LIZARDMEN!!! (Stargate SI)

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AN( This was a very spur of the moment thing so I'm just winging it for the most part, if you...
Chapter numero Uno
AN( This was a very spur of the moment thing so I'm just winging it for the most part, if you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to say them. constructive criticism is very welcomed I know im not the best writer but I'm trying to get better so any advice helps. anyways enjoy the story i hope you like it)


Waking up surrounded by an opaque blackness when moments ago I had just closed my eyes moments ago to sleep didn't really cause the panic one would expect. I had figured if anything I was just having a lucid dream, that and I always had a general sense of apathy for pretty much everything that didn't cause problems for me. Selfish i know, but I didn't really care all too much what others cared, that came with the apathy. Since I had decided this was probably just some strange dream I tried walking around to see if I could find anything. Though after ten minutes of trying and not seeing anything I gave up and sat down criss cross applesauce style and waited for pretty much anything to happen.

Waiting like this didn't bother me to much, in fact I quite liked it, gave me time to think and relax and not be bothered by any tedious things such as work and social interactions. Soon though I heard something shifting in the darkness, when suddenly a pair of great red eyes and a wide maniac like smile could be seen in the dark kind of like the cheshire cat but much more menacing.

"Well well aren't you an interesting one" it spoke as its grin grew even larger if that was even possible. Surprising me and though I wouldn't admit it spooked me for a moment, though that went away after a moment. This was just a dream and being spooked required too much effort on my part.

"How so smiles, I ain't done anything" I spoke in a mostly monotone but slightly sarcastic tone, this was a strange dream.

"Exactly" it grinned "most of you fleshy mortals would be running around hyperventilating by now" Smiles as I decided to label him, spoke as he chuckled slightly sadistically .

" ehh too much work, I'd much rather chill right here" I drawled lazily " 'sides why would I, you're just a dream anyway, you can't touch me". However just to prove me wrong something reached out of the darkness shoved me to the ground, that's when I started to grow a bit more concerned, that definitely never happened in any dream I've had.

" Oh can't I? Small fleshy one, You'll find that there's not much I can't do" he spoke in an amused tone. "You're lucky most would be dead now, the others were oh so boring. No amusement at all except from their deaths" he chuckled sadistically. " you though, you are amusing. Just sitting there without a care. Therefore I'll give you a…. Shall we say deal" he whispered as if he was telling me some great big secret.

"I have a feeling i don't have much of a choice, but sure let's hear this offer of yours " I sighed, I had a feeling this was going to become quite troublesome.

"Good..Good you're learning" he laughed. "But first let me give you some context, you know all those fanfics I know you love to read? All the ones about some poor schmuck getting pulled out of their life to amuse some random great and powerful being? This is one of those" he explained with amusement in his deep voice.

"....well.fuck a duck.." I face palmed, I enjoyed those stories greatly, but I very much would prefer it happening to someone else,it would simply require way too much effort to want to do. Though at this point if my situation was anything like most of those stories I didn't have much of a choice. "Ughh fine what's the deal" I mumbled.

"In return for me dropping you off on a random world somewhere in the multiverse and you amusing me, I'll grant you three wishes to help you wherever you land" Smiles said.

"Alright alright… wait a minute so you'll give three wishes? anything ?" I asked becoming intrigued.

"Yup, that's what I said didn't I? Can't have you dying to quickly, that would defeat the purpose of you amusing me" said Smiles impatiently.

" Alright sure whatever deal" I agreed knowing I didn't have much of a choice anyway, though the wishes were definitely a bonus.

"No no no, have you no sense of theatrics, you must make the deal properly repeat after me, I, state your name, accept this deal and all that it entails and promise to fulfill my half of the bargain as long as you hold to yours" Smiles grumbled.

"Fine" rolling my eyes at him. " I, Benjamin ******, Accept this deal and all that it entails and promise to fulfil my half of the bargain as long as you hold to yours" I spoke, and i swear I could hear what sounded like those huge church bells ring from somewhere in the dark.

"Excellent .. EXCELLENT… THE DEAL HAS BEEN STRUCK" He laughed like a maniac. " now for my portion of the deal, your wishes. be quick about it I grow more bored of talking by the minute"He said, grumbling a bit at the end.

