[X] ...to always return home to those you care about. Though that group has only just begun to extend beyond your family, you still don't want to lose anyone. You don't want to disappear.
[X] … to be the person that you want to be but can't. Regardless of your own hang ups, it was something only a miracle could accomplish. To be someone who you could truly be happy with.
[X] … to protect everyone that you cherish. Whether that meant fighting witches for an eternity, or always being there for others, your life would be a small price to pay for it.
[X] A World where everyone I care about and those I've yet to care about can be happy, like those old stories where even with the mischeif going on it can be something to laugh off later, a world to jokingly say it Mami could go kart against the witches like Mario does with bowser