Lord ow crows (Owl house/Naruto)

Lord of crows (Owl house/Naruto)
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Itachi didn't go to pure earth after he defeated Kabuto. Instead he was reincarnated in a new world. Now he has a little sister to watch over and will do anything for her.
Chapter one :

It has been eleven years since Itachi was reincarnated in this new world, 'the boiling Isles'. The corpse of a titan.

It was a weird world but way better than the elemental nations, children weren't learning to kill, there was no war or the rivalities that created wars

He was in a world where instead of using chakra people used magic but unfortunately such a wonderful power was eventually corrupted and used for war. Your social position, your family, your life. All of them depend on how good you are at magic

In a cruel twist of fate, it was one of the few things the isles did have in common with his former world.

He was reborn into a noble family and with that came the pressure, he was used to it but he didn't wish that upon his little sister, Amity Blight.

The poor girl was having a miserable life, the six firsts years of her life were good but then their parents wanted her to act like 'a Blight' and thus she couldn't have friends, she couldn't have hobbies, she couldn't live.

Their older siblings could do nothing so now he had to say goodby to Lance Blight and becoming Uchiha Itachi again

He got a chance for a peaceful life with a future where he would never have to fight again only to enroll in the army in order to give that same chance to his beloved sister, how ironic..

Itachi was standing in a ring in front of his opponent as the tribune was full of people watching the fight. It wasn't every day you could watch an eleven year old fight against someone from the elite.

"Citizen of the Isles, this is the duel determining of the future of the emperor Coven. To my right is Ryu Baeksan, member of our illustre coven for three years and to my left is Lance Blight, the eleven years old prodigy who finished his studies at ten and whose demand of joining the emperor's coven will be determined by this fight." The referee declared to everyone.

Ryu looked unnerved that Itachi's introduction was longer than his but the uchiha didn't care.

Both of them took their position, ready to fight.


"Abomination rise!" Ryu summoned a giant monster made of a purple goo, seven meter tall and ready to attack Itachi. Considering the size of his creature, the young man must have trained hard to reach this level and must have been a fearsome fighter.

Too bad he saw Itachi's eyes.

"What the.." Ryu was breathless as he was suddenly crucified without warning.

He was in an empty field, bound to a cross with the eleven years old in front of him

"This is tsukuyomi, in this illusion I can control everything."

An illusion, he didn't have to be afraid, it was the weakest of the nine covens and coming from a child he would just have to wait till he got exhausted from using that spell.

That's what he thought until he was stabbed "AAAAAAHHHHH!"

"Your feelings." The boy in front of him said in a monotonous tone. "Space." Another one said before stabbing him.

He was suffering. He could feel steel tearing his flesh, just what kind of illusion was that?

"You can't talk unless it is to give up." A third one was coming and he felt the pain again.

Giving up, Ryu would never accept it. He worked all his life to join the emperor's coven. All his years of hard work, all the sacrifice he made…. for what? giving up?

"Even if it's an illusion. There is a limit to how much pain your brain can take. Give up before your mind breaks."

Never, he would never give up. No matter how many times he would stab him.

Then saw more and more Itachi coming toward him, all of them wielding a katana. An army was surrounding him.

"It has been a second since the torture started. Tsukuyomi will last for seventy-one hours, fity-nine minutes and fifty eight seconds " All of them declared before continuing the torture

No one understood what happened, one moment the two opponents were facing each other then Ryu fell down just after he summoned his abomination.

The duel lasted a second.

"wi...winner Lance Blight."

Itachi thought it was a shame, Baeksan endured the seventy-two hours of torture, his opponent had an incredible willpower but the stress broke his mind. There were few chances he would recover.

Itachi could just walk back to his sister. Ignoring the crowd who watched him in awe.

Despite his appearance Itachi lost a great amount of magic, It was only thanks to his experience as a shinobi and fighting for years his illness that he managed to deceive everyone in the arena.

For a strange reason, he still possessed his sharingans and mangekyou but his new body wasn't able to use them at their full potential without the uchiha's bloodline.

His dôjutsu was draining much more energy than before. Although he could use the powers granted by magic and his knowledge to mimic their powers but it was still at the cost of a great amount of magic.

Thankfully, the sharingan and his skills as an ANBU were more than enough to make him a fearsome fighter.

Sure he could have ended the fight with less effort if he used his shinobi skills but the whole point of the duel was to put on a show.

