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Homura gets a well deserved retirement package.
Homura Relaxes

Jaune Pendragon

King Of Servants
She never meant for this to happen.

All she wanted to do was suppress Madoka's power and get rid of the incubators so that Madoka can live an ordinary life again.

All she wanted was for her to be Happy.

To live free of worries and burdens.

To repay all she had done for her.

But instead, where Homura Akemi would have suppressed her power, a single mistake resulted in the Law of Cycles being completely removed from the Universe.

The concept of the LAW of CYCLES!

However, you can't just remove a concept without anything going wrong.

The moment The Law of cycles was removed the universe ground to a halt.

It was an integral part of it... or it was...

However, the energy that was left from the Law of cycles had to go somewhere.

It went into the closest vessel that was available...

That vessel was Homura.

All the energy, Divinity, and Authority began to flow into Homura's soul gem.

But Homura's soul gem wasn't large enough for that.

It shattered overflowing with power and Divinity.

Her scream was silent, her eyes wide and mouth open in unending agony, her voice unable to escape, her soul was on fire as it returned to her body and was forcibly expanded, shattered, reforged, strengthened over and over again to hold the near-infinite amount of energy that was once a part of the Law of cycles.

She didn't travel back in time or rather she couldn't even move a muscle, pain flooding her.

So much so that she could not fall unconscious.

She didn't know how long she had been screaming silently.

But eventually, as the pain slowly began to lighten ever so slowly she saw...

She saw Time.

Time itself had begun to spin backward.

She was not going back time.

Everything began to undo.

Entropy began to truly reverse for the first time.

Fate was unwoven.

The threads of destiny around Madoka began to unwind and instead began to wind around her as the Authority and power of the Law of Cycles continued to flow into her.

The Sun grew younger.

The planets orbited backward.

The Galaxy spun anti-clockwise and the Universe shrunk.

Her silent scream stopped as she took a mental sigh of relief.

The process completed.

She was no longer Mortal.

Memories that were not hers begin to flow into her.

Memories of The Law of cycles and all it had done. Since the beginning of time. All the soul she had saved. All the curses she had to bear.

She had so much power now.

Neither did she have a soul gem.

She could call herself a literal God and it wouldn't be wrong.

If she wanted she could bring whole universes into being.

Imagine the Incubator's face if she told them she could achieve what they have been trying to do with naught but a thought.

She was now a deity.

A true Goddess of Magic.

Unlike Madoka, however, she wasn't restricted by the universe.

Her authority was Absolute!

She began to stare at the Universe as she began to comprehend what had happened.

All her work, gone.

But it was worth.

Because now? Now she could keep Madoka safe without resorting to compromises.

With a thought, she vanished and appeared In a hospital.

The Hospital in which she had first started her Journey.

It was finally over.

Her long exhausting journey was finally over.

She climbed onto the bed, and for the first time in an eternity, she truly let go.

She was asleep within moments, mentally exhausted.

She might have had near-limitless power now.

But her mind was that of a young girl and for the first time in a long while, it relaxed completely, taking its well-deserved break!
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