Luv and Hate #4 [Quest] (Muv-Luv Alternative/Supreme Commander) - I See You.

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The Prime Directive is so much bullshit in this situation. I'm betting the majority of the population at the tail end of the Infinite War was living a better life than they are doing in the Muv-Luv earth. Even with ACU warlords stomping around it'll still be better than it is right now.
Yezar said:
Which will be bloody hilarious if Yuuhi actually agree with Sagiri and request for our aid in driving the Americans off japan. :p
And if that's asked of us, we can airlift all US, UN and COSEAN/other assets in Japan that aren't nailed down to Korea (having adequately stomped the BETA there first), reclaim everything that is nailed down and leave a message near the top of mt. Fuji, in fifty foot tall burning letters, wishing them "Good Luck with that!"
To add an utterly hilarious point of view:

For EXTRA Sagiri, Takeru pretty much NTRed Kei Ayamine from him in her Route. A Japanese Review of Alternative had one(of many) comments about how they hoped that Sagiri went through a Fight with Ayamine Kei, with the Royal Guard coming in at the last moment to save her ass, just to note on the rather complex relationship Ayamine and Sagiri had in EXTRA. Then try to kill Shirogane for reasons unknown. That said, Shirogane was a NTR agent(due to his Love Nucleus Nature) against Sagiri(who was a normal Medical Doctor in EXTRA).
We probably shouldn't stick around for long, perhaps just long enough to find some people to pilot a couple SaCUs, (Which facehugger has stated won't have the ability to build military stuff without us, to ye naysayers.) then, we should go and kill more beta.

my only question is thus: When will yuuko tell steele about shirogane? He may be a good bet for loyalty, as he only has a loyalty to his friends at this point, what with the whole different world bit. Doesn't even have a UN oath yet.
Alanek2002 said:
my only question is thus: When will yuuko tell steele about shirogane? He may be a good bet for loyalty, as he only has a loyalty to his friends at this point, what with the whole different world bit. Doesn't even have a UN oath yet.
On the Shirogane issue; Steele has, on his own, kind of recognized that Shirogane is kind of "off" for an Cadet(I hope). And that Yuuko keeps him for something. Of course that doesn't mean anything until Yuuko tells him...

Now, how does Yuuko think after the Trashing of Sadogajima. No really, I have no Idea.

And you lot have Steel charging her... that might be a better option than sending the Bratty Savior give his rather empty remarks.
Atreidestrooper said:
On the Shirogane issue; Steele has, on his own, kind of recognized that Shirogane is kind of "off" for an Cadet(I hope). And that Yuuko keeps him for something. Of course that doesn't mean anything until Yuuko tells him...

Now, how does Yuuko think after the Trashing of Sadogajima. No really, I have no Idea.

And you lot have Steel charging her... that might be a better option than sending the Bratty Savior give his rather empty remarks.
Bratty Saviour doesn't have the experience to give his remarks weight. Steele has all the necessary life and battlefield experience to have tremendous weight behind his words.

I get the feeling Yuuko might tell Steele about Shirogane's nature as a one-off remark, just to see if it'll trip him up mentally and tease him mercilessly if it does. Steele'll just have to return the favour.
Uxion said:
Isn't the problems arise because of the conquerors not really caring about the savages and just want all the resources?
Generally it arises due to the courages heroes conquering morons not understanding the political lay of the land from competing interests and when they nation build they shit all over some groups causing massive resentment which when they leave explodes into civil war again.
Delta Green said:
Bratty Saviour doesn't have the experience to give his remarks weight. Steele has all the necessary life and battlefield experience to have tremendous weight behind his words.

I get the feeling Yuuko might tell Steele about Shirogane's nature as a one-off remark, just to see if it'll trip him up mentally and tease him mercilessly if it does. Steele'll just have to return the favour.
Reading all of your post made me wonder what did Takeru do in muvluv equivalent of MGS verse that piss you off
ZeroXSEED said:
Reading all of your post made me wonder what did Takeru do in muvluv equivalent of MGS verse that piss you off

Hell, in that particular universe, the Boss and I held back the BETA on the Moon for a decade longer than the chumps of this and every other Muv Luv universe did. Nobody cared. "The BETA are just a nuisance, they'll never come to Earth."

