Vote tally - Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns

Adhoc vote count started by MilitaryAaa on Aug 13, 2017 at 4:05 PM, finished with 1049 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Magical Girl Quest - The Fire That Burns
Post #1
Post #1049


  • [X] Travel all day, hunt and set up camp before nightfall
    [X] questions for Morgan
    -[X] What are the biggest things I need to absolutely not do?
    -[X] How do those vows work? Can you tell me about yours?
    -[X] Who taught you magic and what can you do?
    --[X] Explain your own powers to some degree if she asks in return; that is only fair
    -[X] You said you saw some interesting things; anything in particular that stands out... besides me, that is?
    -[X] What have you heard about other Magical Girls?
    -[X] By the way, how old are you exactly? From the sound of it, you've been travelling for a while
    -[X] Do you know a way to hide magic use? While it was an ok result this time, you wouldn't want the wrong sort of person or creature being able to track you down by your magic.
    [X] If she does know a way to hide magic use, use part of the walk to try to figure out how to do it yourself. If she doesn't still try to experiment on a way to do so. You wouldn't want to put Una in danger in the future because some monster can sense you.
    [x] Travel half of the day, hunt at lunch time
    [X] Travel all day, hunt and set up camp before nightfall
    [X] Travel all day, hunt and set up camp before nightfall
    [X] questions for Morgan
    -[X] "Tell me everything you know about Magical Girls"
    -[X] "Right, what are the biggest things I need to absolutely not do?"