Madam Web.

Contessa, Bonesaw, Panacea, And The Fairy Queen/Valkiery have conspired to allow Taylor to retire after golden morning. The Taylor from Epilogue happens, but unbenknownst to her These for capes, Cloned Taylor uploaded her mind triggered her like Bonesaw did to the 9000. Taylor is now a three year old with her power at the point she had it when she triggerd, abandoned in New York, Via the Path to Victory, Stan Lee finds her and Take's her in. Eventually Stan adopts her, and goes back to work to help Suppliment his retirement/Social Security payments. (This is why he has so many different jobs, though cannot explain astronaught). Taylor's power is growing in range by 2.5 blocks each year. On her 9nth Birthday she recieves a present in the mail. It is Contessa telling her that a S Class threat will strike on (the date of the Chitari invasion in the Avenger's Movie), and that Skitter will be needed though try and come up with a different name. Madam web eventually takes over as the warlord/crimelord of a Borough. Gaining a lot of rep when she Killed Abomination from the Hulk movie.
During the Invasion she brings a private army and her swarm Im going to lowball and high estimate her range. She is Fourteen When the invasion happens. her Range is 4.625 miles omnidirectional. (Queen's by itself is a little more than ahundred square miles.)
This Story would hopefully run through the daily grind and big events, Weaving Taylor through multiple movies and Tv Serie's.