with the Republic forces that would destroy and make a battlefield out of their home, Vanquo," she says while looking at her fellow Knight, searching her eyes.

"Unless Mand'alor wishes to change his strategic war-plan on both this battle and on a galactic-scale and let us fortify our position here in Vanquo in the long-term instead of striking Taris while the Republic forces are still staggered. Liszen, your suggestion is unreasonable," she says regretfully, her eyes refocused on the hologram.

"I am not however against turning a few people so that we have better information on how to strike down strategic locations or suppress any insurrection of the displeased civilians and refugees early on before it starts getting momentum." she compromises.

"I respect your noble intentions, one a true Knight should keep close to their heart." she looks pointedly at Vante. "but you shouldn't let it drag you down. When hard decisions are to be made, we should make them. There is always a choice but it is up to us to make the best one possible for our Mand'alor and the success of this campaign. We are at war, after all. We're not pacifying primitives." Ayrish sighs as she finishes her short speech. She crosses her arms on her chest and leans on a nearby wall to let the discussion flow again. She truly wished to as Liszen suggested but the reality was having none of it.
It took every part of Llamogg self-control for him to not break into applauding after Ayrish finished speaking, that had to be the best dressing down of a badly thought out plan he ever saw.

"Mental note, do not mess with Ayrish. She is scarier than Fett."

Regardless of what Ayrish just said, I offer myself to accompany Dyre in the attack against the mines, I can sneak ahead of the assault force and disable a few of their defenses, Mand'alor"
Ryben had kept silent through the initial briefing. He didn't quite like the fact that Jedi had holed up within Taris. Preliminary reports indicated that Taris would be hard won battle, between in the upper city elite holding onto their fortunes, lower city hutts and... There were some troubling stories about the undercity. His was lost is his musing to miss most of Manda' lore's briefing but not everything.

"I'll assist in taking the garrision... If we can capture the base with minimal damage, we can funnel supplies to areas of greater need and use that base as an FOB."

Ayrish smiles fondly as she moves to the side of the other woman and gives her a powerful slap on the back.

"That's what I would say to be a good idea Liszen but we are limited by time. We do not have the time to convince all of Egradena to join our side and even if you manage before the offensive to convince miraculously in just a few hours a few thousand people that wouldn't change much in the scale of things when there are millions of other people and that's without including the refugees." Ayrish says regretfully.

"Liszen, you may suggest using the age-old Force Mind Trick but on multiple targets, it is a dangerous thing to do; considering the fact that it only works on weak-willed people, so if you tried to use it on a group of people, you would run the risk of some of them being unaffected, noticing that the others are behaving oddly, and calling attention to what is happening. This would negate the benefit of using the Trick in the first place: everyone knows you're up to something, and you gain the distrust of the locals," she explains her point.

"A friendly population during an invasion is neigh-impossible unless we're of the same cultural sphere and that's been way too optimistic. No matter in what way you spin it, no one likes it when their homes are intruded upon by military forces and this is adding to it the ensuing conflict with the Republic forces that would destroy and make a battlefield out of their home, Vanquo," she says while looking at her fellow Knight, searching her eyes.

"Unless Mand'alor wishes to change his strategic war-plan on both this battle and on a galactic-scale and let us fortify our position here in Vanquo in the long-term instead of striking Taris while the Republic forces are still staggered. Liszen, your suggestion is unreasonable," she says regretfully, her eyes refocused on the hologram.

"I am not however against turning a few people so that we have better information on how to strike down strategic locations or suppress any insurrection of the displeased civilians and refugees early on before it starts getting momentum." she compromises.

"I respect your noble intentions, one a true Knight should keep close to their heart." she looks pointedly at Vante. "but you shouldn't let it drag you down. When hard decisions are to be made, we should make them. There is always a choice but it is up to us to make the best one possible for our Mand'alor and the success of this campaign. We are at war, after all. We're not pacifying primitives." Ayrish sighs as she finishes her short speech. She crosses her arms on her chest and leans on a nearby wall to let the discussion flow again. She truly wished to as Liszen suggested but the reality was having none of it.
Vante's eyes shined with appreciation and a hopeful expression. Ayrish was intelligent and charismatic on a level beyond anyone here besides Mand'alor himself. She would be the best suited to many of the tasks set for this team.

