Lords of Gossamer (Reboot) - Discussion Thread

United Kingdom

This is a reboot of this thread: Crossover - OOC - Lords of Gossamer (Closed)

For those not familiar think of it as a bit like Gurps Infinite Worlds. It is in essence a careful blend of both science fiction and science fantasy, some worlds you visit can be one or the other. Some could actually be more akin to hard science fiction, and others pulpy. It gives the player plenty of freedom to choose the kind of character they want to play.

Players can literally be anything, within reason but must follow a few guidelines below.

1. Must be able to die
2. Cannot resurrect themselves from goo or significant portion destroyed
3. Cannot be invulnerable.
4. No soul munching characters
5. Must be corporeal.

A mythical being such an angel, fallen angel, demon.
MCU Asgardian, although you could easily have some alternate type either Olympians, Angels, Demons etc.
Nightbane: These are more-or-less immortal shape changers that have taken the form of multiple beings from mythology, and are as strong as an MCU Asgardian, many of which possess magic, of a sorts. @samdamandias this choice is for you.
In fact anything from Nightbane, or in fact Palladium would be fine.
Lantern Corps
Demigod from Savage World Suzerain.
Others are available.

While it is not running on Savage Worlds or Gurps, the below image sums up the kind of game we're doing here.

Players will be around MCU Avengers or Guardians of the Galaxy level.

Style and Tone
Big larger than life heroes that stride across the multiverse righting wrongs and generally enjoying everything all the worlds have to offer. Whilst things might get dark with worlds in peril hope will always shine through in the form of our heroes, rogues and anti-heroes.

Whilst the characters might not see eye to eye they generally work together for the same goal, not that they might occasional work against each other...

Grand Stair
It floats in Shadow, a testament to the builders. It winds through the multiverse, a behind-the-scenes tunnel connecting all of the alternate and parallel worlds but it is not a pathway to other planes of existence. The doors that link to almost every place a door can link. It is a vast, possibly infinite stairwell that takes many, many shapes and forms throughout its length. Though it is called the Grand Stair, it would be inaccurate to describe it solely as a staircase. Instead, it is almost a crazy quilt collection of staircases, halls, foyers, vestibules, landings, anterooms, passages, apparent lobbies, corridors, halls and amphitheatres, and even more convoluted sections of architecture, all connected in a branching, infinite fashion. All along are the portals, fashioned in an equally bewildering range of shapes and sizes, united solely in their sense of being "door-like." A notable characteristic of the Grand Stair is that it is eternal, indestructible. Throughout its history, weapons of incalculable destructive power—bombs, lasers, chemical agents, fusion weapons, etc.—have been used within it, and none have been able to damage it sufficiently.

It is sometimes called Shadow, but sandwiched between the infinite universal streams that make up the multiverse, there is an expanse that acts as a buffer between dimensions. It is the nullity of reality and in this stark nothingness floats the infinite worlds, drifting like wisps of gossamer (like the stuff of which they are named), floating in an infinite black void of nothingness, the place that is not a place. The landscape is always a moving, shifting shade of grey, or black that must be concentrated upon to maintain any consistency. There could be lost worlds that broke free or great pieces of those worlds. There may even be giant chthonic beings of unimaginable power, sleeping or simply floating in space, barely aware of the worlds.

If you imagine every universe being represented by a single star, this is the void of space between them. However, that huge emptiness serves as both distance and ward, with the walls of reality keeping the worlds from bleeding into the emptiness.

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Grand Stair-10 points

It was a trans-dimensional construct composed of some featureless black material capable of withstanding universal detonations. In reality it is composed of mathematics that is eternal, and indestructible. It connects all the worlds in the multiverse via portals of different shapes and sizes. It is a vast, infinite place that takes many, many shapes and forms throughout its length.