Now was the hard part, I didn't know where I'd end up so I should probably pick something that would help me in most situations that I could think of me ending up in. After a bit of thinking I came to a decision on what my first wish would be.

" For my first wish I want the ability to think of, understand and build any machine or piece of technology " I declared, I had decided to go this route instead of something like magical because I've always loved sci-fi stuff over magical stories. Plus with this ability if I landed anywhere from a medieval age to sci-fi future age I'd always hold an advantage.

"Hmmm strange wish but granted" Smiles intoned, and suddenly my brain was filled with the ideas, plans and blueprints for machines for every conceivable situation , I held my head tightly as the strongest headache I've ever had came and bashed my brain for a few minutes till it subsided.

Standing up after recovering from my headache. " whew that hurt, alright for next wish I want to redesign my body to anyway I want" I asked.

"Granted" smiles spoke. As soon as he spoke my vision blacked out and when I came back I realized I was staring at myself from third person view. There I stood all of the 5'5 native american male that was me, my height had always been a sore point for me. Compared to most people I was pretty small. As if reading my mind my body shot up to 6'2 in height "badass" I grinned. After that I decided to go nuts a little and keep the height but change my body into that of a lizard man. The body looked like a Saurus from warhammer fantasy but not quite as thick and muscled and a wreath of brightly colored feathers coming from the back of my head like some Argonians from elder scrolls. The feathers looked like a native american ceremonial chief headdress as homage to my original body.

why a 6 foot 2 emerald green, feathered lizard man you may ask? Lizardmen are badass that's why. Though the real reason I chose to design my body as lizard man was because since I was little I've always loved reptiles and would dream of being a lizardman. Though I knew that this body was not exactly discreet so I added the ability to shift into a human like body, it wasn't a perfect disguise but it would pass if it wasn't scrutinized to heavily. I wasn't expecting some kind of advantage to being a lizard man I just wanted to be one and I had the ability to so hey why not? Might as well take advantage of the fact I get three wishes.

"If you're done admiring yourself can we get a move on your next wish?" Smiles impatiently said.

"Yea yea hold your damn horses" I grumbled back at him. For my last wish I wanted something to remind of home, so I wished to take along my pet green iguana, Mort. Even though he was a vicious little beastie that was incredibly spoiled. He was still my favorite thing in life since I didn't have much family around he was the next best thing. He got an upgrade as well, I wanted to be able to ride on him like the mongoose lizards from Avatar the last air bender, so he ended up around 20 feet long.

"Screeeee?" "I know Mort this is crazy huh?". "screech hiss hiss?" "yup you got it right we're in one of those situations" "SCREEEEE!!!" " well screw you too! How is this my fault?" "HISSS!" "yes yes I'll get you some mangoes, is that enough to get you to forgive me you spoiled little bastard?" "SCREEEEE" Mort nodded smugly. Did I mention we could understand each other? So yea that's a thing that we could do.

"Finally you're done! god you're as slow as a 90 year old woman arthritis!" shouted a frustrated smiles " now begone! And remember to entertain me!" and with that I promptly passed out and when I woke up I saw that I was surrounded by dense jungle. Though very soon after mort and I had to hide in the foliage as a group of men with gold symbols in their foreheads and staffs in their hands passed by not noticing us as we were perfectly camouflaged.

"Well shit" I recognized what those soldiers were, Jaffa. Which meant I was somewhere in the stargate universe, Which is good because it could've been somewhere much worse, and bad because all the information I had about stargate was from fanfics.


AN( so what are your thoughts? any advice or ideas? if the this feels a little wish fufilly well that's cause it is to an extent but not to worry the MC is not gonna be all powerful for awhile and there are indeed consequences for the the specific wishes he chose)
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Number two
Whew this took a little bit to write. I hope you enjoy!

This was very bad, I had almost no knowledge on the stargate universe. Even then everything I did know came from various fan fiction stories I had read while i was still human. I quickly gathered all the knowledge I did have in my mind. First the big baddies were some kind of snake parasites that took over human bodies and acted like gods. They also did a ton of slaving as well as having a subspecies of humans called jaffa serve as they're warriors. Secondly was that there are gate like portals scattered all over the place that linked together if you had the right codes, created by some super advanced precursor race, all in all pretty stock standard for a sci-fi setting. Thirdly was that humans or at least Americans had a gate and used it go around the galaxy all willy nilly adventuring all over the place generally being the good guys, ya know the usual. Lastly was that there are various races all around the place, the ones I knew the most about were little grey stereotypical aliens that were good guys i think.

