Mahou, Mahou never changes (WW2 Magical Girl Quest with too many influences/crossovers)

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War, some would say it never changes. They would be wrong, with the advance of technology war...
1. Mahou never changes


Wo ist die Käse?
War, some would say it never changes. They would be wrong, with the advance of technology war would inevitably change. That is not what has changed war however, When the first Magical Girl came forth to fight for her country, magic was revealed to the world, soon magic was fighting alongside Iron and Steel and woman fought alongside man in defense of their homes.

It would remain so until the first Musume appeared, the spirit of a sunken ship taking the form of a woman to fight once more, a Tank ruined by enemy artillery would return home on her own two legs, fire in her eyes and revenge in her heart. Magic would help people to fly on their own power to fight in the skies alongside aircraft and ace pilots shot down would be found at the next engagement, gunning for the one that ended their streak. Not all equipment that was destroyed returned, but enough did so that it changed war even further and fueled the fire.

The war raged on, far longer than it should have, because of these developments, the reasons for fighting shifted and changed. Leaders were shuffled around, alliances were made and broken, and then Humanity was attacked, abominations from the deep would begin attacking shipping lines, and it was only ever attributed to the enemy until a British Ship spirit would see the first Abyssal battleship, barely making it home to warn her country. From the skies came an alien force, taking the form of aircraft and corruption. On the land the Legions of Hell walk bringing with them hell-fire and demonic steel.

You would think that Humanity would band together to fight these invaders, you would be wrong, years of fighting and hatred has boiled over and the world fights itself just as much, if not more, than these unholy invaders.

It is now 1973, you, are part of your country's Magical Division, one of the Elite Magical Girls in fact, and you are in trouble, a standard scouting mission along the border has revealed the presence of the Legion nearby, luckily it is a small infantry squad, probably scouting just as much as you are, with certainty that you can take them out you stand and call out your transformation phrase...

What do you see? {Determines country}

[]Stars and Stripes, The distant call of an Eagle{USA}
[]Iron and Fire, Blood for the Fatherland {Wehrmacht}
[]Crimson Red and a million voices, United Together {USSR}
[]The raging oceans and the Azure main, The sun has yet to set {Great Britain}
[]A Glorious Dawn, a Divine Wind{Imperial Japan}

At your call your weapon arrives, forming into being is {Determines weapon and a small stat boost}

[]An axe, filled with your strength and determination
[]A sword and shield, symbol of your devotion and willpower
[]A staff, crackling with the magical energies at your command
[]A bow, with your aim and skill shall the enemies be felled
[]A spear, your blood racing as you ready your speed
[]A tome, filled with ancient and forbidden knowledge waiting to be unleashed

Even as your weapon comes you can feel yourself ready what others would call your best skill {Determines larger stat boost}

[]Flexing your muscles as you ready your immense strength, surprising many as you do not look well muscled (Strength)
[]Steeling your mind you ready yourself for the fight ahead (Willpower)
[]Calling the arcane energies your eyes and veins glow with power (Magical Power)
[]Your eyes narrow as you concentrate on what you see (Accuracy)
[]Adrenaline races as you limber your limbs (Agility)
[]The Eldritch knowledge within your mind writhes as you ready to call it forth into this world (Eldritch Knowledge)

Unfortunately for all your skill and magic, something has to suffer {Determines stat negative}

[]You were never the strongest around, prefering other avenues (Strength)
[]Your willpower falters, even now, about to break (Willpower)
[]Despite being a Magical girl, your magical powers are weaker than most (Magical Power)
[]You've never had a desire to truly aim, prefering to let things fall where they may (Accuracy)
[]Speed is not and never has been your ally (Agility)
[]You have always shied away from Eldritch Knowledge, fearing what was forgotten (Eldritch Knowledge)

As you call your magic to the forefront and prepare to strike down your enemies you feel the element that you were born with wrap around you. Every Magical Girl had an element that came naturally to them, usually it was one of the more common ones, but you had heard of some strange elements, including one Girl had the element of Sword, however that was supposed to work.

