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OC character, Mami Akayuki, faces her deepest and darkest fear held within the borders of Academy City. She one goal and one goal only. Get back what she lost and make those that caused her pain to face the consequences.

Name: Mami Akayuki
Age: 16 (Start of Story)
Appearance: Mami appears as a tall thin teenage girl. She is above average height for an average woman of Japanese descent standing at 5'7ft/170cm. Her skin is pale as snow, she has white hair that reaches down to her back, and piercing red eyes.
Although her brother, known as Accelerator, has androgynous features she leans heavily on the feminine side.
Her fashion tends to reflect her mood at times as she is not tied down to one specific style over the other, a constant staple of her look are dangling jewel red earrings.

Ability: Mami could be considered as an "Living Grail/Mystic Code" where she has the ability to either [Include] or [Install] a Heroic Spirit/Servant from the Throne of Heroes with a specific class container. If a Servant is "Included" it materializes the weapon/Noble Phantasm of the Servant in question. Though, she can not use any active/non-passive Noble Phantasms; even passive effects are halved in power while in [Include] mode. Servants that have no weapon; several weapons; or have specific weapon requirements can't be Included properly if at all. When a Servant is "Installed" her existence is "overwritten" and she is granted the Noble Phantasm, Skills, and clothing of the Servant. This has a risk of the personality bleed over which causes the assimilation of her mind and the eventual destruction of her body. The stronger the Servant the more likely the chances are. While looking for a Servant she does not have any specific details outside of their "strength", true name, and class. The odd nature of her existence in relation to Imagine Breaker is complicated to say the least: A constant touch would render her unable to use magic, touching an [Include] weapon would render any magic properties/Noble Phantasm nullified (But the weapon itself would not vanish), a touch while an [Install] is active would have the same effect. An [Include] is less energy intensive compared to its [Install] counterpart. The stronger the [Include] or [Install] the more draining it becomes to keep it in the material world. Due to her nature, she has a large reserve of personal magical energy similar to that of Artoria Pendragon's Dragon Core. Depending on the Servant/Skill/Noble Phantasm used; it could drain her mana completely leaving her in a vegetative state until she recovers. She was taught Reinforcement magic.

Ring of Arrow Protection: It increases the wearer's evasion rate and automatically nullifies all projectiles C-rank and below. The more attacks it nullifies the more the power degrades. After some time, the ring will crumble away.

Azoth Sword: A tool for performing magecraft, amplifying the user's magical energy to assist with spells and strengthen them. Gifted to her from her Father.

Earrings: Jewel earrings that absorbs ambient mana in the air and fuel the body. This mana is transferred into the body through a delicate yet automatic process to decrease effects such as exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, infections, sickness, and the need to sleep.

❅ - Signifies a break in time. So moving forward 20 minutes or maybe a few hours for example. Significant breaks in time will be written out.


August 22nd,

My nerves were on fire. This was the start of my brand new life. The old things I would leave behind. I smoothed my uniform skirt; simultaneously drying off my hands. I stepped through the open classroom door and stood front and center. The adorable tiny teacher Tsukuyomi Komoe who was 4'5 had looked like a child in comparison with my 5'7 self. The sight must have looked comical. I had to hold back the urge to pinch my homeroom teachers cheeks. The self restraint I mustered deserved a pat on the back if I say so myself. I took a glimpse around the room.

The classroom was a traditional Japanese classroom. Large windows allowed warm relaxing sunlight in from the left; rows of boxes meant to store bags and books at the back; a large green chalkboard behind me; and sliding doors on the right.

"I want you all to welcome an exchange student that came all the way from the United States," Tsukuyomi cutely demanded more so than asked. A lot of excited greetings and flirtatious hellos later, she turned to look up at me.

I turned around and wrote down my name in Kanji and Katakana on the chalkboard then wiped the dust off my finger tips. I was still in shock that an Academy City school still used chalkboards. I guess that was the price of tradition society had to pay for.

"Hello everyone I am Mami Akayuki. I used to live here in Academy City when I was younger but moved. I am glad to be back," I said giving quick wave.

All eyes were on me and I match each stare with one of my own. Academy City was not the world of wonders it proclaimed itself to be to outsiders. Even though I had been nothing but a child, I had lost something dear to me. Enough to make me decide to throw myself back in the jaws of Cerberus itself. I was here to not only get it back but also find out why and what happened. My parents had been too scared to fight and probably for good reason. I couldn't let this stone go unturned. Not just for myself but for them. At that moment I could feel my resolve get the slightest bit stronger and that was all the assurance I needed.