And judging by the covens'heads reactions he succeeded.

The witches were organized like the shinobi sistem with just a few differences. The children had to choose their studies between nine covens : illusion, construction, plant, potion, beast keeping, oracle, healing, bard and abomination.

The emperor's coven was reserved for the elite, the best of witches of the Isles.

Each coven has a leader called a coven head, they would look for potential recruits in their covens and because of that they got a special booth to see the fight.

"Amazing." The illusion's head said in awe. He was a witch with two mirrors for earrings.

"Did you notice something?" The healing coven's head asked him, he was a tall man, his face was covered by a mask and thus it was hard to determine what his race was.

"He casted an illusion at the start of the fight. It was so powerful that he shattered his opponent's mind."

"But it lasted a second!" The construction coven's head exclaimed.

"Meaning it's probable that this child also perturbed his perception of time." The leader of the healing coven knew it was possible to use magic to influence the brain but such a level was unexpected from an ordinary witch. Even less from an eleven years old.

"So he should join the illusion coven?" The construction leader asked.

"No, his level is far above my underlings. The emperor will want him, no he must have him in his coven." The illusion master knew everything from the art but even he would struggle to create such a powerful illusion. To see someone so young doing it in a second made him speechless.

"YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS!" The head of the abomination's coven. Darius, exclaimed. "He is only eleven and you're considering his demands!" He turned to the head of the emperor's coven "Lilith, you know how absurd it is."

Lilith was a pale woman with dark hair; a lot of people in the Isles would describe her as stunning. "Truth to be told, Yes it sound absurd to let a child join our coven but it would be madness to turn him down." Lilith looked angry. "He is a child who won against someone of our coven, someone YOU choose."

True, Darius hated the patriarch of the Blight family and thus chose Ryu Baek to crush the hopes of his son to join the most envied of covens. Only for this child to make a fool of the emperor by beating one of his soldiers in a second.

"And why would he apply to the emperor's coven now? I thought he wanted to wait until he reached majority before entering the illusion coven." Darius tried another attempt to prevent Itachi from joining the rank of the elite.

It was no secret that Hexide's top student was a pacifist and would career path were he would never have to fight. Truth to be told, a lot of people were disappointed by his choice to join the illusion coven.

Only for them to be astonished when the Blight graduated from Illusion track with the highest degree ever recorded in only two years. He was personally approached to join the illusion coven before he turned down the offer as he wanted to enjoy his freedom as long as he could.

"I don't know, He just came yesterday with his sister asking for us to give him a job in our coven and a home for both of them." Lilith explained, although considering who Lance's parents are, people got some ideas

"Oh… Guess the Blights didn't raise the perfect son after all." Darius sneered.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to accept his demands.

When Itachi entered the castle, he was given a room for him and his sister, Amity, was waiting for him in the room.

Amity knew her big brother was the best. He graduated from Hexide in only two years and was offered a place at the illusion coven at ten.

He was only two years older than her and yet he did so much more. He was a genius, a prodigy and yet he always made time for her and took care of her.

She loved how he would read stories for her at night, play snowball at the titan's knee or even teach her some amazing spells and interrupt whatever he was doing just to spend time with her.

He also comforted her after what happened on her birthday with Willow.

That's why she didn't hesitate when he asked her to come with her. She didn't know what happened between him and mother but it was quite bad, mother was yelling and when she quieted down he left her office and told her and her siblings to follow him.

Edric and Emira didn't want to, afraid of leaving home but she wasn't afraid so long as Itachi was with her.

"You won?" She asked him when he came back in their room.

"Yes, we should be able to move on soon." He declared before he sat on a chair.

"You used Suki-yummy again?"

"Tsukuyomi. And don't worry, I'm not blind yet." He declared.

Amity looked at her brother. "Did you join the emperor's coven for me? You didn't have to…"

She didn't finish because Itachi poke her forehead "Ouch."

"Don't meddle in grown up stuff. I joined the coven because I wanted to." He smiled at her. "Besides you will enter Hexide next week, you should prepare for that.

Amity rubbed her forehead. "You're just two years older than me."

"Meaning I'm a grown up unlike you."

She knew her brother was just trying to make her forget about her worries but she played along and to be fair he wasn't wrong. If she goes to Hexide there are chances she will see Willow there.

Maybe she could try to patch things up with her now that she lives away from her parents.


I just wanted a fanfic where Amity got a brother to support her and I thought that Itachi would be great for her.

