[X] Marcus Sebastian Dominic Flamel
Don't really care about the name. Ths is good as any.
[X] In the family library of your Clan's holding, burning the midnight oil away ever-seeking to learn something new.
[X] In the Work Shop of your father, soaking up theory-craft of the Alchemy that would become your inheritance, quenching your endless curiosity of what would become your inheritance.
Well, the downside is being anti-social. But I've always had a weak spot for utterly obsessed characters, so this is for the best if we want to resurrect our Magecraft and possibly repeat our Ancestor's achievements.
Boredom. This was a long time coming and there is no avoiding it. You just know you could do so much more outside of the confines of the school.
The choice is non-trivial. In the end, I voted for this because it signifies a greater level of talent and independence.
[X] You left it behind where you found it, safe and secure. Lost opportunities, true. But much less risky.
We're a first-year. What're we gonna do with that research, eat it?
Let's build up a knowledge base first.
[X] In the back of the train, where an adult was sitting, his nose buried in a tome of some sort.
Fits with the rest of the theme. We're probably better with adults than with the kids if we're so into research and books.
(I am totally not hoping for Tommy as a teacher