Magical Girls are quite common (Sleepless Domain[webcomic])

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Welcome to Hearty Grove, your hometown for thirteen years.

The sights include the...
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Explanation of skills
Physical (Science and Language helps):
--Arm strength (punches, throws and parrying)
--Flexibility (helps dodge and whole strength)
--Leg Strength (kicks, jumping and dodging)
--Agility (get things done faster, governs stealth)
--Dexterity (DODGE! and accuracy)
--Endurance (do more things and health)

--History (learning from the mistakes of others)
--Language (Critical Thinking, minor boost to all other categories)
--Mathematics (Helps judge angles to magic blasts)
--Science (how to use your yourself and your environment, also accounts for projectile drop)
--Culture (helps you understand others)
--Magical Theory (Helps magic use [depends])

Social (Language and Culture helps here):
--Sanity (usually only a few tough bosses cause sanity loss, but seeing close friends die and certain spells also cause san-loss. Hard to raise, but rarely lowers)
--Persuasion (Fallout's Speech)
--Friendship (aka shooting the breeze, helps relaxation rolls)
--Negotiation (Fallout's Barter)
--Reputation (high rep means more public support... and less privacy)
---- Tactics (small picture, focuses on the here and now)
---- Strategy (big picture, focuses on how the fight you are in effects the city)
--Camaraderie (effects how well you get on with your team)

--Initiation (effects time spent casting each individual spell)
--Recharge (mana regeneration, some Magical girls can donate their magic to others)
--Capacity (how much mana you have in reserve)
--Sensory (Detects enemies, allies and holes in the inner barrier, higher levels can negate sneak attacks)
--Offense (how well you can blow things up)
--Defense (How well you are at mitigating damage received)
--Special (???)
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If Isaac is chosen...
I entered the Future's Promise Academy, being the first male student to ever utilize magic directly with his own hands. Several of the girls I passed simply assumed I was the most tomboyish girl to have ever lived, others were staring at me like I didn't have skin at all, and a few glared at me like I was one of the monsters they kill on a nightly basis.

What made matters worse was that it was a month into the school year so I couldn't hide the awkwardness of the situation by mingling with the other new students. No, by this time I was the New person in the academy. Also didn't help that many of the scientific community wanted to vivisect me to see what made me so special compared to my relatives. Considering that they still don't know what causes girls to receive magic, I frankly doubt they will discover why I have magic either. I still made my way to the auditorium, eager to get this day over with as fast as possible.

I was invited to the podium during my introduction to the school proper and was asked to speak a few words.
A few words? I had a god-damned speech ready!

I cleared my throat and declared, "Let me be clear on this: I am not here for the reason why most of you are at this academy. I am not here to let mere popularity run my life like it does for many of the celebrities this school produces. I am not here to get experimented on for the pursuit of science; in fact being here means I won't be. While I was a bystander in a magical-girl-on-monster fight, so have hundreds of other people in this city and not one of them have shown a spark of magic. I am here because I wish to pull my weight, to prove that boys can fight the monsters that attack humanity just as well as girls can. I am here because I am sick of monsters rampaging through our streets like they own the planet and wish to correct their hubris as best as I can. I am here to protect the family and friends that I have left.

I am Isaac Romanov! I am here to kill monsters, strengthen myself and get the education I need for my future; In, that, order!"
Story start!
I looked at woman before me, Helena Pierce -- the 'Great Ban'sidhe' -- the only Magical 'Girl' in the entire town still active with her powers undiminished at her age, unlike everyone else in her age group who were powerless. "I am Isaac Romanov, fourteen years of age but will turn fifteen in two months. My father Nikolai is a professional chef at the University, my step-mother Isabel works as a psychiatrist at Future's Promise, my older step-sister Anna is a magical girl there, my younger step-sister Rochelle is in Dale Elementary and my two half-siblings, Peter and Josefa, are at Haven Kindergarten. My original mother, Margarete, was killed by a monster nearly nine years ago and my father remarried about a year after that." I gave her a look... it was her turn.

"I am Helena Pierce, and you already know most of the details about me since the media won't stop talking about me."

I glared at her, "Enlighten this ignorant savage then."

She glared back and said testily, "Fine." She continued with her normal voice, "I am Helena Pierce, twenty-seven years old and will be turning twenty eight in five months. My father is a construction worker and my mother works as a maid to the rich jack-asses that pay me to smite monsters. Now, tell me how you first discovered your magic potential..."

There was no getting around this point, "I first discovered my magic a month ago when..."

(First Skill)
[ ] "I was acting out a scene in a movie I had watched and found my fist inside a mirror with the glass acting like a liquid." Elsewhere Storage
[ ] "I was giving my half-siblings sweets and the sweets kept pouring out of the bag." mirror multiplication
[ ] "I broke a mirror and instead of getting cut, I felt strangely refreshed by all of the impacts." Inversion
[ ] write in
Training begins...
[One month ago...]
You were confused as to why the candy kept pouring out of the bag to the extent that the pile of candy is three times larger than the bag itself and still growing. Your siblings didn't care and were grabbing as much as they could hold before running away. The only two logical explanations were that you somehow grabbed a magical girl's enhanced bag or that you had magic yourself.

Point 1: The bag you had belonged to your father, which he bought from a store several years back. The bag still had his inked drawings on it so if any magical girl did enhance it, they would have had to steal it in the first place. And at no time in the last three years did a magical girl, aside from your older step-sister, lay a hand on the bag; and Anna's theme is fire, not space.

Point 2: The only boys you knew that had magic were born girls before having a sex change, and there were only five of them (that you knew of) in the entire history of Hearty Grove. Boys becoming girls and then gaining magic was much more common, but a boy gaining magical powers implied one big, chilling thing to you...

Your powers were going to change you into a girl.

It may not happen this month or even this year, but one day your powers will (most likely) make you female.

[ ] Rage against the world
[ ] That is the future, enjoy the present
[ ] Keep a log about the changes
[ ] write in

What preparations do you take in the week before the semester? (three actions per day)

[ ] Day 1 write in
[ ] Day 2 write in
[ ] Day 3 write in
[ ] Day 4 write in
[ ] Day 5 write in
[ ] Day 6 write in
[ ] Day 7 write in

Read up (grants a small bonus, 90% chance of success)
-Magical Theory

Engage (80% chance of social success)
-talk to your parents
-make some new friends
-talk to your old friends
-Play some competitive games

Exercise (75% chance of a minor stat boost)
-Stretches (minor bonus to other exercises)
-Weight lifting
-write in

Experiment (55% chance of moderate stat boost)
-Science (hands-on learning)
-Magical (aka try to find your 'triggers')
-Physical (aka expand your boundaries)

Relax (95% to regain sanity and/or destress)
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