Anyway, some points on the fanfic: It's Itachi after the fight with Kabuto (I'm sure everyone knows it already)

He still has his sharingan and mangekyou because as far as I'm concerned, if Obito can give sharingans to kakashi just like that so why don't we just say that sharingans are connected to the soul?

But while he has them his body isn't made for that, worst he can use some of his jutsu by using magic instead of chakra but it can cause some problems because of magic very nature.

The sharingan still give him the ability to copy every spell he sees.

Itachi is somewhat okay with the Isles' situation because it's still better than the savage ages, which he had to do in the Akatsuki of his tasks as an ANBU.

I hope you liked it
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chapter one
Chapter one :

The coven leaders were assembled in the meeting room once again and for the same reasons : Lance Blight. Despite his impressive duel an hour ago, there were still detractors.

"Why are we still on this? We know he is strong enough." The head of the illusion coven interrogated them.

"Because, he may have been proved to be strong enough to join our coven but he postulated to join the scout unit so now we must decide on his test." And once again it was Darius who was against the Blight's demand to join the coven.

Most of them would have groaned, wondering just how much he hated the Blight's patriarch. Was he really going to sabotage the son just for the crime of looking exactly like his father?

Lance was almost a carbon copy of his father if it wasn't for his mother's chin and the green hair.

Lilith just sighed. "Fine, he will go through the labyrinth next week with the other recruits."

"Actually." It was the head of the plan coven : Terra Snapdragon, an elderly woman with wrinkled, ivory skin and long, green hair that resembles plant matter. Her white cloak hid her frail body. "I think I can speed up the process for this young man."

"Really? You don't usually do that." The head of the Bard coven, Murphy Hibbert, told the old woman. Murphy was a tall man but he was so hold that he was currently in a wheelchair instead of standing up like the other coven's heads.

"Well that poor boy is determined to serve our emperor as soon as possible, it would be a shame to make it last longer and I heard the poor boy is doing that to provide for his sister." Terra told them.

Murphy just frowned at her motherly tone, unlike the other heads, he knew her since the beginning. "What do you propose?"

"That's easy, I will prepare a maze for him and he will have to go through it and join the middle finger's top. If he is still in one piece by the morning.

"Are you kidding?" Murphy looked horrified at the idea.

"Why not? It's not like I'm forcing to do it, The choice belongs to him."

Lilith just stayed unfazed by her declaration. "Very well, I will tell him to get ready."

Amity walked with her brother in the roads of Bonesborough, Lance let her alone while he was on his test so he asked old friends to look after her for the day.

"Are you okay?" Lance asked his little sister who looked uncomfortable.

"Yes… It's just been a long time since…" Amity couldn't even finish her sentence.

"I told everything to her parents, now the only one who can fix your friendship with Willow is you."

Amity gulped, She has not talked to Willow since her birthday, Truth to be told she didn't to whom she should be angry with. Her parents for blackmailling her or herself for not saying 'no' and not telling everything to Lance sooner.

That was going to be hard to patch things up with her but hey, at least she didn't acted like a bully toward her.

They finally reached the Parks' house and Lance knocked the door, they were soon welcomed by Gilbert, one of Willow's fathers, The man was still the gentle giant she remembered of.

"Hello." He welcomed them warmly.

Itachi was standing in front of the Parks while the girls were in Willow's room. " The test is supposed to end at dawn so I should be back in the morning."

The two parents looked concerned at what he declared. They looked at each other before Gilbert decided to talk.

"You're sure you want to join the emperor's coven?" He asked Itachi.

"We both know it is the only way to protect her. Not even the Blight would risk angering the emperor." Itachi replied.

Both of them winced and Itachi's heart hached even if he would deny it. The parks were nice people and good parents.

His second could be a gift and a curse at the same time.

During the eleven years he spent in this new world, he had time to think about his life and the things he did. Particularly how badly he handed the situation with Sasuke, The former ANBU could have said no at the order to slain his clan or finding another source of motivation to his little brother instead of sending him on the path of vengeance.

He recognized that it could seem hypocritical of him to judge them considering that everything they did to Amity was nothing compared to what he did to his little brother but it was not a reason to fail a sibling again.

"Yes, take care of yourself and be careful." Eric, Gilbert's husband, told Itachi.

"I will." When Itachi passed the door he stopped. "Also, I go by Itachi Uchiha now."

