You live in a world of wonder and peril, everyday holds a new fun and exciting way to die, I the narrator could list all these enticing ways our hero can die, but i am to bored and lazy to try. Oh of course dear reader i have forget to explain the mechanics of this useless and most likely to be abandoned quest. So I regret to inform you I cannot format well in Sufficient Velocity, so expect sub par everything so of course now we have established our terms and conditions , I shall explain the setting and mechanics of this quest.
But of course i need to do a vote for lurkers to find interest.
[X] Numpton the home of gangbangers and the infamous drug Fairy dust,
the inhabitants are solitary and rather crude and of course the peoples trump card is
dominant magic genes especially of the illusion kind. Oh and dont forget the kigngpin
of gangbangers, the grandson of the choas fairy. FUN BONUS TO ILLUSION MAGIC AND DRUG DEALING. [X] Los Angles the home of entertainment and superheroes.
The thriving inhabitants and the low crime rate due to hereos
actually killing irredeemable villains such as the pranker makes
it fun and safe but hard for a fellow gangster. Bonus to speech and healthy mental state.
write in
couldn't go to normal text colour. Also all this is improvised