Our Europe never got overrun either. The Boss saw it as, and I quote, "An insult to everything Cobra Unit ever achieved." to let the BETA take over the place. "Who cares?" was the general reaction to our goddamn brilliant strategic recovery of the fuck-up of Operation Palaiologos.

We took Yokohama ourselves, did you know? My sons, Grey Fox, the rest of FOXHOUND and I butchered our way to the Reactor without TSFs, simply because we were tired of hearing people tell us it was impossible. "G-Bombs won the day." was the reaction despite NO FUCKING G-BOMBS BEING DEPLOYED, since Solidus drop-kicked the American General who was about to give the order.

Though seeing that old bastard flying through a room with Solidus' boots firmly planted in his face was hilarious.

Then this freaking dimensional transfuge shows up and him defeating a couple thousand BETA with training weapons is seen as fucking incredible and unprecedented. Fuck these guys and fuck that Bratty Saviour.
Delta Green said:

Hell, in that particular universe, the Boss and I held back the BETA on the Moon for a decade longer than the chumps of this and every other Muv Luv universe did. Nobody cared. "The BETA are just a nuisance, they'll never come to Earth."

Our Europe never got overrun either. The Boss saw it as, and I quote, "An insult to everything Cobra Unit ever achieved." to let the BETA take over the place. "Who cares?" was the general reaction to our goddamn brilliant strategic recovery of the fuck-up of Operation Palaiologos.

We took Yokohama ourselves, did you know? My sons, Grey Fox, the rest of FOXHOUND and I butchered our way to the Reactor without TSFs, simply because we were tired of hearing people tell us it was impossible. "G-Bombs won the day." was the reaction despite NO FUCKING G-BOMBS BEING DEPLOYED, since Solidus drop-kicked the American General who was about to give the order.

Though seeing that old bastard flying through a room with Solidus' boots firmly planted in his face was hilarious.

Then this freaking dimensional transfuge shows up and him defeating a couple thousand BETA with training weapons is seen as fucking incredible and unprecedented. Fuck these guys and fuck that Bratty Saviour.

At one point you got to stop RPing as Big Boss as it is getting old and annoying. Sure it was fun the last few times but now you sound like you're making Big Boss' character into a facet of a mary sue.
Delta Green said:
Bratty Saviour doesn't have the experience to give his remarks weight. Steele has all the necessary life and battlefield experience to have tremendous weight behind his words.

I get the feeling Yuuko might tell Steele about Shirogane's nature as a one-off remark, just to see if it'll trip him up mentally and tease him mercilessly if it does. Steele'll just have to return the favour.
Shirogane in Muv-luv alternate has watched the earth get pounded by G-bombs hundreds of times, he has the weight of experience it's just that Yuuko wouldn't believe him. Plus Shiroganes memories are hazy so the biggest benefit he gets from them apart from mega tsf skills is ridiculous levels of PTSD.
SuperSonicSound said:
Shirogane in Muv-luv alternate has watched the earth get pounded by G-bombs hundreds of times, he has the weight of experience it's just that Yuuko wouldn't believe him. Plus Shiroganes memories are hazy so the biggest benefit he gets from them apart from mega tsf skills is ridiculous levels of PTSD.
A big part of the reason why Yuuko believes Steele and not Shirogane is that Steele established himself as an equal in pretty much their first meeting through DG's write in, then you guys had to earn mondo Yuuko points with the compsci research (as your first project even, making Yuuko feel even more intrigued!) due to Steele's own ego and pride in the UEF pushing him to keep up with her. That, combined with his age (around her age +/- a couple years instead of a decade younger) and the fact that his memories are perfectly clear so he can talk about them in horrifying detail causes her to treat him much differently. Well, that and the fact that Shirogane was a *witness* to an atrocity, while Yuuko and Steele were the responsible parties behind atrocities, so they can understand each other much more.