The trip to the middle finger was quite long but he finally reached it. The sun was going down while Itachi stood in front of a maze made out of vines.

Darius, the head of the abomination coven, was standing in front of him. The older man raised an eyebrow when he saw Itachi. "Aren't you a little too young for a sword?"

"I'm eleven, I need my tanto to compensate for my body." Itachi calmly replied. The sharingans user knew the man from reputation, head of the most powerful coven after the one belonging to the emperor and hhe was Aladdor's rival. He remembered having seen the man one or two times before but never talked to him.

"Maybe you shouldn't go here then." Itachi heard no derision in his tone, it was a genuine advice.

"We both know I have no choice." Itachi replied.

"Right." Darius seemed quite unhappy at the reminder. "Well, the test is simple. You walk through the plant maze, reach the top and stay alive until I come to get you and you do all of this while wearing that." He gave him a bracelet made out of flowers, green vines and purple petals composing it.

Itachi nodded and Darius reluctantly moved away. The entrance closed as soon as the former Uchiha entered the maze. As soon as he entered, he heard growls as the shadows of the beasts were coming into sight. Itachi just unsheathed his tanto.

Meanwhile, Amity was awkwardly sitting near Willow, she spent two years avoiding her best friends and while she really wanted to fix things up with her she was afraid to tell her everything.

Willow was the one who broke the silence. "So Lance is trying to join the emperor's coven?"

Amity just took a deep breath. Be brave just like onee san. "IMSORRYFOREVERYTHINGMYPARENTSAREAWFULANDIMACOWARDPLEASEFORGIVEME!" And she messed up.

Willow was taken aback by her outburst. "What?"

Amity chewed on her lip for a moment before deciding to just cut to the center of the issue. "It was my parents, okay."

"Back when we were seven. Back at that stupid party my parents threw. They gave me a threat."

Willow started to understand what was next "Break up our friendship or else?"

"Or else watch you be kept from Hexside." Amity finished.

"They could-" Willow began with a frown before correcting herself. "They would…"

"Yes, I was too afraid to say no, so I stopped to talk to you… I Hung out with Boscha, who surprisingly wasn't so bad once Onee san started to join us… But anyway, a few days ago he asked me what happened, I told him everything and then we moved out. He told me you would have nothing to fear about them so here I am."

Amity stayed ,eyes closed, in the uncomfortable silence after that. Waiting for Willow's reaction.

Eventually, she felt warmth around her. Willow was hugging her.

Itachi jumped so high that it was almost as if he was flying, his tanto in his mouth, he threw two shurikens at upcoming beasts, his sharingan assuring he would hit their vitals areas.

The wolf remaining like monsters rushed to where he was falling only for an earth pillar to come as he cleanly landed atop. The wolf with scorpion tails failed to climb the construction, Itachi quickly made walls out of the pillar to surround them and closed in order to crush the wolf.

It has been half an hour since he entered the maze and monsters kept coming at him. It could be a coincidence but given the life he lived, he would be more inclined to believe the bracelet was responsible for that.

If he used earth magic to go directly at the top then the vines would launch thorns at him while trying to tear him in pieces and it seemed that all the monsters around the mountain would keep trying to eat him.

It wouldn't have been a problem for him before but his new body could neither use the sharingans at their full potential while it lacked the power up from chakra as magic wasn't a good substitute to it.

Itachi looked around him, all the beasts were dead but more were going to come. He drew a magic circle with his right hand and crows started to come out of it.

"Construction and now Beast keeping. To think Hexide's top student was actually its best rulebreaker." Terra said as she was petting Eberwolf, the head of the beast coven.

She and Darius were at the top of the finger and watching Itachi's feat on a mirror made out of abomination goo.

"Did you have to give him the bracelet?" Darius asked her while he looked at the slaughtered beast.

Terra was a specialist in plant magic, making a bracelet with flowers that beasts could smell miles away and finding the right combination of plants to drive them mad was no problem for her. Although she had to admit that the child was doing way better than what she expected.

"The emperor needs strong soldiers but he must know what their limits are. We must put this child in the most dire situation possible before accepting him." She defended her actions while Darius just frowned.

"He is eleven."

"Did you see his eyes?" Terra asked him but he did not respond. "He is in the dark, inside of a maze full of monsters ready to eat him but he doesn't feel any fear."

"I know."

