Looking for powers for a private fic

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Exactly what it sounds like. Im looking for powers that i didnt think of. It doesnt matter if...

Pope Of Floof

Resident floof expert
The floof
Exactly what it sounds like. Im looking for powers that i didnt think of. It doesnt matter if they are op or not because this isnt really for other people to read lol. Im just having a crisis about what power i should do (it is going to be set in adventure time. Personally i dont like the show but it IS a kid show. The world tho? I love the way the world is built from an apocalyptic bomb. And alot of mystery to it. So woohoo.)

But please note that i absolutely will not deal with any universe destroying powers...

And keep in mind it doesnt even have to be attack related. It can be just very advanced healing, or barriers, or shapeshifting, or op shapeshifting(where you dont have to worry about mass.)

Just please tell me some powers. They dont have to be uniwue they can come from shows and books or whatever. But id also like some unique ones as well
Powers fit for Adventure Time? Well, we already have Vampires, Wizards (who are all crazy), various elementals, and a shapeshifting dog.

Here are some ideas:
  • Poison Release: An ability based in Naruto fanfiction. Allows for the use of various techniques that create or manipulate a corrosive poison cloud. How strong the acid effect is, and the actual poison effect, can vary based on the technique used.
  • Alexandria Package/FISS: Flight, Invulnerability, Super Strength. Super Speed is optional. This is a "classic" powerset, with many characters from many sources using it.
  • Electromagnetic Interference: The ability to detect and influence electromagnetic fields and waves. With practice, one can decode radio waves for music on the go, or browse the internet from their head. If a computer has an open connection, it is even possible to mimic limited technopathy.
  • Area of Influence: The ability to designated "zones" that have rules applied to them. One zone may prevent entry/exit except to people wearing red, while another might enhance regeneration for everyone inside, and a third perhaps is as hot inside as a volcano. It is up to you if multiple rules can be on one zone, zones can overlap, or even if multiple zones can be designated at once.
Fire Breath

Pied Piper - If they start tapping their feet or singing a song, they can force others to follow along against their will, and even control their actions. May not work on tone deaf people, or people who chronically forget their lines.

Tele Hand-esis - Conjures up hard-light hands of various sizes that they can send out to pick up objects, manipulate things, block attacks, etc. Usually requires they mime the motions with their real hands.

Art of Darkness - Can generate a blackish shadowy ink like substance that they use to draw things. When finished drawing, the object can become real as a 3D shadow ink construct. Said objects dissolve in contact with holy water.

Shadow Dupes - Create up to six shadowy duplicates of yourself, each one a slightly different shade ranging from pitch black to light gray. Like a living gradient or dark rainbow. If a clone is destroyed, they poof into shadowstuff and quickly reform next to the original. Each clone seems to have their own memories and is fully dedicated to helping out the original.

Vomiting Money - Bodily excretions such as tears, mucus, vomit, etc appear like molten gold which instantly shapes into gold coins once they leave the body. Further, most people seem to have no negative reaction this process.They user can stuff themselves with food, barf into a bucket, and use the resulting mass of jingling coins to pay for their meal. Same goes for visibly blowing their nose into a handkerchief and then shaking it out to reveal a spotless cloth and two or three shiny coins. All coins generated are fully real and only powers that naturally transmute gold into other stuff can change them. The "downside" comes from the user basically needing to have an eating disorder or chronic hayfeaver to make the most of this. It doesn't transmute feces, so they can't actually both convert food to gold and gain nutrition from it.

Cloth levitation - They can telekinetically move cloth, primarily sheets of it such as ribbons, blankets, rugs, carpets, etc.

Laser fingers - They shoot lasers from their fingers.

Battery charger - They can recharge batteries, even if those batteries are 400 years old and not rechargeable. Batteries 'charged' in this manner are simultaneously repaired to be shiny and good as new, or even better if they were made defective.

Fat healing - They heal by converting body fat into cells to repair the injury. They can even use this to exercise, constantly working out and having their power fix any strains or exhaustion.
Wooden assimilation: be able to absorb trees and add them to your overall mass, special trees give special attributes, however you can transform using the wood mass available. Basically Alex Mercer from the video game [PROTOTYPE] however instead of flesh and genetics it would be wood and magic.
Manifestation - Become intangible at will.

