Vote tally - Magical (A Quest of Vacations, or Starsigns, or Something Else)

Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Feb 27, 2020 at 6:44 AM, finished with 8 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Magical (A Quest of Vacations, or Starsigns, or Something Else)
Post #250
Post #257


  • [X] Sir Mustard- apparently he was knighted at some point, but nobody knows why- is very good at teaching the practical applications of magic, and one of the theories for his particular brand of power involves the Water Spirits. He's very good at ensuring that his students all have friends among their classmates, assigning mostly group projects, but he also spends a good portion of class time keeping certain... belligerent personalities... from killing each other. (Known classmates: Caramel, Nutmeg, Raspberry.)
    [X] Miss Ketchup is known for teaching a rigorous curriculum. She has high expectations of her students, assigning them whatever work she believes they can handle. While she's willing to give assistance to those that actually need it, most choose not to take her up on it because they've seen how busy she keeps herself and don't want to disturb her. She enforces strict discipline on her class, to ensure a proper learning environment, but her students don't get a lot of chances to talk to each other. (Known classmates: Sugar, Merlot.)
    [X] Miss Madeleine is probably the most relaxed teacher in the school. She's known for going off on tangents in class, and is relatively easy for students to approach. She also doesn't seem to mind missed homework all that much. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that while she does always talk about spirits, most of her lessons, in recent years, have been centered around Starsigns, so very little of what you learn will be actually relevant to your life.