"This case is not like all these rookies who thought they were strong enough to join the emperor. He is a fighter, someone who saw death so many times that he doesn't fear it anymore." Terra was an old witch who lived through the isles darkest times, she saw a lot of people like that. Even children.

Darius closed his eyes, he always knew that neither Aladdor nor his wife were good people but to see one of their children act like a machine in the maze while slaughtering these beats… It made him uncomfortable, especially since Aladdor was a member of his coven.

Itachi kept slicing the monsters and walking toward the top while his crows were assisting him, they flew above him in order to see the whole maze and guided him through it while they skillfully dodged the vines.

He studied illusion magic back in Hexide but he knew that in order to live the life of peace he wanted he needed to be strong so he used his sharingan to learn the basis of the construction coven while Viney lent him some homeworks on beast keeping. (He would have liked to learn healing magic but he just didn't have the talent for it). He focused on illusion and construction in order to master their full potential in combat.

Although these beasts were impossible to be controlled because of their madness, he could trust the birds he raised since their birth.

He was halfway to the top when the ground started to shake, a monster with bull horns, a sabertooth tiger face and six meters tall was in front of him. It was a behemoth, a particularly dangerous monster from the isles.

The Trees around him narrowed so he wouldn't have too much space to dodge the beast while he knew he needed to do more damages to the beast than what he could with his tanto. So once again, he used his sharingans.

He held his right hand as a surge of light and the sound of lightning came out of it. "Chidori." He rushed toward the beast with his new speed and used the technique right on the beast's forehead, killing it instantly.

When his hand was out of the skull, It was burned as if he had put it inside of a fire. Magic was just not supposed to be used as chakra.

It didn't took long for the next challenge to come as he heard buzzing, he turned toward it and saw fire bees. As their name says it, they are bees on fire. He could do only one things against them. He closed his right eye and said one thing when he opened it :


Both coven heads were speechless as they saw the black flames overpowering the fire bees and killing them. Terra even loses her perpetual smile at this display.

Fire spells were pretty common but to think that Lance was strong enough to produce black flames, it was legendary.

"Is it enough?" Darius asked the plant coven's head as she was still speechless at the display of strength.

"Yes." The old witch quickly replied, losing her cool for the first time in front of Darius, Eberwolf almost woke up because of the tone..

If there was any doubt about Lance Blight they were quickly washed off. That boy was extremely dangerous

The moon was fully visible when he finally reached the top of the mountain. Darius was in front of him and seemed disgusted when he saw Itachi, The boy was covered in blood and some bits of animal flesh was on his tunic.

"Do I have to stay or is it enough?" Asked with an impassive face despite the dried blood on his cheek and the burned hand.

Darius just sighed. "You did enough. You will join the scout unit in two days."

"And Amity?"

"That doesn't concern me. Lilith is the one you should talk to… but I will see what I can do about the house you asked for." Darius finally replied before making his ship appear thanks to his magic. "Come, I will bring you to your sister."

"That won't be necessary." Itachi replied.

Darius raised an eyebrow at the refusal and Itachi quickly explained himself.

"I left her with an old friend of hers and I think I should leave them some time alone."

"Fair enough, but I will still bring you to the castle…You still have a guest room there." The head coven gave himself the excuse.

Before they entered the ship, he was shocked by itachi's next demand. "Darius, I would like to register under the Name : 'Itachi Uchiha'."

Note Sorry for the waiting, I was busy with my life but the good things is that the news episodes also came and gave me ideas about the fanfic and I had to think about changes on the story as it lead to a rewriting of chapter two (that the one you just read) and I had to think about making changes like Darius personality and the tests described by hunter.

I'm not sure if I did things right here but the things is that Darius is against Itachi's inscription not only because of his dislike of Aladdor but also because even he feels uncomfortable with a eleven years old joining the emperor's coven, Darius knows that Itachi doesn't want this life but can't help him and Amity as doing so would be showing favoritism toward Itachi while Terra was intrigued at first and wanted to test Itachi only to realize that Itachi was on another level than the coven heads, she was downright frightened at the mere idea that everything she just saw wasn't Itachi's best.

Actually, Belos, Eda, Lilith, Darius (And that only if he knows about the sharingans and mangekyou's weaknesses) and maybe Aladdor if you take into account the last episode (and again, Aladdor would need an army of his abominatron 2.0 and to knows about Itachi's powers) are the only ones who could beat Itachi and that a major COULD

Also, I repeat once again, Itachi is way weaker than before. His witch body can't handle chakra and thus the chidori burnt him, Tsukiyomi is consuming much more chakra than amaterasu so Itachi can use the latter more often. And to be fair he can't use susanoo because he knows his eleven years old body can't survive it.