Technokinetic - gain a inherent understanding of tech you use. + you can interface with tech using your mind.

CyberLord - Basically a hacker who can hack on pure will alone. Basically a weaker version of technokinetic

Rapid Adaptation/Mutation - Think Prototype video games.

Vibrokinetic - control vibrations. This one is scarily powerful depending on how much access you have in it. At high levels you could use this to rip a person apart on a molecular level.

You also have the Worm abilities such as tinkertech where you could inherently build amazing tech with no idea how it works just that it does.

You can also give a character the ability to access the Aetherius in Elder Scrolls. You can get some rather good spells using that.

Oh and one of the best abilities to have
-omnilinguil understand all languages reguardless of if you knew it before. Aka you can learn and speak another language in an instant.

Anyqays I hope you have fun writing!
Powers fit for Adventure Time? Well, we already have Vampires, Wizards (who are all crazy), various elementals, and a shapeshifting dog.

Here are some ideas:
  • Poison Release: An ability based in Naruto fanfiction. Allows for the use of various techniques that create or manipulate a corrosive poison cloud. How strong the acid effect is, and the actual poison effect, can vary based on the technique used.
  • Alexandria Package/FISS: Flight, Invulnerability, Super Strength. Super Speed is optional. This is a "classic" powerset, with many characters from many sources using it.
  • Electromagnetic Interference: The ability to detect and influence electromagnetic fields and waves. With practice, one can decode radio waves for music on the go, or browse the internet from their head. If a computer has an open connection, it is even possible to mimic limited technopathy.
  • Area of Influence: The ability to designated "zones" that have rules applied to them. One zone may prevent entry/exit except to people wearing red, while another might enhance regeneration for everyone inside, and a third perhaps is as hot inside as a volcano. It is up to you if multiple rules can be on one zone, zones can overlap, or even if multiple zones can be designated at once.
What use would the interface in the adventure time world? And i cant imagine doing handsigns...

Alexandria package is pretty average in the adventure time world. I know a whole lot of evil things that fits that package in the show. Not to mention magic exists there (To what extent is the super strength and super speed because if it is only up to regular throw a truck it definitely wont help. if It is throw a building strong it might help. If it is actual alexandria strong well it could help. Superman strong?thats op. I might think of this) And there are ways to affect the mind in soul in there that are surprisingly common unless the invulnerability extends there too.

Area of influence thing i might do if i choose for the mc to stay in one place. It is likely given my personality that i would stay in one place. But it is also just as likely for my free spirited personality to travel around.

Also what range would it be? Can you suggest one for me.

Matter of fact this gives mr the idea of the law guy from one piece... Putting both of these on the list of maybe powers...

And again. If i do that what range would you suggest lol

Fire Breath

Pied Piper - If they start tapping their feet or singing a song, they can force others to follow along against their will, and even control their actions. May not work on tone deaf people, or people who chronically forget their lines.

Tele Hand-esis - Conjures up hard-light hands of various sizes that they can send out to pick up objects, manipulate things, block attacks, etc. Usually requires they mime the motions with their real hands.

Art of Darkness - Can generate a blackish shadowy ink like substance that they use to draw things. When finished drawing, the object can become real as a 3D shadow ink construct. Said objects dissolve in contact with holy water.

Shadow Dupes - Create up to six shadowy duplicates of yourself, each one a slightly different shade ranging from pitch black to light gray. Like a living gradient or dark rainbow. If a clone is destroyed, they poof into shadowstuff and quickly reform next to the original. Each clone seems to have their own memories and is fully dedicated to helping out the original.

Vomiting Money - Bodily excretions such as tears, mucus, vomit, etc appear like molten gold which instantly shapes into gold coins once they leave the body. Further, most people seem to have no negative reaction this process.They user can stuff themselves with food, barf into a bucket, and use the resulting mass of jingling coins to pay for their meal. Same goes for visibly blowing their nose into a handkerchief and then shaking it out to reveal a spotless cloth and two or three shiny coins. All coins generated are fully real and only powers that naturally transmute gold into other stuff can change them. The "downside" comes from the user basically needing to have an eating disorder or chronic hayfeaver to make the most of this. It doesn't transmute feces, so they can't actually both convert food to gold and gain nutrition from it.

