[X] Plan: Dunmer AND Falmer
-[X] The Ice Prince
-[X] The Invasion of the Argonians
--[X] Sheogorath Action
-[X] Write In: Go to Nirn to assist the Dunmer against the Argonian Invasion
-[X] Seek Out Other Planes
-[X] Rebuild Your Library
[X] Plan: The Red Year is 2 Turns
-[X] The ice prince: While the prince is chosen by the Falmer and not the gods, that doesn't mean you can't influence and aid who you would consider the best choice. DC35
-[X] The exploration of the clock work city, Phase two: Kasur has found his way into this obsidian tower, now he merely needs to reach its peak in the search of something that would grant you control or something even greater. Dc 65
--[X] Extra Sheo Action
-[X] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70
-[X] Rebuild your library. Once your library rivaled that of Hermeus mora, you imagine it's the reason he played a part in your downfall. Now you would rebuild it. Gather what tomes you can find in oblivion, and begin the calculations of the future as you once had. Dc 60
[X] Get Red-y to Rumble
-[X] The ice prince: While the prince is chosen by the Falmer and not the gods, that doesn't mean you can't influence and aid who you would consider the best choice. DC35
-[X] the invasion of the argonians: With their ancient enemies weakened by the eruption of red mountain the argonians of black marsh have declared a war of vengeance upon the dunmer, bringing their full fury upon whoever remains in morrowind. Aid the dunmer, and you would not only help preserve morrowind, but to earn the favor of the dunmer. Only available while the red year is active. DC 55
--[X] Sheo's aid
-[X] Go out and Aid the Dunmer, either escort them to safety or taking the fight to the Argonians
-[X] diplomatic efforts: friends and allies can be difficult to keep, so better to maintain contact so that relations don't break down.
--[X] Your Champion
-[X] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75
--[X] Crystalline Mirror Shield: Reflecting Adept level Destruction spells (will this work? dealing with one school of magic.)
[X] Bearly a plan.
-[X] The dunmer gods: the dunmer are currently without home or sanctuary, abandoned by the tribunal and the empire. Were you to aid them, you may gain many followers among them. Only available while the red year is active. Dc:45
-[X] The exploration of the clock work city, Phase two: Kasur has found his way into this obsidian tower, now he merely needs to reach its peak in the search of something that would grant you control or something even greater. Dc 65
-[X] Conquest. While your power is diminished, it would not be impossible to find some corner of oblivion held by a weaker Daedra for you to take for yourself. So long as you don't make too much noise, none would assume you were there. DC60
-[X] Creation. more artifacts are always useful. You could use some of your remaining power to make something of crystal that you could send unto the planet. Dc75
--[X] Crystal of clear skies: A Magical artifact created by Jyggalag at the start of the Red Year to protect the lands of his followers, the crystal kept the skies clear of dust and ash saving thousands from the after effects of the fall of Baar Dau.
---[X] Sheo +25
[X] Plan: Start Of The Red Year
-[X] The ice prince: While the prince is chosen by the Falmer and not the gods, that doesn't mean you can't influence and aid who you would consider the best choice. DC35
-[X] the invasion of the argonians: With their ancient enemies weakened by the eruption of red mountain the argonians of black marsh have declared a war of vengeance upon the dunmer, bringing their full fury upon whoever remains in morrowind. Aid the dunmer, and you would not only help preserve morrowind, but to earn the favor of the dunmer. Only available while the red year is active. DC 55
--[X] Sheo's aid
-[X] Seek out the other planes. Many are the planes of oblivion, and many are their occupants. You know enough of your kin to know where to avoid, so you could find allies or a realm ripe for the taking. DC70
-[X] The crystalline Host. With but 8 knights remaining in your service, you need more to serve you. While it takes a follower with a soul to create a true knight, you may be able to create something lesser that could still serve your purposes. DC70