The Maze is a name, Terra just made a big forest out of vines around the fingers and kept changing them from time to time making it hard for someone to walk to the top. I was inspired by final fantasy fifteen, the dungeon where I got the star.

Also, yes I choose the middle finger as the mountain because I saw the fan comic where the titan give to Belos a 'thumb up'
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chapter two
Chapter two :

Itachi let his muscles relax in the water while the snow around the tub was cooling it down.

He avoided putting his bandaged hand inside the water so there would be no risk of erasing the healing glyph on it.

He profited from his moment of rest to meditate on the events during the last days. He had to admit that he let himself go in this world. As far as he knows, Tou-san and Kaa-san would have been really disappointed to see how he was just a shadow of his former self.

There was no threat of a war nor was there ninja training for children in the isles and the fact that he spent far more time with his siblings rather than training didn't help.

Itachi looked at his hand and was not surprised to see it was a bit blurry, he used amaterasu and tsukuyomi and now he was paying the price for it. He was definitely going to ask to be trained in other forms of magic to fight since none of his old jutsus would be useful in a long term battle.

He could even teach a few skills to Amity. She may be good at abomination magic but so was his former opponent and he relied so much on his abominations that when he was by himself he got his mind shattered by tsukuyomi.

It may seem hypocritical of him to be happy that children don't have to be shinobi while planning to train Amity to be one but he wanted her to be safe and he knew that to live in peace you need the strength to keep it.

He already did too much by letting her with their parents for so long. The way they treated their children was a bit too similar to the way both he and Sasuke were raised. Maybe they weren't so bad and just misguided in how to raise their children but the same could be said about Mikoto and Fugaku…

Killing his tou-san and kaa-san was one of the most terrible things he has ever done but spending time in the isles and seeing how other families were (Like Willow and her parents or even Boscha and her moms) he could see how they were flawed

Unfortunately, neither Edric nor Emira wanted to follow him. Maybe it was because their little brother finished his studies before them or maybe it was because of how their parents divided their attention unfairly.

But even though Itachi wanted to have them come with him he didn't force them. He already tried to force Sasuke on the path to be a hero only for him to end up in one of darkness and vengeance.

He already had too many regrets in this life and now he just hoped to not make the same mistakes again.

Back at where it all started, Blight Manor. The parents were also thinking about the whole situation but for different reasons. The Matriarch, Odalia, was in her office, doing paper work but her mind wasn't into it.

She just couldn't forget what happened that day. Her child just decided to just because they were trying to make Amity realize her full potential! Lance was raised just like her and already entered history. Granted, they have shown more leniency toward Amity because her brother could help them with the sales but it should be another reason for her to stay.

Flash Back

Odalia was in Alador's lab while he was working on the new Abomination crossbow. The presentation to the investors was in a week but the products should be finished by now.

"Mother, Father. We have to talk." Lance entered the lab without any warning.

"Not now, we are busy." Odalia said dismissively while she was looking through some files.

"It's about Willow."

It was all he needed to say to get her attention. "What about that little tramp."

Lance frowned at the insult. "When I took Amity to the library. We saw Willow and not only Amity asked me to bring her back home but Willow seemed to be about to cry. So I'm asking you again. what. did. you. do?"

Even her husband took his eyes away from his project to see how the conversation would go.

She always forgot that despite his many accomplishments, Lance always had a weakness for the pests. "We just told her to stop her friendship with Willow or we would do it."

"Why?" Lance was showing no emotion but even she could tell he was losing his temper. She was a good business woman after all.

"Because she can't use magic. Amity is a Blight. She can't be associated with people like this half a witch. "

"So your reputation is more important than your daughter's happiness." Lance bluntly declared.

Odalia just made a silent sign to Aladdor, asking him to back her up.

"Your mother is right. We have a responsibility toward our name, our ancestor and this company. We gave you more freedom because of your talent but don't abuse it." Her husband told him.

"I see." Lance closed his eyes.

And then everything went wrong.

When Lance opened his eyes. She saw two red irises. Everything around her was consumed by darkness until all she could see were these red eyes.

The air around her was chilling, she was unable to move. "What are you doing… STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" What kind of illusion was that

"You will not compromise Willow's future or try anything against the arks in retaliation. You won't go after Amity in fact you will never try to mold your children in your images ever again."