Whelp, I'm screwed, I knew practically nothing about this setting. Well, I'll have to deal with this later, the most important problem to me currently was the patrol of 6 of these very mean looking jaffa fellows. Deciding that I was not very confidant of my chances in taking all of them in a fight I turned to walk deeper into the jungle I woke up in. Then promptly tripped over my tail and ate shit whilst making quite the racket, that is when it came to me that I had no idea how to walk with my very long tail. I was around 6'2 in height not counting my tail, counting my tail added another 5 feet of muscular appendage I currently had know idea how to move made evident by the fact that it dragged around like a long soggy towel.

I was broken from my thought thoughts by the sound or lack of sound in this case, of the patrol suddenly going quiet and spinning around to see me face down in the dirt. Now I don't know about you but the general reactions to seeing a big scary man sized lizard are A squealing like a lil baby and running or B try and beat it up. Unfortunately for me they went with option B and opened fire with their glowing staff shootyness. However fortunately for my tail and me large staffs with no sites don't tend to be very accurate. Which gave me enough time to roll behind a large conveniently placed rock. Unfortunately, again, for me I still had no idea how to maneuver in this lumbering body, I really should've thought about this before I decided to become a lizard man that had a body very different than a human's. Luckily, for me not the jaffa, Mort had no such troubles and very quickly trucked through the middle of the group knocking four of the six to the ground and disorienting the two still standing. Turning on a dime Mort tail whipped one of the two still standing and judging by the sickening snap crackle pop that came from his spine he wasn't going to be getting up again.

Releasing a triumphant "SCREEECH" he flipped around to the other still standing jaffa who began to run away after witnessing his squad mate get brutalized. Mort however wasn't having any of that nonsense and ran after, biting his head right off after a short lived chase. Utilizing the small window of time it took for the twenty foot lean mean green death machine to catch the fleeing jaffa, the rest of the squad quickly formed up to do battle. Three turned to face Mort While the remaining one turned towards me and quickly opened fire on my safety rock, the rock didn't last long against what I could only assume was some form of plasma. As my mind went into the primal instinct of fight or flight mode, I launched my body ungainly towards the jaffa claws and fangs bared with pure desperation in mind quickly reaching him and began tearing into him in the way only a scared and cornered animal could. Only succeeding in my mad attack because of the primal instinct built into a reptile's body taking over.

Once I had very thoroughly insured that this particular jaffa was no longer a threat to me, I slumped back in exhaustion. In The background the staff fire began to quiet one by one till there was no more noise other than Mort and I breathing and the natural ambient sound of a bio diverse rain forest.

"Sqwaaaaw?" Mort moaned in concern as he walked up to me and nudged me with his head.

"I'm fine buddy, god am i glad I decided to bring you along, I would've been dead without you" I sighed, while running a clawed hand through my crest of feathers.

"Sqwaa" mort screeched softly in smug agreement.

" haha don't let it go to your head you cocky lizard" I chuckle while patting his snout. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed movement from where Mort took care of the last jaffa. Going around Mort to get a better look at what it was, a heavy pit dropped in my stomach as I realized one of the jaffa was still alive, albeit without legs but still alive. I also noticed with morbid curiosity that he also happened to be aiming his staff at me, my eyes widened as if in slow motion he fired and I watched the bolt of blue fire race across the clearing and slam into me. Blacking out the last thing I saw and heard was Mort letting out a terrifying roar and leaping over my body and charging the jaffa, Then darkness.


When I woke up, it was to the damp dark cave formed naturally in the roots of the massive trees that made up the towering dense jungle. I also noticed Mort curled up around me protectively, sleeping. The fact that His huge fit comfortable in the space between the roots gave credence to just how truly monolithic the trees that surrounded us were. Reaching out to pet him on his side with my left arm, only for nothing to happen. curious , I looked at my arm to see why it hadn't worked, only to that there was no arm just a blackened cauterized stump at elbow length where the plasma bolt had torn and burned its way through.

