Long to Reign Over Us
It was a cold morning in the March of 1947 when a reanimated...
It was a cold morning in the March of 1947 when a reanimated...
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EarthScorpion | 4 |
I can see why that might be an interesting narrative hook to go through. Thing is, every last one of the potential characters offered here are going to have the exact same problem. None of them experienced the war either. That narrative hook's staying no matter who we choose.No, I'm afraid not.
See, one of the thematic elements I've chosen to go for is the fact that, despite she looks like an adult, she missed the entire war. She's exploring a world where everyone else has been through something that she missed. She has to pretend she lived through something that everyone else takes as given.
(Also, if she wasn't made on VE Day, she wouldn't be Victoria any more)
Unfortunately, the only two options I can see for a "soldier Promethean" who was apparently created as some sort of retarded victory lap for the WW2 British government is either a malfunctioning Terminator that instinctively maims people when surprised (in which case the zeal and fire of the Frankenstein Lineage is going completely to waste, and they should probably be an Osiran or a Tammuz or something), or a Promethean Hiroo Onoda who still thinks the war is going on... somehow, while they're really just slaughtering random Germans and Italians (in which case we either roleplay as TF2's Soldier and go on wacky manslaughter misadventures, or things get really dark, really uncomfortable, and every vote is desperately struggling to have us not be a borderline serial killer anymore. I don't think you'd be okay with writing the former). What were you picturing? Because I can't think of anything good for the Experiment within the established framework.
... Then I guess there was never any reason to bother with it in the first place. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't seem to have a coherent structure to it - it sounds like you wanted to have a "first of the line", Victor-in-his-laboratory thing, decided it should be a military project, then completely shut down all of the plot threads the average writer would get from "product of a secret WWII military experiment to create super-soldiers" for deeply personal reasons.... but the Experiment isn't a soldier. If that was the point, she'd be "The Soldier". Conceptually she's part of the core Frankenstein's Monster concept, stripped of much of the rest of the Promethean setting. She was made on a remote Scottish laboratory, she rampaged and broke free on the day she was "born", and swam to shore. Now she's loose, and while the project that made her is officially shut down, it never officially existed in the first place which means that "officially" doesn't count for much. Hell, "Hunted by the Military" was one of her explicit keywords.
... Then I guess there was never any reason to bother with it in the first place. I'm sorry, but it just doesn't seem to have a coherent structure to it - it sounds like you wanted to have a "first of the line", Victor-in-his-laboratory thing, decided it should be a military project, then completely shut down all of the plot threads the average writer would get from "product of a secret WWII military experiment to create super-soldiers" for deeply personal reasons.
I kind of know that. It's Demiurge 101. You need to get sufficiently far out of your gourd that you punch a hole in the universe and grasp hold of the Divine Fire out of sheer NEED for it to work.It wouldn't have worked if they'd just had Victor Frankenstein's notes. You can't make a Promethean by following formulae.
I'm trying to picture what sort of cartoon has Victoria the Lonesome Socialist Golem in the cast, and just going @_@.More importantly, strypgia write-in feels like way too cartoonish to me, and it would kill my interest if it wins.
I kind of know that. It's Demiurge 101. You need to get sufficiently far out of your gourd that you punch a hole in the universe and grasp hold of the Divine Fire out of sheer NEED for it to work.
My disagreement with the Experiment as written is that there's no actual hook for me to dig into without ignoring a significant portion of it. Having the military be responsible, as opposed to, say, a small band of MENSA people who got really obsessive over helping the war effort AND proving their pet theories about Lamarck right, doesn't actually add anything to the Experiment other than making sure her enemies will be unusually well-armed and well-connected. You could totally replace it with the MENSA people rendering down a "defective" sibling of ours to make clones that they send out after us and get similar results.
Hence why the thrust of my post was about "hey, could I do this altered version, where we largely ditch the military aspect in favor of something that I see potential in, and thus can actually write a vote for?" Please answer my question, because I'd really like if I could actually take part in your "narrative chargen" instead of voting for clean-as-the-driven-snow RomCom Commie Girl out of sheer resignation and praying the character improves as we play.
Can't speak for @Broken25, but I guess what cheesed my onions a bit was that I felt like her "moral failing" was a bit weaksauce. Like, my idea was a Victoria reeling after her (equally-unsavory, to be honest) nationalistic pride and hubris was brutally torn down; she had her Heart of Darkness, and she failed, and now she's going after the New Dawn with both hands because she's terrified of her inner wrath/lack of discipline and thinks Humanity is the only way she can feel like a good person and not a blood-soaked maniac playing pretend.I'm trying to picture what sort of cartoon has Victoria the Lonesome Socialist Golem in the cast, and just going @_@.
What strikes you as cartoonish? I'm not exactly averse to altering it.
I guess it's just that I was really looking forward to this, so I sat down and came up with this whole neat idea for the Experiment as a deconstruction of the whole "nationalist supersoldier" thing, and had all these cool little beats to show off and a growing idea of what the character would be like...(I must confess, I don't really understand your issue with the Experiment or why you think it's shutting off plot hooks, when the entire point is that they're a dieselpunk Hammer Horror kinda thing on the run from the military, so I'm kind of having problems grasping what you want.)
If you can cook up an improved version, I'm fine to integrate it. I was trying to shoot for something like 'After the attack by the other Promethean, her personal fears are undercutting her ideals when she has to venture in any sort of public arena, and she knows it'.To me, that prompt should have been a chance to give Victoria a bit of a Byronic twist, establish some dark inner failing or desire that could destroy her. Mind you, the more I type, the more I'm kind of okay with your writeup, since that bit about her wussing out of a speech implies her 'fear' threatens her own idealism, which works.