Cloth levitation - They can telekinetically move cloth, primarily sheets of it such as ribbons, blankets, rugs, carpets, etc.

Laser fingers - They shoot lasers from their fingers.

Battery charger - They can recharge batteries, even if those batteries are 400 years old and not rechargeable. Batteries 'charged' in this manner are simultaneously repaired to be shiny and good as new, or even better if they were made defective.

Fat healing - They heal by converting body fat into cells to repair the injury. They can even use this to exercise, constantly working out and having their power fix any strains or exhaustion.
Fire Breath

Pied Piper - If they start tapping their feet or singing a song, they can force others to follow along against their will, and even control their actions. May not work on tone deaf people, or people who chronically forget their lines.

Tele Hand-esis - Conjures up hard-light hands of various sizes that they can send out to pick up objects, manipulate things, block attacks, etc. Usually requires they mime the motions with their real hands.

Art of Darkness - Can generate a blackish shadowy ink like substance that they use to draw things. When finished drawing, the object can become real as a 3D shadow ink construct. Said objects dissolve in contact with holy water.

Shadow Dupes - Create up to six shadowy duplicates of yourself, each one a slightly different shade ranging from pitch black to light gray. Like a living gradient or dark rainbow. If a clone is destroyed, they poof into shadowstuff and quickly reform next to the original. Each clone seems to have their own memories and is fully dedicated to helping out the original.

Vomiting Money - Bodily excretions such as tears, mucus, vomit, etc appear like molten gold which instantly shapes into gold coins once they leave the body. Further, most people seem to have no negative reaction this process.They user can stuff themselves with food, barf into a bucket, and use the resulting mass of jingling coins to pay for their meal. Same goes for visibly blowing their nose into a handkerchief and then shaking it out to reveal a spotless cloth and two or three shiny coins. All coins generated are fully real and only powers that naturally transmute gold into other stuff can change them. The "downside" comes from the user basically needing to have an eating disorder or chronic hayfeaver to make the most of this. It doesn't transmute feces, so they can't actually both convert food to gold and gain nutrition from it.

Cloth levitation - They can telekinetically move cloth, primarily sheets of it such as ribbons, blankets, rugs, carpets, etc.

Laser fingers - They shoot lasers from their fingers.

Battery charger - They can recharge batteries, even if those batteries are 400 years old and not rechargeable. Batteries 'charged' in this manner are simultaneously repaired to be shiny and good as new, or even better if they were made defective.

Fat healing - They heal by converting body fat into cells to repair the injury. They can even use this to exercise, constantly working out and having their power fix any strains or exhaustion.

Manifestation - Become intangible at will.

Technokinetic - gain a inherent understanding of tech you use. + you can interface with tech using your mind.

CyberLord - Basically a hacker who can hack on pure will alone. Basically a weaker version of technokinetic

Rapid Adaptation/Mutation - Think Prototype video games.

Vibrokinetic - control vibrations. This one is scarily powerful depending on how much access you have in it. At high levels you could use this to rip a person apart on a molecular level.

You also have the Worm abilities such as tinkertech where you could inherently build amazing tech with no idea how it works just that it does.

You can also give a character the ability to access the Aetherius in Elder Scrolls. You can get some rather good spells using that.

Oh and one of the best abilities to have
-omnilinguil understand all languages reguardless of if you knew it before. Aka you can learn and speak another language in an instant.

Anyqays I hope you have fun writing!

Also i hate not understanding what im doing. If i had tinkertech abilities id go insane and probably kill myself.

And vibrokinetic? Awesome. Adding that on the list of powers i might choose

Cyberlord? It wouldnt really help me much in that. Most of it is about magic and demonic cosmic entities.
Manisfestation is very normal. There are ghost in it you know. But i still like it.

