Vote tally - Look Upon My Works

Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Aug 20, 2018 at 12:52 PM, finished with 382 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Look Upon My Works
Post #1
Post #382


  • [X] Glory - The reward for taking a human life shall be the glory of a great deed done. Taking a life is a valorous achievement, for in the contest between two men of skill is the greatest challenge of all, and deserves recognition for the achievement.
    [X] Sing of History - A woman, who is among those taken from the Fishing People named Ash-thohe Kush-uy, has learnt of the tongue of the Kin to Air, and will sing to you, of the past of the Fishing People, and the hill that their camp stands on, and the struggles of their ancestors and the blessings of the river being.
    [X] Shame - The reward for taking a human life shall be the shame of community and one's fellows. Taking a life is tantamount to becoming like a wolf, destroying the works of man and taking their heartsblood. There is no greatness or joy, but sometimes, a wolf must hunt.
    [X] Sing of Spears - You sing and speak of a great battle, of the warfare that the Blooded of the Kin to Air made upon the Fishing People; of your great deeds, of the bright-cutting blade of Lugalkam from the land where the gods live.
    [X] Embrace - The reward for taking a human life shall be the embrace of all who surround one. Taking the life of another marks one as an experienced, powerful and worldly person, who is to be joined to the community and sought as a partner of marriage.
    [X] Sing of Stone - Stone sings of his travel, and of the deeds that he accomplished in his journey; the swift strokes of his spear duel, the wrathful victory over the wolf he faced, and his return and bringing the Kin to Air to the Blooded.
    [X] Rejection - The reward for taking a human life shall be the rejection of those who know one. Taking a life befouls the body with dangerous power, thus one must be rejected and treated as a murderer in daily life, for they hold great power of death in their hands.