Lords of the Lost World: A Jurassic Park dinosaur Quest

As you watched the last of the pack of invading Deinonychus flee, you roar in triumph. Your roar is loud and proud, echoing throughout the dense jungle of your territory and shaking rain from the tree branches above.
:rolleyes: Oh yes, we landed one successful attack in the entire engagement and received three times the damage we actually dished out, truly a performance for the ages Medusa. They might've actually killed us if we didn't manage to get the leader soon enough to trigger their Panic in time. The Battle Scarred trait's pretty nice though, will it apply to other opponent categories as it levels up, or do we need other traits for that?

without the male unless they aren't purebred then they should have trouble with breeding,
Only as long as it takes for one of them to turn male to replace him though.

A patrol and long rest are indeed both called for next turn.
:rolleyes: Oh yes, we landed one successful attack in the entire engagement and received three times the damage we actually dished out, truly a performance for the ages Medusa. They might've actually killed us if we didn't manage to get the leader soon enough to trigger their Panic in time.
"I got some good hits in though." -Medusa probably if she could talk.
The Battle Scarred trait's pretty nice though, will it apply to other opponent categories as it levels up, or do we need other traits for that?
Yes to the former.
January, 1994 - Week 2
Isla Sorna Weather Report: Sunny
Effect: No Effect

The rains that have been plaguing the island the previous week have finally subsided, the sun peering through the gaps of the clouds that steadily cleared away. The resurrected dinosaurs of Isla Sorna leave the sanctuary of the jungle canopy that had protected them from the rain, filtering out into the clearings and the fields of the island. You still feel the effects of your battle with the Deinonychus pack that had invaded your territory, but it shouldn't hinder you too much. You do not detect their scent within your territory any longer, so it is possible you may never encounter them again. But another week has come and you can't lay around lingering on old wounds, you have a territory to attend to.

Choose three actions:

[ ] Stamina:
No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[ ] Satiety: Hunger is the most primal of needs. Whether you gain your food by scavenging it or hunting it, the end result is the same: a full belly.

[ ] Social: You are not the only one living here, there are other members of your species you can interact with, whether positively or not! No creature is an island, after all.

[ ] Territory: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

There will be a FOUR HOUR moratorium on voting to allow discussion.
Our Satiety is still not too low, but our Stamina is getting there, so I'd like to get a proper Long Rest. Hopefully that's also how we recover Health faster. Now that we know how the Territory actions are divided, I'm thinking we should do two of them, one to actually locate a herd of prey without scaring them off so we can hunt better next turn when we're hungrier, and the other to Patrol to keep more idiots who think they can assassinate us from interrupting our Rest again.

I know we'd like to get some Social done, but based on last time that's going to be a slow grind for the early game before our progress starts to compound on itself.
Is this the format to use when taking multiples of the same action category?

[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[X] Territory x2: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.
Oh good the weather's clearing up.

Yeah better attend to that Stamina.

Upside to the business with the deinonychus pack (beside scars which are nice of course) is that we got a little chicken snack out of it. Not much but we'll last a little longer.

[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[X] Territory x2: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

We probably want to patrol before we rest and search for prey after though.
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[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[X] Territory x2: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.
[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.

[X] Territory x2: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.
January, 1994 - Week 2.1
[X] Stamina: No creature can go without rest, not even one as mighty as you. It is good every now and then to stop and take a breather.
[X] Territory x2: You have your kingdom and as its ruler you have to maintain it, expand it, and defend it.

You have been running yourself ragged over the past week, especially after your battle with the invaders that attempt to hunt you while you slumbered. You will need to rest soon to regain your strength, but last week proved that much and the scars on your body even more so. With the weather now more favorable there are likely not to be as many dinosaurs moving through the jungle for the time being, likely sticking to the clearings and the fields. Still, despite the reduced activity within the confines of the jungle safety is another issue entirely. On Isla Sorna, you are never truly safe.

Select one:
[ ] Short rest within territory
- No need to spend the whole day sleeping, you have so much to do! A brief rest within your territory and you'll be good for the rest of the day.
-[ ] Rest in the heart of your territory.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Long rest within your territory
- You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[ ] Rest in the heart of your territory.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Short rest outside your territory
- There is a lot of activity within your territory so it may be for the best to rest outside it for a while. Being outside your territory comes with some risks, so no need to linger too long with your rest.
-[ ] Rest in the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest in the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest in the Southern Highlands.

[ ] Long rest outside your territory
- There is a lot of activity within your territory so it may be for the best to rest outside it for a while. You have no fear of what might be lurking within the wilderness of the island and will take your time with you slumber!
-[ ] Rest in the West Delta.
-[ ] Rest in the Deep Channel.
-[ ] Rest in the Southern Highlands.