"AHHHHH" a terrified scream tripped its way out of my throat. Waking quickly and jumping to his feet Mort hissed intimidatingly as he looked for anything dangerous. Not seeing any threat he turned to me in curiosity, only to see me staring numbly at my new stump. Understanding now, he nudged me crooning softly trying to comfort.

"...." I said nothing as I stared blankly.

Trying again to catch my attention he screeched softly and nudged me a bit firmer.

"My arms gone" I noted limply. "Gone…..god I'm stupid, I was so sure that everything would be fine and we'd be okay. I was stupid for thinking everything would be sunshine and daisies like all the stories. Now I have this" I spit vehemently while jutting out my stump to Mort.

Mort didn't bother replying just looking on in concern and nudging me in concern as shouted. What was I expecting? This was real life now not some story where the protagonist always wins and saves the day and lives happily ever after.

I sat there for hours wallowing in self pity, Mort had left a little while ago to find something to eat. blankly noting that as it turned dark my vision didn't grow worse, ,must've been another aspect of my reptile biology. Mort returned eventually with a six legged deer like animal that glowed with bio-luminescence in his mouth dropping it on the ground and nudging it towards me. Being a green iguana , a ginormous one but one nonetheless meant that he ate strictly a herbivore diet. I however had a distinctly predatory body build which meant i ate meat. I dully Bite into it and swallowing chunks of meat whole chunks cooking not needed.

Life continued on like this for a couple weeks as i stayed in the cave drowning in self pity reminiscing about my life before all this and getting used to my body, while Mort hunted and brought back food all while trying to comfort me. One night I sat there in the cave thinking about one time as a child I had caught a gecko only for its tail to pop off. I was devastated thinking I had hurt the little guy, until my mom explained to me how some species of lizards could regrow limbs. It took a moment but that thought hit me like a frieght train

"YES!!!" I jumped up startling Mort who had just came back from his daily hunt dropping his catch.

"Squaww?" He questioned a bit surprised at my first show of emotion in two weeks.

"No time to explain! Quick take me back to the place we fought those jaffa!" I yelled while hopping on to Mort's back, right behind his head holding onto him with my only hand as he bounded back to the area we had fought. Though as we traveled a little doubt began to enter me, how did I know this was going to work? What if it didn't? I didn't know if my body had the capability to regrow limbs. I pushed away the doubt I had to at least try. My arm not growing back already could be explained by the fact that the wound was cauterized instantly from the heat, so if I removed the burnt flesh it might kick start the healing process if there even was one. As we quickly approached the battlefield I hopped off Mort's back and began rummaging through the corpse's belongings.

" come on come on, there's gotta be one somewhere around here!" I Exclaimed desperately, and eventually I found what I was looking for, ironically on the body of the one who shot off my arm. Reaching forward and almost reverently pulling up a long curved middle eastern styled knife.

"Yes Yesss!" I hissed in delight.

"Screee?" Mort questioned my sanity. After quickly explaining my thought process and plan he was doubtful but still couldn't think of any other alternative. I also grabbed a thick leather belt from one of the corpses, id need this. I walked over to a fallen over tree and knelt in front of it placing my stump on top.

" ok ok ok come on you can do this, this'll work come on" I hyped myself up, after a bit more of preparing myself I placed the belt in my mouth and quickly before I could psych myself out I began to carve off the very edge of the wound.

"UGHHH" screaming into the belt I bite down harder and as my vision started to darken. Then relief came I finished cutting away the burnt flesh and strangely the pain stopped. I waited patiently for any sign of success when the stump ever so slowly began to knit itself together.

"Yes!!" I yelled as tears of happiness streamed down my scaly cheeks, and evidently my happiness was infectious as Mort let out a roar warbling in jubilation. I was so happy but I quickly grew serious, I had something work out for me in the end but that wasn't always going to happen. I had to get serious, no more games this was real and I was going to survive no matter what I had to do. I was gonna hedge the bets so in my favor it wasn't even going to be funny after all if you weren't cheating you weren't doing it right.

