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Character Sheet
Maid to Love You
A Clockwork Romance

Miss Jane Eleanor Polestar
The player character. An 18 (nearly 19!) year old woman, next in line to the County of Polaris, wandering the galaxy in search of love aboard MSY Mercury. You vote on her actions, but her perspective here is limited.

Mark Butler
Miss Polestar's robotic butler, and head of the servant staff. He is tasked primarily with management, but also acts as valet to any male visitors.

Marie Lady's Maid
The viewpoint character. A newly activated robotic servant who acts as Miss Polestar's lady's maid. Though witty and sharp, some quirk of her construction has intensified both her physical and emotional sensitivity. Is inexplicably French.

Pierre Chef
Miss Polestar's robotic cook, responsible for the kitchen and larder. He is noted to have loose association with many lovers in many ports.

Tom Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handyman, who also helps to maintain the other machines.

Tessa Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handywoman, who is hired later in the story. She has greatly modified her own body, and has a complicated history.

Hans Messenger
Miss Polestar's robotic messenger, who manages the mail, prints newspapers, delivers messages, and manages the property of guests. Is inexplicably German.

Amber Housemaid
Miss Polestar's robotic housemaid, who keeps MSY Mercury clean and tidy. Noted to have two large, orange headlamp eyes. Is inexplicably American.

Polly Kitchen Maid
Miss Polestar's robotic kitchen maid, who assists Pierre in making food. Also the head of the serving staff's union, a position she does not take very seriously.

Content Warning
This quest is an erotic romance. There will be sexual content, and it will not be separated from the main text or spoiler tagged. You have been warned.
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[x] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?

back into the wardorb
Should be wardrobe
[x] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?

I like the idea of a giant ball filled with clothes. It's probably mechanical, with all too many gears and levers, and whenever you want an outfit you spin all the various dials until you get the right combination.
If you feel adventurous, just give it a whirl and see where the it leads you.
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Nghh... All good options. Good update. I'm split between Haragrem-2 and the Frontier but I'm going to vote against the last two votes to forestall a landslide.

[X] You promised your mother that you would not venture out to the frontier, but the exact location of the frontier is something that could be debated. Perhaps if you went to the back of the frontier, you could meet someone of a like mind to yourself.
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] You promised your mother that you would not venture out to the frontier, but the exact location of the frontier is something that could be debated. Perhaps if you went to the back of the frontier, you could meet someone of a like mind to yourself.
[X] New Atlantis is huge! And you have just learned that the six week courses are starting within a month. Perhaps you should explore the social scene whilst learning something new. And if an eligible young man were to fall into your lap, or indeed you into his… Well, you're not complaining.
[X] You promised your mother that you would not venture out to the frontier, but the exact location of the frontier is something that could be debated. Perhaps if you went to the back of the frontier, you could meet someone of a like mind to yourself.
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[x] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] You promised your mother that you would not venture out to the frontier, but the exact location of the frontier is something that could be debated. Perhaps if you went to the back of the frontier, you could meet someone of a like mind to yourself.

Loopholes and twisting the rules is always fun. : 3
Ooh, these updates are always so painfully fun! Poor Polestar, Marie, and their forbidden love. If (when) its discovered, I wonder if people will have more of a problem with the gay part or the human/machine part.

All the new destinations sound great, but I'm voting for the school reunion in the hopes of learning more of Polestar's backstory (and, ideally, if she's ever had any interest in any women). Also, learning embarrassing stories from the Miss's youth could be fun.

[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?
[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?

Sounds like a fun reunion.
Me: I'm not into slow-burn will-they-or-won't-they stories

This quest: *exists*

Me: Pining is such sweet sorrow!

Also, does anyone else feel kinda uncomfortable with just how much machines love work? Like, sure, it's better than them hating their jobs, but I kinda feel like we're edging on House Elf territory sometimes. That's only a problem in that I can't decide if this universe is a secret dystopia.
I think...

I think humans love work too. Not necessarily the work that we do, but for everyone there's some form of work out there that they like. Working can make you feel really good, not working can make you feel pretty shitty. Sure, we work to meet our needs but even if our needs are met we still work. These robots have that idea taken from people, turned up and with the type of work they like set from creation.

I love work and so do you and so do they.
Also, the robots are all being incredibly dramatic because they are, like all of us, dumb dumbs. Marie laments the nightmare of having a whole day off and then curls up with some books and is totally fine. If she was a house-elf, she would have suffered through the sand.
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"It is… radical." I offered. I could see her ankles.

[X] On your return to the ship, you found that you had received a communication from one of your old school friends! Inviting you, and a few of your closest classmates to visit with her at her family's winter estate in the tropical region of her homeworld, Haragrem-2. How can you decline?

Tropical? Might mean more beaches, but that also means more of Miss Polestar in that revealing swimsuit. Or other delightful tropical-weight outfights. Possibly even jodhpurs!
XVII - Tabitha Kore Lovelace
I hardly noticed the time passing, as I was so engrossed in my literature, such that eventually I looked up to check the clock and somehow it was seven in the evening. The miss would be arriving home soon. In fact, no sooner had I stood up and dusted off my apron when the door burst open and Miss Polestar tumbled inside.

"Marie, we must get the crew, you are to prepare to leave at once!" she announced.

"Miss?! Is everything alright?" for the briefest of moments, I was entirely sure that Miss Polestar had broken the law somehow. Had she stolen something? Killed someone?!? I didn't wish to aid a wanted criminal, but if it was Mr. Fullmore I think I would have no choice.

