[X] Split up slightly, make sure that your sister and you stay in sight of each other but keep enough distance that you won't hurt her if something goes wrong.
-[X] Get moving, use reinforcement to keep the pain down and work on multitasking by practicing regeneration at the same time, try to get your injuries healed.
--[X] Keep on the move until dark but if you do get found by the military just surrender at this point. This whole thing has been way too much of a misunderstanding and getting shot at some more is a bad plan. Maybe have Una fashion a white flag for just in case they shoot before asking questions.
[X] You packed bandages- have Una staunch the bleeding while you begin using Regeneration.
-[X] When she is done, get her to back away from you, ideally far enough that if you accidentally lose your cage she will be able to get away but still in your sight.
--[X] Try to move while using regeneration. If it fails and things aren't on fire because of the failure call Una back to you and heal up until your wounds close and you aren't in danger to yourself just walking around doing normal activity.
---[X] If you can use regeneration while moving do so, and call Una back to you.
[X]Once you get moving put your ability to sneak to good use, covering up your tracks.
-[X] Try using your abilities to sense things with Thermokinesis to keep an eye out for anyone following you or any dangerous animals.
-[X] If you pass by a river, if you haven't yet recovered to the point where you stopped bleeding wait to do so than have both you and Una bath in it to help get rid of your scent. The clothes you are wearing have your scent and you are unlikely to be able to wash it out- luckily most of your other clothes are new, wear them and if it isn't too time consuming use your old clothes to set up a false trail. If you feel like it would take too much time, abandon the clothes instead, making them wash down the river.
-[X] Remember to eat some of your food that doesn't need to be cooked, to keep up your strength.
-[X] When it starts coming close to night time try to search for a discreet place for your tent.
-[X] Don't put out a fire this first night, sleep together for warmth.
-[X]Make a mental note to look through the woodland survival book tomorrow, you're going to need it
[X] If you are caught by the military, then you are currently to injured to fight back, and fleeing will probably just get you shot in the back again, and this time you won't survive. Worse — Una could die in the crossfire. If you are given the chance, surrender and at the very least try to convince them that the only wrong Una committed was believing in you.
-[X] If you are not given a chance to surrender and they fire anything other than a warning shot at you, flee with Una.