Little Polish Eagle: A Springtime of Nations Quest

Little Polish Eagle: A Springtime of Nations Quest
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Napoleon II is allowed to flee to Poland in the November Uprising of 1830, leading to its partial victory and diplomatic intervention. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various factions in Napoleonic Poland and chart the course of the Little Eagle. The game begins in the summer of 1840.
Opening Post


Let's Have Fun
Occupied Catalonian Countries
Due to a combination of factors, Napoleon II is allowed to flee to Poland in the November Uprising of 1830, leading to its partial victory and diplomatic intervention. Questers are asked to lend their support to the various factions in Napoleonic Poland and chart the course of the Little Eagle. The game begins in the summer of 1840.

The game is a government quest, wherein the questing ballot is divided into two parts: the prime minister being supported, and the manifesto they put forward. The manifesto is to be written by the player about how the PM should pursue their goals over the next year. Should the Constitution change and a parliament emerge, mechanics will change with it.

All manifestos must hold the following:

1) A maximum of five distinct points within each plan.
2) A limit of each point to a single, concise sentence.
3) Any further explication of plan points to be separated from the vote itself and moved into the body of the post.

Also, please DO NOT copy the explanatory paragraphs when making your vote.

Prime minister votes will be allocated towards PM as a whole, and even the faction with the least votes will still receive some influence. On the other hand, manifesto votes will be judged against each other and each manifesto that gets votes will be assumed to be representative of an internal intra-faction; the manifesto with the most votes within that candidate becomes the official state plan. If no candidate gains a majority or notable plurality, the King will organise a coalition. Final results will be determined through comparative levels of support, QM fiat, and the occasional throwing of dice.

While the average update period will typically encompass one year, there may be additional crisis updates depending on the consequences of manifestos, foreign events, and anything else that might crop up. These will typically require additional votes that do not adhere to the usual system.

There is no final end-goal for this quest. Poland will progress as far as the questers want it to go, and as far as I can manage to write it.

The system and OP for this quest is based on @Etranger's forum-shattering quests Springtime of Nations I, II, and IIv2. Go read them, and if you played in them, the system will probably be familiar.

Example vote:
[] The Guardsman
- [] Create an inland lake to get a coastline.
- [] Fund a new officers' school for naval seamen.
- [] Pass laws giving officers tax exemptions.
- [] Reform the administrative borders in line with church diocesis.
- [] Form new city and town militias.

Which candidate will you support for Prime Minister?
[] The Guardsman - The army's primary candidate, desirous of increased spending and seeing themselves as the bedrock of order and guarantor of national sovereignty.
[] The Revolutionary- A Senator who held a leading position in the rebellion against Russian rule, and had the buck stop before social change.
[] The Realist - An old collaborator, who sees in Russia a possible ally against German dominance. Changed only in who rules, rather than in thought.
[] The Censurer - A soft hand at repression, for whom the people need velvet guidance not an iron grip.
[] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.
[] The Wholesaler - Byronic in his passions and his flaws, impassioned with Scythia and Rome, lover of Brutus. Sees in Britain a political model.
[] The Catholic - Listens to the bishops first of all, sees peace as good for its own sake, and happy to endorse state charity and education within the boundaries of the church.
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Starting information
1830- November Uprising blindsides Imperial Russia, allowing for the raising of tens of thousands of Polish soldiers and the liberation of Congress Poland.
1831- Polish successes embolden Napoleon II Bonaparte to flee Austria into Poland, substantially increasing morale and providing further spineto the movement. Experienced Polish officers acclaim him King and manage to advance into Lithuania and Ruthenia.
1832- Russian mobilisation drives the Polish out of Lithuania and Ukraine, but are stopped on the gates of the Vistula at heavy cost. Diplomatic intervention secures Polish independence limited to Congress Poland, and the Eaglet is accepted as ruler.
1833/34- The initial period of independence is dominated by army governments and very weak Sejms, as well as rebuilding from the war. A recession weakens the country due to opposition to trade from the Prussian, Russian, and Austrian regimes.
1835- Increasing French immigration and radical firebrands prompt the king into carrying out constitutional reform, though the right to vote remains strictly curtailed.
1836- The ascension of a new Kaiser in Austria results in a thaw, which sees economic improvement and the concession of Krakow to Poland.
1837/39- A pro-austrian government dominates the Polish political scene, seeing it drawn more and more into its sphere economically and politically.
1840- The ruling government collapses over the failure to obtain a British loan to fund an expansion of forts on the eastern border. Quest start.