He silently wondered if she would take charge. He certainly hoped so.
Ryben had kept silent through the initial briefing. He didn't quite like the fact that Jedi had holed up within Taris. Preliminary reports indicated that Taris would be hard won battle, between in the upper city elite holding onto their fortunes, lower city hutts and... There were some troubling stories about the undercity. His was lost is his musing to miss most of Manda' lore's briefing but not everything.

"I'll assist in taking the garrision... If we can capture the base with minimal damage, we can funnel supplies to areas of greater need and use that base as an FOB."

Vante turned to Ryben with anod.

"You're participation will be appreciated. Do you wish to stay at my side as I forward an alpha strike on the commnader, or do you want to take some other key point?"
Ayrish smiles fondly as she moves to the side of the other woman and gives her a powerful slap on the back.

"That's what I would say to be a good idea Liszen but we are limited by time. We do not have the time to convince all of Egradena to join our side and even if you manage before the offensive to convince miraculously in just a few hours a few thousand people that wouldn't change much in the scale of things when there are millions of other people and that's without including the refugees." Ayrish says regretfully.

"Liszen, you may suggest using the age-old Force Mind Trick but on multiple targets, it is a dangerous thing to do; considering the fact that it only works on weak-willed people, so if you tried to use it on a group of people, you would run the risk of some of them being unaffected, noticing that the others are behaving oddly, and calling attention to what is happening. This would negate the benefit of using the Trick in the first place: everyone knows you're up to something, and you gain the distrust of the locals," she explains her point.

"A friendly population during an invasion is neigh-impossible unless we're of the same cultural sphere and that's been way too optimistic. No matter in what way you spin it, no one likes it when their homes are intruded upon by military forces and this is adding to it the ensuing conflict with the Republic forces that would destroy and make a battlefield out of their home, Vanquo," she says while looking at her fellow Knight, searching her eyes.

"Unless Mand'alor wishes to change his strategic war-plan on both this battle and on a galactic-scale and let us fortify our position here in Vanquo in the long-term instead of striking Taris while the Republic forces are still staggered. Liszen, your suggestion is unreasonable," she says regretfully, her eyes refocused on the hologram.

"I am not however against turning a few people so that we have better information on how to strike down strategic locations or suppress any insurrection of the displeased civilians and refugees early on before it starts getting momentum." she compromises.

"I respect your noble intentions, one a true Knight should keep close to their heart." she looks pointedly at Vante. "but you shouldn't let it drag you down. When hard decisions are to be made, we should make them. There is always a choice but it is up to us to make the best one possible for our Mand'alor and the success of this campaign. We are at war, after all. We're not pacifying primitives." Ayrish sighs as she finishes her short speech. She crosses her arms on her chest and leans on a nearby wall to let the discussion flow again. She truly wished to as Liszen suggested but the reality was having none of it.

It took every part of Llamogg self-control for him to not break into applauding after Ayrish finished speaking, that had to be the best dressing down of a badly thought out plan he ever saw.

"Mental note, do not mess with Ayrish. She is scarier than Fett."

Regardless of what Ayrish just said, I offer myself to accompany Dyre in the attack against the mines, I can sneak ahead of the assault force and disable a few of their defenses, Mand'alor"

Vante's eyes shined with appreciation and a hopeful expression. Ayrish was intelligent and charismatic on a level beyond anyone here besides Mand'alor himself. She would be the best suited to many of the tasks set for this team.

He silently wondered if she would take charge. He certainly hoped so.

Vante turned to Ryben with anod.

"You're participation will be appreciated. Do you wish to stay at my side as I forward an alpha strike on the commnader, or do you want to take some other key point?"

Liszen laughed, a sound as cold and hollow as a lost helmet drifting in the depths of space. The gazes of admiration directed at Ayrish were ludicrous.

She turned to look straight into Ayrish's eyes. "If you think that I was expecting to simply perform a Mind Trick on people resisting us, you're more simple-minded than a Rancor. The Force is powerful, but only when used with discretion and planning."