"Alright? Everything is great!" she waved something in her hand that I soon discovered was an envelope. "I spent my time under the waves considering carefully where we would go next, and what I wanted from this adventure. I concluded, naturally, that the thing which would make me happiest is to travel out to the fringes of civilization and see for myself some of the wonderful things from my books, and if along the way if I were to run into an attractive and eligible young bachelor, well, that would simply be lovely."

"I'm so glad, Miss."

"But then, I came home to discover an overdue message, courtesy of the overworked local postal service, from none other than my best friend in the entire galaxy, Tabitha Kore Lovelace! My dearest Tabbycat has invited me, and by extension, you and the entire crew, to spend the summer at her family's winter estate on Haragrem-2. Oh no! I have no appropriate clothes!" She paused, and turned to me, and in that instant, I felt something akin to dread at the look in her eyes. "Come Marie! We must away! There's shopping to be done!"


I do not think there is a more mortifying activity in the entire universe than shopping for swimwear. As I do not wish to transcribe and thus relive the entire affair, I will summarize simply that that Miss Polestar left with a series of garments, none of which seemed sufficient, and I selected the most conservative item I could find, which still felt almost impossibly daring and which I dread the thought of wearing in public.

I obviously do not remember a time when young people had better sense than this, but surely, it must have been the case at one time, I was lamentably assembled too late to experience that golden age.

While we were away, the other machines were busy making the ship ready, and upon our return, Captain William informed us that the Mercury would be ready to depart in the next twenty seven minutes and thirty five seconds. I'll admit I found that somewhat amusing. Simply say 'ten minutes' and human will understand: greater precision is mostly confusing, and should be left to those with circuitry.

In any case, the ship cast off, thrusters carrying us a safe distance from the station before the sails unfurled and we were borne away by the solar winds and out into interstellar space. The station, planet, and star retreated behind us as if in fast-forward as we blazed onward to our next adventure. It was really quite pretty.

This journey was quite short, about a day all-told, and a substantial portion of that was establishing a good orbit. The planet below was a beautiful marble of oceans and clouds, growing ever darker and more broken towards the poles, hotbeds of geological activity. Haragrem-2 was young, as planets go, and the terraforming equipment floating peacefully in orbit had fought its turbulent nature to a standstill, carving out a habitable portion around the equator and merely holding back the tide beyond the tropics. Below danced hundreds of angry red lights, each an active volcano whose sulfuric pollution was tirelessly scrubbed by enormous towers jutting from the surface. It was a world still being tempered in the hellish fires of Hephaestus' forge, beaten flat by plate tectonics and the inevitable, merciless compression of gravity, the crucible of a planet still cooling from the violence of its creation.

But I've been told the land around the estate is quite nice.


The first thing we discovered, upon taking the shuttle down, was that Miss Lovelace's family (which is quite wealthy, as I understand it) maintained quite near to two dozen guest estates on the sprawling island which hosted their winter home. Each was a small manor in itself, larger than the Mercury by some margin, and more than enough to house Miss Polestar's entire retinue, though the ship's crew have elected to stay aboard the Mercury and maintain its systems. I have talked in passing to one of the crewmembers (Adam? Or was it Anton?) who said that once you get used to space, you never want to leave. I don't particularly see the appeal, but then I've not really had sufficient experience. At much of anything, really.

But I digress, upon our landing at the estate set aside for us, we were met by our Hostess. Miss Tabitha Lovelace is of middling height, and some rather… pronounced curves. Upon making eye contact with her, Miss Polestar lept, with no regard for the still descending ramp of our shuttle, and caught Miss Lovelace up in an embrace that seemed more akin to an aggressive tackle than a gesture of affection.

"Tabbycat!" My Miss cried as she swung her friend, now laughing uproariously, around like a sack of potatoes.

"It has been much too long, my sweet Janey!" Miss Lovelace replied, returning the embrace wholeheartedly. "I was afraid that you might not be coming, when I did not hear back from you for so long."

"Please do not hold my rudeness against me, my dearest Tabbycat. There was some sort of malfunction with the mail, you know how such things are." Miss Polestar set her best friend back upon her feet with somewhat exaggerated care.

"I do indeed, and I bear no grudge. I was only dismayed that I was not able to lay eyes upon your sweet face for so long!"

"Please! You're making me blush!"

"It's only true! Now, we must get you settled, the others are already waiting for your arrival!"


Upon putting your things away, you just had to go and join the festivities! They could not just wait for you though, and have already begun, but what are they doing?
[ ] Having obtained permission, Tabitha has appropriated one of the orbital lasers used for geographic sculpting, and the partygoers are taking turns inscribing messages on the northern hemisphere.​
[ ] A game of Forfeits has just begun, with drinks aplenty flowing making the forfeits, and the stunts one must do to get them back are getting increasingly absurd. And in mixed company, imagine the scandal.​
[ ] The Lovelace fortune is, of course, tied up in shipbuilding, and there happened to be two experimental, jet-powered racing yachts docked just off the island. Tabitha has proposed a race, boys versus girls, through an active volcano chain! Sounds exciting!​
[X] A game of Forfeits has just begun, with drinks aplenty flowing making the forfeits, and the stunts one must do to get them back are getting increasingly absurd. And in mixed company, imagine the scandal.

This and the other two options are going to go fabulously wrong.
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