Pick your element, it is the element that is easiest for you, but not the only one you can use, sub elements are a thing but it is more using 2 elements to make a 3rd (I.E. Water+Wind=Ice) Also determines your first spell. Note: you can still pick sub-elements as your element but itsub-elements have a harder time forming more sub-elements

[]Fire, burn your enemies to cinders, or ignite the strengths of your allies
[]Water, useful for both healing and washing away the competition
[]Wind, Speed boosts and blowing away the competition
[]Earth, Turn the very ground against your opponents, or turn yourself or your allies into immovable monoliths
[]Gravity, Crush your foes with your magical grasp
[]Arcane, The raw stuff of magic is yours to command, maybe not as specialized but very versatile
[]Write-in (Subject to disapproval/rejection depending on element (I.E. Hellfire/Creation are NOT viable elements))

With a vicious grin you unleash your powers upon the Hellish infantry and watch as your magic takes form

Pick the type of attack you unleash, determines first spell

[]Long-range Bombardment {Long-range artillery style bombardment}
[]a series of homing missiles {I.e. magic missile}
[]You watch the area glow before exploding with magic {AoE at target location}
[]a concentrated beam lances out of your staff and sweeps across the enemy {Ray attack}
[]You charge in, fist covered with your magic as you attack the enemy {Melee touch attack}
[]Feeling the element surge through you, you prepare yourself for the confrontation {buff spell}
[]The energies gather in your palm and you hurl them at your foes {Ranged Touch type spell}
[]Write-in {Again subject to disapproval/rejection based on choice}
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Amelia Strange Dossier

Name: Amelia Strange
Age: 20
Place of Birth: Des Moines, Iowa, United States of America
Service Rank: Sergeant, Artillery-Class Magical Girl, United States Magical Regiment
Magical Type: Astral Bombardment, Contract-Class
Current Orders: Patrol Quadrant Epsilon and report enemy sightings​
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2. By the Summoning of my Contract I call you forth
[X]Stars and Stripes, The distant call of an Eagle{USA}
[X]A staff, crackling with the magical energies at your command
[X]The Eldritch knowledge within your mind writhes as you ready to call it forth into this world (Eldritch Knowledge)
[X]You've never had a desire to truly aim, prefering to let things fall where they may (Accuracy)
[X]Arcane, The raw stuff of magic is yours to command, maybe not as specialized but very versatile
[X]You watch the area glow before exploding with magic {AoE at target location}

Focusing a moment to call your magical powers to bear you gaze upon the Legion soldiers, definitely small fry, you couldn't see any in there that would come even close to challenging you, not from this distance anyways. Swinging your staff to point towards the enemy you release the energy. All is silent for a moment before a rift is torn in the fabric of reality in the middle of the scout group, releasing the magical energy you had gathered in a violent eruption of arcane energy.

Watching the scouts disintegrate from the overwhelming power you nod to yourself before deciding a small break is in order. You just spent a decent chunk of magic to ensure you wouldn't have to fight after all.

Taking a seat on a nearby boulder you lean your staff against your shoulder and reminisce about how you acquired your magic.


Five Years Ago

You had always been fascinated by magic as a young girl. It became an obsession of yours, every arcane tome you could get your hands on you devoured. Four years of work culminating in this moment. While you could go through the military's magic training that would be too slow in your opinion, and hardly any of the trainees that you read about made it very far in their career. No you would be the greatest, and as such you needed a large influx of power.

Besides, you didn't want to have to deal with uniforms, and the only way to do that was to have enough magical power to immediately enter the Magical Girl Corps directly.

The answer was simple, you were going to summon a being to grant you magic. Oh you weren't stupid, summoning a devil was a bad idea, especially now, but there were other beings one could summon. You could summon one of the Heavenly Host, but you had never been very religious. There were Djinn and Nature spirits, and the Old ones and their Gods. All considered and discarded.
Instead you aimed to reach into the rift between planes and summon an Astral Dweller, one willing to bind its power to you in exchange for hitching a ride and experiencing the outer world. A dangerous prospect for most, but Astral Dwellers rarely spoke to their hosts and only desired alleviation from their monotony.

Drawing the final symbol upon the stone floor of your basement you triple check that everything is how it should be. The circle was technically of your own design so it's not like you had a very good reference to go off of but it fit your specifications exactly. Drawing blood from your palm with your ritual knife you fill a silver bowl in the center of the circle before stepping back into a different circle, this one of protection, and began chanting, in english, chanting in dead languages was for people who were trying too hard.