So what do you think? Good? Bad? Terrible? let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions feel free to say them.
So what can your Lizardman body do?
Prehensile tail?
Exctra strength and agility?
Wall climbing?
Enhanced Lung Capacity and Swim speed?
Night vision?
So what can your Lizardman body do?
Prehensile tail?
Exctra strength and agility?
Wall climbing?
Enhanced Lung Capacity and Swim speed?
Night vision?

1)Not prehensile in the way that a monkey would use their tail, just enough control to say purposefully whip someone with it but not enough to grab and hold things.

2) much stronger than a normal human but not so much as to be unbelievable. ehh I'd say around 3 times that of an Olympian level human in strength, agility, and fine tuned control (eventual in this case). but that's a bit of moot point for the character at the moment seeing as he was no muscle memory to go along with his body. just instinct and yes i know in most animals instinct would be all they need however he pretty recently was a mammal with none of the evolutionary traits that come with being a reptile so he's gotta learn to work his body to full potential

3) not in the sense most reptiles would climb (sticky pads on their toes or just needing a rough surface to cling to) but depending on the strength and material of whatever surface it was he could probably dig his claws in.

4) well i wanted to stick to the three times theme but seeing as the average person can hold their breath for around 3 minutes that would still put him behind the record, 22 minutes and 22 seconds from what i can tell and that's pretty insane if you think about it i want my character to be better than a human but not to an insane level. I'd just slap gills on him but I don't want to be too cheaty. so lets just place lung capacity at holding air for 28 minutes if he got a deep breath before doing so. As for swim speed, seeing as most reptiles are excellent swimmers even if they don't live near water he'll be able make out swimming Micheal Phelps look like a stroll through the park and that man is practically a fish.

however do not that this is all subject to change depending how the story goes and therefore not set in stone.

Any other questions? please do ask ill try and answer any questions you have without giving too much away
4) well i wanted to stick to the three times theme but seeing as the average person can hold their breath for around 3 minutes that would still put him behind the record, 22 minutes and 22 seconds from what i can tell and that's pretty insane if you think about it i want my character to be better than a human but not to an insane level. I'd just slap gills on him but I don't want to be too cheaty. so lets just place lung capacity at holding air for 28 minutes if he got a deep breath before doing so. As for swim speed, seeing as most reptiles are excellent swimmers even if they don't live near water he'll be able make out swimming Micheal Phelps look like a stroll through the park and that man is practically a fish.

however do not that this is all subject to change depending how the story goes and therefore not set in stone.

Any other questions? please do ask ill try and answer any questions you have without giving too much away

you do know the average for a normal lizard can hold breath for about 50 minute right
and some can up to 3 hours
3) not in the sense most reptiles would climb (sticky pads on their toes or just needing a rough surface to cling to) but depending on the strength and material of whatever surface it was he could probably dig his claws in.

like Gargoyles?
huh looks like your right well i suppose that changes thing's a bit. whelp i guess an hour seems fine for that
I suppose in a fight, tackling a foe and swimming down with them would probably be a liable course of action...
does his tail have a finned bit to help with swimming?

like Gargoyles?

I suppose in a fight, tackling a foe and swimming down with them would probably be a liable course of action...
does his tail have a finned bit to help with swimming?
Haha i love the gif it fits exactly how i pictured that in my mind. and no he doesn't have a finned tail, thought that's not necessarily needed to swim quickly most lizards swim in a side to side motion like a snake. take for example the marine iguana one of the most well adapted lizards to the water and they don't posses any kind of fins on their body
"Its laterally flattened tail and spiky dorsal fin aid in propulsion"

so its kinda flatter than other tails?
fair enough, i just assumed the dorsal fin was too short to really be considered a fin and help with swimming. but anyway the character's tail would be most similar to green iguana's more rounded whip like tail but non the less he'll still be quite proficient at swimming
Some additional work on the grammar would be appreciated. As it is, there are so many redundant words and confusing sentences as to make it a pain to read through.
You've got a lot of dropped words and sentences that finish oddly and the whole thing reads like thought vomit. Also, your chapters suffer from a case of word wall. Try spacing your paragraphs out little more. I know that most people teach that you should have a minimum of four sentences per paragraph, but that's for the written word. When it is meant to be read on a computer screen, four to five sentences (depending on length) is the maximum.