I can do this. No one will get in my way, I thought to myself clenching my fist for a brief moment.

"Miss Akayuki?" a small voice asked yanking me out of my own mind. I blinked for several seconds then looked down at the smaller woman.

"Sorry I was thinking to myself," I winced with blush spreading across my cheeks. The teacher nodded in understanding.

Not everyone is out to get you Mami! Get it together already.

"I was saying your seat is behind Kamijou Touma," she restated with a cheerful tone. One boy near a window seat raise his hand. A simple nod was given to Miss Tsukuyomi and I found my seat. Kamijou Touma was the boy looking out the window with a thoughtful look on his face sitting in front of me.

A blue haired boy turned around with a look on his face that sent shivers up my spine. I pretended not to notice him and decided to look down at my desk with fake fascination.

"Hello I am Pierce Aogami. I would be happy to show you around there is a nice dar-" an elbow to the face sent him spiraling out of his chair and onto the floor with a groan. A blonde boy with sunglasses looked down at the fallen boy with disappointment that even I could feel.

"Tsk pervert," he muttered under his breath, "I'm sorry for that. I'm Tsuchimikado Motoharu. The kid over there in his own world is Touma," he said as he kicked the back leg of Touma's chair. The boy jumped looking around panicked. Touma turned around looking at me face to face. I gave him a small smile and his face went tomato red. He looked down while scratching the back of his head anxiously. As Pierce and Motoharu argued over what just occurred and Touma tried finding the words to say to me I knew this class would be entertaining to say the least.

Academy City for all its rot underneath, its surface was awe inspiring. The streets were clean, the air felt fresh, and the skies were a magnificent blue. It was something straight out of a movie. It made me sick to my stomach.

A heavy shove sent me stumbling several steps forward. Immediately something clicked, my bag was gone. The sound of cackling and insults thrown back at me had keyed me in to what was going on. I was getting robbed.

"Oh come on!" I shouted in disbelief.

A moment of concentration was all it took, I filled each fiber of my being with magical energy. A simple application of Reinforcement later and I was gone. I had to restrain myself to prevent causing any damage onto school property. I reinforced my eyesight getting a clearer definition of their features. One of them turned around spotting me. His face paled.

"Shit! She's an Esper too," he shrieked. The others looked back at me to confirm what he said. I am sure I looked terrifying right now. That was exactly the point. One boy spun around with an outstretched hand. A neon green energy condensed in his palm and an emerald colored blast rocketed toward me. The red ring on my right finger briefly shined gold. Just before the blast could make an impact, a translucent pane of energy came to life sending the blast spiraling upward.

I Reinforced my legs further and braced myself before leaping off the ground a dozen feet in the air. I could feel the eyes of pedestrians all on me. My trajectory was off. I reached out grabbing the boy by the sleeve of his shirt. I heard a rip as we both were yanked to the ground by Newton's law of motion. The boy was still too stunned from the fall to get up before I did. I dusted my skirt off and planted a foot on the boy's chest to prevent him from escape.

"Your friends are long gone. Cowards," I spat. They were already down the street going around the corner. I looked at the ripped material clutched in my hands.

"P-Please don't hurt me!" he said squirming and attempting to pry my foot off his chest. He normally would be able to. I wasn't strong enough to overpower a boy his size without Reinforcement. I could see him sneaking glimpses of my legs and skirt.

I rolled my eyes in amusement. "I have undershorts on. I refuse to wear a skirt without them. You won't be getting any free peaks. First you take my bag now this? Perhaps I should cave your chest in," I declared pressing my foot harder on his sternum. He let out a grunt of pain.

I leaned over and snatched the bag that laid by his head. It wasn't damaged. I let out a small sigh of relief then looked back down at the boy. He looked almost my age. Best nip this in the bud.

"Tell your friends and whatever hooligan crew you might associate yourself not to mess with me. You do not want any trouble from me. I assure you that you will regret getting in my way," I threatened. I ran my hands through my hair flipping it over my shoulder. I lifted my foot off his chest allowing him to scramble to his feet.

"Now if you would excuse me. I have more important business to attend to. Scram!" I said bucking at him. He flinched and ran for the hills. Once he was a safe distance away, I removed the Reinforcement and let out a groan. I turned around rubbing my temples. This city was already tempting me.

The loud ear piercing sound of a whistle made me stop in place. I looked around to find the source of the sound.

