[X] Plan Bookworm -[X] Study: So you could be a great tactician instead? A general even. -- [X] Strategy, DC 20 -[X] Bring a present to the instructor or trainer, it couldn't hurt to have them like you more. DC 12 -[X] Request Lessons from the Instructor on finance and how to run the kingdom. Surely he'd listen! DC 45
- [X] Study your classmates and get the lay of the land. Figure who does what, and how fun they were! DC 30
--[X] Pay extra attention to your Classes and try to excel! DC 15 -[X] Self Help: Devote your personal time to one of the actions below -- [X] Self-Learn, DC 50
[X] Plan Asgardian Foundation, Round 1
-[X] Martial: Train: Hand to Hand, DC 30
-[X] Diplomacy: Make friends during your lessons...and during training! DC 25
-[X] Stewardship: Ask mother for an allowance you could manage. DC 25
-[X] Intrigue: Study your classmates and get the lay of the land. Figure who does what, and how fun they were! DC 30
-[X] Learning: Pay extra attention to your Classes and try to excel! DC 15
-[X] Personal: Relationships: Spend time with some of your favorite people in the world! (Father)
[X] Plan: Being a Kid and Spending Time with Family
-[X] Fight: Some say the best way to learn is to do.
--[X] The dastardly fiend Megathor has challenged you to a deathmatch, DC ???
-[X] Convince Your Mother that you didn't NEED lessons from the instruction, but from her instead. DC 55
-[X] Ask mother for an allowance you could manage. DC 25
-[X] Pull pranks on Thor. Those were always fun, and he never saw them coming! DC 15
-[X] You learn best from only the best. As such you were homeschooled by your Mother. Try to learn from her (contingent on Convince Your Mother... action in Diplomacy) DC 10
--[X] Pay extra attention to your Classes and try to excel! DC 15
-[X] There was...something in you. You could feel it. Try to tap into that. DC, ??
[X] Train: Father, Mother, and all of Asgard expected you to be a great warrior. Try not to disappoint them
- [X] With your mother, DC 40 Intrigue, DC 15 Martial