loneranger's random BS thread


I'm a feedback whore
Alfred Beagle cut his teeth as a soldier in World War I, serving under Percival Sheldrake. It was here that he met Thomas Wayne, an American medic who volunteered for the French. Thomas Wayne was a combat medic who barely saved Alfred's life, pulling his out of the Trenches and sharing a cigarette with the British soldiers during one of the deadliest days in the war. After the war, Alfred followed Percival into a top secret British special forces program and Thomas was able to make a fortune and join the New Money.

Thomas married Martha (from an Old Money family) had a kid, and was eventually gunned down in Crime Alley, Gotham City, leaving behind an eight year old son named Bruce. Bruce was largely raised by his uncle Phillip. Phillip and Thomas got rich together, but Thomas was always the better man and when Thomas died and the Great Depression hit a few years after Phillip spiraled into a drug binge. Bruce largely raised himself and never learned how to deal with the trauma of his parent's death, affecting him for his life. He used the last fumes of his parents fortune (the bits that Phillip didn't use up) traveling the world and learning all sorts of shall we say interesting techniques.

Come 1939 and Alfred has been a top soldier for the United Kingdom for decades. But Alfred is tired of the bloodshed; though Percival wants him to join the latest fight against the Nazis, Alfred doesn't have it in him anymore. He decides to move to the United States and take up a job offer Thomas gave him back in the trenches in WWI. Of course, Alfred isn't allowed to leave - the British SAS wants all hands on deck. So he takes up a false identity : Alfred Pennyworth, a retired circus actor hoping to find some work in the United States. For his part, Bruce returns to Gotham a young man, constantly offered a job in the military by his Uncle Kane. Though he has no interest in killing and war, this does give Bruce an idea to make some money and Wayne Industries goes into mass weapons production, primarily selling to the British and French (and once Lend-Lease goes through Wayne truly regains the heights of $$$ his parents had). Wayne hires Pennyworth and the two bond over their dislike of killing, although Alfred quickly gets dragged into Bruce's personal war on crime in Gotham. Alfred's special forces training in England actually helps put the finishing touches on what will be known as the Batman.

Gotham was put through the ringer by the Depression. It wasn't perfect before as Thomas Wayne had grand plans to share his wealth with the city, but the Depression had truly destroyed Gotham. Crime spread through the streets and there was a vast gap between the 1% and the poor. Batman cut a swath through the gangs in the early 40s. The Draft into WWII had both a positive and negative effect on the city. While it cleared out a lot of gang members, it also removed a lot of the working class that Bruce tried to build up to restore Gotham. He teamed up with DA Harvey Dent, to support him as a Mayoral Candidate to bring Gotham out of the darkness. The Joker quickly made that plan useless.

Batman & Gordon did a lot to help Gotham, with Bruce in particular doing a lot of charity for the city and going against the rest of Gotham's 1% like Rupert Thorne. This ironically meant that Bruce was called before the HUAC as a potential Communist. Gordon gave testimony that exonerated Mr. Wayne, although this led to Agent Waller siccing Bane (a Spanish merc for hire) on the Batman. This resulted in Bruce's back breaking around 1949. He eventually disappeared with a group known as the League of Assassins, leading Dick and Alfred to maintain Gotham for a few months. When Bruce returned he was different - not only better but faster, more agile. Dick put away the cowl and joined the Army - he had been just too young to fight in World War II, but decided that he wanted to get some experience under his belt.

Dick met Victor Stone while both were stationed in Korea, saving his life when the latter's legs were blown off by a North Korean mine. Victor would eventually be rebuilt by his father using state of the art technology. Silas Stone was a black scientist, actually a contributor to the Manhattan Project. Silas felt immense guilt for his part in creating nuclear weapons and as such created numerous advances in medical technology since WWII. Vic had went to Korea as an act of defiance against his father, but it was this medical technology which saved his life.

After the war Dick and Vic met a few other young people like themselves: Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy. This fivesome fits in really well with 1950s themes. One of their enemies is Slade Wilson, a twisted CIA agent in the business of knocking out democratically elected governments to prop up pro-United States dictatorships.

In Gotham, the city improved greatly over the 1950s as Bruce continued his war on crime with renewed vigor. But eventually time caught up to him. Barbara and Dick had to return home from a Freedom Ride down South to come to Bruce's funeral in the early 1960s. It was here that Dick met Talia and Damian Wayne. Damian was born from a tryst between Bruce and Talia 10 years ago when Bruce went to the League of Assassins to retrain himself following his back breaking by Bane. Bruce had no idea Damian had lived, and now Talia needed Dick's help to keep Damian safe as Slade Wilson branched out to taking over the League of Assassins.

Dick took Damian under his wing, largely trying to give Damian a normal upbringing. Dick became the Batman of Gotham, but the city largely calmed down after Bruce's work in the 40s and 50s. Dick's Batman is more similar to the Adam West Batman. Public appearances, "Don't do drugs, stay in school" PSAs and the like. Of course Dick was still a crime fighter and an able detective, but he didn't have much work to do. So when drugs started flooding the streets in the early 1970s and the streets became flooded with new and violent crime, Damian returned from college and forced Dick to retire - Bruce had gotten old and slow, and Damian didn't want the same to happen to Dick.