The glowing was a sign that it was working right?

There was a blinding flash and when your eyes cleared there was something within the circle. The formless being shifted its mass until two eye shaped forms appeared to stare at you.

"Greetings Dweller of the Astral, I am


I have summoned you to bargain. In exchange for inhabiting my body and sharing the senses that I have until my life force dissipates I request for you to bind your magic to my use."

Nothing happens for a few moments before the being flows into the silver bowl and your body is racked with pain as it uses that connection to bind to your very being.


Grimacing slightly as you rub your shoulder in remembrance of that pain. It wasn't long afterwards that you enlisted and was rushed into the Magical Girl Corps. Shame your research hadn't warned you that the ultimate sensation for an Astral Dweller was death. You sigh to yourself and stand up. Breaks over, time to get back to work.

Conjuring a mirror you inspect yourself for cleanliness and any wounds you may have received from Shrapnel, you weren't too far from what was essentially a magical bomb after all.


With a thought you pause and turn to the already dissipating remains of the Legion squad, what to do about that, you wondered.

[][HQ] Call in to HQ about the squad
[][HQ] Ignore it and continue with your patrol, you can tell HQ about it when you make your report. You feel a nudge from your magic.

and what about the actual beings, even as they dissipate there are still methods of collecting materials or trying to divine the magics in their creation, but they dissipate so fast that with you taking a break you'll only have the chance to do one of them.

[][Bodies] See if you can't grab any magical materials on them and preserve them before they dissipate {Reflexes Roll}
[][Bodies] Attempt to divine something magical about the beings and the area {Eldritch Knowledge roll}
[][Bodies] Ignore them, there's nothing you could learn from them


A note about the Astral Dweller, it will sometimes attempt to nudge the MC towards a certain decision, THIS IS NOT ALWAYS OPTIMAL, it is also not to be considered the vote I want to win, it will instead be more likely to desire courses of action that will be more exciting for it. Its entire goal is to 1 experience as many sensations as possible, and 2 Return to its domain so the more dangerous an action the more likely the dweller will want to experience it. The more you follow it's requests the happier it'll be though
Major changes in wartime history because of the introduction of magic
The Allies and Axis don't exist as factions anymore this long after the beginning of the war.

The United Kingdom is an actual Kingdom again, currently run by Queen Evangeline, a Magical Girl who took over in a coup for power. They have tightened control over their colonies and have conquered France and Ireland. Though due to distance and a nearby superpower Canada has managed to gain independence and has allied with the United States to prevent further aggression from the Magical Crown.

Australia on the other hand has also gained independence due to distance but also due the constant attack by Abyssal forces keeping anyone from attempting to make a beachhead. The Australian soldiers abroad have become disorganized and almost mercenary in their dealings, only wanting to return home to defend their country.

Berlin was annihilated by British Magical Saboteurs, wiping out the upper echelons of the Nazi Party which folded soon after. It is still the Wehrmacht and is still a military Dictatorship but is currently run by Heinrich Wolfhart, a much nobler soldier than any of the previous leaders. It is also currently in an alliance with the United States united against England, with the US worried that England will go for all their old colonies, it is mostly an alliance of convenience but it has been going on for 15 years now and mutual trust has been steadily increasing.

There are still remnants of the old Nazi party though with the SS and the Supernatural Divisions having broken off from the Wehrmacht and are rumored to currently reside in former Czechoslovakian territory.

Italy has folded into a Neo-Ottoman Empire ruled by a council of sages and Djinn which have taken the balkans as well. Currently the Ottomans are in a war with the USSR and Imperial Japan to the east having spread far enough to border their lands

The USSR has remained largely the same, Stalin is dead, having not trusted Magic enough to allow it to cure his illnesses, but his successor is holding strong to the Communist Manifesto. It is not as Draconian as it once was but it is still very much ruled with an iron fist due to martial law. They are currently in a three way war, between themselves, the Ottomans, and Imperial Japan

Imperial Japan has rediscovered their Shinto roots and have slid back into their isolationist ways, from before the ports had been forced open and westernization, with prominent Magical and Samurai families holding power including a Daimyo currently in charge of the Imperial Army. They are currently in a war with the USSR and the Ottomans. They are nominally allied with the UK as two Empires that have their own problems to deal with, though the general consensus is that at the end of the war these two will have come to blows eventually.