A shorter girl with light brown hair tied into two curly pigtails ran towards me at full sprint. Her pigtails were tied in place by a red bow. She wore a school uniform and had a green armband secured on her upper arm.

"Miss please stop right there! There have been reports of Esper conflict in the area. I am apart of Judgement. I oversee any Esper conflicts made by students of Academy City within school districts. May I please have your identification," she declared.

I uncliped the clasp on my bag and reached inside, a moment later, I pulled out my ID. She looked over the card several times over.

"My name is Mami Akayuki. Recently transferred," I said.

The girl looked at me. "You look familiar," she mumbled. "Mami Akayuki did you know that usage of Esper abilities to fight in public spaces is illegal?"

"Sorry, someone stole my bag and I went to go get it. They might be long gone by now," I said turning around to feign curiosity. They were long gone. I didn't need to check to know that.

"It would be hard to take you into custody without the other suspects after all," she said. I resisted the urge to laugh in her face. As if I would allow this city to cage me.

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought only Anti-Skill had the ability to take people into custody?" I didn't know much about Academy City politics but before I could reclaim my residential status they had tested me on the basic running of the city.

"I thought you said you didn't know the law?" she retorted.

I tilted my head a little. "I only said I just transferred and that I was sorry."

"So you admit to knowingly breaking the law?" she said getting closer.

"Do I get any Maranda rights?"

She giggled. "Sorry Academy City doesn't work like that. Maybe I can let you off with a warning?"

"I would gladly appreciate that," I said.

She extended her hand. "Shirai Kuroko."

"Nice to meet you," I said taking her hand. She was interesting. And her hands were soft. I am glad I didn't say that out loud.

Shirai Kuroko didn't chit chat with me for too long. She was in and out. As she would say 'Judgement keeps a girl busy'. Turns out she was a Teleporter. Which was honestly damn cool in my opinion.

A green glow in the corner of my eye caused me to turn my head. Just like that it was gone. I continued walking until I saw it again. I turned around again. It was starting to get dark and the streets were empty. How long had I been walking around? There was that glow again, I looked up above and saw a silhouette. An ominous green glow emanating from its eyes.

Thin blue lines sparked to life on my skin. I Reinforced my vision. It was a young girl wearing a school uniform that had a resemblance to the one Kuroko had been wearing. She was standing on the rooftop of a one story building. That wasn't the shocking thing, the weird part was the glowing goggles on her face and the large rifle in her hands. She leveled her gun at me and that familiar feeling of dread, anxiety, fear, excitement, rage, and glee filled me once again. I threw myself to the right avoiding the first POP! I looked at the railing behind me, it only had considerable sized dent. That wasn't a bullet...perhaps rubber?

"Why is everyone deciding to mess with me!" I shouted at her. She raised her gun again.

You really don't know when to give up do you? Whoever said persistence is a virtue was a liar.

All it took was a low effort leap and I cleared the one story building and onto the roof. She fired at me again and I was already low to the ground avoiding the rubber projectile. She obviously wasn't skilled with the gun nor was she incompetent.

"It isn't nice to point a gun at someone like this you know?" I chided. That's when she started running.

"It won't be that easy," I growled. Even with my Reinforcement, the girl was quick and agile. She had been leaping rooftop to rooftop quicker than what should normally be possible.

"Fucking Espers," I mumbled underneath my breath. Still even with her surprising speed, the gap between us was closing.

My arms grazed the backside of her head. So close. I was-

The sound and heat of a large explosion stopped me dead in my tracks. She continued to run towards the explosion. It had to be a few hundred feet away but I could see it from where I stood.

What the hell was that? I should go home. I am already fed up with this city's bullshit and it has only been one day. My body was begging for was a nice relaxing bath. The amount of physical activity I had endured since walking into this damned city was downright repulsive. However, a part of me screamed to see what the commotion was about. So I ignored that tiny rational voice in the back of my head and started sprinting towards the scene.

The first thing that reached my ears was the sound of maniacal laughter. I landed onto another cargo crate and looked upon the scene. That same girl I was chasing after; she was there standing in front of a white haired boy. This time she didn't wear those glowing spy goggles.

"-You think I'm going to let you?" she said her arms stretched wide. Directly behind her was...another her? This shit gets weirder and weirder every second. I can barely keep up with it and that is saying something. I've seen some weird shit!

