Lurking on SV

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Hello everyone, this might not be the best form, but I've been lurking quite a bit and I...
Hello everyone, this might not be the best form, but I've been lurking quite a bit and I recently got an English project to write about an online community. I figured I'd write a semi-parody mostly-imitation piece on Sufficient Velocity.

I've mostly lurked on the creative writing subforums of Space Battles and Sufficient Velocity, but I've somewhat explored the other subforums for this project, and it's been interesting. I doubt this is a fully accurate representation of life here on the board, but hopefully I'm not offending anyone.

So here is what I wrote, the formatting is destroyed from the Word document and some ghost tables are here, but feel free to leave any feedback, criticism, cries of outrage, etc.

Sufficient Velocity
"Q: How many posters does it take to derail a thread? A: One, at sufficient stupidity."

I really need to stop procrastinating on my homework. This can't be good for my grades. Of course I could just spend a few minutes on Reddit or something. Maybe see if there's any amusing threads in Sufficient Velocity right now. It's only midnight, I can lurk for a little while.

Let's just take a quick peek at the versus threads. Maybe someone has come up with something entertaining.

Master Chief v Master Chef
Discussion in 'Versus Debates' started by Clean Hats, Yesterday at 5:10 PM.
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Clean Hats
Alright guys, I know this sounds stupid, but Master Chief from Halo vs an Executive Chef in a 5-Star restaurant.

We need to find something they'd both be arbitrarily bad at, so here's my scenario:

Directing, filming, and editing a nature documentary.

-Both of them are placed in the Amazon jungle in the same location.
-Both of them are given one hand camera and enough batteries to last one month.
-Both of them are also given enough supplies to survive for one month.


Clean Hats, Yesterday at 5:10 PM

Would the flood count as nature? Because I'm sure there's enough footage of the flood on Master chief's helmet to edit into a documentary. He could probably get Cortana to do the editing as well.

Wait, where in the series would we be going with this?

Aethermin, Yesterday at 5:40 PM

Clean Hats
I'm not really sure. Let's go with after Halo 3? Seems as good as any other arbitrary point.

Clean Hats, Yesterday at 5:45 PM


Joenoun, Yesterday at 6:01 PM

Did you know there is actually an iOS app that Bungie released about Master Chief making a stealth documentary about the Covenant? It's called Halo: Snap.

Also, in the 15th book of the series, they note that every Spartan II is given full training on the wildlife of every major environment of every major planet in their survival training.

What does an executive chef know? I feel like that's very dependent on the individual, but that in general the chef is probably completely out of any form of expertise.

DarkValley, Yesterday at 7:00 PM

Start Rise
Master Chief punches the chef; then he wins because any documentary is better than none.


Start Rise, Yesterday at 7:45 PM
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Aaaaaand the answer is no, no one has posted anything reasonable. I'm not even going to touch the new Star Wars vs Star Trek thread. People really need to learn to read the rules. Anything else good here? MLP vs Vader, Halo vs Mass Effect again, Avatar vs Cthulhu, Guy from Doom vs XCOM squad, SAO vs network lag. That last one sounds interesting.

Damn, no posts other than the OP.

Maybe there's something better going on in the news forum?

[Horrible] Super Ebola in Ukraine?
Discussion in 'Current Affairs' started by Feathered Paladin, Sunday at 1:34 PM.
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Feathered Paladin
The New York Times just reported that there is apparently an outbreak of some new strain of ebola in Ukraine?


I know there was a confirmed case recently in Dallas, Texas, but I'm concerned it might be related. There are some preliminary reports that this strain might be airborne. Anyone have any idea what is going on?

EDIT: Apparently it is airborne, but they are quarantining off all cases. It appears this is relatively effective and infection rates are down.

EDIT 2: Bad news, someone was stupid enough to travel out of the country and now it's in Belgium.

Last edited: Monday at 6:23 AM
Feathered Paladin, Sunday at 1:34 PM

Nope, more bad news. Why do I even go to this board? It's usually just about how terrible things are getting. After last week's posts about the mile wide bee swarms plaguing New York, they should have just renamed the board to Shitty Things Going on RIGHT NOW! Well, it is always fun reading people panicking about everything. Or just complaining about people, usually conservatives. Let's go to the last page.

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Well, by the sounds of it, it's time to leave this universe. Can someone point me to the nearest exit?

StreetSmart, Monday at 7:18 AM

Did you hear that the US is now arming their police with flamethrowers and gas masks in case of disease? They're even starting to give incendiary grenades to the police officers in schools.

I think this might be a severe overreaction to the current state of affairs and that the government is overstepping its bounds more than usual. I mean, the constant drone surveillance of our streets was one thing, but this is ridiculous.

BobGeorge, Monday at 10:37 PM

I for one welcome our new Nurgle overlord.


NGKing, Monday at 12:40 PM

Man, I am so glad that here in New Zealand the guards' only access to guns is inside of a lockbox in a safe in the trunk of the car sealed by a two person simultaneous key authorization.

Baller, Monday at 12:40 PM


NGKing said:
I for one welcome our new Nurgle overlord.

Iä! Iä! Cthulhu Fhtagn!

Back on topic though, has there been any confirmation that it might have crossed into France yet? I'm pretty sure most countries have a quarantine protocol for pandemics like this, and I at least know that the CDC has the LRN working overtime on some sort of vaccine or countermeasure for this.

Has the ECDC released any statements about what the current state of affairs is?

SAKIN, Monday at 1:20 PM

Powder Fire

Feathered Paladin said:

Bad news everyone!

It looks like Belgium is reporting a case of ebola, they haven't mentioned if it's the new strain or not, but I'm betting it is.


Now for the collective sound of a million bricks being shat.

Powder Fire, Monday at 3:42 PM

*screams internally*

Mk19Panzer, Monday at 9:03 PM


BobGeorge said:

Did you hear that the US is now arming their police with flamethrowers and gas masks
We will burn our own to hold the red line; it is the last line to ever hold!

But seriously, this is getting to new levels with the police state.

Blooblah, Monday at 9:13 PM


Ogre, Monday at 9:44 PM
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Nice gif. Time to save it. Though I really should find a use for all of these reaction gifs. My folder is just getting painfully large like some sort of green sentient mold. I hope it doesn't gain a collective consciousness.

I feel a little sleepy, wonder what time it is.


4 AM. Well crap. I can finish my homework before class, right?
Seen enough parodies with the various PHO interludes in Worm fics, but this is the first meta-fic I've seen. Watched.
Go for it?

I'm probably not going to be posting more since this class has been about short form fiction and also I mostly enjoy lurking about creeping on everyone's writing. I am glad people are enjoying this though.
This is cool, enjoying it completely. I am however disappointed you didn't put a reference to Madagascar in the Ebola thread.

Gaze upon it and learn!!!!