Damian took over the cowl, but of course he was always trying to live up to the legacy of the father he never met. This is what drove him to make a deal with the devil, literally. Damian sold his immortal soul so that his physical body would never die. Dick was obviously unhappy, and left to find a way to reverse the deal. He never returned, to Damian's chagrin.

Every Batman needs a Robin, so when Damian discovered some punk kid trying to take the wheels off of his Batmobile, he was charmed to say the least. Damian took Jason Todd under his wing and trained him as the first soldier in his war on crime. Things didn't turn out too well. Jason was eventually murdered in the line of duty and this was the final straw to turn Barbara Gordon against Damian. In her position as Commissioner she declared the police would hunt down the Batman. This led to Damian undoing his immortality deal, unable to deal with the remorse. He became much more violent on the streets to compensate for his new weakness, making the 90s a dark time for Gotham.

Damian was eventually approached by Cadmus in '99 for Project Batman Beyond - he finally saw a way out. Cadmus offered to bring back what Damian always thought Gotham really needed: Bruce Wayne. Damian allowed them to get into Bruce's grave in order to get the DNA to create the next Batman. 16 years later and Terry McGinnis stumbles his way onto Wayne property and Damian remembers his long lost deal - and the what he had told Dick about getting old and slipping. Damian officially retired and began training McGinnis and outfitting him with highly advanced technology.
For an unfaithfully adapted DBZ live action series.

Bulma grew up as the daughter of Muten Roshi, a famed old hero. He wanted her to follow her own path, and so put her through lots of schooling as a child. She wants to stop the RRA and Pilaf from getting the dragon balls.

The Red Ribbon Army is a paramilitary cult that keeps order in the Wastelands. They started as a local police force but have since Drank their own koolade. They want to use the Dragon Balls for nefarious purposes.

"Emperor" Pilaf is a middle aged businessman from the wastes whose wife left him for a more exciting man. He now uses ability to manipulate people to hunt for the Dragon Balls.

Goku is the first person Bulma meets, basically a hyper strong caveman boy with a dragon ball who agrees to join Bulma for adventure.

Yamcha is a thief in the wastelands, the type of "scum" that the RRA wants to eradicate. He does it for the thrill, but Goku and Bulma convince him to join a greater cause.

Krillin is a young boy the group saves from a RRA pack we find on the road. We eventually find out that he is the son of Tao Pai Pai, hoping to escape the life of a soldier.

Chi-Chi is an old woman who initially doesn't want to give up her dragon ball. Goku talks the group out of stealing it outright and is nice to her instead. Chi-Chi ends up adopting Goku.

The first season is obviously the hunt for the dragon balls. Team Z ends up teaming up with Pilaf to deny the RRA access to the dragon balls. The Big Bads are of course General Blue and Tai Pai Pai who both work for the RRA. While the dragon balls are dispersed, Pilaf escapes with a secret weapon that even the Red Ribbon Army wouldn't use - a rice cooker.

Season 2 has Goku and Krillin training with Bulma's father Roshi, fighting Tien (Krillin's older brother who now technically controls the RRA), and a few different incarnations of Piccolo. That season ends with a tease of an alien invasion (the Saiyans).
X-Men TV Show concept

Episode 1 - "Professor" Xavier is a man who travels the United States looking for mutants like himself. He believes that his people are under attack, and together with his two protégés Scott Summers and Jean Grey he travels the United States speaking on behalf of mutant kind and trying to free his brethren. Scott and Jean were basically street kids when Xavier found them and their parents frequently give public interviews about how awful they are. The entire nation is gripped by mutant hysteria led by a certain pastor. While giving a speech trying to free a certain mutant, Xavier is shot in the chest. Scott goes after the assassin, blasting them in the chest. The assassin then gets up, sprouts metal claws from his hands and hurts Scott too. If not for the timely intervention of Jean Grey, Scott would've died too.
Episode 2 They are very nearly turned away at the hospital, but a young (secretly mutant) nurse named Hank McCoy offers his help. Xavier is to be paralyzed for the rest of his life.
Episode 3 The group defends Xavier against a street gang of mutants looking for leadership, they are able to peel off one of the youngsters named Bobby Drake and convince him to join them.
Episode 4 the group goes to worthington, a famous billionaire whose son is a mutant. Worthington agrees to help bring the equipment to bring Xavier back to full health. Although it is revealed to be a trap by the aforementioned pastor and the assassin from episode 1.

Season wide we find out that Mr Sinister is a government agent using the pastor guy as an excuse to gather all the mutants under his control. Weapon X (Wolverine) is his best asset and Xavier's talk of peace is his greatest enemy.

A B plot includes one of Mr Sinister's prisoners named Xorn escaping and slowly accruing his own gathering. By the end of the season he discovers his real name is Magneto, and someone has tampered with his mind.

C Plot - Wolverine is a top government assassin whose deep seated programming begins to slowly unravel leading to him going rogue at the end of the season.