"You're way out of your league here little girl and you know it. If I wanna do something you can't stop me. Visual acuity can only be measured up to 20/20 right? My situation is like that. Level 5 is the highest rank an Esper can obtain in Academy City. So even though I'm better than the rest of you, I have to settle for that," the boy said while approaching her. That condescending tone was familiar to me.

"Then why don't you face someone your own size?" I shouted. Everyone froze in their tracks. His head snapped toward me.

"Who might you be? Another ant for me to squash? You dare think to compare yourself to me?" he asked.

I flipped my hair over my shoulder. The cold wind blowing my skirt. "Why we are twins aren't we? Who else to be your competition if not your own flesh and blood, little brother," I declared.

The looks of shock on everyone's face would entertain me for several lifetimes.


A/N: I hope you guys enjoy the story. I haven't posted a story here in about 16 months I believe. Which is a crazy long time. If you guys want to help out by giving me polite advice and fair criticism I am all for it. I am FAR from an expert when it comes to knowledge of Fate or Toaru. I do tend to watch most of the content made by both and dive into the wiki/wikia for hours but that is the extent of my knowledge. I often go onto the Reddit and binge the content and discussions. So I absolutely will have gaps in knowledge. I even made sure to rewatch Index since I hadn't watched the first season since it came out. If I do end up making a mistake or anything of the sort be sure to correct me POLITELY and explain why in a civil manner. I had this document sitting here since 2018 and due to the inspiration of seeing another fic like this, I decided to actually post it! Will be hand waving some things due to me not wanting to explain and nitpick each detail on how the crossover came to be. Thank you for reading!
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Questions and Answers
So this tab is basically how I will go about determining stuff for power levels and other interesting questions. I don't want the thread to get derailed between multiple people arguing. I had to compromise on a lot of things so both universes are respected properly. These rules are not 100% set and stone and can change if given valid reasoning as to why they are wrong. Depending on how things I go I will add more to this Q&A if need be.

Q: What determines "Strength" that makes them unqualified to be chosen until further notice.
Their overall parameters, weapon, weapon effects, skills, and Noble Phantasm. Certain Servants are will become available as she grows in power.

Q: Servant Physical Speed?
Normally less than half the speed of sound for running; body parts/weapons of a servant can be much faster than this if the servant has a high Agility Parameter. Even with similar parameters speed is variable: Servant A might have A+ agility parameters but that shines for reaction and swing time while Servant B might have A+ agility but it shines primarily when going through a course of obstacles. Servants with a high agility rank can run up to sonic levels of speed if they are really booking it; this will consume vast amounts of magical energy thus not making it great for long distances. Some Servants will be slower some faster.

Q: Servant Physical Strength?
No servant is capable of "destroying mountains" (Shirou isn't the most reliable narrator) with pure raw strength; they are capable of doing high amounts of damage through the use of NP's. Lifting, pulling, crushing, pushing, and striking strength are all variable factors of course. Some Servants will be stronger some weaker.

Q: Servant Durability/Endurance/Constitution?
Piercing, chemical, magical, brute, Esper, bladed, and conceptual attacks all make this ranking variable. Some Servants have more resistance to certain attacks compared to others. This also applies to stamina as well. In terms of "Normal weaponry" being able to harm them or not: They are not that they're impervious to it. They can heal it away in seconds if it occurs, which doesn't happen often. They're strong and fast and skilled enough that they it is hard to be hit by normal humans. Basically "You'd have to have the ability to fight on par with a Heroic Spirit in order to be able to even cut a Servant with a mundane knife." Magic Resistance and/or Endurance rankings determines the defense against magic based attacks while only Endurance rankings determine the defense against Esper based attacks. Imagine Breaker and World Rejector are EX Rank attacks. Normal human weaponry is E Rank, advanced human weaponry can range from D ~ C Rank.

Q: Attack/Power rankings?
Here is how I will go about things: Level 5 Esper = A Rank attack, Level 4 Esper = B Rank Attack, Level 3 Esper = C Rank Attack, Level 2 Esper = D Rank Attack, Level 1 ~ 0 Esper (In most cases) = No Rank. This is not set in stone and can fluctuate. The magicians in Raildex are much more powerful than magus in Nasuverse. Magic Gods, Aiwass, Archangel/Power of God,etc = EX Rank Attack. Saints, Index John Pen Mode, GREMLIN Magicians = A rank attack. God's Right Seat,etc = B Rank attack. Top-Tier Magicians, Grimoire-Influenced = C Rank. Normal Magicians = D Rank. Weak Magicians = E Rank. This is not set in stone and can fluctuate.