Her haughty gaze swept round to take in the assembled council. "Or are all of you the sort of fool who would enter battle without due scouting and reconnaissance? I could deliver a fifth column in the time it takes for our forward teams to scout and report."

"But very well," she said with a shrug. "If it is the Mandalore's decision that I should step back and refrain from playing this role in the invasion, it is my place to obey."
Her haughty gaze swept round to take in the assembled council. "Or are all of you the sort of fool who would enter battle without due scouting and reconnaissance? I could deliver a fifth column in the time it takes for our forward teams to scout and report."
Mand'alor looks at her appraisingly. "We could send you down up to the planet up to 4 hours before the rest of the rest of our forces. We do not know how long the jetii will be gone from Taris, so we must strike when we know that they're weak."
"I'll assist in taking the garrision... If we can capture the base with minimal damage, we can funnel supplies to areas of greater need and use that base as an FOB."
"Regardless of what Ayrish just said, I offer myself to accompany Dyre in the attack against the mines, I can sneak ahead of the assault force and disable a few of their defenses, Mand'alor"
"Does any Mandalorian here wish to join me?"
"I will lead the attack on Egradena." she says confidently.
Aside from that, you each will be provided with a contingent of 15,000 Mando'ade, 1,000 of which are Mando'jetii, aside from Vante. who will be provided with 500 Shock Troopers and 500 Mando'jetii. I advise you gather with those you'll be fighting alongside in order to optimally plan.
Liszen laughed, a sound as cold and hollow as a lost helmet drifting in the depths of space. The gazes of admiration directed at Ayrish were ludicrous.

She turned to look straight into Ayrish's eyes. "If you think that I was expecting to simply perform a Mind Trick on people resisting us, you're more simple-minded than a Rancor. The Force is powerful, but only when used with discretion and planning."

Her haughty gaze swept round to take in the assembled council. "Or are all of you the sort of fool who would enter battle without due scouting and reconnaissance? I could deliver a fifth column in the time it takes for our forward teams to scout and report."

"But very well," she said with a shrug. "If it is the Mandalore's decision that I should step back and refrain from playing this role in the invasion, it is my place to obey."
Ayrish is surprised at Liszen sudden laugh and then confused at what she is saying.

"But you said you'll try to turn the entire population to our side... not scout..." she whispers under her breath ludicrously. In fact, she had just suggested as a compromise to Liszen to use her skills in knowing where to strike strategic locations or putting down insurrections early so Ayrish is more confused than offended at being compared to a Rancor.
Mand'alor looks at her appraisingly. "We could send you down up to the planet up to 4 hours before the rest of the rest of our forces. We do not know how long the jetii will be gone from Taris, so we must strike when we know that they're weak."

Ayrish is surprised at Liszen sudden laugh and then confused at what she is saying.

"But you said you'll try to turn the entire population to our side... not scout..." she whispers under her breath ludicrously. In fact, she had just suggested as a compromise to Liszen to use her skills in knowing where to strike strategic locations or putting down insurrections early so Ayrish is more confused than offended at being compared to a Rancor.

Liszen nodded to Mand'alor. "My gratitude for this opportunity."

"As for what I shall accomplish within this time," she said, turning to Ayrish, "I never claimed to be able to deliver the city entire, only to turn some of their defenders to our side. A unit or two, turning coat just as our forces arrive, would help to destabilize and unbalance their defences and make the task of our assault troops easier. Just as those same units would help in pacifying the populace after we've taken the city, so that our own hands remain clean. They will be the faithless traitors, hated and feared, whereas we will be gracious and merciful conquerors. In time they can then be disposed of, and we will gain the trust and loyalty of the remaining citizens."

She addressed the rest of the council. "Is this strategy sufficiently clear? Some of us may be content with being valiant warriors, but the greater cause requires policy."
Liszen nodded to Mand'alor. "My gratitude for this opportunity."

"As for what I shall accomplish within this time," she said, turning to Ayrish, "I never claimed to be able to deliver the city entire, only to turn some of their defenders to our side. A unit or two, turning coat just as our forces arrive, would help to destabilize and unbalance their defences and make the task of our assault troops easier. Just as those same units would help in pacifying the populace after we've taken the city, so that our own hands remain clean. They will be the faithless traitors, hated and feared, whereas we will be gracious and merciful conquerors. In time they can then be disposed of, and we will gain the trust and loyalty of the remaining citizens."