The Duchy of Warsaw was an ironic state. Napoleon swept away serfdom, brought meritocracy and his Code. But under its constitution, there was no power to the Sejm, and that organism had no specific voting law. Not only was the right to vote severely curtailed from the old days of noble rule, but that of political participation. Even so, for the general population, liberties political and otherwise were much improved.

It is this Constitution of 1807 that defines the state today. The Sejm may only sit for fifteen days a year, and so essentially all power goes to the executive. Though the King thus holds it, in practice he is often away on military duties or missions to his Austrian family, and power therefore falls to the Prime Minister he names.

Despite this fact, it is public rumor that Napoleon Bonaparte is much more radical than he seems, and only holds to the current system because of foreign pressure. How much of this is true, and how much of it is wishful thinking, is unknown. What is certain is that his personal circles and court are filled with not only Polish notables but also French and Austrians.

Within polite spheres, furthermore, certain factions have emerged. Among them are the Manchester Group (oligarchic moderates against corruption, taxes, and insecurity), the Krakow Group (pro-Austrian militarists), the Mitres (the organised support of the Catholic Church), the Organics (farmer advocates who call for peace, tariffs, and agrarian investment), and the Guard (those who see in Poland a potential armed camp).
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1840 Stats

Napoleonic Kingdom of Poland in 1840

Government Type: Napoleonic Constitutionalism
Governing Document: Constitution of 1807 (amended)
Head of Government: None
Head of State: HM Napoleon I of Poland
Legislative Majority: None
Church and State: Freedom of Conscience
Bureaucracy: Appointed
National Stability: Medium

Population: 5.12 million
Population Growth: 1.7%
Cultures: Polish, French, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Other
Religions: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Judaism
Pensions: Terrible

Foreign Affairs
War and Peace: Peace with Russia (1832)
Alliances: N/A
Defensive Pacts: N/A
Military Agreements: Austria
Naval Agreements:
Trade Agreements: Austria, Ottoman Empire, United Kingdom

Type: Professional Army
Training: Adequate
Quantity: Small
Equipment: Medium
Morale: High

National Militia
Type: Regional Militias
Training: Adequate
Quantity: Medium
Equipment: Low
Morale: High

Type: Riverine
Training: Low
Quantity: Tiny
Equipment: Low
Morale: Medium

Fort Quality: Low
Fort Quantity: Medium
Seaport Quality: N/A
Seaport Quantity: N/A
Roads and Canals: Low
Railroads: None
Public Utilities: Critical

Treasury: Adequate
Debt Ratio: Low
Credit Ratio: Adequate
Tax Income: Small
Tariff Income: Tiny
Principal Creditors: Austria (Medium)
Principal Debtors: Domestic (Medium)

Schooling: Religious (80%), Private (15%), Public (5%)
Literacy Rate: Unknown
Literacy Growth: Minimal
Education Quality: Low

[None/Critical/Tiny/Minimal] / [Low/Small/High] / [Adequate/Medium] / [High/Large/Low] / [Ideal/Huge/Booming/Maximum]
Stats in bold are improving, stats in italics are declining.
Note stats are in respect to your capacities, not on an European scale.
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[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.
[X] The Catholic - Listens to the bishops first of all, sees peace as good for its own sake, and happy to endorse state charity and education within the boundaries of the church.
[X] The Wholesaler - Byronic in his passions and his flaws, impassioned with Scythia and Rome, lover of Brutus. Sees in Britain a political model.
[X] The Realist - An old collaborator, who sees in Russia a possible ally against German dominance. Changed only in who rules, rather than in thought.

Even as empires come and go, the Piast Faction stays winning.
[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.
[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.

[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.

So what I'm hearing so that there needs to be another uprising in France that we don't support against a British invasion and our political scene implodes? I'm all in
[X] The Catholic - Listens to the bishops first of all, sees peace as good for its own sake, and happy to endorse state charity and education within the boundaries of the church.
[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.

Why not a firebrand. That sounds fun.
[X] The Guardsman - The army's primary candidate, desirous of increased spending and seeing themselves as the bedrock of order and guarantor of national sovereignty.

Let's build Fortress Poland!
[X] The Marshal - Radical of the new school, a french hawk, more loyal to his new king than his new country.