Q: What will Mami be categorized as? Esper or Magician?
I personally will have her be put in the same lines as Touma. Not a classic Toaru magician nor an Esper either. A normal "Human" girl with the strange ability to allegedly turn into Heroes from tales of the past. Not quite Esper neither magician.

Q: Espers
Due to their unique AIM field it makes them inherently immune to magical attempts at mental intrusion (below A rank) or direct transmutation through magical means. It also makes it harder to find them using magic scrying attempts. The thing about Espers is that they're fundamentally "broken" in some way; their minds and souls don't interface properly to the dictates of Alaya.

Q: Any Plot/Character changes? (Spoilers)
There will be a large amount especially due to Mami's influence and the butterfly effect. So there are going to be many changes. I will announce some of these changes and if you aren't comfortable with that I can't stop you. Here are a few that I have in mind

- Touma will grow more as a person. The whole punching + self righteous speech thing may have been how he started out but as I saw a comment that explained exactly what I wanted to do with his character "His naive optimism sours into a realistic but benevolent drive that keeps him going". Touma harem thing will no longer be much of a thing anymore (Index will see him nothing more than a big brother but Misaka still has a schoolgirl crush on him). Touma's plot armor that used to be thick as Naruto's skull shall be shaved down to a believable level. Touma superhuman speed, strength, and durability is now gone he will actually be a normal high school boy who works out. No misfortune for viewing women in inappropriate situations; but it will manifest in other ways. Last but not least, this is Mami's story not Touma's he has his own role.

- Index will actually have a purpose outside of just biting Touma time and time again. I have an idea for what her role in the story will be. I want her to be more than just a walking plot device.

- Unnecessary fodder characters that have little to no quality/impact to them will just be deleted. Other things such as Kuroko's weird behavior will be toned down.

If any of these changes make you uncomfortable or no longer wanting to read the story then that is fine. I will try to stay as loyal as I can to both series.
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August 22nd,

The moment I said those words, vast amounts of power surged through me. It was exhilarating of how much purified, refined, enormous power I had coursing through my veins. It felt like eating the best meal of your life, sipping the best drink, having eight hours of sleep, getting an A on all your finals, and finding the wallet you thought you had lost at once. When I first Installed, it left me debilitated for several minutes as my mind tried to wrap its head around it. It was almost addicting.

The transformation happened in an instant. My long snow-white hair had been tied into pigtails which had grown ten inches in length. A short golden spear with a turquoise blue tip was in my right hand; a large compass-shaped multicolored shield floating in front of my left hand. My attire look like it came straight from a magical girl show but instead of pink frills it had Navy military colors with armored plating around my chest and shoulders.

I was Bradamante of the Lancer class. The Knight of the White Plume. A princess. A pure-hearted shield-maiden. My brother hadn't moved from his spot. It seems as if he had some brains. It would be stupid to attack me without knowing what I could do. I allowed the emotional bleed over to flow through me in a controlled pace. It kept my nerves at bay and my hand steady. Father had taught me one thing when it came to fighting. The more confident you are the more intimidated they will be. Even up against crazy odds.

He let out a loud roar of anger and used his Esper abilities to cross the distance between us at a surprising speed. I jumped several feet into the air soaring above him and landing gracefully on the other side. He looked at me with a wild look in his eye.

"You claim to be my sister? YOU! You really want a death wish so I will give it to you. I'll make it slow so that your last moments will be the worst pain you've ever experienced!" He screeched.

"Do your best. I will try my best not to hurt you," I said. I knew his abilities, the Hero I chose wasn't to hurt him. It was to show him strength.

I read online all about him when I arrived in the city. I knew not much about his powers. Only that he was untouchable. No one had been able to get close to even grabbing him. The delinquents who tried described as an invisible force throwing you away. Even with all that being said, he was my brother. I could see the personality trait lingering behind his eyes. He loved a challenge. He hated weakness. I hope my assumptions are correct because if they aren't...well fuck.

He jumped for with an outstretched hand. I ducked underneath his grasp. I must've been close enough because that familiar force pressed up against me then threw me off the shipping container and toward the gravel below. I reoriented myself mid-air then landed; my feet digging into the ground as I slowed down to a stop. Bradamante had one thing, endurance primarily from her shield but even without her body was tough. Using the heroes knowledge, he obviously wasn't skilled in combat. He fought like a child. No training whats so ever. He rocketed off the container and rocketed towards me. I put up my shield as his body collided causing me to slide backward several feet. His strength wasn't his own but it still put me on the defense. I was faster than him. That was the only thing keeping me from being demolished.