The US also remains largely unchanged, they have, by far, militarized magic the most out of the other countries forming an entirely new branch called the Magical Corps where Magical Girls are used as spec ops. They are currently warring with the UK and Japan, though there is a minor cease-fire between the US and Japan because of Abyssals keeping any large naval battles from happening. The US is spending most of their pacific naval force on breaking the blockades around their islands and Australia as well as defense.

The Nordics have formed their own Power Bloc, The Nordic Brotherhood, backed by a recent surge in Heathenism and runic magic. They are currently not at war with anyone, but are prepared to war with anyone who attacks them and are eyeing the UK and USSR specifically.

Atomic Power has indeed been created, though as of yet no nuclear devices have been set off due to the lack of air superiority in any one location, however nuclear power plants have helped ease the burden of energy from a number of warring nations, supplemented by Wards and runes to both increase efficiency and to help prevent disasters. However nuclear power is not the major energy provider in any one nation.

For technological levels, it is very dieselpunk with the help of Magic

those are the major changes between this lengthened war and our own, if you have any other questions please ask and I'll inform you of how it has changed

edit- I have taken criticism of this post into account and indeed good points were brought up and I have revised this to be slightly more realistic, but do keep in mind that even if this takes place during WW2 it is still very much a fantasy-esque quest so not everything will be realistic
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3. Communications, this is Strange
[X] Amelia Strange
[X] Appearance: Fate Testarossa. MGLN
[X][HQ] Call in to HQ about the squad
[X][Bodies] Attempt to divine something magical about the beings and the area {Eldritch Knowledge roll}

With a small twist of power you summon a communication orb and begin to wait as it attempts to connect with one of the receivers at HQ. Meanwhile you begin to examine the Eldritch soliders hoping to glean some knowledge before they fade.


From what you can tell this was a common Legion Scout force, typically comprised of three light assault fiends and two ranged support fiends. All lightly armored and designed more to move quickly and quietly than to survive any sustained fight. All in all a typical scouting party with little to differentiate it from any other.

A small curiosity you note is that they seem to be dissolving from the inside out, but any further contemplation is interrupted by your Communication Orb making contact

"Sergeant Strange, this is Communications, proceed to report," A rather no nonsense tone speaks from the orb, definitely not one of the more laid back members, time to be on your best behavior.

"Communications, this is Strange, reporting contact with a Legion Scout Force at co-ordinates Two Five Bravo Gamma Six Niner. Scout force terminated with prejudice and without alarm. Requesting further orders," You say, straightening as you stare at the orb, there's no visual communication but you've always felt like something in the orb was watching you.

"Report received Strange, standby."

Fidgeting slightly it seems like far too long before the voice comes back, "Your orders are to continue your patrol route after meeting up with Magical Girl Alexandria who reported that she was investigating an explosion in the area, she has been informed that your contact was the most likely cause and is to rendezvous with you before assisting you on your patrol. Any further sightings of Legion forces are to be called in before engagement if possible."


"And Amelia, watch the firepower will ya? We're not trying to blow up the countryside right now."

With that the Communication Orb darkens and dissipates as you let out a huff before waiting for the other Magical Girl.


"Heeya, you must be Amelia!" A cheerful voice calls out from behind you and you stand and turn to view the other Magical Girl. The first thing you notice is how vibrantly green her hair is, and how much of it there is. Once you get over that you take in her uniform. a white mid-thigh skirt with flowing green ribbons attached to the waistband, and an emerald vest, as in literally made of the gemstone. Her hands were clad in a pair of emerald gauntlets and finally there were ribbons braided into her hair, alternating colors between, a green slightly darker than her hair and white.

Noticing you eyeing her she grins and flexes slightly, revealing that, while not overly muscled in any way, she's certainly toned like a proper fighter.

[][Response]"I am, you must be Alexandria," You say before turning and heading off to continue patrol, "Let's get moving"
[][Response]"Alexandria I assume?" You ask, wanting confirmation before letting your guard down
[][Response]"Yup, let's get this over with," You say with a shrug before walking off, hands in your pockets.

