Vote tally - Lords of Darkness (WHF CK2-Ish Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Alucard Vampiry on May 18, 2020 at 7:50 PM, finished with 23 posts and 12 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Alucard Vampiry
Lords of Darkness (WHF CK2-Ish Quest)
Post #297
Post #319


  • [X] Plan Lord of the Night
    -[X] Gather The Undead of Mousillon
    -[X] Gather The Beasts of Mousillon
    -[X] (Living) Barracks
    -[X] Trained Diplomats
    -[X] Diplomatic Staff
    -[X] Roads
    -[X] Build Schools
    -[X] Iron Mines
    -[X] Steal Technology (Brettonia)
    -[X] Steal Technology (Empires of Man)
    -[X] No 3rd Intrigue action
    -[X] Risen Standard Bearers
    -[X] Master of the Putrid Horde
    -[X] Unearth Cursed Wightblades
    -[X] Learn Subterfuge
    -[X] Practice Your Light Magic
    -[X] Practice your vampire magic
    [X] Plan Growth Growth Growth
    - [X] (Living) Barracks: If you want to turn your living forces into proper soldiers they will need a place to stay and training while not proper training fields it is a step towards that direction. DC 10
    - [X] Gather The Beasts of Mousillon: Mousillon not only holds undead, dark beasts such as direwolves, vargheists, ghouls, and many more inhabit the shadowlands of Mousillon. DC 35
    - [X] Build Ghost Fence: A ghost fence is a barrier with little physical substance - merely a series of poles or posts upon which are hung accursed fetishes and totems to which Daemonic and Undead spirits have been bound with forbidden spells. Only a brave or foolish warrior crosses a ghost fence without good cause - or without powerful protective wards. DC 45
    - [X] Trained Diplomats: Always better to have full-time professionals in charge of this than the ones who won their position by bribes or favors. DC 15
    -[X] Diplomatic Staff: A full-time diplomatic staff to help run diplomatic operations is a good idea. DC 15
    - [X] Expand Farms: Expanding the farms would give you gold to fuel your projects and your peasant's food to feed themselves. DC 20
    - [X] Roads: Rebuilding the roads would allow the better movement of both your civilians and military forces both living and undead. DC 20
    - [X] The Underground: You build your capital deep underground surely there must be some mineral veins down there. DC 10
    - [X] Steal Technology (Brettonia): Your, future, enemies have a clear technological edge against you while you have magic, this cannot guarantee certain victory stealing the technology of the Brettonians may put you on equal grounds in terms of technology. DC 35
    -[X] Steal Technology (Empires of Man): The empires possess are one of the more technological advances only behind the dwarves for how good they are in terms of technology. DC 49
    - [X] Risen Standard Bearers: These banners were enchanted to provide boosts of morale to the living troops of the masters of the undead.
    - [X] Master of the Putrid Horde: While not the best vessels for war, Zombies are a ready and easily accessible source for any budding Necromancer, especially during battle - as fresh corpses are constantly being 'created'. DC 30
    -[X] Corruptor of The Forests: The darker and more haunted the forests become, the better the habitat for fell creatures. DC 34
    - [X] Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
    - [X] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 30
    - [X] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
    [X] Plan: Rising Night
    -[x] Gather The Undead of Mousillon: While you have gathered thousands of undead there are still thousands more out there in the darkness of Mousillon, and as its ruler, it is only natural for they serve you in death while they could not in life. DC 30
    -[x] Gather The Beasts of Mousillon: Mousillon not only holds undead, dark beasts such as direwolves, vargheists, ghouls, and many more inhabit the shadowlands of Mousillon. DC 35
    -[x] (Living) Barracks: If you want to turn your living forces into proper soldiers they will need a place to stay and training while not proper training fields it is a step towards that direction. DC 10
    -[x] Start a propaganda campaign: Start a propaganda campaign to favor of vampires and magicians in a better light. DC 25
    -[x] Trained Diplomats: Always better to have full-time professionals in charge of this than the ones who won their position by bribes or favors. DC 15
    -[X] Diplomatic Staff: A full-time diplomatic staff to help run diplomatic operations is a good idea. DC 15
    -[x] Roads: Rebuilding the roads would allow the better movement of both your civilians and military forces both living and undead. DC 20
    -[x] The Underground: You build your capital deep underground surely there must be some mineral veins down there. DC 10
    -[x] Iron Mines: Constructing mines to extract the iron recently found, it would give you many new options to arm your military forces. DC 10
    -[x] Steal Technology (Brettonia): Your, future, enemies have a clear technological edge against you while you have magic, this cannot guarantee certain victory stealing the technology of the Brettonians may put you on equal grounds in terms of technology. DC 35
    -[X] Steal Technology (Empires of Man): The empires possess are one of the more technological advances only behind the dwarves for how good they are in terms of technology. DC 49
    -[x] Incite The Dukes: The dukes of Borderlaux and Aquitaine will be in conflict, that is inevitable but you can certainly speed it up. DC 10
    -[x] Risen Standard Bearers: These banners were enchanted to provide boosts of morale to the living troops of the masters of the undead.
    -[x] Master of the Putrid Horde: While not the best vessels for war, Zombies are a ready and easily accessible source for any budding Necromancer, especially during battle - as fresh corpses are constantly being 'created'. DC 30
    -[x] Unearth Cursed Wightblades: A small cantrip can locate ancient blades upon an ancient battlefield long thought lost to time, and they are very easy to find. DC 20
    -[x] Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
    -[x] Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 30
    -[x] Practice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20