I lunged sideways, closing the distance between the two women and fallen boy. Accelerator crashed onto the ground creating a large dust cloud. His psychotic laugh rang in the air.

"That is your brother," the girl asked with a surprised look on her face.

"This isn't the best time to ask questions about personal stuff. Do you have any way to help?" I said.

"Touma can hit him though," she said while blushing. I turned around to see the boy trying to muster the strength to get back up. Touma!? My classmate! This fucking day never stops. I really hope he doesn't know who I am. That would be awkward to say the least. Each Install changed my features to a minor degree but enough to make a visible difference. I still looked like myself but had features that didn't belong to me.

"Then we fight him together," I said closing my eyes and building up the required energy.

"Touma can't get up and Accelerator is right. I am no match for him," she whimpered.

"Defeat begins when the enemy makes you believe they've already won," the tip of my spear glowed a bright green as a large beam shot into the sky.

"Angelica Cathay: Resplendent Is My Ring of Royalty!" I screamed.

The world heeded my call. An aurora filled the skies above us. Both of the girls were shrouded in an aurora like energy. For some reason it failed to latch onto Touma.

Not fast enough. Can I really distract Accelerator long enough? I was banking on the fact the defense magic would clean up the minor damage and increase his defense but something about him negated that. This boy was full of surprises.

"What is this?" the girl shrieked looking down at her hands legs. I looked back at her. Accelerator had whipped away all the dust meeting my eyes.

"Simply put, you will be strong enough to take a hit without having your head knocked off your body. At least for a while. You're not invulnerable against his attacks understand? We all go in for the attack then Touma will come in for the final strike," I commanded and dashed forward to meet Accelerators open palm with my shield. I was immediately sent backward dozens of feet.
That is starting to get annoying. I wasn't used to not being able to touch my opponent in battle.

A large beam of electricity slammed into Accelerator only for it to be deflected. The girl jumped over me with electricity coursing over her body. She was wallrunning on the containers. He scooped up a few pebbles and with chilling accuracy sent them at her like bullets. I couldn't let him focus on her.

"I am still here," I declared. I slammed the tip of my lance, Trap of Argalia, only for it to bounce off several feet from his body. He reached out for my throat and I went invisible. His face twisted in confusion as I vanished from his sight. It was the other ability Angelica Cathay wielded. I backed away dozens of feet before reappearing.

Piercing his defenses wasn't an option. The girl sent large amounts of electricity surging from her hands. His ability caught the electricity and deflected it with ease. She was too close to him. With a stomp he was in her personal space. He caught her by the throat. He gritted his teeth as he tried fighting past the aura of protection my Noble Phantasm granted. To my disbelief he was winning. The protective aura shattered like broken glass and his hands reached her exposed throat.

"I told you to stay out of my way. I guess you really need to see the difference between number one and number three-"

"Wait!" I called out shedding the shroud of invisibility. His locked eyes with mine. His grip on her throat tightened making her wheeze. I couldn't save her. Not like this. He would simply reflect my attempts at stopping him.

"At first I thought you were a clone then you showed me all of this. Either Academy City has some technology beyond my wildest dreams or you are just deluded enough to believe we are somehow related. Either way she will die first for your bullshit."

Tsk His guard is still up.

I could see that he views me not as an equal but important enough to talk to. There wasn't much time before he got tired of waiting and did something drastic. The mystic code may be able to work.

"I am not lying I can prove it. Release: Install," the power flooded from my body leaving me powerless again.

"Our family specialized in many fields. Some unknown even to me," I closed my eyes I flared magic through my Magic Crest. Crystalline shards came into existence. The moonlight bounced off of each shard making them shine like stars. The shards came together piece by piece. Several moments later a ovular two meter mirror hovered over my head.

"On our mother's side we specialize in seeing the truth and unlocking what has been locked away from us. The knowledge that we can't comprehend becomes clear. All illusions are shredded apart to reveal the truth. Just look into the mirror and all will be revealed," I said.

He walked up to me and I didn't dare move away. He grabbed my arm looking dead in my eyes. "If anything goes even the slightest bit wrong. I'll make sure your body becomes a nice meat crayon," he threatened.

I nodded keeping my composure at the threat. Dad said to never show fear when facing an opponent. I will not cower in fear. I can't afford to.

He looked up into the mirror and several seconds later a bright light embraced us all. The Truth.