Abilities (Immortal, Peak, Opening, Closing & Holding, Locking & Unlocking, Veil, Exegesis (Translation Time Lord style, Wayfinding)

Dimensional Roads (10 points)
There are secret paths that traverse all of the multiverse. Mundane humans cannot even see or cross them, while great heroes might study high magic to force their way onto these perilous roads. Locating a secret path requires the use of psychic senses by seeking invisible signs that mark a road. And above, beyond and around the ocean, accessible through dreams and other, semi-conscious mechanisms, are the Dimensional Roads. This immense latticework of pathways can be wandered like any road, arching above, through and beyond the fabric of the Multiverse. A traveller can perceive the entire Multiverse around them. Walking it, one is conscious of the immensity of the Million Spheres, of their shifting, restless nature and one is aware of the incredible power that binds the whole together.

All powers as per Grand Stair.

World Walking-10 points
There are secret paths that traverse all of the multiverse. They exist on land, in the sea, and beneath the earth and are the purview of various Olympian gods and generally require a traveller to possess divine blood in order to traverse them safely. Mundane humans cannot even see or cross them, while great heroes might study high magic to force their way onto these perilous roads. Locating a secret path requires the use of psychic senses by seeking invisible signs that mark a road.

Same as Grand Stair

Magic (Simple)- 5 points

Magic is energy. Particularly, the energy created through the tension between the Eidolon and the Umbra, generated when stability and entropy are in conflict.

Invasive (Mind Touch, Death, Immobility, Sleep, Weaken)
Defensive (Augment, Barrier, Magic Drain, Ward-Material, Resistance, Psychic)
Summoning (Bolt, Environmental Attk, Replicate Object, Teleport)
Micro (Magic Energy, Portal, Shaping)

Magic (Generic)- 15 points
This is the ability to control the energies of the multiverse and, through that control, create powerful effects. As such, it has no allegiance to the powers. This knowledge is dangerous to sanity, soul and life. It can spawn matter and energy in violation of all known physical laws. To work magic, one must be able to weave it into the right matrix. Those who can sense and manipulate it can create and destroy with the force of their wills.

Abilities (Immortal*, Sight, Cantrips, Hanging, Lynchpins, Combine, Manipulation**)

* You need to pick a form of immortality, such as Ambrosia, Virus etc. If people aren't sure what is acceptable then ask.

** This allows you to change the duration, area effect, output of the spells in question.

Circles- 30 points
These are whole of magic that cover more than a dozen spells, and likely more, areas or spheres of study such fire or astral, telekinesis etc

Examples: Biomancy, Enchantment, Ley-Line, Life-force, Power Words, Scrying, Shapeshifting

You could use other RPG sources for inspiration here, such as Unisystem, Gurps, Palladium as prime examples.

Power Words (5 points)
These do not involve tremendous changes in the nature of reality, but instead are minor adjustments, little "tweaks" to the temporary state of things. These subtle manipulations of pure will are less complex than actual spells. The power is a very simple and basic manipulation of energies, lacking the complexity and elegance of other powers. It is fast and easy to use, but the effects are also relatively weak and of short duration.

They are a limited form of magic, used mostly in a defensive way. Power words are easy to cast, instantaneous in effect, but have no lasting effect. Because it involves channelling a burst of energy they are always noticeable, never concealed.

Examples: Life-Force, Nullify Magic, Mana, Neural Disrupt, Pain, Psychic Defence, Psychic Disrupt, Shut, Stun, Weaken Structure,

This is the ability to change your form, in limited or not-so limited ways. It allows the user to shift from one form like flowing water.

Lesser (15 Points): The form the character takes must at least have animal sentience and be alive: no rocks, tables, or ice ladders. An individual assuming a shape that does not possess the ability to think loses the ability to change back.

Greater (30 Points): The user can shift into almost anything as well as allowing total bodily control such that it allows immortality. You're almost a Founder from Star Trek, but not quite there yet (that is the next level up).