Like above. There are five sentences there, one of which is a short one. That general size is what you should be aiming for.
Looks intresting enough i love the whole nonhuman thing there will be some fun interactions with the stargate team thinking they found a new species but i dont really like the ability to turn into a human really takes away the action we get from being a nonhuman
But i ecourage you to continue
Haha i love the gif it fits exactly how i pictured that in my mind. and no he doesn't have a finned tail, thought that's not necessarily needed to swim quickly most lizards swim in a side to side motion like a snake. take for example the marine iguana one of the most well adapted lizards to the water and they don't posses any kind of fins on their body

Crocs, or possibly gators (not sure which), have this paddle like tail tip, which I assume is meant for the form of locomotion you described.
Standing up after recovering from my headache. " whew that hurt, alright for next wish I want to redesign my body to anyway I want" I asked.

"Granted" smiles spoke. As soon as he spoke my vision blacked out and when I came back I realized I was staring at myself from third person view. There I stood all of the 5'5 native american male that was me, my height had always been a sore point for me. Compared to most people I was pretty small. As if reading my mind my body shot up to 6'2 in height "badass" I grinned. After that I decided to go nuts a little and keep the height but change my body into that of a lizard man. The body looked like a Saurus from warhammer fantasy but not quite as thick and muscled and a wreath of brightly colored feathers coming from the back of my head like some Argonians from elder scrolls. The feathers looked like a native american ceremonial chief headdress as homage to my original body.

why a 6 foot 2 emerald green, feathered lizard man you may ask? Lizardmen are badass that's why. Though the real reason I chose to design my body as lizard man was because since I was little I've always loved reptiles and would dream of being a lizardman. Though I knew that this body was not exactly discreet so I added the ability to shift into a human like body, it wasn't a perfect disguise but it would pass if it wasn't scrutinized to heavily. I wasn't expecting some kind of advantage to being a lizard man I just wanted to be one and I had the ability to so hey why not? Might as well take advantage of the fact I get three wishes.

"If you're done admiring yourself can we get a move on your next wish?" Smiles impatiently said.

"Yea yea hold your damn horses" I grumbled back at him. For my last wish I wanted something to remind of home, so I wished to take along my pet green iguana, Mort. Even though he was a vicious little beastie that was incredibly spoiled. He was still my favorite thing in life since I didn't have much family around he was the next best thing. He got an upgrade as well, I wanted to be able to ride on him like the mongoose lizards from Avatar the last air bender, so he ended up around 20 feet long.

"Screeeee?" "I know Mort this is crazy huh?". "screech hiss hiss?" "yup you got it right we're in one of those situations" "SCREEEEE!!!" " well screw you too! How is this my fault?" "HISSS!" "yes yes I'll get you some mangoes, is that enough to get you to forgive me you spoiled little bastard?" "SCREEEEE" Mort nodded smugly. Did I mention we could understand each other? So yea that's a thing that we could do.

"Finally you're done! god you're as slow as a 90 year old woman arthritis!" shouted a frustrated smiles " now begone! And remember to entertain me!" and with that I promptly passed out and when I woke up I saw that I was surrounded by dense jungle. Though very soon after mort and I had to hide in the foliage as a group of men with gold symbols in their foreheads and staffs in their hands passed by not noticing us as we were perfectly camouflaged.

"Well shit" I recognized what those soldiers were, Jaffa. Which meant I was somewhere in the stargate universe, Which is good because it could've been somewhere much worse, and bad because all the information I had about stargate was from fanfics.

This bit felt hugely chunky, things stopped rolling well together, and a number of mistakes started populating.

Rather than saying 'Like avatar the last airbender' describe the thing. Claws, color, eyes, is it slow moving, a particular shade, etc.

Also, work on the wording of the wish, most wishes should be like genies wishes, where they take the most literal and least favorable meaning, so you would need to word this carefully. Perhaps rather than wishes, be granted a single boon, your technology, but the lizard body and animal companion are things forced on you by your godly patron? A little more reason, a little less wish fullfillment.

Another thing, every time someone speaks, its a new paragraph. Work that out a little better.
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So uuuhhh I guess that the body mod wish was a one time thing b/c I kinda understood that as him being a shapeshifter now
Interesting story so far. Very much non-munchkinned wishes, but there is such a thing as power overload so this was probably a smart idea from a writing perspective.