Shirogane can talk vaguely about G-bombs making huge salt deserts where oceans could be, but due to Sumika, he doesn't remember how it felt (he still finds himself feeling horrible about it but can't remember the specifics of why), he doesn't remember the salty taste that lingers in the air or any of the other little details that make for an evocative and compelling image. Steele remembers those details all too well, and that comes through in his body language when he speaks about it even when he's trying to give a sterile emotionless accounting of events.

Update not soon but it'll definitely happen today. Or possibly late tonight/early tomorrow morning as I do have errands to run shortly. Will obviously be new thread since you guys got to 99.

So far: You've broken Marimo's mind and caused her to basically pull a nope/abandonthread.jpg. You've had some more cuddling with Yuuko. You'll be doing refugee analysis and, since Steele has Will as his primary trait and Compassion as his secondary, you'll be building your first refugee complex as a pilot program once the analysis is done because the depth of people suffering like this will be shocking and unacceptable to Steele so he's not going to tarry when he could be helping people right now. After that you'll have an opportunity to decide what you do for the next day (or longer, if you take the European vacation or starting the UEF world tour options.)

You'll also be meeting Mitsuko and seeing the sheer depth of hate that she has for her sister. But deep down she still loves Yuuko too and is immensely disappointed at how things turned out and wishes things could've been different.
Jonen C said:
Speaking of which, what is UEF doctrine in response to ideological/popular/military uprisings/coups (delete as applicable)?
Aside from LOLNOPE?
"So I heard you liek Mavors. Have all the Mavors."

Outright rebellions against UEF authority are put down with extreme prejudice. UEF citizens are supposed to vote with the e-ballot, not the plasma rifle.
Atreidestrooper said:
To be honest, I'm feeling at bit miffed at how Sagiri is being treated here.
I'm trying to portray him in a more nuanced fashion. He's not dumb or malicious, he's just got ideological blinders on. Hopefully that'll come through as you guys see more of him.
And, when you add how in the EXTRA Verse Kei and Sagiri were very close once, and Sagiri's "I have letters to write" in the Interlude probably include letters to Kei amongst others...
It absolutely includes letters to Kei. His lieutenant is actually really sad about that because she loves him and wants him to write letters to her. Instead he writes letters to that Ayamine hussy, a woman who never writes back and probably doesn't even care about him.
Honestly if we can have Sagiri as an ally I'll shed manly tears

If we can get Walken too? Win. forever.
ZeroXSEED said:
Honestly if we can have Sagiri as an ally I'll shed manly tears

I declare the quest win forever
It's not impossible you know, if we emphasize our status as not being for any nation but working for all of humanity. Putting the needs of every nation on the balance we might be able to break through his whole "Muh nationalism"

if the coup can be ended bloodlessly with out sapping huge amounts of japans military population that would be pretty great.
Uxion said:
I wasn't aware that Marimo was part of the coup?
she.. isn't?
arsdraconis said:
why the hell would we want Sagiri?

if our goal is to unite all mankind, he's fucking toxic
See hugger's post

I understood your hatred though, and it's less about we need him and more like... a fucking achievement.
Cpl_Facehugger said:
You'll also be meeting Mitsuko and seeing the sheer depth of hate that she has for her sister. But deep down she still loves Yuuko too and is immensely disappointed at how things turned out and wishes things could've been different.
So, Facehugger, what are the chances that if we establish Steele as a humanitarian, then one of the reasons Mitsuko will try to steal him away from Yuuko is, not only because of any petty vengeance she can get, but because he is obviously "too good" for her and she needs to "rescue" Steele before her sister makes him into "another monster like her" who is going to, literally, feed kids to BETA.

Stopping now, just wanted to get this out before the update and in this thread.
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