True Names (30 points)
Every living being and some powerful magic items have a True Name, the utmost expression of its essence and innermost nature. It is a unique moniker in the mystical proto-language that has existed since the making of the Grand Stair, and perhaps prior. This language—variously called Orphic, Enochian, Logos, Shabda, and Mabrahoring, among other names—underlies all of matter and life, and most languages spoken anywhere are derivations of it. A True Name in this tongue is a special bit of knowledge, almost the equivalent of a cosmic serial number, a multi-layered fragment of information that must be perceived at several metaphysical and intellectual levels to be fully comprehended.

Wrighting (30 points)
There came a great need to communicate with one another across the Void separating the worlds. To meet this need, the earliest sorcerers were devoted to the arcane discipline that eventually became the magic of Wrighting. A unique fusion of art, enchantment, and idolatry that allows the creation of a likeness of a particular being, instilling in it a magic link by which that being can be contacted. Icons take many forms, but all are fashioned to resemble a particular being, unique throughout all of the Gossamer worlds. An Icon is a mystic link, almost a cross-dimensional telephone number.

Spheres (50 Points)
These are exactly like Circles, but far more comprehensive and allow far greater scope of control over reality.

Below are some examples-

* Death: You may command the powers of unlife.
* Energy: This controls all forms of energy and force, natural or artificial, found in the material world, including heat, light, electricity, radiation, gravity and kinetic energy.
* Fate: You command cosmic forces including luck, destiny, and alignment.
* Life: You wield the powers of life.
* Matter You may create and alter physical materials.
* Mind: You gain the ability to influence and alter the affect the following-communication, hallucinations, mental projection, mind control, empathy, aura reading, and telepathy.
* Spirit: This deals with communion and control of spirits
* Time: You can alter the flow of time itself.
* Warp: You can twist space to your whim.

Psionic-15 points

This is the power to control psychic energy. Some super-powered individuals can turn her psychic energy into weapons; such as blades.

Abilities (Immortal, Sight)

Circles (30 points)
These are almost identical to those from magic, except the breakdown of disciplines is slightly different.

Energetics (Light, Elemental, Electromnagetic) - Pick One
Kinetics (Telekinetic, Biokinetics etc) - Pick One
Sense: You gain information not available to the usual five senses.

Metaphysics-Greater Powers
Chaos - 50 points
This is a chaotic, entropic force that destabilizes, mutates, and disorganizes reality. It drives creativity and destruction, but it is also a vital part of any cycle of life and renewal, an agent of evolution and of change, destroying old matter and patterns so that new and sometimes better ones might emerge. They bear within them the chaotic, ever-shifting mutation of Chaos, a dynamic and ever-changing influence that permeates their bodies at the very basest levels of existence.

Abilities (Immortal, Magic, Alter Reality, Defence, Offence)

Order- 50 points
This is stasis, the perfect ideal of how something should be. It is the perfect alignment of reality, the uttermost pinnacle of existence. It guides everything into a harmonic arrangement at the very basic level. Underlying everything, like a cosmic blueprint that extends to the minutest levels, it shimmers as a manifestation of an idealized reality that guides and directs the shape and alignment of matter and energy in what is known as the ephemeral blueprint. Those who become attuned it are able to perceive the greater aesthetic nature of reality and able to manifest or evoke it. Many contemplate the innermost harmony, attaining a higher realm of spiritual existence.

Abilities (Immortal, Magic, Alter Reality, Defence, Offence)
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This section is fairly self explanatory really.
You can buy / purchase objects that have particular qualities (if we're doing that?), and is fairly simple really.

Animal Vitality (1)
Double Vitality (2)
Immense Vitality (4)

Mobility (1)
Double Speed (2)
Engine Speed (4)

Superior Stamina (1)
Paragon Stamina (2)
Tireless Stamina (4)

Combat Training (1)
Combat Reflexes (2)
Combat Mastery (4)

Hardened (1)
Double Damage (2)
Deadly Damage (4)

Resistant to Normal Weapons (1)
Resistant to Firearms (2)
Invulnerable to Conventional Weapons (4): Cannot be damaged by conventional means. This does not mean that the wearer is immune to harm, but that the armour certainly is.