{Something to help flesh out Amelia's personality}

It's a rather boring rest of the patrol all things told, though Alexandria did manage to keep up the chatter throughout the entirety of it, slightly annoying you as while she wasn't loud she certainly wasn't quiet.

Near the end of your scheduled patrol before you would have to start heading back there was a rather loud explosion followed by sounds of combat. If you were not mistaken it was tankfire that you heard.

[][Tankfire] Investigate the sounds of combat immediately your passenger is intrigued
[][Tankfire] Report the sounds of combat immediately as ordered
4. Free to Engage
Coming to a stop at the sounds you immediately call up a communication spell, drawing a groan from Alexandria. There is also a feeling of boredom from within your magic but you ignore it with practiced ease.

It doesn't take long at all for Communications to connect, and you quickly report the sounds. There is a sound of shuffling papers and muted conversation before Communications gets back to you.

"Sergeant Strange, modification to your orders, noise of combat is suspected to be German tank spirit as they were patrolling those coordinates. Orders are to investigate and if necessary give back up to German forces in the area."

"Confirmed, Strange out."

"Well you heard them, let's go help the Jerrys out," Alexandria cheerfully states before dashing forward.

Following behind at a more cautionary pace you watch as there is indeed a German tank spirit in the midst of combat with a rather large infernal, looking like a mix between a gorilla and an elephant the infernal is currently locking hands with the much smaller tank spirit and attempting to force them to their knees, though the tank spirit doesn't seem very fazed. Not far from the two you see the Tank spirit's turret and a sword that by the coloration is also part of her armaments. There is also a massive battle axe that is clearly infernal in origin.

Unfortunately the two are a bit too close to each other for you to use your magic without risking hitting the Tank spirit. Alexandria looks at you from the edge of the clearing, apparently deferring to your rank on what to do. You very highly doubt that she'll remain stationary if you wait too long though.

[][Tank Struggle]Hit the infernal hard and fast, Your Dweller would be pleased
-[][Tank Struggle]Risk your bombardment magic to ensure a quick victory, possibility of extra damage
-[][Tank Struggle] Don't risk your magic unless an opportunity comes up
[][Tank Struggle] Wait until the Tank spirit can get out of the hold before blasting the Infernal
-[][Tank Struggle]Risk your bombardment magic to ensure a quick victory, possibility of extra damage
-[][Tank Struggle] Don't risk your magic unless an opportunity comes up
[][Tank Struggle] Attempt to distract the Infernal to allow the Tank Spirit the upper hand
-[][Tank Struggle]Risk your bombardment magic to ensure a quick victory, possibility of extra damage
-[][Tank Struggle] Don't risk your magic unless an opportunity comes up
[][Tank Struggle]Write-in other state whether you're using you're risking the use of your magic or only if the opportunity presents itself
5. Explosion!
[X][Tank Struggle]Hit the infernal hard and fast, Your Dweller would be pleased
-[X][Tank Struggle]Risk your bombardment magic to ensure a quick victory, possibility of extra damage

You feel a purr at the back of your mind. Aiming your staff at the fight you channel your energy before letting it loose with a cry. An orb of arcane energy flies from your staff and impacts against the infernal before erupting into a bright light. Luckily the Maus heard your cry and was able to place her turret between her and the Infernal.

With a boisterous cry Alexandria leaps into battle, her fists glowing with an emerald fire. Between the three of you, you make short work of the infernal. Maus turns and thanks the two of you, saying that she would buy each of you a round once you returned to base. Watching as she leaves you turn your gaze back to the defeated Infernal, while you still wish to investigate it you have a job to do and you don't expect Alexandria to be happy waiting on you. Not to mention that some Magical Girls frown heavily on any interaction with an Infernal other than killing it and letting the corpse dissipate.

[][Infernal Corpse]Investigate the body
[][Infernal Corpse]You unfortunately must let it dissolve and continue your patrol

After reporting in the combat you and Alexandria continue on your patrol route.

[][Patrol]It is uneventful and you return back to base without any issue
[][Patrol]You are alerted to the sound of magical combat
[][Patrol]There is a screaming sound from the sky
[][Patrol]Gunfire echoes in the distance and you investigate