Lance disappeared in a flock of crows before she could finish her sentence.


Odalia rushed upstair. Ignoring Aladdor. When she reached the living room she was surprised to see it was already the night.

"What…" No, she had to find Lance. She went to the children's room.

When she opened Lance's room all the weapons he had were gone while Amity's room was empty.

She finally went to the twin's room. She saw them lying on their beds, looking at the ceiling in contemplation.

"WHERE ARE YOUR SIBLINGS!?" The matriarche yelled.

"Gone." Her daughter, Emira, answered.

Flash back end

Odalia let out a deep sigh. She massaged her head to calm the headache she was starting to get. Her son will come back eventually. What could he do by himself?

Her crystal bowl blinked. So she activated it and to her surprise, it was Lilith Clawthorn. The head of the emperor's coven and an old… acquaintance.


"Hello Odalia, I know you are busy so I will be short. Your son has been accepted as a scout to serve the emperor."

The Blight matriarch almost dropped her pen at the news. What? How was it possible? Lance can't join the emperor's coven! he is only eleven!

"You can't take it seriously!" Odalia was so shocked that just this once she forgot Lilith's rank. She just wanted to know what happened to her children.

Just what kind of story was it? Her son registered to be a child soldier and everyone went along with it?!

Lance is a pacifist and refused every duel thrown at him while doing minimum damages to his opponent when he had no choice. Her son even admitted he wanted to become an illusion teacher before trying to apply for coven head so why did he join… the only coven who answered directly from the emperor.

Lilith had an unfazed expression while she talked. "Your 'son' proved that he had at least the minimum to join the emperor's ranks and he will be considered an adult as soon as he gets his brand. Just to be clear." Lilith was barely hiding her contempt now. "As far as the law is concerned you no longer have any authority over him and if the emperor agrees, and I know he will, Amity will be under his custody."

"You can't do this!"

The crystal ball shut down. Lilith didn't even bother to tell to Odalia more than the minimum.

But what in the world was happening?! Lance joined the emperor but he wanted to join the illusion's coven. Granted she and Alador decided he was too young at the time but he was assured to become the next coven head once he reached majority … Why did he become a scout…

Did he hate them to the point he would renounce his dreams just to get away from them?

She stayed there, looking at the crystal ball, trying to accept what she just learnt.

Meanwhile, Alador was working in his lab, he had work to do since the fire destroyed the abomination and he only got a week to make another one before the presentation of his products.

While most of his children looked more like his wife, Lance looked almost like a him in his younger years except for the chin he inherited from his mother

He was interrupted when his scroll vibrated. He took it out of curiosity and saw it was a PM from … Darius. As if his day wasn't bad enough.

Still, he opened it and saw a video of his son fighting monsters. Alador was speechless at the sight. Lance was slashing the beast with no care in the world … When did he learn construction magic and beast magic? It was forbidden to learn more than one track.

Then, after he saw his son covered in blood with a burned hand, Darius' text arrived : 'Care to explain?'

No, he could not explain at all.

flash back

"You will not compromise Willow's future or try anything against the arks in retaliation. You won't go after Amity in fact you will never try to mold your children in your images ever again."

Odlia was frozen, looking at the red eyes while Aladdor was speechless. Where did Lance learn that?

"Lance, stop this at once."

Lance stayed impassive.

"I'm sorry father but no, the truth is that I always felt like you were failing as parents and now that I know the truth I can not stay passive. None of you care about your children and while I can live like this I won't let you force that life on my siblings."

"I care about you!" Why would Lance think such a thing?

"Then I pity you." Lance was fading away. "I will leave and take my siblings but only if they wish to follow me. If you really love your children then don't fail this time"

He only regained consciousness when Lance and Amity were long gone

flash back end

The truth was that he couldn't explain why or rather when his son changed. He could just think about his eyes and what he said : 'you are unfit to raise children.'

It was too calm to be a rebellion or a tantrum. Alador knew that Lance was genuinely disappointed by him and Odalia.

He rushed upstair when the illusion was finally gone only to learn that his two youngest ran away from home

Amity didn't hesitate a second to come with him while he could tell the thought went through Edric and Emira's mind.

Aladdor didn't want to work anymore. He just thought about that day and thought 'Why would a child put his own parents under a spell?', 'When did he start to hate us?' and finally : 'When did Mitten decide she loved her brother more than us?'