She addressed the rest of the council. "Is this strategy sufficiently clear? Some of us may be content with being valiant warriors, but the greater cause requires policy."
Ayrish rubs the back of her head as she sighs.

"Regardless of what you meant earlier which was 'misleading' enough for all of the council to seemingly misunderstand." she looks pointedly at her.

"You're omitting something, Liszen. The civilians and refugees are not stupid. The traitorous defenders are going to turncoat to who? Us. They're going to pacify the population for who? Us. Who is coming to take Egradena in the end? Us. Unless the civilians and refugees somehow ignore that fact, that reality. We're going to just get more animosity than from a regular invasion. The plan in itself is fine but not for your stated goals. It'll help us take the city more easily; yes. Would it gain us the loyalty and trust of the citizens? No." Ayrish explains as she puts a hand to her hip and shifts her weight to one foot.

"I understand you want to spare the civilians from this but you have to face it. We're at war and we can't save them without compromising this campaign." Ayrish sighs for a second time.

"We could, indeed, send you down. As the one leading the offensive on Egradena, I order you to do what you do best." Ayrish smiles while patting Liszen's shoulder. "Sabotage Egradena's defences, we're going to wait for your signal. There is going to be two main forces of 7500 men of which 500 are Mando'Jetti. We're going to push through the main population centre from two sides. I leave you to handle the second force's command once they breach in. Our main goal is to pacify the city and gather all the people into the centre of the city." she explains her plan.

"Any objections or additions?" she asks, looking at both Liszen and the others' input. They may not be going down with her in the same area but if they have an insightful input, she would be foolish to dismiss it.
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Vante's eyes shined with appreciation and a hopeful expression. Ayrish was intelligent and charismatic on a level beyond anyone here besides Mand'alor himself. She would be the best suited to many of the tasks set for this team.

He silently wondered if she would take charge. He certainly hoped so.

Vante turned to Ryben with anod.

"You're participation will be appreciated. Do you wish to stay at my side as I forward an alpha strike on the commnader, or do you want to take some other key point?"
"I'll assist in the taking of commander. A decapitation strike would throw the remaining forces in disarray. From there... from there we should even out our troop details.

Aside from that, you each will be provided with a contingent of 15,000 Mando'ade, 1,000 of which are Mando'jetii, aside from Vante. who will be provided with 500 Shock Troopers and 500 Mando'jetii. I advise you gather with those you'll be fighting alongside in order to optimally plan.

"A generous amount Manda'lore. If we seperate and intermix the Mando'Jetii among the shock troops, how many of the opposition would be prepared for that eventuality Vante?

@Rowknan an
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Liszen laughed, a sound as cold and hollow as a lost helmet drifting in the depths of space. The gazes of admiration directed at Ayrish were ludicrous.

She turned to look straight into Ayrish's eyes. "If you think that I was expecting to simply perform a Mind Trick on people resisting us, you're more simple-minded than a Rancor. The Force is powerful, but only when used with discretion and planning."

Her haughty gaze swept round to take in the assembled council. "Or are all of you the sort of fool who would enter battle without due scouting and reconnaissance? I could deliver a fifth column in the time it takes for our forward teams to scout and report."

"But very well," she said with a shrug. "If it is the Mandalore's decision that I should step back and refrain from playing this role in the invasion, it is my place to obey."
"Oh, I am going payback that insult with interest when the time comes, I can enjoy any good insult especially if it is witty enough but no one calls me a fool!" But while his mind was raging at the Insult, the only proof of Llamogg's inner turmoil was the tightening of his fists
Aside from that, you each will be provided with a contingent of 15,000 Mando'ade, 1,000 of which are Mando'jetii, aside from Vante. who will be provided with 500 Shock Troopers and 500 Mando'jetii. I advise you gather with those you'll be fighting alongside in order to optimally plan.

"Then I will get to it, besides it will probably make Dyre far less enthusiastic of running away if he knows right away that we are gonna work together this soon, so if you all can excuse me, I shall be taking my leave" and without any more fanfare, Llamogg stood and started to walk out of the room in search of Dyre.