Intelligence and Communication
Able to speak (2)
Able to Speak and Reason (2)
Able to Speak in Tongues and Voices (4)

Psychic Sensitivity
Sensitivity (1)
Danger Sensitivity (2)
Extraordinary Psychic Sense (4)

Psychic Defence
Psychic Resistance (12)
Psychic Neutral (2)
Psychic Barrier (4)

Attunement to the Grand Stair
Pass through Door (1)
Follow Path (2)
Search Through Worlds (4)

Control of Gossamer Reality
Mould Gossamer Matter (1)
Mould Gossamer Creatures (2):
Mould Gossamer Reality (4)

Self-Healing (1)
Rapid Healing (2)
Regeneration (4)

Alternate Form (1)
Named and Numbered Alternate Forms (2): Twelve additional shapes or forms.
Limited Shape-Shift (4)

Contains an Icon
Contains an Icon (1)
Set of Icons (2):

True Name
True Name Is Known (1)
True Name Is Warded (2)
True Name Is Secret (4)

Words of Power
One Only (1)
Named and Numbered (2): Contains up to a dozen words.

Spell Storage
One Spell (1): Only has a singular spell.
Capable of Hanging Named & Numbered Spells (2): Up to a dozen spells
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Instead of jumping in like last time, let's make it a discussion.
Players either picking three objects from their home universe or having a point buy.
Points or put something reasonable together?
Which would work better?
Obvious caveat, certain ideas may take up all the slots - for instance a Lantern Corps wielder.
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Instead of jumping in like last time, let's make it a discussion.
Players either picking three objects from their home universe or having a point buy.
Points or put something reasonable together?
Which would work better?
Obvious caveat, certain ideas may take up all the slots - for instance a Lantern Corps wielder.

What would be the point buy?
I just deleted all my posts in the thread. I'm not mad, I just need to get off on the right foot for once, and I haven't done that today.
I think I will watch Doctor Strange some time this week, or even tonight, and see if the new Doctor Strange is low enough level for this.

It isn't a low level RP at all. Order or Chaos let's you edit reality for instance. If I allowed 120 Chaos you get Scarlet Witch (616) version but you're not batting in that league to start with.
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What is an 'icon' in the section of Artefacts that had the 'contains an icon ' stuff?
What is an 'icon' in the section of Artefacts that had the 'contains an icon ' stuff?

That deals with Wrighting, something I realised I had not posted when I went to bed. Basically magical images that allow you to communicate with a particular person from different worlds.

Edit: forgot to post Power Words and True Names too. I will do that tonight when I get in from work.
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Sorry about the last game, the rollout and some RL timing didn't quite work out, but I'm interested and back from vacation and the craziness leading up to it.

Point buy is definitely preferable.
Sorry about the last game, the rollout and some RL timing didn't quite work out, but I'm interested and back from vacation and the craziness leading up to it.

That is okay, and I hope you had a cracking vacation.

Point buy is definitely preferable.

That is what I'd prefer to honest.
But we need more potential players.
Expanded powers somewhat to include a section on Psionics, and included Power Words, Wrighting, True Names and Shapeshifting (it allows immortality).

What about a baby Q?

Don't be silly.
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I'm talking specifically from a Star Trek episode, someone who was half Q and half Human. But then again, you said, "Don't be silly". lol

That was Amanda, and she was fully Q.
Thinking of around 60 for powers, and 30 for toys.
But if there was a majority wanting to pick a few powers and be sensible I could go with that.
But would likely allow players to exchange powers for objects, but not the other way around.
That was Amanda, and she was fully Q.
Thinking of around 60 for powers, and 30 for toys.
But if there was a majority wanting to pick a few powers and be sensible I could go with that.
But would likely allow players to exchange powers for objects, but not the other way around.

Ah, yeah I'm interested in being a half Q, but I'm interested in something else if you rather I wouldn't.
Would people rather pick a character from fiction to play for instance?
Some alternate version?