Just… Maybe he spent too much time in his lab.

He found his wife in the living room. Odalia was drinking Apple Blood.

"Did something happen?" She is usually working at this time.

"I got a call from Lilith. Lance is joining the emperor's scouts tomorrow."

It would have probably surprised him a week ago but after everything that happened he barely reacted to the news.

Aladdor just asked his wife. "Are you okay?"

"Our son left the house to live by himself with our daughter. Joined the emperor's coven and threw away his future in the illusion coven. How do you think I am?" She bitterly replied.

"Probably unwell." He has never been good with people.

The matriarch sighed. "Sorry, it's just that… I can't believe our son just dropped everything to … to spite us."

"Well, Lance has always been the most mature of our children but he is also a little too much like me."

"A prodigy?"

"A loner." Aladdor replied. "He isn't really good at interacting with people, even if we present them to him, and except for petting the crows and looking after Amity I don't think he has any hobbies."

Truth to be told, none of them could remember their youngest son asking for something, he was quiet and did as they asked, he even dyed his hair green, so none of them had something to say about his behavior and even if he couldn't make friends well that was why he had siblings.

"We're going to find someone else for the presentation to the investors." Odalia warned her husband.

Their speciality was selling weapons based on abomination magic, usually Lance helped them but given their current situation it wasn't going to happen.

"We could ask one of the twins to help us for the demonstration." Aladdor proposed.

His wife just let out a fake laugh. "The goal is to show our worth to the investors. Not draw them away."

"Why not? They are quite good for their age. They are even doing great at Hexide."

Odalia just frowned at the mention of her remaining children's accomplishment "They have been trying to 'do well' since Lance entered Hexide and He did more in two years for this family than any of them will in their entire life."

"You're being a little harsh."

"Am I? Lance received many prizes for his skills in illusion and finished his studies in only two years TWO YEARS! and what can we be proud about the twins? the pieces of paper saying 'good job'? their social skills? or even better the calls we got from Bump and parents they angered!." The glass broke under pressure but she ignored it despite the blood leaking from her hand..

"They are our children." Aladdor may not be father of the year but it was going too far.

"And what did they do for this family?"

Well they skipped a grade in two months… no that was Lance. Saved a student from the sorting hat? No, Bump called them because Lance threw a knife at it. Improved the sales? No, he never took them with him to presentations. Maybe…. nothing. No matter how hard he searched in his memory. He couldn't find a proper answer. Not because they did nothing but because he could not remember talking to them except when it was to scold them… by staying at Odalia's side.

His wife just took his silence as a confirmation that she was right.

"That's what I thought." Odalia replied before she went to the bathroom to fix her hand. Aladdor went back to his lab shortly, still haunted by the realization that he may know nothing about his own children.

None of them noticed that one of their remaining children heard everything and left quietly as tears silently flowed on their face.

SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT, I was busy and I just entered college and it's going well.

Anyway, I'm not really good at feeling but the point of this chapter was to show that neither Aladdor nor Odalia were intentionally hurting their children. They DO love them but the thing is that none of them really know how to raise a child and just raise their children like they were raised while Itachi realized a long time ago that this mentality and how much he complied led to many of his problems back in his previous life. Itachi knows that it's his fault if Sasuke became obsessed with vengeance and how the whole "Uchiha Massacre" went too far because of both sides so he can't tolerate a situation similar to his uprising no matter how it is.

The thing is that Itachi spent eleven years in a world much better than the shinobi's world and had time to think about everything that happened and I think he would have imagined how things could have been different. Basically a lifetime of regrets (literally) still weighs on his conscience.

For Edric and Emira it's a bit tricky, both of them love their little siblings but while they are good Lance/Itachi was even better. Living with someone that was praised by their mother while their father asked him to come with him to his presentations which is way more than what he does with them.

And while it is canon that they are good at magic at Hexside they stopped trying to prove it because they deemed it was pointless with everything Lance did. Yes they are good but why should they spend time and effort to try to please their mother if she is just going to compare them to their little brother?

So not only did they stop trying to please their parents but Odalia was disappointed that they wasted their potential.

Basically, the whole family is bad at interacting with each other and in the long term it harms everyone.

Also, I started to write this chapter BEFORE I saw clouds in the horizon and there is a lot of change that I had to do after I saw the end of season 2.

Also, I started a discord, the link is : /yFP9Z3ah