The needs of your territory can't be ignored. The Maiasaura have fled to an unknown location and the pack of smaller carnivores daring to enter your territory are things to be concerned about. On Isla Sorna, defense of one's territory is paramount lest other speices should over take you. While Deinonychus pack had only been within your borders temporarily, the fact remains that other predators might soon make themselves known and expand their territories into your own. But for the time being you are the lord of this portion of the island and you will do as you please within its borders.

Select two:
[ ] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[ ] The center
-[ ] Southern Highlands border
-[ ] West Delta border
-[ ] Deep Channel border

[ ] Expand Territory into the Southern Highlands
- Your territory needs to grow, and the rest of the Southern Highlands seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Expand Territory into the West Delta - Your territory needs to grow, and the West Delta seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Expand Territory into the Deep Channel - Your territory needs to grow, and the Deep Channel seems like a good place to start.

[ ] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[ ] Select one species from any unlocked Bestiary.

There will be a FOUR HOUR moratorium on voting to allow discussion.
[X] Short rest within territory
- No need to spend the whole day sleeping, you have so much to do! A brief rest within your territory and you'll be good for the rest of the day
[X] Patrol Territory
- Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
[X] Southern Highlands border
-[X ] West Delta border
Do we put our choices in the order we want to do them in?

[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center

[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] Southern Highlands border​
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Sorry, the four hour moratorium ended past midnight for me, so it slipped my mind.

[X] Patrol Territory -
Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] Southern Highlands border

[X] Search for Species
- There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura

[X] Long rest within your territory -
You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest near the border of the Southern Highlands.

We need to locate prey to hunt next turn. We should rest in the same place we Patrol for most safety, and patrolling the heart of our territory and not the borders doesn't make much sense to me, so I picked the Southern Highlands side since it should have the least amount/no other predators.
Does the disadvantage on hunting rolls we got from that failed Search for Maiasaura roll last turn apply to further Search for Maiasaura rolls this turn or do they only apply for actually hunting them?
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] Southern Highlands border
I would much prefer for us to Search for a Prey species, any species, than to do an unnecessary second Patrol. I want the chances of us going hungry next turn to be as low as possible.
Do we put our choices in the order we want to do them in?
Yes. I took the liberty of having the Stamina action happening last in the previous turn since you guys had full Stamina at the time and it would have been a dick move to have you guys essentially waste your rest and get no Stamina regen at all. From now on though I will not be so merciful.
Does the disadvantage on hunting rolls we got from that failed Search for Maiasaura roll last turn apply to further Search for Maiasaura rolls this turn or do they only apply for actually hunting them?
Actually hunting. Searching for them is just trying to find where they were located in your territory.
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] Southern Highlands border
Why is everyone doing an extra Patrol in a part of the territory we're not even going to be resting in instead of trying to get a bonus to Hunting next turn? I haven't seen any explanation for this.
Why is everyone doing an extra Patrol in a part of the territory we're not even going to be resting in instead of trying to get a bonus to Hunting next turn? I haven't seen any explanation for this.

For me I was unsure whether the penalty we got from the failed Search for Maiasaura action last turn actually effect additional search actions this turn.

I didn't want to risk a search action if we are going to be rolling at a disadvantage.

Now that that's clarified I'm willing to Search instead.
[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.​
[X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
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Alright, we've got bit of a tie going on here, so I'm gonna leave the vote going for a couple more days and hopefully we'll get some more votes in and we won't have the tie.
Will changing my vote solve the tie? I'm not really hung up on the location as long as it matches.

[X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
-[X] The center
[X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
-[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.
[X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
-[X] Maiasaura
Hold up, I think I may have miscounted. I'm just going to do a tally real quick to make sure I didn't just fuck up. Regardless of the answer, the vote will remain open!

edit: Yeah, I screwed up. Still, vote will still be open for a few days.
Adhoc vote count started by TheLordofAwesome on Dec 7, 2018 at 2:43 PM, finished with 15 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
    -[X] The center
    [X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
    -[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.​
    [X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
    [X] Southern Highlands border
    [X] Short rest within territory
    - No need to spend the whole day sleeping, you have so much to do! A brief rest within your territory and you'll be good for the rest of the day

    [X] Patrol Territory
    - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.

    [X] Southern Highlands border
    [X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
    -[X] The center
    [X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
    -[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.​
    [X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
    -[X] Maiasaura
    [X] Patrol Territory - Your territory needs to be defend it and the best way to do that is to patrol it in search of potential intruders.
    -[X] The center
    [X] Long rest within your territory - You need as much rest as you can get and there is no need to play it safe within your own territory.
    -[X] Rest in the heart of your territory.​
    [X] Search for Species - There are a myriad of species living in your territory but it isn't like you know where exactly they all are. It might be good to try and find the spots they frequent for future reference.
    -[X] Maiasaura
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