And that vomit thing.... I applaud you for thinking of that... I might do that if i want to torture my mc. He will have to find food first... And he could get taken advantage of.

And the fat healing thing.. Keep in mind the mc will be based on me. I have a very high metabolism and can eat as much as a horse without gaining wait. I dont think that would help me.

So far the list for potential powers are

Alexandria package( to what extent and when i say extent i mean how strong should i make it. And hpw high and fast should they fly? Any suggestions?)

Area of influence

Law from one piece powers


Rapid adaption


Art of dark ness and shadow dupes can be combined along with manisfestation to make an interesting power along with tele hands except the hands would be like sloth from that shit show anime where the guy chose emelia

If i cant choose ill either do a vote or eeny meeny miny moe
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You don't have to use handsigns for Dokuton, that is just where I got the inspiration. Mostly it would be "exhale poison cloud, use for effect" as opposed to sweating it out or just conjuring it in place.

As to range, it depends on how powerful you want to be. I could imagine something like a half-mile maximum, but able to "snap" the limits to a room. Somewhere between five and a dozen fields active at once, each with one "rule", and they can overlap.

Trafalgar D. Water Law's ability is similar to the Area of Influence power, but much more active. Personally, that isn't a power I would choose, but to each their own.
Animal biological matter assimilation.

Like the wooden assimilation, anything from the animal kingdom you touch can be merged into your mass, or taken over if it has more mass than you, leaving a husk of your body to swiftly decompose. The new animal matter swiftly turns into you, changing colout and your face appearing on its.

And it's both cartoonish and creepy enough for Adventure Time.

Jelly invulnerability. Like the kid from the QQ story told in journal form with different colours for each person. He's not strong, or anything. He's just invulerable, and his boddy jiggles like jelly, bouncing magic and attacks back at people who send them, which is unlike the protag of that story, and I forgot its name.. Annotated. That's it.
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A Skin-shedding regenerative ability, like Orochimaru from Naruto, or Viper from the Wolverine movie. Possibly an affinity for snakes, or a talking snake companion, would go with this.
Crisis point - ability to produce cones out of persons fingertips with completely opposite effects, for example: cone of the impossible cold from first finger, plasma from the second. Only one effect at time, cones only 30 cm long.
Karma - The ability to heal by making the wounds of the target become pure HURT energy, that auto-home into the one who made the wounds. Can make a barrier of prevension, stoping wounds from being inflicted on oneself and allies, but gaining HURT energy anyway.

Nor for Mc tho, i like this power for Npcs
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Crisis point - ability to produce cones out of persons fingertips with completely opposite effects, for example: cone of the impossible cold from first finger, plasma from the second. Only one effect at time, cones only 30 cm long.
Shatterpoint. The ability to be aware of flaws and points of interest in the world around you. It is originally a Force Power from Starwars (Mace Windu was good at it), but it also has similarities to Nasuverse's Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
Animal biological matter assimilation.

Like the wooden assimilation, anything from the animal kingdom you touch can be merged into your mass, or taken over if it has more mass than you, leaving a husk of your body to swiftly decompose. The new animal matter swiftly turns into you, changing colout and your face appearing on its.

And it's both cartoonish and creepy enough for Adventure Time.

Jelly invulnerability. Like the kid from the QQ story told in journal form with different colours for each person. He's not strong, or anything. He's just invulerable, and his boddy jiggles like jelly, bouncing magic and attacks back at people who send them, which is unlike the protag of that story, and I forgot its name.. Annotated. That's it.
Thats perfect! The first one takes out the not powerful flaws of the second one...

I might choose that.

Its between

Absolute Darkness manipulation(combination of the darkness powers on here and telehands)

And the matter assimilation.

Either way their going to have the jelly thing. But it wont be passive. He will either have yo turn to darkness(if i choose darkness powers) or turning into a slime(dunno what color so meh) thank you for this!
Land manipulation with all its sub powers
Earth manipulation
Water manipulation
Stone, metal and ice manipulation
Plant and animal control/alteration/manipulation
The ability to become one with the land think genius loci with the ability to create an new flesh and blood body
Golems and so many other things

Feel like getting away from the crazy of OOO go raise a island to live on