[X] Tell Morgan that your newest Spell interrupted the radio-contact for the first time, before you destroyed it; explain what it does if she wants to know
-[X] That might happen again
[X] Megatherium
-[X] It lives in a woodland; find its position with Thermal Sense and keep yourself far above in the air, then prepare a few Thermal Spears
--[X] If it is definitely asleep, try to mess with its body temperature to kill it. Since you're not using magic, it might believe it caught some sort of illness.
-[X] Dodge anything it might throw at you and keep your Ignition Aura active around your armour just in case
-[X] Once the spears are ready, encircle it with fire and rain the spears down on it all at once, then follow this up with a Plasma Sphere
-[X] If it is not dead after that but took damage, just carry on as before
--[X] Otherwise, drop in with Infinity Edge after setting everything in the vicinity ablaze and extending Ignition Aura to its maximum range
--[X] Use Halt to stop it from moving whenever you can